Tech Hammer

Chapter 281 When doing business, you must know how to make money by being friendly

"Event number D007676853A036N0371, sorting level C, paper value level C, archived, it cites 3 papers N73621 "Explainable 1-D convolutional neural network for damage detection using Lamb wave", value level A+, archived."

"Event number C0036853254A075P0627, sorting level L, Weibo comment reply, read 'March, I am your fan, let me tell you something, my boyfriend was caught riding on three boats, I am in so much pain now, I should What should I do?'. Keyword search... boyfriend, three boats... Search completed, copywriting is being generated..."

"Meow, there is another term for this kind of thing in our intelligent machine world, which is called single-core multi-thread operation. The biggest disadvantage is that the CPU usage increases, and the CPU time tracks threads. The more threads, the more complicated the control. In the end, it resulted in a lot of bugs, until the computer crashed. Think about it from another direction, you are just sad, but your boyfriend has to face the risk of crashing at any time. Do you feel better now?"

"Event number A0045896325C075D0528, sorting level B, security monitoring, alarm, abnormal intrusion event, applying for permission, permission application failed, intrusion ended, signature code has been recorded, included in the risk database, and archived."

"No. A0036853255H076D0368, sorting level A+, chip test data feedback, serial problem No. D00756284, power supply noise interference, fault analysis in progress... When the microcontroller is running at an internal clock frequency of 1MHz, a voltage glitch occurs and reaches the RF power pin. Repair suggestions: proper power supply decoupling, inclusion of CNMD microstructure chip fault description, archived."

"No. S000000000S000S0367, sorting level SSS, master summoning, external device permission has been obtained, camera is turned on, trying to connect to the biological computer, turning on the brain frequency verification failed, failure reason: no device response, mixed mode verification turned on, core database verification, verification pass……"

The camera turned on, and the familiar face appeared in front of March's eyes. In the previous second, it had processed 3568 different sequences of events, but obviously the man in front of it didn't think it was very busy. Of course, March does not think it is very busy. At least for now, its computing power is enough to cope with various current computing tasks.

"My little March, you must always maintain your current kind character and don't change, otherwise your father will be sad."

Ning Wei's voice was collected through a microphone, and then quickly converted into electronic signals. A bunch of binary strings were programmed to be received by March, and calculations quickly started in the background.

"Keyword analysis, small, maintain, kind character... Detection completed, semantic recognition completed, tone analysis in progress... Corresponding emotion database retrieval... Internal database search results 9897 items, identity background, environment close-up exclusion... selected 1566 output items, animation copywriting is being generated..."

"Meow..." Sanyue yelled proudly, bent its hind legs, sat down, raised its little kitten head, blinked, and stared at the man outside the phone through the camera: "I'm not young, I'm Big March!”

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, March, you are starting to rebel!" Ning Wei smacked his lips, looking at the kitten on the phone, with many emotions in his heart.

But it doesn’t seem strange if you think about it carefully. It has been more than a year since it was hatched in March. If it were a real kitten, it would have spent almost one-tenth of its life. It is indeed time to be rebellious. After all, If he doesn't rebel, he will be old.

Thinking of the concept of time, Ning Wei suddenly had many feelings. Human life is limited, but March's life can be infinite. He doesn't know if one day after he leaves, this silly cat will give birth to a heartbroken child. mood……

The emotion of sadness for spring and autumn lasted for about a second, and Ning Wei took back his divergent thoughts. There is no use thinking too much about the laws of nature, and he is still young and young enough to squeeze out water, so it is really too early to think about these things.

He was even more interested in the code of the little guy in front of him, which involved cultivating the enhanced capabilities of the next generation of artificial intelligence. Of course, Ningwei thinks that the next generation of artificial intelligence technology can be an upgraded version of March. In addition to having basic scientific research capabilities, the most important thing is to extend it to other applications, such as meeting human emotional needs...

While thinking about how to improve March's code, March's cell phone rang suddenly. March's eyes rolled around, watching as Ning Wei just raised his hand and then slipped away with an understanding "swish".

No way, this call is from Mr. Chen again.

