Tech Hammer

Chapter 292 Arrangement

"This... is my problem, and I will solve it. Of course, you should control yourself. Generally, a dozen or twenty pages of a doctoral thesis is enough. Just write an ordinary doctoral thesis. I am not asking you to submit to the top universities. Conferences, top journals, don’t give me a 206-page paper. You can choose a small direction, for example, the focus is just to introduce a mathematical tool you conceived. Remember, the maximum is twenty pages, no more too much!"

If there were outsiders in Tian Yanzhen's office at this time, they would probably be very confused. After all, it was the first time that the instructor asked students to submit their graduation thesis with a little restraint and not to write too much, as it would be too difficult.

Of course this is understandable.

Now the entire education system has very strict requirements for doctoral students to graduate. The thesis defense process must have a complete video record. But because of his current status, God knows how many people are interested in the video of his doctoral thesis defense. Therefore, the defense process must be more demanding. If Ning Wei really writes a difficult paper that makes people intimidated, then it will be difficult to hire a defense tutor.

After all, there is a video record, and this video record may even be preserved forever. No one wants to be embarrassed in such official records, right? Especially if Ning Wei's graduation thesis defense ends up being a report meeting, it would be very embarrassing.

"Then, okay!" Ning Wei reluctantly nodded and agreed.

He felt that Tian Yanzhen really could not be his mentor. Of course, Ning Wei could understand. After all, he did not continue to study NS equations according to the path planned by Tian Yanzhen. Instead, he chose a new and similar method. It is quite embarrassing for the tutor to study completely different fields. If he is really elected as an academician, the relationship between the student and his tutor will be even more awkward.

Even if neither of them feels anything is wrong, it is inevitable that the outside world will point fingers. With Director Tian's status and arrogant temperament, he will naturally not compromise on this point.

"Then I'll leave first, Director Tian." After saying that, Ning Wei planned to say goodbye and leave.

Graduation was already a must, so he could only go back and finish his graduation thesis honestly.

"Don't worry, there is a contract here. You should take a good look at it now, and then we will sign it." After saying that, Tian Yanzhen took out a stack of printed contracts and handed them to Ning Wei.

"Contract?" Ning Wei took the stack of neatly bound documents in Tian Yanzhen's hand suspiciously, and after a quick glance, he cleared up his doubts.

Rather than a contract, this is a letter of appointment. An appointment letter issued by the Mathematics Research Center of Yanbei University was almost seamless. After Ning Wei graduated, he was directly appointed as a professor of the School of Mathematics of Yanbei University and a distinguished professor of the Mathematics Research Center. There was no detailed agreement on Ning Wei in the appointment letter. The distribution ratio between teaching and research work is quite generous, but the conditions offered are quite generous.

This reminded Ning Wei of what his mother asked Jiang to tell him: don't work so hard in scientific research in the future and just be a professor at Yanbei University. Unexpectedly, with so many people attending the award ceremony that day, Ning’s mother saw it most accurately and her words came true.

"Professor? Director Tian, ​​are you a full professor?" Ning Wei asked.

"If you are an associate professor and can write it clearly, don't doubt it, you are a full professor, specially approved by the school. Of course, you may have to complete certain teaching tasks in the future, but your most important task is to prepare for the artificial intelligence research and development center that will be launched soon. You will definitely have more work by then, but it will be fine as you get used to it. As you said, your research is in a completely new direction, and you certainly hope that what you have learned can be taught to more people, right? Assign teaching tasks to you It is also convenient for you to pick some good seedlings in the courtyard."

Tian Yanzhen explained gently.

Although Ning Wei allowed him to graduate, the relationship must still remain in school. Although he used an imperative sentence when he presented the contract, the appointment of a professor was a matter of mutual consent, and Tian Yanzhen was really afraid that he would rather not agree to it. If such a talented person graduates and leaves, Tian Yanzhen will definitely not be able to forgive himself.

There is nothing you can do about signing a contract at this time. There are many people staring at Ning Wei now. Tian Yanzhen also knows why those people want to promote Ning Wei to the position of academician. If we don't hurry up and sign the contract, it is estimated that in two days each unit will start to show off its special abilities.

God knows how many people are watching this little guy graduate.

"Oh, can I take this back to discuss with my family?" Ning Wei asked looking at the appointment letter.

