Tech Hammer

Chapter 294 The masters are all in the atmosphere

Brainless TV series are really harmful! Ning Wei muttered in his heart...

Haven’t you seen that Ning Ma has been brainwashed? He doesn't even trust his own son's character anymore. This made Ning Wei feel very hurt. Lao Ning sat upright beside him and said nothing. Ever since Ning Wei showed his superior academic performance, Lao Ning's temperament has become much softer than before.

Ning Wei probably understands that this may be because he has been close to Ning's mother since he was a child. However, in this case, it seems a bit too soft for Lao Ning to speak up for himself. After all, we are all men. Coming.

However, Lao Ning finally disappointed Ning Wei.

In this way, Ning Wei was scolded by his mother all the way to the provincial capital. When they were about to part ways at the Sanqin Provincial High-speed Railway Station, they happened to meet Brother Zhang and Brother Li who were transporting Ning's parents and Ning's mother from Yancheng to the capital.

It's really a coincidence that these two people happened to be on a business trip to Sanqin Province. Now that they have finished their work, they are just about to return to Yancheng. They can also take Ning's father and Ning's mother back to Yancheng on the way, so that Ning Wei can feel completely at ease with both of them. Safety issues for the elderly along the way.

This also allowed Ning Wei to conclude a rule: great people always encounter a lot of coincidences.

When they came to meet their mother-in-law, the family was bustling with excitement. When they returned to the capital, only Ning Wei and Jiang were left, and it suddenly seemed a lot more deserted.

But when he thought that Ning Ma had returned to Yancheng, no one could control him anymore. When he saw the delicate appearance of the girl next to him, his young hormones began to secrete crazily again. After moving to the villa, the room became more spacious, so the two sisters no longer lived in the same room. This inevitably made Ning Wei have endless reveries...

Looking at Liu Wei who didn't know how to avoid suspicion at all, he thought of the story in Journey to the West where Patriarch Bodhi knocked Sun Wukong on the head three times, hinting that he would come to the room at midnight for an interview. Ning Wei decided to follow suit, so he sat on the plane By the window, he gently stroked the girl's hair twelve times and asked seriously: "Do you understand what I mean?"

Classmate Jiang looked at him with confusion, not knowing why.

It seemed that it would be impossible without knocking, but when he actually started knocking, Ning Wei was a little reluctant, so he sighed, reluctantly put his ear to the girl's ear and said: "At twelve o'clock tonight, I will go to your room, or you Come to my room?"

Student Jiang's face turned red with embarrassment. He looked up at Liu Weiyi, who was sitting at the other end of the plane. He was looking out the small window overlooking the clouds. He seemed to be wandering in the sky. Then he whispered in a voice as loud as a mosquito: " Mom said, you will definitely want to bully me when she leaves, and she also gave me the suggestion to move to Chenlu’s house to sleep."

Ning Wei was stunned for a moment and realized that it wasn't his mother who couldn't have done this...

"Then do you listen to her or me?"

"Mom also said that you must not be allowed. She is far away and can't control you anymore, so she said that if you want to do anything, let you come to my house at night."

"Oh?! Then we agreed, don't lock the door at night. By the way, we have classes tomorrow, so remember to let Chen Lu go to bed early tonight. Hey, forget it, I'll help Chen Lu with her homework tonight, don't interfere .”

After returning to the capital, he packed his luggage. Ning Wei happily took the Jiang sisters and Liu Wei to have a big meal in the school cafeteria. After returning home, he enthusiastically began to tutor Jiang Chenlu in his homework, using his original Ning's After using the crash teaching method to explain several difficult problems in a cram-like manner, at ten o'clock in the evening, Jiang Chenlu, who had to go to class the next day, was coaxed to go to bed early to rest.

Then Ning Wei returned to his room honestly and waited until 11 o'clock. Then he tiptoed out of the room. Under the guidance of the moonlight, he came to the door of Jiang's bedroom and turned the handle. Sure enough, Xiao Jiang was obedient and unlocked the door. Door.

He got into the warm bed with ease, feeling the bodies of the people around him seemed a little stiff due to nervousness, and said proudly: "Hey, my mother has any other options, can you tell me?"

"No, mom just put a lot of photos of dad in the house."

"Huh?" Ning Wei was stunned, and subconsciously pressed the switch on the bedside. Sure enough, when Ning's mother left, she placed a lot of photos of Ning's father on the table, desk, and bedside table. Old Ning was using his unique Staring at him with serious eyes...

Looking at Lao Ning's face, Ning Wei fell into deep thought about what made his mother become like this, and joked with him in every possible way. Mom must be his biological mother, but now he has some doubts about whether he can kiss his son.

