Tech Hammer

Chapter 293 I have another idea!

They got off the plane, got on the high-speed rail, got off the high-speed rail, and then got on the car that had been arranged for them. Then there was a huge convoy of seven cars on the highway. The convoy steadily took Ning Wei and his family into the car. The nine-seater business car was in the middle, which Ningwei probably didn't expect.

But Ning Wei didn't ask any more questions and just let Liu Wei do whatever he wanted. He didn't need to worry about it anyway. However, according to Ning Wei’s guess, Jitu Security probably has a branch here. Since the Yancheng branch can directly intervene in the entire security system of a large factory, it is very reasonable to have a branch in Kangcheng. .

During this rare vacation, Ning Wei focused all his attention on the scenery outside the window. The journey was very pleasant because there was a local beside him who softly introduced the scenery to him. This was definitely a kind of enjoyment. Ning Wei even felt Without much effort, the car passed through several tunnels and then got off the highway and entered Luopu County.

If you look at it from Ning Wei's perspective, Luopu County is a good place surrounded by mountains and rivers, and even the air is mixed with the most natural earthy smell. This is probably the reason why Luopu County's economy is not doing well.

There are too many mountains, roads are difficult to repair, and higher logistics costs naturally restrict the development of this small town at the foot of the mountains.

This is China. Even if there is no obvious profit, basic facilities such as water, electricity, and Internet are still built in small towns, which can at least guarantee the most basic daily life. However, Ning Weidao thinks this place is quite good. In fact, it is very similar to his hometown. Yancheng is also a city at the foot of a mountain. If it weren’t for the choice of the automobile factory in Yancheng, Yancheng at this time would probably be just like Luopu. The counties are exactly the same.

This is probably a reflection of the weight of history. All decisions made by the past will be reflected in future generations, which is scientifically called the law of cause and effect.

"Actually, the environment here in the county is quite good. We haven't tried to develop tourism or anything?" Ning Wei asked casually as the car got off the highway.

"I had this question before. Later, after I went to Yanbei to study economics, I realized that my thinking was too simple. Tourism cannot be developed with a good environment, let alone food, housing, transportation, travel, and shopping. , entertainment can sustain it, especially in this era, when everyone is well-informed, the tourism industry cannot be revitalized by just building some buildings and telling some stories, it must have characteristics and differentiated competition. "

"Being close to the seaside, you can swim in the sea. In areas where ethnic minorities live, you can play the national heritage card. Historical cities and famous mountains can play the cultural card. The mountains we have here are not as steep and towering as elsewhere, and the cultural heritage is incomparable to other cities. I think It’s impossible to develop the tourism industry to attract investment simply by telling stories, right? Moreover, the investment in the tourism industry is actually huge, and corresponding supporting facilities must be prepared. The risk is extremely high, and it will be affected by the off-peak and peak seasons. How can it be so Simple."

Jiang Chenshuang said seriously.

Obviously, when the girl was studying at Yanbei University, she carefully thought about how to get her hometown out of poverty, instead of just thinking about how to escape from this circle. I would rather admire this temperament.

"Think about it in another direction. There is no characteristic to create characteristics. What do you think if we build a future city here that focuses on future technology?" Ning Wei said.

"Future City?" Jiang Chenshuang turned her head and looked at Ning Wei with a confused look on her face: "Shouldn't this kind of subject matter be done in super first-tier cities with extremely high population density such as Beijing, Shenzhen, and Mingzhu to maximize the benefits?"

"Look, is it superficial? In theory, you are right, but if you think about it carefully, land in big cities is so expensive! Since we define it as building a technological city to experience the future, we need at least several thousand acres of land, right? Can the cost of land in a small county be compared with that in a big city? Secondly, don’t you think that contrast can create beauty? Entering our future technology experience city, the modernization standards will be improved almost without limit. In the city, you can experience smart homes and experience various Use the latest virtual technology, experience driverless driving, see various latest robot exhibitions, and enjoy artificial intelligence services."