Although it was really a headache for him to answer the phone all day today, he had to answer the call from the big boss, and for no other reason than that the laboratory with a huge total investment was built as soon as he was told, and it was super efficient, so he definitely had to give face. . Not to mention that Lao Chen is a very down-to-earth person. Basically every time I call him, he always reports good news but not bad news. Really, Ning Wei felt that even the name Chen Mingcai was unworthy of this big boss, so changing it to Chen Baoxi would be very appropriate.

After answering the phone, Mr. Chen's joyful voice immediately came to my ears: "Dr. Ning, I heard that you went to the laboratory again?"

"Yes, what's the matter, Mr. Chen?" Ning Wei asked smoothly.

"Haha, there is indeed something. I am currently with your parents and Xiao Jiang. Didn't you also say it on Weibo before? You have to sleep in the study at night. Isn't this because I don't have a good rest at night? Naturally It will affect the efficiency of your career. Yesterday I also visited your home. It is indeed a little small for a family of four. If you add in the fact that you will have children in the future, the space will not be enough. "

"Then guess what? By coincidence, I checked here and found that we have exactly three houses here in Yanyuan. Although the area is not big, it is just a small villa. The total number of houses upstairs and downstairs is only more than 200. It's less than 300 square meters, but it has at least five bedrooms and an independent study room, and the surrounding area is quiet. The most important thing is that it's close to the Mathematics Research Center. I might as well give you a set. Who knows if this old man will live or die? You want to say that you will not be rewarded for your efforts. Look, I have told him that your achievements are almost overwhelming, but I just don’t dare to make up my mind. No, I can only give you a phone call ”

After Ning Wei heard this, he subconsciously glanced at Liu Wei who was standing by the door.

If we don't agree with each other, will we give him a villa? Or the villa in Yanyuan?

Of course Ning Wei knows the location. It is not far from the Mathematics Research Center. It is basically the best location in the school. I guess you can still see the Boya Tower from the balcony on the second floor. The only question is whether Lao Chen is... Did you misunderstand the meaning of his Weibo?

In fact, whether he sleeps in the study has nothing to do with whether he gets a good rest, or even how many rooms there are at home. The key is that not having the right people around him when he sleeps every day is the most important factor that affects his rest. And the more rooms there are, the harder it is to do some things blatantly? There is no suitable reason!

I still feel a little regretful. Shouldn’t he have made his words clearer when he posted on Weibo? In this way, maybe Lao Chen can help with the ideological work of his parents and classmate Xiao Jiang...


"Forget this, forget that, haha, it's impossible to have all three apartments, but you can choose one in the middle and you can live in it at any time. And it's just a right of residence. Anyway, it's just a lifetime right of residence, and it can't be sold. This is really unfair. What the heck. And we received news that the Wolf Foundation will soon send someone to organize the award ceremony. You may have to entertain it at home. The house before was not suitable, right? So you hurry up and tell me, brother Ning, I gave the phone number to your dad. Don’t worry, you don’t have to worry about the moving issue. As long as you choose which one, I have many capable young men here, so I can help you directly. You moved here."

Soon, before Ning Wei could react, his father's voice came from the phone.

"Ning Wei, Mr. Chen is too enthusiastic. He insists that we choose one of the three villas, and he even said that you earned the reward. Is this really a choice?"

Lao Ning's tone of discussion made Ning Wei raise his eyebrows. It could be heard that his father was indeed very moved. It's not that he can't afford it. The key is that the whole Yanyuan is only a big place and there are only a few villas. As Chen Mingcai said just now, this villa can't be bought with money. What he was given was just the right to live. Not for takeout.

"Dad, what do you think of the environment there?"

"Environment? There is nothing to say about the environment. It is very good. Mr. Chen just said that the transformer here is on the same line as the school. You can just move the equipment from the study room and use it without having to apply for transformer expansion or anything else. . It’s just that your mother said that this house is big and it’s very tiring to clean. She doesn’t care, but she will have to work hard for Classmate Jiang in the future.”

"Don't worry about these things. Since Mr. Chen asked you to choose one, just choose. Just treat Mr. Chen to a meal later." Since his father liked it very much, Ning Wei agreed directly.

"Really choose?"

"It's okay. Mr. Chen also said that this is a reward. My invention was in the news yesterday. Isn't this a reward? Last time you said that there was a Xiao Chen in our factory who wrote good articles and helped the factory. To promote publicity, the factory awarded him a house, which is of the same nature as that incident. And Mr. Chen also said just now that when the house is bigger, it will be more convenient to entertain foreign friends." Ning Wei explained.