"We can't stay in this room any longer. Let's go to my bedroom." Ning Wei said decisively.

"Huh? Mom said we have to wait for another half a year. We should wait until half a year before my graduation. That time is just right. Even if she is pregnant, it will not affect her graduation and it will not delay her having her grandson!" Jiang said gloomily. .

"Don't make trouble, how can it be so accurate? Move quickly, it's very troublesome to clean up here. I don't care if the morning dew wakes me up. Anyway, I am thick-skinned, you can do whatever you want."

"Then...then take the things in the bedside table, the one on top, which mom prepared..." Jiang said in a squeaky voice.

"Huh? How awesome is my mother? How can she take care of everything?" Ning Wei muttered and opened the bedside table. What he saw were two packages of exquisitely packaged safety protection products from popular brands. Utensils...

It is said that if you use this thing, you can be like the Chinese national football team, and you can miss no matter how you shoot.

My mother, this is really my mother! The mother who was heartbroken for the two of them. Ning Wei suddenly felt that old Ning was cute, at least not so frivolous.

"Take it, let's go, keep your voice down, don't wake up the morning dew..."


When Ning Wei took the girl's little hand and moved to his bedroom, he knew that the beautiful night would start from now on, so he solemnly promised: "Don't worry, I understand the rules and won't mess around. I will do it in order." ! Mom prepared two boxes, let’s use half today..."

Student Jiang: "...?"

(70368 words are omitted again above)

The next day, when Ning Wei woke up from his sleep, Jiang Chenlu and Jiang Chenshuang had already gone to school.

When he walked out of the room, his waist felt a little sore from happiness and his legs ached with satisfaction. However, he saw his favorite soy milk and egg pancakes neatly placed on the dining table, especially the soy milk soaked in warm water and filled with egg pancakes. There was probably boiling water under the plate, and the steam kept the egg pancakes warm. It warmed my heart just by looking at it, and the slight discomfort was gone by the sweetness.

This is probably a happy life, Ning Wei sighed in his heart, even a little proud.

I washed, ate, and then threw the dishes aside. I walked out of the small villa with great satisfaction and saw Liu Wei waiting at the door.

Ning Wei greeted happily: "Good morning, Brother Liu. I seem to have gotten up a little late today. Have you been waiting for a long time?"

"Actually, I didn't get up too late. I happened to have an extra boxing session in the morning." Liu Wei glanced at the villa behind Ning Wei and replied.

The two walked together naturally. Yanyuan was very quiet in the morning. You could even hear the sound of heels rubbing against the ground. People couldn't help but want to say something, so Ning Wei said: "Yesterday, there was a person who should be remembered by history. The perfect night to remember, I finished my thesis in my study.”

Liu Wei glanced at Ning Weizhi's complacent look, thought for a moment, and said simply: "If this is the case, I think there may be many perfect nights that should be remembered by history, until one day you feel that everything is boring. "

Liu Wei's philosophical words made Ning Wei stunned for a moment, and then he looked at Liu Wei with disdain. He decided to tell Brother Liu through his actions that he actually knew how to pretend to be profound, so he calmly replied: "Liu Wei Brother, true knowledge comes from practice. I admit that you are a few years older than me, but there are some things that you haven’t experienced before, so don’t be embarrassed and pretend to be someone who has experienced it.”

Liu Wei frowned and said, "I've been here before, right?"

Ning Wei sneered and said, "How could you be someone who has been here before? Brother Liu, did you say that women will only affect your hand speed as a man! Singles are singles, so why explain so much?"

Liu Wei turned his head, looked at Ning Wei, and said, "So what are you talking about? If I remember correctly, what you just said was that you completed your graduation thesis in the study yesterday?"

Hearing this, Ning Wei felt something was wrong, so he nodded and said, "Well... so..."

Liu Wei replied doubtfully: "So of course I am talking about graduation thesis. What I mean is that if you write too many papers and send too many papers, it will be boring, isn't it right? We also had to write papers when we graduated, and there were more than one. Articles, such as designing the layout of security monitoring, methods to deal with unexpected security situations, etc., and I am a few years older than you, is it wrong to say that I am someone who has experienced it? Besides, what does this have to do with women? "

Ning Wei was speechless for a moment. Subconsciously, he seemed to think that Liu Wei was omnipotent, and nothing could escape his eyes. But it seemed that this guy was just a mortal. Of course, the most important thing was the "boring" one. led him astray.

"Brother Liu..."


"If you keep chatting like this in the future, you will lose me as a good friend."