"What else are we discussing? I have met your parents. How can they object to your future work at Yanbei University? Don't think about random things every day? You also know how troublesome it is for us to prepare the Huaxia Intelligence Research Center. Seeing that this project has been approved and listed immediately, when you graduate and people are gone, where can I find someone to support this research center?"

Tian Yanzhen glared at Ning Wei and continued: "What? Are you afraid that I, as a mentor, will trick you? Look at all the terms. I will not help you fight for the treatment you should fight for. Which university in China dares to offer such generous conditions now? In other words, you don't care much about many material conditions, but you still deserve what you have to give, right? Didn't you just say that you are used to living in the courtyard? What's wrong? You want to run away now?"

"Okay, Director Tian, ​​don't worry, just sign it! Am I the kind of person who just leaves? I've just graduated and just entered the workplace. I don't understand many things. And you see, this contract is The signature is for thirty years, I have to think about it, right?" Ning Wei muttered.

Tian Yanzhen smiled and said kindly: "I didn't let you think about it. It's only three o'clock in the afternoon. You can stay here until ten o'clock in the evening. It will give you seven full hours to think about it. You can make any phone calls. If you are really worried, how about I ask two law school professors to help you explain each clause one by one? By the way, I can also bring their contracts to you for comparison. How about that? You need me now Will you call now?"

"Of course, I can understand that it is difficult for you to make decisions alone. After all, this involves your future work and life. It is indeed a big deal! So before I asked you to come, I also called your parents and Xiao Jiang. I guess We talked for a while. Don’t worry, I have sent someone to pick up your parents. Xiao Jiang will also come to my office after class later to study the contract with you. You should read the contract carefully first and discuss it with your family later. Let’s discuss it. Is that so? Do you have any other questions?”

Ning Wei was stunned. This is also very well prepared! So full that he had nothing to say.

Obviously Director Tian didn't lie to him. He didn't let him wait long. Ning Wei heard his father's greeting outside the door: "Hey, Xiaoliu, are you here too?"

Then I heard my father chatting with Liu Wei very happily at the door, and then the office door was knocked open.

"Professor Tian, ​​hello, hello!"

"Old Ning, here you go, sit down, sit down, I happen to have some good Longjing here. Let's drink tea while I slowly explain the child's employment contract to you, so as not to worry about Xiao Ning's future." Tian Yanzhen stood up and said enthusiastically.

"Don't go to so much trouble, Professor Tian. We are just helping the children as a reference. In fact, we all know that you will definitely not harm the children."

"Okay, okay, okay, here is the original letter of appointment. The one in Ningwei's hand is exactly the same as this one, in triplicate. You two should take a look at it first. If you don't understand anything, I will help you answer it."

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the appointment letter. It probably means that Ning Wei will become a full professor at Yanbei University after graduation. Just like Tian Yanzhen said, all the benefits you deserve will be paid directly. The salary is not high, it should be nearly 40,000 yuan a month, but it is also specifically stated that the school will not restrict Ning Wei from going out to give lectures. Of course I would rather not care about the salary.

He didn't talk about the house, but since he had permanent residence in Yanyuan, he really didn't have to think about the house anymore. In addition to these, the contract also specifically stipulates that Ningwei is not restricted from conducting research in other research institutions outside the school, and the results do not need to be shared with the school.

This is probably because of An Ningwei. After all, Ningwei is still cooperating with Chen Mingcai's Jitu Security and is the chief scientist of the China Frontier Intelligence Research Center. In short, I have to admit that Ning Wei has taken everything into consideration in this contract. Hearing Tian Yanzhen take the trouble to explain it to him, he even felt quite embarrassed.

"I think this treatment is okay, what do you think?" Ning's father looked at Ning's mother and asked.

"I think it's okay, but after all, we still have to take care of the children." Ning's mother nodded and said, then looked at Ning Wei and said: "Ning Wei, do you have any other comments on this letter of appointment? If so, you can talk to Director Tian Mention it, Director Tian is on your side, so don’t be embarrassed at this time. If there is no problem, just wait for Xiao Jiang to come over after class to discuss it with Xiao Jiang, and then sign it."

