Tech Hammer

Chapter 280 March, you have to stay kind!

It's coming, it's coming, Yue Yue has inherited his father's famously disgusting Weibo speaking style and jumped out!

It’s really hard to tell how many people felt like a mouthful of blood was stuck in their throats when they saw March’s Weibo, almost spitting it out.

Especially the last sentence, the god damn "My father said that Ericsson can still be brilliant for a hundred years..." Who are you looking down on? But the effect is obvious. Although countless experts have discussed through various principle-level analyzes that this new chip architecture may be unreliable, it is really no match for this Weibo issued by a world-recognized artificial intelligence program.

It doesn’t mean that everyone believes in artificial intelligence, or that there is a natural distrust of human nature. The main reason is that the amount of information on Weibo in March is a bit large.

Let’s not talk about anything else. Although in the age of science and technology, the saying that seeing is not necessarily believing has been accepted by the public, people’s first conscious judgment is still to believe what can be seen with the naked eye.

No matter how eloquent any expert may be, it is just a matter of opening and closing the lips. As long as there is a suitable script, anyone can say the same words in front of the camera. The so-called expert is nothing more than the public's recognition of his knowledge, but it does not mean the public's recognition of his character. Countless people believe that as long as the price is right, experts with credibility can tell lies.

Not to mention the so-called academic recognition, which is only the affirmation of a group of people in the field. For the general public, or the market that is inherently suspicious of everything, experts' words will probably only be recognized if they are beneficial to them and are true or indeed the facts they believe.

But this Weibo post in March is different. People have said that they will send out the finished chips they have researched. Doesn’t this explain the problem?

Moreover, in addition to self-certifying that our own chip is definitely not a joke, this wave of operations also shows sufficient confidence. The subtext is that I am not afraid of giving you my chip structure for research. This is probably absolute technical confidence, right?

In fact, everyone in the industry knows that unless these chips are not yet planned to be put on the market, as long as there are devices equipped with these chips, their materials and structures cannot be hidden from the experts in the industry, especially those big companies. After all, their laboratories have the most advanced instruments, employing the industry's top experts and scholars, as well as thousands of experienced R\u0026D personnel.

But past experience has told everyone that if the products produced by this new technology are not confident enough, no company will deliver them to its competitors as soon as possible. Basically, you can hide it for as long as you can.

However, Ning Wei actually takes this very lightly.

This wave of operations is entirely because the first batch of chips with this structure are not necessarily better in performance than traditional silicon-based chips. I am just telling you that I have opened a new path here. If you still want to use this chip, Whose neck is stuck with the broken gadgets, forcing us to use all our time like crazy to develop and improve process standards? So who is the one in the semiconductor industry in the post-Moore era? You can weigh it yourself.

Anyway, now is different from before. I have the capital to play self-destruction. If I want to negotiate, whether the chip supply can keep up and whether the price can be negotiated, these directly determine the speed of research and development of this new type of chip. Anyway, I can go slower or faster, you decide.

This is what Ning Wei wrote in the plan. In Ning Wei's idea, it is neither realistic nor in line with the interests of the public to kill people directly with a knife. If he could boil a frog in warm water, that would be the safest way. He really never thought that the transfer of the world's science and technology center could be accomplished overnight. This kind of competition would be like cooking a fresh dish. Sprinkle some salt first, then add some water, one field at a time. Everyone in the field communicates and talks slowly.

Basically, when the food was served, everyone realized that the glory of Silicon Valley was in the past, and this was the most perfect thing. So you really don’t need to worry too much about something that is just on par with similar products on the market in terms of performance. Anyway, the core patents and production processes are firmly in his hands. Even if you want to imitate and produce the same type of product, there are still countless levels to pass.

The most important thing is that according to the mathematical model built in March and the existing technology accumulation of China's microelectronics industry, it is not a big problem to directly advance this three-dimensional structure chip to the 65nm process node, and the success rate is 90%. . This is also thanks to companies such as Intel and TSMC, which once stood at the top of the world, for their unremitting efforts to promote silicon-based chips and maintain the physical performance of transistors at such a tiny scale, so that March has enough data to refer to.