"Haha, so you are only allowed to perform Versailles in front of others, and no one is allowed to perform Versailles in front of you, right?"

"Those who know me, Brother Liu! Ever since I was shown off by Senior Brother Lu, I have secretly sworn in my heart that no one can do Versailles in front of me in the future! No one can do it in any aspect! I have also been in court Keep moving forward with courage towards this goal!”

It was indeed a very strange goal, leaving Liu Wei speechless. After a moment, he held back three words: "Ning Wei, you win!"

The Yanyuan began to echo with the happy and proud laughter of a certain little boy: "Haha..."

However, when Ning Wei had laughed enough, Liu Wei said again: "Then you have to start controlling yourself now, otherwise in a few years, at least in one aspect, it may be difficult to live in Versailles in front of others!"


"I have noticed that your walking posture is a bit strange today. Everyone knows the reason. But it cannot be said that your mother has returned to Yancheng and you have completely let yourself go. As you said, there is no right or wrong in desire itself. The only mistake is whether you can control yourself."

"Oh...I understand, Brother Liu, actually when it comes to pretending to be stupid, I'm not as good as you!"


Really, it was only at this time that Liu Wei could feel that Ning Wei was actually a cute and normal Chinese young man.

After arriving at the Mathematics Research Center, Ning Wei returned to the office and sorted out the manuscript of his graduation thesis. Of course, the twenty pages were a joke. It was a completely new direction. There was no way to quote previous papers, especially in the field of artificial intelligence, even if it was just Proposing a new mathematical tool also requires several tedious demonstration processes, plus drawing, so the entire paper only has 32 pages after being streamlined.

In addition to this graduation thesis, Ning Wei has also prepared his thesis for the Top Youth Project and plans to give it to Director Tian together.

In fact, the top youth project can be completed long ago. It doesn’t even need a paper to embellish it. Three months is enough.

Originally, this project was in the direction of artificial intelligence. Now it has been introduced to people all over the world in March. It is submitted to experts for review. There is a high probability that no one will dare to say no. The reason why it has not been submitted for review is that the funds lying in the research center have never been found to be spent.

Really, people generally dislike the lack of research funding, but Ning Wei found that he really couldn't find any place to use the money. You say to go out for exchanges and book air tickets. Now he basically has no qualifications to go out, domestic air tickets count. First class is only a few thousand yuan, and 1.2 million means you have to travel God knows how many times.

But now that he is about to graduate, there is no point in delaying this project. So Ning Wei simply told Liu Wei yesterday that the money for this charter flight should not be a loss for the company. He would directly deduct hundreds of thousands from his R\u0026D funds, then issue him an invoice, and the final report would be handed in. .

As Director Tian said, he has to spend some of this money, otherwise it will be difficult for other top young winners in the field of mathematics to do so in the future. After all, not every research mathematician has a sought-after technology patent that can be monetized like crazy.

After preparing the paper, Ning Wei walked a few steps in the office to make sure that his walking pace was normal and that he would not unconsciously walk out of weird shape. Then he opened the door and went directly to Director Tian's office.

"Director Tian, ​​I have finished writing both of my theses. This is the graduation thesis, and this is the thesis of our top youth. I have left them both to you."

"Oh, let me see."

Tian Yanzhen picked up the paper Ning Wei handed over. What was placed on top was a doctoral thesis, "A Mathematical Tool for Machine Natural Language Processing". He flipped to the last two pages and looked at it. Well, it ended with a quote. If you have read other papers, take a closer look. Good guy, the 206-page paper he quoted was the one he submitted to the STOC conference.

Of course it is okay to cite your own papers. As Ning Wei said, considering that his research is a new direction, it is normal not to cite other people's papers. Who makes him already ahead of an era?

There are only more than thirty pages... This is acceptable. Anyway, it is better to hand it in early, and the thesis defense can be held in April or May, so that the tutor participating in the thesis defense will have enough time to understand the paper.

Tian Yanzhen did not continue to read the graduation thesis in front of Ning Wei, knowing that he would most likely not understand it. There is nothing to say about this, and it is not embarrassing. In fact, he has not done much research on artificial intelligence. The main energy in his life has been spent on research in other mathematical directions. Although they are both mathematics, the research things can be said to be very different.

As for the top young man's thesis, Tian Yanzhen just flipped through it casually, so he didn't need to worry about it. If Ning Wei's graduation thesis defense was just a process, then the top young man's final review might be even simpler than going through the motions. You don’t even need a paper. After all, there have been too many papers these years, and each unit needs to produce real results.