"Oh..." Ning Wei agreed, but to be honest, he really couldn't make any comments. Although the salary was not much, to be honest, the degree of freedom he valued most was actually quite high. As long as he was not coquettish enough to leave others As a full-time professor in a school, there are really no other restrictions.

Of course, if you are invited by another school to be an honorary professor and take one or two classes every year, the school will not mind. As long as Ningwei doesn't go too far, no one will care about him. The most important thing is that the various benefits offered to Ning Wei by Yanbei University are directly based on those of a second-level professor, and the title of first-level professor is not given directly. It is probably because they feel that it will be embarrassing if they get it right once and cannot be promoted in the future.

For example, now Ning Wei has not really been elected as an academician, but he has been directly given the highest salary. When he is really elected as an academician, he will have to improve his salary...

This is probably the trouble that young people have brought to the management department.

The salary given is too small and does not match the person's status and contribution. Just increase the salary to the maximum. There is a set of rules in the system. This person is still young and will achieve more in the future. It is troublesome to continue to upgrade if it is not convenient. .

The title of second-level professor was probably given after comprehensive consideration. Of course, someone like Ning Wei who directly became a second-level professor at this age is an exception among exceptions.

Ning Wei has decided to compromise, but now he still plans to wait for Jiang Chenshuang to come over. It's not that Jiang might have any objections, but as he has chosen his lifelong partner, Ning Wei thinks that asking for his partner's opinion on such a major life event is the most basic respect.

"Okay, then you wait for Xiao Jiang to finish class, and we will go back first. Director Tian, ​​please take your time, we have to prepare dinner for the children. Let's leave first. Anyway, we think there is no problem with this contract."

"Hey, let's have some more tea. Why don't we sign the contract later and I'll be the host today and let's go out to eat?"

"Haha, Director Tian is so polite. Next time, next time, Chen Lu, this kid, has a heavy academic workload and will finish school late, so he won't be able to make it in time. From now on, we would rather become professors at Yanbei University. There are many opportunities."

"Okay, those two are busy first, I'll take you downstairs."

After sending Ning's father and Ning's mother away, Tian Yanzhen walked into the office again, looking at Ning Wei with eyes full of pride.

Student Jiang came over after class 5 or 6, so the girl naturally had no objections to this appointment letter. But Ning Wei solemnly solicited Jiang's opinion before signing the appointment letter.

This also means that Ning Wei will officially become a glorious university professor after graduation.

Tian Yanzhen watched with a smile as Ning Wei signed three letters of appointment and put the documents away properly. Then he said seriously: "Ning Wei, this work is done. From now on, you will be a sacred person." As an educator, you can’t be as willful as you are as a student now, and you must consider the impact of everything you do.”

After hearing what Tian Yanzhen said, Ning Wei asked thoughtfully: "Director Tian, ​​you must be reminding me to hurry up if I want to cause trouble, right? I have to take advantage of the fact that I haven't graduated yet and am still protected by your wings. Why don’t you hurry up and do something big while you’re still an educator?”

Tian Yan was really stunned...

Then I was very confused and had the urge to slap myself twice.

What nonsense are you talking about at this time? Wouldn't it be better to leave this until the time when Ning Wei is officially awarded a doctorate certificate?

"Don't interpret it randomly! What I said is the literal meaning. If you think it doesn't sound good, I'll take it back first! I beg you, just focus on your graduation thesis. Don't think about making trouble all day long. Okay? Okay, you guys go back to eat quickly, I have to leave too."

"Why did Director Tian suddenly urge you to graduate quickly? And asked you to stay in school as a professor?" Jiang classmate couldn't help but ask after walking out of the office.

Liu Wei, who was silently following the two of them, rolled his eyes speechlessly. When he heard this question, he knew that some things were unavoidable.

Without any surprise, Liu Wei heard Ning Wei let out a long sigh. He didn't really want to hear it, but he was helpless because of his duty. Being so close, the sound was bound to go into his ears: "Hey... Speaking of this matter, it really makes people speechless. A standard person is sitting at home, and the pot comes from the sky, but it is very inexplicable that someone wrote a recommendation letter for me to be a double academician. Director Tian feels that although the double academician is unlikely to be directly admitted But it’s not a big problem if one side is fine.”