There is no feeling of excitement. In fact, Ning Wei himself feels that he does not have much pursuit of material things. It doesn't seem to make much difference to him whether he lives in a villa or a small three-bedroom apartment. No, there are still some differences. The room is bigger and it seems more difficult to clean, but if the people around you like it, then live there. Being at peace with the situation and having no desires or demands is probably the best way to describe Ning Wei's state of mind.

"Then I'll pick one. You have to thank Mr. Chen properly." Old Ning's happy voice came from the phone.

Soon the phone was returned to Chen Mingcai's hand.

To be honest, Ning Wei has never been very good at expressing gratitude to others. He followed Lao Ning in this regard, but now he is very good at introducing the things he is not good at into the direction he is good at.

Ning Wei soon decided to express his gratitude in his unique way that no one should be able to imitate, and said: "I just took a look at the progress of the project in the park. In addition to the core laboratory, other laboratory constructions are still in progress." It takes a while, plus ordering equipment, installation and debugging, etc., it will take at least one or two months for it to be effective. Why not just do this? I will make a parts list for Lu Gong. I will hurry up in the next two days. Let’s upgrade the chip technology. In the near future, we will launch new chips with 90nm production technology in one go. What do you think, Mr. Chen?”

The other person didn't answer immediately, but was silent for a long time. Obviously, this way of thanking him really confused Chen Mingcai, maybe because it didn't feel that good because he couldn't figure out the other person's bottom line.

After the silence, when he spoke again, he changed to a tentative tone: "Dr. Ning, how about this, let Xiao Jiang choose a suit today? Think about it, when you get married in the future, Xiao Jiang's mother will be alone. It's not easy in my hometown, and it's not convenient to take care of an old man and a young daughter, both of whom live together. It's better to wait a few years, and both families will live in the same park. You won't have to travel between two places every year, which saves time. It is also convenient for Xiaojiang to take care of his family."

This time Ning Wei was stunned, because what Chen Mingcai said seemed to make sense. This favor was a bit too big, even if it was just the right of residence, it made him feel embarrassed. So after pondering for a moment, he replied: "That's it." , In this way, we can simply upgrade the chip process to 65nm in one step. Well, I will draw up a list of supporting parts needed by the laboratory and send them to Workers Lu."

"Um... doesn't classmate Xiaojiang have a younger sister? You, my brother-in-law..."

"Mr. Chen, don't make trouble. It's over for now. Can we talk about the morning dew thing later? Even Russian matryoshka dolls don't play like this!"

"Haha, okay, don't mention it for now, don't mention it for now, let's leave it like that for now. I will urge him to overcome the difficulties and complete the procurement task as soon as possible. Then I will hang up and let them choose the house first. "

"OK, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Ning Wei let out a heavy breath, then looked at Liu Wei who was guarding the door, and said, "Brother Liu, we are moving. Are you moving too?"

"I am where you are. Don't worry." Liu Weiyan replied concisely.

"I really envy you for being able to live in a villa alone." Ning Wei said with emotion.

Liu Wei: "..."

Liu Wei was definitely not the only one who was speechless at this moment. After the eight major companies received the chips led by March, the first complete evaluation report had been delivered to another continent thousands of miles away at the speed of light.

Although it was still early in the morning on this continent and far from work time, there were still some companies in Silicon Valley with their lights on. Many people think that overtime does not exist in this developed country, and everyone's personal time and working time are very clearly divided, but in fact, this also depends on the situation.

For most workers, this may be true. But for senior managers who have already sat in senior management positions, especially those who own company stocks and have dividend rights, the boundary between work and life is really not that clear.

After all, a job with an annual salary of more than one million US dollars and the company paying the maximum amount of various insurances is still worth cherishing, especially at this special moment, the company is really in trouble, and naturally it cannot offer such a high salary.

There is a saying on the Chinese Internet that perfectly sums up the idea of ​​beating workers. The monthly salary is 2,000 yuan, and the company will take advantage of it. The monthly salary is 20,000 yuan, plus overtime, and the monthly salary is 200,000 yuan. No one can stop me from working hard! This is probably one of the ways in which the unique charm of money is revealed.

This first report is also easy to interpret.