For example, the project approved by Ning Wei for this top-notch youth is artificial intelligence. China has not to mention 100,000 papers on artificial intelligence, but there must be 70,000 to 80,000, especially in the engineering field, and there are artificial intelligence management power grid layouts. , there are ideas about artificial intelligence, and about intelligent algorithms, but there are really not many that actually make practical things. Therefore, the paper is just an embellishment. During the review, I called March out and chatted with the experts who were the reviewers, and it basically passed.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work. I finished my graduation thesis in just a few days." Tian Yanzhen sighed, probably thinking of the days when he was studying for a Ph.D. and working hard on the thesis without a break.

"It's not hard work. In fact, I still have papers related to extended propositions on hand, but I have deleted them." Ning Wei answered quite contentedly.

Tian Yanzhen nodded and said: "Well, it's okay if it's not hard. You will be busy in the next period of time. In addition to your own research direction, you will officially start to think about problems from the perspective of a professor. Next year, you will be more busy. The college plans to open a class on artificial intelligence mathematics theory, and you are the one who has studied this field the most in the world. During this time, you must first study the curriculum of this class."

"For example, if you want to consider that if students want to understand your theory, they first need to learn mathematics courses, such as line generation, vectors, isomorphisms, etc., and list a course arrangement. That is, which courses are offered in the freshman year? Which courses should be taken from sophomore year to senior year? Which elective courses are more helpful for studying this direction? These must be taken into consideration and then listed to me."

"The other thing is that the teaching materials for this class have been compiled. For the artificial intelligence number theory class that you teach, you have to compile into a complete teaching material what you think these children need to learn in their undergraduate studies. I know that the workload is a bit heavy, but you are a theoretical person. The founder, so you can only do the bulk of the work. I will find a few teachers who are proficient in teaching to help you."

"You have to pay attention to the compilation of this textbook. You have to have a good grasp of the difficulty. You have to have clear teaching objectives. You have to think clearly about what level the children at the undergraduate level need to learn, and then make an outline first. Don't draw up the outline exactly according to Your understanding should be from the shallower to the deeper, in line with ordinary people's learning habits. In particular, don't overestimate students' understanding and learning abilities, especially don't measure others by your standards. Let's put it this way, this After teaching the course, you must at least ensure that 80% of the students in a class can understand it. Do you understand?"

Ning Wei was stunned for a moment. He was mentally prepared for graduating with a Ph.D., but he was unprepared for a new task so soon.

What does this mean?

Open a base class just for him? This is probably similar to the Yao Class and Zhi Class in Huaqing? He also needs to participate in the entire course arrangement and compile teaching materials for his own class?

Sure enough, being a student is the most relaxing thing! Graduation is a big trap! The contract signed that day was even bigger!

He is still young, why should he bear this?

Even if Mr. Yao started the Yao Class and the Intelligent Class, it would be after he turned fifty, right? And he is only twenty-five years old!

So Ning Wei said frankly: "Well, Director Tian, ​​you seemed to have said that it was very hard for me before, right? In fact, I said it was not hard just to be polite to you. I have been very busy recently. You don't know, we The China Artificial Intelligence Frontier Research Center still needs me!"

Tian Yanzhen looked at Ning Wei and smiled: "Okay, who is not busy? Don't worry, the burden will not fall entirely on you. There will be a team to help you, including your senior brother Lu. Anyway, he is also studying you now Theoretical, this artificial intelligence number theory class will be called Ning class from now on! Don’t be afraid of hardship when you are young. Think about it, this class is established, and the first batch of graduates will be trained four years later, which can help you save money. How much time does it take? In ten years, we will have six batches of graduates? Then you won’t need to teach in person, right?"

"That's Yanbei University. If you look at any other school in the country that can recruit better students for you? As for after these children are trained, can you keep them to help you continue to promote theoretical research? It depends on your charm. But no matter what choice our students make, at least someone will inherit the knowledge theory you created. Maybe in a few years, these students can take the theory one step further based on your research."

"To give you a thorough explanation, we will select the best from the best when recruiting students for this Ning class. At that time, you will participate in the written test and the final interview. Only after you are sure that these children have enough talent will they be eligible to enter this class. Our goal is to make this class the strongest special class of its kind in the world. Comparing well-known schools like Princeton, MIT, and Berkeley, do you understand?"

Director Tian said this, and Ning Wei already understood that no matter how much he refused, it would be of no use.

But then again, teaching and educating people as a professor in school seems to be the most basic obligation. Ning Wei simply felt that everything happened a little too suddenly. In fact, someone wanted to produce a textbook for him back then. It was a pity that he had offended everyone, otherwise the textbook could have been used directly.

Now these things have fallen on him.