"Then you know, although Director Tian is also an academician, our research directions are different after all. If I really get elected as an academician by the end of the year, Director Tian feels that it is not appropriate to continue to be my mentor, so he It urged me to graduate. Alas... It turns out that it is so difficult to be a doctoral student quietly. I didn't understand the meaning of the tree wanting to be quiet but the wind stopping, but now I completely understand."

Classmate Jiang paused cooperatively, and turned to look at Ning Wei with eyes full of admiration: "Wow, you are an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences? You are so young and are about to be elected as an academician?"

"Hey, keep a low profile. It's not 100% sure now. I'm just saying that I have high hopes. Don't tell others that you know for the time being, right? It would be embarrassing if it wasn't judged."

"Oh, don't worry, I won't tell you." Student Jiang nodded seriously.

"Yeah, but you don't need to be so cautious. I didn't apply for academicianship anyway. Just don't mention it in front of your classmates for the time being. For example, you can just mention it in front of Senior Brother Lu. By the way, I can also mention that The title of second-level professor." Ning Wei said equally seriously.

"Ah? Isn't this bad? It seems that Senior Brother Lu was promoted to professor at the end of last year and even invited us to dinner..." Student Jiang said with some confusion.

"There's nothing wrong with it. You have to think so. This is to make Senior Brother Lu improve and work harder!" Ning Wei began to try to correct Classmate Jiang's wrong thinking.

"Senior Brother Lu is actually very motivated and hardworking! Every time I go to the courtyard, I see him thinking hard." Classmate Jiang tilted his head and questioned.

"Then you are wrong. You may not understand the genius of Senior Brother Lu. He actually still has great potential that can be tapped, but he has now entered a dead end. The stimulation from the outside is more conducive to him overcoming the current shackles. The shackles of his thoughts are the only way for Senior Brother Lu's future achievements to take a big step forward, do you understand?"

Liu Wei, who was behind the scenes and clearly heard every detail of the conversation between the two, looked at Classmate Jiang's turned side face with a convinced look on his face. He couldn't help but silently expressed sympathy in his heart, and then raised his head. Looking at the sky, I suddenly realized that the spring dusk at Yanbei University is really beautiful. The setting sun casts its last rays on the Boya Tower, like a golden rim on a palace of knowledge...

It is indeed the top school in the country, with the top majors, and the talents it cultivates are so unique.

Yes, after reading Ning Wei's information in detail, Liu Wei came to a conclusion.

Ning Wei must bear a large or even full responsibility for Yanbei University to become what it is now, and will not accept any refutation, because judging from Ning Wei's resume, it was not like this when he was at Jiang University.

"Wow! Brother-in-law, I heard that you are going to be a professor at Yanbei University?" During dinner, Jiang Chenlu was particularly surprised to learn the news.

"Professors are professors, how can there be any great professors?" Ning Wei said looking at Jiang Chenlu who looked excited.

"Well, actually I just want to ask, are there any preferential policies for relatives of Yanbei University students when they take the Yanbei University exam?" Jiang Chenlu said immediately.

"Morning Dew! What are you thinking about?" Classmate Jiang put down the bowl in his hand and glared at his little girl who jumped away.

Before Jiang Chenlu could say anything, Lao Ning couldn't sit still and said quickly: "Hey, that Chenshuang, don't always be mean to your sister. In fact, I asked Chenlu to ask about this. There must be some preferential treatment in this unit. I remember that the middle school in our factory used to be like this. If the children of teachers in the school were given preferential treatment, am I right, Xiaoliu?"

Yes, in order to celebrate that Ning Wei was about to become a professor, Ning's parents and Ning's mother took the initiative and called Liu Wei over for dinner.

Liu Wei nodded, agreeing with Ning's father's statement. Of course, in this situation, he usually just nodded without shaking his head.

"Uncle, you will spoil Chenlu bad." Jiang Chenshuang said helplessly.

"Hey... Look at what you said. How could Chen Lu be spoiled if she is so obedient? It's not like you can't see how hard she studies. Right, Ning Wei." Lao Ning immediately argued.

Ning Wei immediately chose to nod like Liu Wei. One of the secrets to maintaining a harmonious family is that the elderly have to be coaxed.

Jiang Chenlu stuck out her tongue at her sister...