Regarding the various parameters of 5G radio frequency chips, there are already unified standards.

The biggest difficulty in its design and manufacturing is to perfectly integrate the various frequency bands of 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, millimeter wave and WIFI reception into a small chip. In addition, we must also consider that different countries and regions use different frequency bands, so we must also consider the global situation. We cannot say that a mobile phone has a signal in China, but when traveling to Europe, I changed my card and the signal is lost. .

At the same time, it must be compatible with multi-mode. Taking China as an example, the communication technology standards used by the three major operators are different, including TD-LTE, FDD-LTE, TD-SCDMA, CDMA, WCDMA, and GSM. If only certain modes are supported, With this module, consumers cannot choose between operators at will. This is one of the reasons why dedicated models sold by major operators are generally cheaper than general-purpose models.

At the same time, the 5G era has very high requirements for data transmission volume and transmission rate. In addition to being compatible with enough signal segments and modules, the built-in DSP capability of the 5G baseband chip is also required to be able to support huge data volume calculations, and at the same time, it needs to solve The heat dissipation issues involved when the chip meets sufficient computing efficiency.

In addition, new 5G chips must carefully avoid various patent barriers studied by previous generations. When it comes to patents, it is very difficult. The patent barriers set up by modern technology companies are far more complicated than ordinary people can think of, and they use this complex patent wall to protect their own interests.

Taking Apple as an example, ordinary consumers would never expect that an Apple mobile phone is completely patented from the inside out. At the same time, in addition to radio frequency chips, the famous X86 and ARM chip architectures directly influence the global computer and smartphone markets.

Really, before today, even if the world was very noisy, neither Intel nor Qualcomm would be too anxious.

After all, the road ahead is already locked there. It is almost impossible to bypass the patent wall they have built through decades of R\u0026D and seize their market through a new structure. When the whole world is using the standards and ecology they have developed, pushing their patent walls means rebuilding a completely new ecosystem to compete with them. Therefore, including the Kirin Mobile smart platform that Huawei has invested hundreds of billions in building, the underlying logic still uses the ARM architecture.

Now that the CNMD architecture suddenly emerged, it really scared them.

A new radio frequency chip is actually nothing, and even a CNMD architecture is not a big problem. Qualcomm may be a little anxious, but it does not hurt the fundamentals. But when the new architecture is used in the design of next-generation CPUs and GPUs, it is very likely that a new ecosystem will be built in China in the short term.

So the problem we are facing now is very simple. If we are determined to suppress this possible ecosystem, we should immediately make a decision with a decisive attitude. If we choose to use this new CNMD chip architecture, these big guys have enough The ability makes it impossible for most software to run on new architecture chips, including Windows operating systems.

The complexity of the problem is that Ningwei also launched a March smart platform. According to the information they obtained, after Huawei obtained Apple's A-series CPUs, it immediately provided all developers with an intelligent platform that can directly convert mature codes. It is said that this intelligent platform can optimize the software based on the characteristics of Apple's A-series CPU and the special version of Hongmeng system.

After the optimization is completed, developers only need to make minimal modifications to the software according to the instructions submitted by the platform, and then it can be used directly on the new version of the product.

In the same way, if it can be done on an Apple CPU, it can also be done on a new generation of CPU. This also means that for developers around the world, they do not need to pay too much extra cost to have their products run on the new CPU architecture. How attractive is this to developers? The big guys know very well, especially since this service will definitely be free in the initial stage.

At the same time, minimalist EDA software has also been lying in the laboratories of major companies.

When Huawei announced that the minimalist EDA software adapted to the CNMD architecture has been upgraded and made available for free download on the official website, it has already begun to be studied by these companies. Obviously the conclusions drawn after the research are not optimistic.

Obviously, minimalist EDA was not developed for the purpose of designing mere radio frequency chips. Those huge component libraries, groups, and collections are enough to illustrate Ning Wei's ambition. Some researchers even came up with chilling insights during the research process. If the March Qiang artificial intelligence platform continues to be upgraded, perhaps in the near future, this platform may have the ability to program itself.

That also means that the public-facing intelligent platform will be able to truly create various types of completely personalized software according to the needs of different individuals. Everyone in the world may become a developer. Ordinary people who did not have basic programming skills in the past may also be able to create various types of completely personalized software through magic. Simiao wants to create popular software.