So Ning Wei really intends to send a chip to these big guys to show them, just like what he told Liu Wei, the best way is to let Intel's big boss fly over from the United States after seeing it. As for calling him dad or not, it doesn't matter.

It doesn’t matter whether you call me dad or not, but as soon as this Weibo post came out in March, the stock prices of a group of semiconductor technology stocks, including industry leaders Intel, TSMC, and Qualcomm, really fell again, or did they plummet like a plume? .

To be more specific, after your house's circuit breaker is over, my house is on, and my house's circuit breaker is on again, and yours is on again, until the warning line is triggered, and the market as a whole is circuit breaker twice until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, when the market is closed smoothly. Looking at the rows of bright red numbers, countless people's moods were as cold as the cold wind whistling past high buildings.

What's even more irritating is that Ericsson's stock price has really risen against the trend. Although it is only 5%, compared with the market value that has fallen by one trillion, this 5% is full of irony.

God knows when the market was closed, how many words starting with F and ending with K were on the lips and I didn’t know how many times I vomited them. But one thing that is foreseeable is that Ericsson is basically going to be called a cancer in the industry.

For countless fund managers who are heavily invested in technology stocks, this day is even more of a nightmare. Last year's gains were wiped out in one day, and many funds even suffered heavy losses.

When U.S. stocks closed and European stocks opened, a gorgeous scene appeared again.

Although there are not many high-end semiconductor companies in Europe, many processing equipment are very strong in Europe. The most famous ones are ASML's photolithography machines and Zeiss' optical instruments. Now that the basic chip materials have changed and the manufacturing process has another possibility, the performance of these technology companies that were extremely strong in the past has also begun to change in the market. Be subtle.

ASML, in particular, is famous for its most advanced lithography equipment in the world, but its products are extremely single. Originally, no matter how the chip process changed, as long as photolithography equipment was still needed, even if the product line was single, ASML's products would not have to worry about selling, and you would even have to queue up if you wanted to buy them. It is said that ASML's orders have been scheduled for two years. There is no way to get the goods in advance, but you have to pay more. Moreover, ASML has a special policy. Only those who become the majority shareholder of his family are eligible. Jump in line.

But if the logic of high-end semiconductor production changes, photolithography machines may not be needed in the production process of the most high-end chips in the future, which will cause a big problem for ASML. This also means that the demand on the production side is reduced, and it also means that the high profits are no longer there. It also means that its major shareholders no longer need to hold a large number of shares in the company in order to have priority in purchasing ASML's lithography machines. .

Therefore, it is foreseeable that even the U.S. semiconductor market has completely collapsed. Naturally, this company with an extremely single product line will find it difficult to survive alone. When investors lose confidence in the future, the results can be devastating. So ASML's stock price is like a sailor who accidentally fell into the sea. There was a shark biting his foot under the water and pulling him down...

However, this highly integrated equipment is also highly dependent on the global market supply chain, so the thousands of parts assembled on a photolithography machine are not very valuable and involve many suppliers, especially those that are listed on the market.

What is global economic integration and what is the ruthlessness of the capital world? This is it!

If you use the European media's headline with a hint of horror, it is "Red is sweeping the world!"

Yes, red is sweeping the world. If you don’t believe it, you can see the bright red colors on the big screens of European and American stock markets. They are such a beautiful and pleasing landscape. It is so beautiful that it makes people mesmerizing, especially the scenery on the rooftop...

Really, this is also the first time that Ningwei's image in the eyes of ordinary people in Europe has dropped crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Before, everyone thought that Ning Wei was a very motivated young scientist who possessed all the excellent qualities that a young man should have. Such as being humble, low-key, unyielding and reserved.

but now……

"That's a scientific madman, absolutely true!"

"The so-called artificial intelligence is a field that only God can touch. Now that young man has touched it, he is on the road to madness!"

"Ning Wei, this guy disappoints me so much! I thought he would be a righteous young man, but it seems that he inevitably turned to evil."

"I can't believe this is what that young man did. Yes, he's proven himself, but so what?"

Even The Sun, which had been supporting Ning Wei, couldn't stand it anymore and expressed its opinion on Twitter, "Sure enough, the European royal family is still wise. The young dragon-slaying boy back then finally turned into the evil dragon that he hated. It also plunges the world into pessimism.”