Jiang Chenshuang glanced at Ning Wei helplessly. She also admired her sister very much. She could use different tricks to make Lao Ning happy every day. She really had to stand up for her in everything, even without any principles.

Ning Wei smiled and said: "Okay, Dad is right. I will go to Director Tian later and ask if there is any preferential treatment in this area, but don't pin your hopes on it. If your grades are not up to standard and you enter Yan Peking University is not a good thing. People around you who are too good can sometimes become a burden to you. You must know that the number of students dismissed from Yanbei University is three digits every year. You must know what is the strongest and most resilient about your sister. It’s not that she was admitted to Yanbei University, but that although she was recruited in a targeted manner and her grades were much lower than those of her surrounding classmates when she entered the school, she was able to stay at Yanbei University with her own efforts. She didn’t fail because of too much trouble. If you do too much, you will be persuaded to leave.”

"This is really rare. If you haven't experienced it, you may not understand how much pressure a dormitory classmate, who is either the top pick in each city or a recommended student in the competition, will bring to a classmate with relatively average grades. Your sister has experienced this. . I have probably gotten to know your sister’s former roommates, and all three of them were college entrance examination top scorers in their respective cities. You can imagine how much pressure your sister was under at that time, but she withstood the pressure, and now her grades are basically on par with those in her dormitory. The roommates are the same, do you know how much hardship it requires?"

Jiang Chenlu nodded quickly and said, "I understand, brother-in-law, don't worry, I will definitely work hard."

The family is harmonious...

Ning Wei felt very proud. Not everyone could learn his way of praising his wife, especially classmate Jiang who was shy when he was praised. When he was shy, he didn't bother to trouble Chen Lu. Ning's father and Ning's mother Everyone is satisfied, perfect!

"By the way, I forgot to tell Director Tian today that we are going to Jiang's house this weekend. It's not a problem for us to stay in the capital all the time. Your dad's coach is urging him to practice driving. So your Time should be fine, right?" Ning's mother asked.

"Don't worry, Mom, it's no problem! I just need to finish my graduation thesis in the past two months. In order to give me enough time, Director Tian even took the initiative to reduce the difficulty of my graduation thesis, so I have a lot of time." Ning Wei He promised while patting his chest.

"Then I'm sorry for Chen Shuang and have to ask for leave. We really need to go home quickly." Ning's mother glanced at Jiang Chenshuang and said with a slight guilt.

"I'm fine. Ning Wei said that if we fly on Friday night, we can go back on Monday. Just take a day off and it won't delay much." Jiang Chenshuang said quickly.

"Okay, it's settled then!" Ning's mother said happily.

For the old mother, her daughter-in-law is settled, and she is satisfied with it. Her child's future job is also settled, and she is also satisfied with this job. Her life has been worth it.

It would be better to be a little bit immodest. After Tian Yanzhen took the initiative to lower the difficulty of the final discussion, he was really free in the past two months. According to Ning Wei's understanding, Director Tian's request was probably to take out a theorem in the original paper and expand it to write a paper.

How should I put it, out of respect for Director Tian, ​​Ning Weicai did not choose to hand in the paper directly the next day.

After all, it is the final thesis of the doctoral stage and the summary of a period. It's not good to seem too childish. So Ning Wei planned to hand the paper to Tian Yanzhen after he returned from classmate Jiang's hometown. Ning Wei felt that this could show his diligent and studious side, and he would not forget to write his graduation thesis even when he was going to meet his future mother-in-law.

The family also started preparing to go to Jiang’s hometown early. Liu Wei also helped the family plan the route immediately. They first took a flight to Xicheng, the capital of Sanqin Province, and then took the high-speed train to Kangcheng.

Then Ning Wei was shocked to find that he couldn't use his money.

The family originally wanted to choose a bigger plane and book the most expensive cabin so that they would know that they could sleep on the plane, but Liu Wei told him and booked a charter flight directly. It's the kind that helps you apply for a route in advance, and has already said hello to both airports. The plane will be parked at the airport before the person arrives. After the person has boarded, you can take off first. The most important thing is that it is free.

Liu Wei also reminded Ning Wei that if he wanted to write a paper or do some research during the trip, he must bring materials and notebooks, because a single room with office conditions was specially prepared for him on the plane.

Okay, private plane...