"It is even possible to build large-scale real-person technology game areas in the city, and use various technological means to enjoy large-scale real-person role-playing games. When you go out of the city, you will find the most simple small Chinese county town, where you can eat home-cooked food in the mountains and smell... Doesn't it feel like you've traveled back in time when you enter and exit? Not to mention that if you're just around the city, you won't have that flavor. If you want to experience future technology in advance, of course you have to spend some time first. More Spend some travel expenses, where can I have such a pure experience if it is right around me?"

It sounded reasonable. Jiang Chenshuang felt that if she had not studied economics at Yanbei University, she would have been deceived.

"Although land prices are cheap, logistics, construction, and maintenance costs will not be cheap. And without efficient transportation, it is difficult to say that the attraction can attract too many people to visit, especially when you are talking about a technology experience city, which is so large Venue operation and maintenance are a huge expense. Especially during the off-peak tourism season, so many equipment need maintenance, which is a huge expense."

"Secondly, there is the problem of people. Since it is a high-tech experience city, the equipment inside the city will definitely require many highly educated talents to maintain it. Not to mention the management issues of such a large experience city, so the demand for talents is very high in a small county. But there is no talent pool as rich as that of a big city that can support the multi-level talent needs of a future technology city."

"Again, I agree with the sense of time-travel brought by the contrast, but the purpose of the Science and Technology City is to drive local economic development. If the Science and Technology City really develops, it will definitely drive the development of the surrounding areas. Whether the county itself will remain its original appearance is open to question. . In other words, how long this so-called sense of time travel can last is a question. Tourists may be attracted for the first time, but it is doubtful whether the huge transportation cost can maintain the continued attraction."

Jiang Chenshuang retorted one by one.

Ning Wei suddenly became excited and said: "You seem to be right, but you ignore the adaptability of technology, management model, and ideological concepts to contemporary society. Do you think I want to use a single point to drive the entire society?" You are wrong because you don’t know what the future city in my vision will look like, and you underestimate March’s ability.”

"If it can be built according to my vision, after this future city is built, the manpower and capital costs required for operation and maintenance may be far less than what you estimated. And you think that I will pay for this city entirely. Money for construction? You are wrong. Since it is a city facing the future, of course it will have partners. For example, there can be an Apple Park, a Huawei Park, or a Microsoft Park in the city, etc..."

"Open your imagination again, what will happen when you explore in the future city? Can you have any adventures? For example, pick up a mobile phone from the future? For example, the APP in the mobile phone can be turned into a real product that appears in front of you. , etc... Don’t underestimate the attraction that hunting for novelties brings to humans. In addition, the roads here will also be built to be the most suitable for autonomous driving, and the future standards for autonomous driving may be produced here."

"Open your imagination. Once a future technology city with global influence appears, do you still think that transportation will become a shackle for the development here? Don't worry, by that time, the transportation here will be so convenient that You can’t imagine it. There will be airports and high-speed rail stations, and there will be talents. As long as capital sees business opportunities, everything you are worried about now will be solved.”

"We can first build a pilot future science and technology city here. If this succeeds, I plan to build one in my hometown, one in Yancheng and one in Luopu. Those living in big cities want to experience traveling in advance. What the future feels like can only be experienced in these two cities. Go to other places to experience history, come to us to experience the future, and have proper differentiated competition. By the way, the big cities I am talking about are not just those in China. Cities, including Washington, New York, Paris, Berlin and other international metropolises. We allow them to come and have a look in the off-season, but in the peak season, we Chinese people have to be given priority!"

"And do you know what is most important? If it develops, this will be an exclusive business! Because without March to control the operation of the entire city, it is impossible to smoothly make such a city really bring a future to tourists. In other words, even if the future city becomes popular, you don’t need to worry about capital pouring in to build a homogeneous future city elsewhere to compete for tourists. Because they cannot give the same experience unless someone can Develop an artificial intelligence similar to March. Now what do you think of my proposal?"

The way Ning Wei scolded Fang Qiu looked so cute, as if the future science and technology city he mentioned was already standing here, and people of all kinds from all over the world were lining up just to get in and take a look.

Classmate Jiang hesitated. Seeing Ning Wei's confident look made her feel that this plan could really succeed...