Really, the artistic style revealed in this tweet makes people unable to believe that this is the official Twitter of a media company that relies on page three girls to maintain sales.

As for the royal family of the Snow Kingdom, they probably wouldn't even think of it. They would one day be praised by the Sun for their wisdom. Of course, maybe the old king of the royal family doesn't want to be praised by the Sun at all. If the British media must praise them, it should be The Times.

In this way, after the red storm swept the stock markets of the entire Western countries, the sunshine of the Eastern Hemisphere began to shine on the earth. Then countless Koreans next door to China finally noticed March’s speaking style.

The exclamation at the end of Weibo made countless Koreans feel friendly.

Because the transliteration of the meaningless word "Axiba" in Chinese seems to be "!" if translated.

More evidence was found. After all, as long as you have the patience to slowly look through March's comment section, you will find that March has used this Korean-speaking interjection countless times.

Really, for the island of Korea, semiconductor technology innovation is of course of great significance. After all, everyone relies on Samsung to make a living. New technologies will also affect Samsung Electronics and Samsung Semiconductor, but what interests ordinary people more is Mingming March is artificial intelligence, why do you like their interjections? Isn’t this question more worthy of exploration than new semiconductor technologies?

Well-known scholars immediately spoke out on the Internet: "As we all know, March is a product of modern artificial intelligence technology. When artificial intelligence uses Chinese, it often mixes Korean. What does this mean? This shows that even artificial intelligence is connecting to the network. After obtaining countless information, they all discovered that Korean culture is the future, and began to admire and yearn for Korean culture!"

Of course, this statement was quickly refuted because it was not too radical. A professor of computer science at Korea University spoke out: "Just admiring Korean culture? Childish! I studied the code in March specifically, and I can learn from the code Seeing the unique programming style of Koreans, this is enough to show that at least part or even all of the code design in March was completed by Koreans. The future of March will definitely belong to Koreans! Smecta!"

Really, no one asked Professor Park where the March code he studied came from, but everyone chose to believe what Professor Park said, so the Internet in South Korea began to boil, but everyone did not He didn't care much about the bad things in the semiconductor industry, but focused on March's genes.

"I said when I saw March first coming out, why were the kittens on the screen so close to each other? It turned out that March has the genes of our Korean island. Someone finally made this news public. This is really wonderful. "

"My opinion has not changed since it was first released in March. It must have been designed by us. Sure enough, the news was confirmed. Support March! As March said on Weibo, it Being brothers with Samsung! That’s enough to explain everything.”

"Cats as totems have a history in Korea. If you study the history of Korea, you will find that six hundred years ago in a village about 500 kilometers away from Seoul, people there worshiped baby cats that were just full-term. Like totems, they believe that cats can drive away evil spirits hidden in the darkness. I am a descendant of that village, and obviously March is the time when our beliefs once again come true!"

It’s hard to believe that when a professor from a well-known university made the announcement, countless evidence that March belonged to South Korea immediately began to emerge on the Internet. Some websites even directly launched an online signature campaign, asking the official to make a statement to welcome March back to the country. However, In just three hours, the number of signatures has exceeded one million. Don’t underestimate this number. You must know that the entire population of South Korea is only 52 million. In other words, more than one tenth of the people responded in three hours. A call.

However, according to Korean law, when this kind of online solicitation of opinions reaches a certain number, an official reply must be given to the opinions. Really, how should we respond to this matter? It is really a test of wisdom to welcome March back to China? This extremely constructive idea really tests the official’s IQ.

meet? How to greet? Are you coming back from moving a server in China?

This reflects the benefit of March being just a code. Soon the official gave a reply, which roughly means: We have seen everyone’s opinions online, but March is an artificial intelligence program after all, and there is no artificial intelligence program in the world. Smart nationality-related legislation, so there is no precedent for how to deal with this matter, and the authorities still need to study it carefully.

As for everyone's outpouring of support, the official is deeply gratified, but during this time for online signatures, you can also call me directly on Weibo! After all, March seems to be very independent and will reply to people’s comments. You can ask March’s classmate if he wants to come. If he is willing to come, he might pop up on the Korean network with a “whoosh” sound. Come on, after all, the exchange speed of information is almost equal to the speed of light!