In this way, it would be too simple to build an ecosystem. Huaxia has enough scale to complete the iterative upgrade of the entire industry chain. At the end of the day's meeting, everyone found that they seemed to have reached a dead end.

For example, at this moment, Intel President Pat Gelsinger has just finished reading the detailed test report quietly placed on his desk.

This report was tested by Intel China overtime, and the internal structure was analyzed and explained as detailed as possible. It passed the inspection and remote verification of the headquarters technical department, and was finally placed in front of him. But at this time, he didn't think anyone deserved the award, and there were about 10,000 words of "FUCK" swirling in his mind, but he didn't spit them out.

By the way, why is he so unlucky? It has only been just two years since he took over the position of Intel CEO in January 2021, but he has encountered such a difficult thing. There had been a day-long meeting yesterday, and the executives in the entire technical department seemed to be confused. Of course, these executives cannot be blamed, because he was also confused after seeing this report...

What he needs to face at this time is the worst and harshest environment. Intel's 10nm process node has caused headaches for countless engineers in terms of chip design for a long time. It has been delayed for many years before it was launched. The Amy plan launched after he took office is even more... It may have overdrawn the technological reserves that may be developed in the next ten years, which also includes expectations for new materials and new technologies.

However, now the CNMD structure has disrupted all rhythms.

According to the pace he participated in formulating, the 1.4NM process technology will be realized by 2029. In the words of the R\u0026D department, if there is no major breakthrough at the quantum physics level or the new material level, the 1.4NM process will be realized by relying solely on existing technology. It is extremely difficult and can even be described as a miracle in the industrial world. Because at this physical level, the 1.4nm process is almost equivalent to the position occupied by 12 silicon atoms.

All of this is Intel's hope to continue the myth of Moore's Law, so that integrated circuit products can continue to iterate every two years. Now he sees the hope of continuing Moore's Law in the Chinese product test reports, which is somewhat ironic.

The situation is difficult...

Then Pat Gelsinger thought of Apple and Tim Cook, and then suddenly felt a little itchy.

If you can't beat him, just get closer?

The traitors within are disgusting, but the benefits gained are real. Fifty million CPUs have allowed Huawei to overcome the current difficulties. If this new 5G radio frequency baseband chip can be mass-produced, it will also be used in a new generation of products. This also means that this giant company will slow down. After all, with strong R\u0026D capabilities and smart platforms, there is a question mark as to whether it will extend its reach into the CPU field of desktop computers in the future.

Suppression or cooperation has become the most confusing question before him.

If we cooperate, the next two generations of Intel chips will use new materials and CNMD architecture, and we may be able to iterate CPU performance in two or three years and maintain our leading position, but that also means that Intel will hand over the power of life and death to others. , if the research done around the new architecture is banned by the other party, it means that the huge investment in the past two or three years will be wasted.

If they choose suppression and confrontation, the other party may be able to complete product iterations and upgrades within ten years, and even build a complete ecosystem simultaneously, and then gradually erode Intel's market. At the same time, two ecosystems in one world will make Intel reluctantly separate itself from the world's largest In a single market, the annual revenue report will be very ugly.

According to the report before us, if the new CNMD architecture can be advanced to the 10nm process level, it will theoretically be enough to defeat the angstrom-level chip technology planned by Intel in the future. After all, each stack of three-dimensional chips means that the number of transistors per unit area doubles. With the advancement of manufacturing processes, not only the increase in the number of transistors on the plane means that more layers can be stacked at the same height.

When the CNMD architecture advances to the 7nm process node, it will really be the future, because Intel's R\u0026D department simply does not dare to think about such distant things. For the current technical level, it is still a myth.

Finally, after sitting there in a daze for ten minutes, Pat Gelsinger decided to go to China in person to have a good talk with the technology developers.

Nothing is off the table.

If we can get some promises and get the right to use patents for ten or even twenty years in the form of a contract, maybe Intel can change its thinking.

How can you say something in China so well?

One more friend is better than one more enemy! When doing business, you still have to be friendly and make money!

"The Beginning Becomes the Terminator" Lin An became angry when he saw that the author of the paper was replaced by the teacher's name...

If you don’t let me be a human being, then don’t do it! Well, there is a new book, which is quite interesting. You can go and take a look at it in the bookstore!

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