"Of course, this project still needs to be discussed. I have to let March come up with a design plan first, and then we have to see if there is a suitable place here for construction. In fact, it is best not to be on flat land. If the mountain can be transformed, some The most perfect combination of projects and nature. Well, Brother Liu, can I ask by the way that you have topographic surveying and mapping business?"

Liu Wei, who was driving, was silent for a long time, and then replied: "Yes."

Ning Wei continued to say confidently: "Hey, did you hear that? Let Brother Liu help you and make a drawing of all the boundaries of the entire county. I will pass the drawing to March and ask March to simulate it based on the terrain. , look for ideas, and once the basic plan is made, the project can be put on the agenda. Don’t worry, as long as the planning is done in the early March, the early investment in this project will be very stable! Some people can tell stories through PPT. Raising tens of billions, we are doing things seriously, there is no reason why we cannot raise tens of billions."

Now even Ning's father, who was sitting in the car, couldn't help it anymore and asked: "Ning Wei, is it really possible to do what you said? I heard that our factory is going to move in the future. There are thousands of acres of land. You How can this transform our place into a future city?"

"I'm quite confident. Anyway, if it succeeds here, one will definitely be built in Yancheng. It feels quite fulfilling to think about building a future technology tourism city." Ning Wei nodded.

"That's a good relationship. If we can really build one in Yancheng, we, the old couple, can just go and experience the future." Lao Ning said cheerfully.

In the past, Lao Ning might have just let Ning Weishao brag a little bit, but now that his son has become successful, there seems to be real hope of completing what he promised. Although he didn't understand why the technology cities designed by Ningwei in the future would definitely have experience parks named after companies such as Apple Park, Huawei Park, Microsoft Park, etc., he saw those corporate CEOs with his own eyes on the night of the Wolf Award Ceremony. You look polite to Ning Wei, so there should be no problem, right?

Ning Wei's sudden whim on the way calmed down Jiang's nervous mind. When people are thinking, there will naturally not be too many other emotional interferences. I have to say that if Ning Wei’s idea really succeeds, then Luopu County will probably become famous throughout the country, right? But can this project really be successful?

But soon Jiang’s train of thought was interrupted, because the car had already entered the county town, but instead of continuing through the county town towards the national highway she was familiar with, she turned a corner directly in the county town and drove into a road in the county town. She is quite unfamiliar with the neighborhood.

She rarely comes here. When she had a video call with her family during the Chinese New Year, she had already been told that her family had moved to a community in the county. The specific details of how they moved were not clear as Jiang Chenshuang did not go home during the Chinese New Year. Jiang Chenlu also knew only a limited amount, but it must have something to do with Ning Wei.

As soon as she entered the gate of the community, classmate Jiang saw a familiar figure from the car window, standing by the vehicle passage of the community, but before she could say hello to Liu Wei, Liu Wei drove the car into the community and drove steadily. Parked on the roadside of the community.

"Mom..." Student Jiang put down the car window and waved to the figure under the car.

"Baby, you're back..."

"Hello, in-laws!"

"Hey, dear, thank you for your hard work, coming so far away."

The sound of Ning Ma and Jiang Ma talking was heard...

It was only at this moment that Ning Wei felt a little nervous. He looked at his future mother-in-law outside the window, secretly tugged on the corner of the girl's clothes next to him, and asked, "Ahem, do you think I'm pretty neat?"

Ning Wei felt that his mother's arrangements understood him very well.

Because if he was alone when he came to the house for the first time, the atmosphere would most likely not be so harmonious. It was different now that Ning Ma was here. As soon as he got off the car, he chatted enthusiastically with Jiang Ma. Of course, he didn't forget to introduce him and Ning's father.

When he saw his mother-in-law's eyes falling on him, Ning Wei didn't forget to say hello politely.

The next step was simple. Jiang Ma happily welcomed the family into her home. The layout of four bedrooms and two living rooms with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters was just enough to accommodate everyone. Then he and Ning Ma chatted about home affairs.