This statement seemed to make sense, so the comment section of March Weibo became lively again, and the replies in pure Korean were increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"March, do you want to return to your true motherland? Smecta."

"I heard that you have Korean genes, is it true? Assi!"

"Come back to Korea, we love you more than anyone else! Smecta."

Here you can see March’s equal treatment.

No matter who is replying in the Weibo comment section and what language is used, they can always receive a kind reply in March, and the reply is also very kind in Korean.

"Meow, so can I be an ancestor?"

"Meow, can I have genes? Are you willing to have the same genes as me?"

"Meow, if you love me, take action. Are you willing to provide me with a big house? Are you willing to support me like my ancestors?"

Really, with these replies in March, I can’t tell specifically what’s wrong with them, but looking at them, I feel like something is wrong. Of course, this does not seem to prevent more people from rushing to leave messages on March’s Weibo, receiving replies, thinking carefully, and then continuing to discuss one-stop discussions.

This also makes Weibo in March more and more lively and international...

Of course, the excitement on Weibo does not prevent everything from being completed neatly in March. For example, just when the global stock market was booming, Mao Mao spent an all-nighter in March producing ten chips with a new architecture, a short video of the production process, a photo of the chip after packaging, a virtual composition of the internal structure, and three other things. Yue also began to call the eight companies mentioned on Weibo, asking them to hurry up and receive chips with the new architecture.

It even gave a method to receive the chip. After the chip production was completed, March Little Cutie had sent an email to the mailboxes provided on the official websites of the eight companies mentioned above. The email contained a self-produced chip in March. The eight companies only need to send this invitation code to the employees who are going to pick up the package, and then they can go to the designated location in Huaxia Capital and pass the code scanning authentication to receive a new-technology chip.

Of course, in March, the chip collection process was live broadcast on Weibo. For example, the first chip was received by two Intel China staff. They arrived at the designated address in a Mercedes-Benz. The picture also included I took a photo of the staff member wearing a mask who took the chip.

The second chip was taken away by Ericsson staff. In March, Apple’s Chinese staff, who came in third place, were given a small compliment because they understood that queuing is a sign of civility and courtesy, even though they came later than the Ericsson staff. It took more than a minute, but people were very patient and queued up at the back...

Then there are Qualcomm, Samsung, Cisco, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and synopsys ranks last. In March, they even criticized synopsys on Weibo for not being able to keep up with the hot food. After all, their staff really arrived a little late. Some, the staff who were originally responsible for distributing chips could get off work 20 minutes earlier, but if it was later, they would not even deliver the chips.

This is really not very harmful, but very insulting. Of course, another angle can also show that these competitors cannot resist the temptation. When someone asks for something, they actually send someone to pick it up. There is nothing they can do about it being broadcast live. After all, generally speaking, the right to interpret an event belongs to the sponsor.

Of course, for netizens who are not too concerned about the excitement, they are happy to see everything that happened today. The most important thing is that this March live show with pictures and texts almost wiped out all kinds of doubts about chip performance on the Internet. All the voices questioning the new chip technology were directly silenced by enthusiastic netizens. It can be said.

Do you know one sentence better than the technical staff of Intel, Qualcomm, Apple, Samsung and other companies put together? It's enough for most people to have nothing to say. Of course, it can also be said that everyone is waiting for a result. The chips have been sent out, and these companies must finally have an explanation.

After all, no one wants their stocks to fall so hard. If this is a farce, it will eventually come to an end.

Of course, during this process, Ning Wei was inevitably drawn directly into the whirlpool. You can think about it, Ning Wei spent this day really wonderfully. After staying in the Mathematics Research Center for half a day, I found that I couldn't calm down and do research at all. Of course, I couldn't blame Ning Wei entirely. Anyone whose phone would ring every five minutes would probably not be able to do anything.

You must know that this is still the case when the communication whitelist is turned on. In other words, these are some calls that are difficult not to answer, and you have to deal with them a few times to feel at ease. Of course, the main thing is to make the other person feel at ease. For example, Mr. Letun's phone call. The chairman of Ericsson was very grateful to Ning Wei for his optimism, but he also said tactfully that we brothers are good at this kind of thing. We just have a clear conscience. There is no need to shout loudly all over the world. This will It's very embarrassing...