This news made Ning Wei stunned for a long time, and then turned into deep doubts. Poverty could no longer limit his imagination, so what made him firmly believe that a large plane must be used to have a comfortable environment? Isn’t it possible to have a free private plane?

Then on Friday afternoon, Ning Wei experienced the feeling of landing on a special plane.

With a dedicated passage, exclusive security inspection procedures, and a car that would take the family directly to a place quite far from the boarding gate, and boarding a medium-sized passenger plane that he couldn't name, Ning Wei felt that he should buy it. It was affordable, but he had never studied it.

In addition to the rest area provided for the crew, there are only six places on the aircraft, but two rooms and a small kitchen are designed. It's quite delicate, natural and very comfortable.

"What a luxury!" After takeoff, Ning Wei sighed as the plane flew smoothly at high altitude.

"You deserve it, just buy the bones as a thousand pieces of gold." Liu Wei, who brought Ning Wei to visit, replied.

"Oh!" Ning Wei nodded and took out his laptop.

Being treated like this, it seemed like I was sorry to let him not study anything during the journey.

"Why don't I buy a plane later? For traveling?" When loading the notebook, Ning Wei suddenly said this when he saw Liu Wei getting ready to go out.

"It's not necessary. The various maintenance costs of this kind of private jet are quite expensive. Just the parking space is a huge expense. If you need to travel, Jitu will help you arrange everything. "Liu Wei turned her head and gave Ning Wei a strange look.

"That's why, Brother Liu, think about it, I have so much money in my bank card, how can I use it? I'm not very good at spending money, and I don't seem to be able to use much money now, and neither are my parents. Student Jiang doesn’t know how to spend money. Now I keep saving in units of hundreds of millions every quarter. I feel like all the resources have been wasted by me. In the past, I hoped to use the money to build a laboratory and buy a supercomputing center, but now I follow Ji Ji With the cooperation of rabbits, laboratories have been built, and supercomputing centers have begun to roll out..."

"According to the contract I signed with you, when the CNMD structure starts to be commercialized in the future, I can still get about 20%. In the future, if the laboratory has other results, I will have to divide the money. You think I am really so confused in the future. I’ve saved hundreds of billions, how should I spend it? Now even if I go out to treat someone to a meal, it’s not my turn to pay the bill, so I have no chance to show off my wealth.”

Liu Wei was silent at first, and then said: "You don't have a child yet. When you have a child in the future, you can cultivate his spending skills."

Ning Wei pondered, then raised his head, looked at Liu Wei and asked: "The problem is that I was poor back then, so why should I let him enjoy a materially worry-free and happy life without paying anything? If she was a girl, I would admit it. If it is a son, I still hope that he can be like me, and his need for spiritual prosperity is greater than his need for material prosperity. That is, I hope that when he goes out in the future, when others introduce him, he will not be Ning Wei’s son, but me and me. When people introduce me, I can proudly say that I am that boy’s father! I also want to experience Lao Ning’s happiness.”

"So this is what I was thinking. How about setting up a charity fund in her name when Jiang graduates? With her character, I don't feel comfortable going out to find a job. I'm afraid that she will be bullied by others. If she stays at home doing nothing every day, her life will be ruined. It wouldn’t be complete. What do you think of my arrangement?”

Liu Wei actually wanted to tell Ning Wei that as long as he worked in the country, Jiang's classmates would never be bullied by anyone. But in the end he just nodded silently.

"Then it's decided. Later, you can help me find out what information needs to be submitted to establish a charity fund. Keep a low profile. If anything happens, we won't ask outsiders to raise money. After the operation of the fund, I will I plan to leave it to March to train its ability in this area, and at least make every money traceable. However, it will be more than a year before Chenshuang graduates. I plan to test March’s financial management ability first. What do you think? Sample?"

"Oh, I know." Liu Wei nodded. He felt that Ning Wei had said so much, but the most important thing was actually the last sentence, and it didn't seem to be for him.

"Well, that's fine! By the way, when can we arrive at Luopu County?"

"Arrived in the provincial capital at 4:18 p.m., then transferred to the high-speed train. The high-speed train arrived at Kangcheng South Station at 7:06 p.m., and then took the expressway. We will definitely arrive in Luopu around 9:30."

"I wish I could arrive today. Thank you, Brother Liu!"

"You're welcome!"

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