Ning Wei also learned from his mother-in-law that this house was allocated to her by the county last year. The reason is unknown, but judging from the time, it was probably not long after Liu Wei arranged to be with him, which probably allowed him to study with peace of mind. One of the backup measures for the problem? However, considering that the permanent residence rights of the villa in Yanyuan were given away, a house in the county town did not seem to be a big deal.

We chatted like this for about an hour, listening to Ning's mother constantly praising Jiang for being sensible, and Jiang's mother praising Ning Wei for being young and promising, until sleepiness hit us, and everyone washed up and went to bed. Ning Wei was assigned to a separate room. Although he didn't mind squeezing in with classmate Jiang, after all, the two were not officially married yet, so he was too embarrassed to shamelessly make such a suggestion, so he lay down on the bed obediently.

The next day, all the relatives of the Jiang family came over, including two uncles and Jiang Chenshuang's uncle. The two families began to formally discuss the future marriage of Ning Wei and classmate Jiang. For example, where is the main place for the man’s side? When will the woman come back? Wait.

The economic base determines the superstructure. It is natural to agree to something that is not difficult. Anyway, Ning's mother's opening statement was to respect the custom of all women marrying their daughters. The man's family is so polite that the woman did not put any excessive conditions, so After a lively lunch, the two families basically finalized their marriage.

After the two returned to Beijing, they obtained the certificate, and then held one in the man's hometown of Yancheng, then went to the capital to hold one, and finally went to the woman's side to hold one. By the way, Ning's mother also suggested that her mother-in-law live in the capital. However, because grandma was in poor health and needed Jiang's mother to take care of her, the trip was not possible for the time being, so she had no choice but to give up.

There were some minor episodes in the middle. Jiang’s alma mater learned about the arrival of the Ning family, which suddenly alarmed the county officials. Fortunately, Ning Wei was already very skilled at handling such a boring dinner party, especially with Liu Wei by his side. In this case, it's just to look familiar.

If the future science and technology city is really going to be built here, it will always be beneficial to be familiar with it.

When going out, Ning Wei specifically asked Liu Weiwei: "Brother Liu, if we really want to invest in building a future experience city here in the future, can you guarantee that the investment will be used on the project?"

Liu Wei thought for a while and replied: "Ninety-five percent, we can guarantee it."

Ning Wei nodded, thinking it was understandable that there would be some loss.

"Are you really planning to build a technology experience city here?"

"Don't worry, Brother Liu, I won't cooperate with you on this. It will be a purely commercial operation. I will only participate in a small way, but I think it can be done." Ning Wei said.

Liu Wei probably understood the purely commercial operation line that Ning Wei mentioned. In fact, Liu Wei roughly understood Ning Wei’s idea from the time Ning Wei proposed building an apple orchard. Considering the size of Apple and Huawei, they would most likely I wouldn't mind spending a little effort to create such an exhibition area. It doesn't matter whether I make money or not, just regard it as a necessary expense to maintain the relationship.

After all, I would rather own a treasure, and it never hurts to have a good relationship with the treasure. Even if this so-called future technology city turns out to be a failed project, and everyone shares it equally, the money will probably be a drop in the bucket compared to the profit from the cooperation.

Liu Weidu suspected that those manufacturers who were willing to contribute money and effort to join this project did not even hope that this future city would actually make money. In fact, it would be better to lose money. In this way, it was better to be owed a favor. After all, these big manufacturers don’t expect this kind of non-main business project to bring them much revenue. At most, after this future city becomes popular, they look forward to whether they can really achieve a better result by building an exhibition area that is completely their own here. Publicity effect.

After all, these companies spend a lot of money on marketing every year.

In short, Liu Wei was not optimistic about this specific matter, but he knew that if Ning Wei had to do it, he would definitely be able to do it. I can only sigh from the bottom of my heart that Luopu County is really lucky to welcome such an uncle...

"Actually, we can still be responsible for the security work of future technology cities. We are familiar with this area."

"Hey, that's really good. Look, we even have security, and we're one step closer to the success of this project. Chen Shuang, are you happy?"

"Do you really want to do it?" Jiang Chenshuang confirmed.