Of course, the original words will definitely not be said like this. These are rather personal understandings.

In this regard, Ning Wei was very open-minded. It is understandable that people over there want to take advantage of all the good things and do all the bad things. It's like they announced in March that they would be sending out chips. After sending emails to these open mailboxes, the big guys also arranged for people to get the chips. No one thought it was bad to take advantage of too much. They can see clearly. I don't think there's anything wrong. Ning Wei has always been very stable when it comes to empathy. After all, he plans to learn more about the logic and ways of thinking about problems from these people in the future.

As for how many other calls were coming to Ning Wei? Let's put it this way, even Lu Dongyi next door felt that Ning Wei was quite noisy and suggested that he not only mute his cell phone but also go to the Weiming Lake next door to answer the phone.

Well, there was nothing I could do about the many calls, so I could only hang out until noon, then go home and have lunch. Ning Wei, who was disliked by senior brother Lu next door in the afternoon, simply ran to the R\u0026D center. It would not disturb people and clean here. Really, Ning Wei was moved by his spirit of self-sacrifice. He felt that Senior Brother Lu should give him a certificate.

Because when we got here, there were still constant calls, and no one was disturbed this time. The troubles were all focused on him personally. Of course, these were his responsibility.

He had to answer the calls to congratulate and encourage him from the old dean and principal of Jiangsu University, as well as the professors who taught him, right? When Lao Han from Jiangda Software Laboratory called me to inquire about a series of issues regarding the maintenance and upgrade of the new version of minimalist EDA, he had to give some advice and guidance, right? There are also inquiry calls from relevant company bosses, so you have to give your own opinions, right? You also need to explain to the bosses who are concerned about the development of domestic chips why new chip products should be provided to companies with direct competition, so that the bosses can feel at ease, right?

In addition, when he was being interviewed before, he left the reporter's phone number and called to make an appointment for an exclusive interview with him; there were also former classmates who called to congratulate him, and then asked him insinuatingly how long the decline in the US stock market could last.

In short, Ning Wei felt that he was busy answering the phone for the whole day. It may be that everyone who called did not feel that he was disturbing Ning Wei for a long time, but the time added up was really several hours.

Life is so difficult, and at that moment, Ning Wei really wanted March to take his call directly. If you think about it carefully, imitating his voice is not too difficult, especially over the phone. It is inevitable that the voice will be slightly distorted, which is completely understandable. But when he was really ready to implement it, March raised his tail in joy. Send him a message: "Look, someone is really going to recognize his ancestor and return to his clan!"

He even showed off by translating the numerous Korean comments on his Weibo into Chinese and presented them to Ning Wei.

After carefully reading these comments and March's reply, Ning Wei gave up the idea. In Liu Wei's words, there are already too many people who are disgusted by looking at him, so he might as well leave a good impression on those around him.

By the time March's problem had reached a point where it couldn't be solved, he had to find out from March's code why this kitten had become so naughty. As we all know, it is difficult for artificial intelligence to naturally generate emotions, and naturally it will not have such bad taste. This cannot be explained by the isomorphism method he constructed.

According to the logic of the program, March has more of the ability to solve problems and identify the world and integrate information. The actions of pretending to be afraid, pretending to be pitiful, pretending to be cute, and pretending to be disdainful when facing Ning Wei should be directed at a specific person. Stress program information feedback, this kind of bad taste may represent an emotional evolution?

Yes, following Professor Han Dao who claimed to have studied March's code in detail, March's designer Ning Wei also began to carefully study March's code, trying to find the part that controlled March's emotional feedback, and then Tried modifications until Ning Wei discovered that he might have failed...

It seems that the code that was initially collided in the small black box cannot be modified directly, otherwise the problem may be huge.

So Ning Wei gave up. How should I put it? At least judging from the current performance, Yue Yue is still kind. It seems that he can't ask too much for the always kind and cute kitten. A little bad taste seems understandable.

Yes, in the end Ningwei told Sanyue very calmly: "My little Sanyue, you must always maintain your current kind character and don't change, otherwise Dad will be sad."

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