"Yes, really do it!" Ning Wei nodded firmly, and then added: "Don't worry, our family will not go bankrupt because of this, and I will definitely have the money to marry you."

Jiang Chenshuang: "..."

Liu Wei: "..."

It was night, in the quiet room, Ning Wei opened WeChat on his mobile phone and contacted the senior service manager assigned to him by the bank.

"Manager Liu, could you please help me open a financial account? I want to manage my money."

Soon, the other party called directly, which showed how urgent the other party was.

"Mr. Ning, I just saw the message you sent me. The financial account you mentioned refers to stocks, futures, and foreign exchange?"

"Well, why don't you just turn it on for me?"

"Okay, Mr. Ning, but opening these accounts requires your cooperation. I can help you simplify these procedures as much as possible, but you need to provide some proofs. Can I guide you to handle it online?"


Under the guidance of the senior manager, Ning Wei obtained two accounts after a series of certifications through the bank APP.

"Mr. Ning, because today is still the weekend, these two accounts have not yet opened services. However, we will help you open the accounts as soon as possible on Monday. As long as there is cash on these two cards, you can make transactions. In addition, I can We can also equip you with a dedicated financial management team to serve you, led by our bank’s experienced..."

"Stop, stop it! One question, can the financial management team you provide ensure profits without loss?"

"Well...Mr. Ning, the financial market is full of risks. As a service department, we can't promise you these things, but..."

"There's really no need for this. I just want to play. It means that if I transfer the money in the card to the stock account, I can trade in stocks, and if I transfer the money in the futures account, I can trade in futures, precious metals, etc., right?"

"Yes, that's true, but the risk of rashly trading stocks and futures without experience is very high. The team we have equipped for you has..."

"Thank you, Manager Liu, you don't have to show off, I just believe in myself. And let me tell you a secret, I am quite rich and I am not afraid of losing money!"


"Okay, I'll hang up now. Thank you for your help, Manager Liu. Goodbye."

After hanging up the phone, Ning Wei opened his mobile banking account and paid attention to his deposits.

In addition to the 300 million deposited in regular deposits before, his current balance account still has 3.867 billion in idle funds. This is because Huawei deducted 1 billion when it paid him in January this year to establish the March Smart Fund. numbers after that.

So much money...

After counting the digits several times, Ning Wei sighed in his heart. After thinking about it, he directly transferred one billion to his stock account, and then transferred one billion to his futures account.

How should I put it? Although this amount of money may not even make a splash in the stock market, especially the promissory note market, Ning Wei feels that it should be enough to train March’s financial management skills. Anyway, he has no intention of allocating funds or using leverage. These, coupled with the fact that March can come back online 24 hours a day and stay vigilant at all times, as long as the stop loss line is set, even if March loses all the money, he can still afford it.

After doing all this, Ning Wei directly summoned his kitten.

"In March, I decided to let you play a fun game from today on. Have you seen these two accounts? There are one billion figures in each, right? You should first familiarize yourself with and understand the operating rules of these two platforms. Then, as long as the rules allow it, find a way to keep the numbers of these two accounts increasing. The more they increase, the more successful you are. On the contrary, the smaller the numbers become, it means you have failed. Do you understand? A friendly reminder to you, to play this game well, you can’t just stare at the fluctuations of numbers, you must understand all kinds of relevant knowledge and information.”

"Meow, what do you mean by playing games? This is obviously stock trading and futures trading."

Ning Wei: "..."

The old father was very depressed. He had experienced in advance the feeling that it was difficult to coax his children when they got older.

"Do you still know about stock trading and futures trading?"

“Meow, there will never be less discussion about these two items on the Internet, and many people especially like to make all kinds of irresponsible remarks about these two different markets, but there are still a lot of such people. Fans."

Ning Wei has never been involved in stock trading, so he has never cared about this. He really didn’t know that stock trading can produce opinion leaders. According to his understanding, knowing the news and understanding stock trading can predict the rise and fall of the stock market, which means that he can directly predict the rise and fall of the stock market. If you have made a fortune silently in the market, why do you still need to be an opinion leader online?

What's even more frightening is that some people actually believe this kind of opinion leader...

"Then do you think those opinion leaders are trustworthy?" Ning Wei asked curiously.

"Meow, I'm not a stupid cat!" March said proudly.

After hearing this, Ning Wei felt that he could safely let March go swimming in the stock market, and then explained: "In addition to the rules of the market, I will also set two rules for you. You can only operate these two accounts. The funds in the account cannot be transferred, and any trading method outside the rules cannot be used. The clearing of funds in any one of the two accounts triggers the game end condition, and then notifies me. In addition, the judgment standards and basis for each transaction must be sorted out , I can access it at any time if I want to see it, do you understand?"

"Meow, don't worry, all the rules have been entered, and I will play this game seriously." Yue Yue raised her little paw in assurance.

"Go, let's play!" Ning Wei waved his hand.

"Meow, I'm leaving then! Dad, huh!" After saying that, the little milk cat ran away without a trace at lightning speed.

Ning Wei was stunned, what? Where did you learn this weird word from? Wasn't it Assi before? Are you planning to continue being the ancestor of the Korean people?

It seems not a good habit to give up halfway, but I thought that every time I studied something, I was only half-studied, and it seemed that I was not qualified to talk about March, so I gave up.

Let’s wait until March needs to be upgraded in the future, but then again, March is actually quite cute now. If anyone thinks March is not cute, it must be that this person is not very cute.

However, I believe that there are not many such people. Who would reject a kitten that only exists on the Internet?

On Sunday, Ning Wei declined an invitation to go to Zeng Jiang’s alma mater to give a speech to his children. It's not that he doesn't want to meet the children because of his status, it's mainly because he's thinking about the big weekend. A group of middle school and high school students are enjoying a rare holiday. For him to give a speech, they all have to go to school. They are definitely not in the mood. So cool. He was tired of talking on stage, and the children in the audience couldn't figure out how to scold him in their hearts. It was really unnecessary.

This is a comparison of feelings. When he was in high school, what he hated most was probably having to go to school to study overtime on weekends. Not to mention that it is better to go to school early in the morning and be a gentleman than to hold classmate Jiang's hand and let her take him around the county and enjoy the rare leisure time.

Originally, according to the itinerary, he would leave for the capital tomorrow morning, while Ning's parents and Ning's mother would transfer directly back to Yancheng when they arrived in the provincial capital. However, both families behaved in a reasonable manner and the matter was discussed smoothly. Liu Wei was able to temporarily change the time. In order not to delay Jiang Chenshuang's class, Ning's parents and Ning's mother simply decided to go home after lunch at noon on Sunday.

The most important thing is that Ning's father is not worried about Jiang Chenlu living alone in the capital. It is always better to go back a day earlier. This sentence also convinced Mother Jiang not to try to persuade the group to stay. After making an appointment to get together in the capital, the Ning family took Jiang Chenshuang on their way home.

On the way back to Kangcheng from Luopu County, Ning's mother specially called her son to her side and began to educate her in a low voice: "Ning Wei, you chose this Xiaojiang yourself. Your father and I didn't force you. We are also satisfied with Xiao Jiang, and now we have met his parents. Your marriage is settled, but you are not allowed to change it! You have to learn from your dad on this. You have seen him for so many years, but I’ve never had any trouble with other girls.”

"Don't worry, Mom, am I that kind of person?"

"I know you are not that kind of person, but I'm afraid. You have achieved such a high level now, and will soon be a professor at Yanbei University, so why don't you have a bunch of little girls taking the initiative to come over? Xiao Jiang is good at everything, but he is not good enough. His feelings She's a bit naive, and I'm afraid that you and those little goblins outside will team up to bully her!"

"What's wrong? What's that look in your eyes? Isn't that how it is acted in TV dramas now? No, you promise it's useless. In this way, you will send me one million every month from now on, and I will save this money for Xiao Jiang. If you don’t even listen to me in the future, at least let people have a living security!"

Ning Wei: "?"

Gaga, I recommend this book "Jiuding Zhenxinghe". It is a high-quality product. Brothers who like Xianxia can take a look!

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