"Then... okay! But I know nothing about teaching. If this Ning class fails, you can't blame me." Ning Wei, who knew he could not escape this disaster, simply accepted it.

Tian Yanzhen smiled indifferently and said: "Haha, you underestimate Yan Da. Although I asked you not to underestimate the learning ability of those children, you can't underestimate them too much. Let alone anyone else. I don’t expect you to be able to support this Ning class by yourself. Our School of Mathematics not only has professors with strong research capabilities, but also more lecturers with rich teaching experience. We have experienced experts to help you with the compilation of textbooks, not to mention And you, Senior Brother Lu, are here to give you some pointers. Even if this Ning Ban fails to achieve the expected results in the first two sessions, it is impossible to fail!"

"Oh!" Ning Wei nodded. He couldn't even doubt that Tian Yan was really confident. Just as Tian Yanzhen said, this is Yanbei University. It has China's first-class teachers and the best students in China. The error tolerance rate is extremely high, not to mention that the school definitely has its own error correction mechanism, so Ningban will at best fall short of expectations and it is almost impossible to fail.

Or it can be said that with the help of so many teaching talents, let alone letting a talented young man with little teaching experience take the lead in running a class, even if you let a pig run the class, the quality of the graduates of this class can be guaranteed in the end. , at best, the effect is not up to expectations, and it cannot be compared with the influence of top foreign universities as Tian Yanzhen expected. But Tian Yanzhen probably never had to worry about ensuring first-class influence in the country, let alone Ning Wei.

"Then I'll leave first, Director Tian."

"Okay, you go ahead. You must be at ease with this matter. Especially in the past two months, a preliminary report must be made. In two days, all the mentors who will assist you will be in place, and a meeting will be organized at that time. You meet everyone."

"Okay! Director Tian!" Ning Wei walked out of Tian Yanzhen's office and felt that a heavy burden suddenly fell on him. It was quite inexplicable that he had to teach and educate people.

Although Ning Wei really thought about his name appearing in the textbooks and making countless students gnash their teeth when they opened the textbooks, he really never thought about standing on the podium and directly facing these gnashing students... …

The only advantage is probably what Director Tian said, after these students are taught, and talented people can replace them in the classroom, they can be liberated. Knowledge needs to be passed on, and only in the process of passing on can it continue to flourish.

After walking out of the building where Tian Yanzhen's office was located, Ning Wei felt better again. In fact, it's quite good. Now that Senior Brother Lu has become his assistant, it means that he will most likely participate in Ningban's teaching work. It can also be understood that he will work under his leadership in the future. From senior brother to assistant, I don't know if senior brother Lu can accept this change calmly.

But Ning Wei thinks it is definitely possible. Senior Brother Lu, who is devoted to studying knowledge, will most likely not care about this. At most, he will be a little depressed.

And although this period of time may definitely be very busy, as long as the plan is set, the courses scheduled for himself will probably be scheduled until his junior year. In other words, even if this class is established in September this year, he will teach for two years. After that, I actually had plenty of time to compile teaching materials.

Of course, when Ning Wei was looking for a little happiness in the midst of depression, he had no idea that Tian Yanzhen was also proud in the office.

"Haha...Young man, you are about to graduate and you are still thinking about doing things these two months?! I want to see if you still have the energy to do things because you are so busy!"

If he heard Tian Yanzhen talking to himself, Ning Wei would probably understand that everything does not exist independently. Maybe if he had signed the appointment letter before and didn't say a word, maybe he wouldn't be so anxious to mention this matter. On the schedule, it can be seen how much the mentor recognizes Ning Wei's ability to get things done, and how persistent he is in not wanting to take the blame again.

But naturally Tian Yanzhen would not mention these little thoughts to Ning Wei.

Not long after returning to the office, Ning Wei had already assumed the role of a teacher, thinking about how to arrange scientific courses for the future students of Ning's class. In fact, it is not difficult to simply arrange courses. In fact, Ningwei already knows which mathematical tools his theory involves and which mathematical subjects need to be studied to understand those concepts.

The difficult thing is actually how to do it step by step. For this reason, Ning Wei went online to check the course schedule of the School of Mathematics at Yanbei University, and then secretly clicked his tongue. I have to admit that the content of his undergraduate studies is almost completely different from what he studied at Jiangnan University. From this, it can be seen that Yanbei Institute of Mathematics is indeed extremely terrifying!

Since Ningban wants to select the best among the best, it must not be less difficult than the courses in the School of Mathematics, and it must have the reputation of Ningban. Thinking of this, Ning Wei went to the official website of the School of Computer Science at the opposite school to study the differences between the Yao class and Zhi class curriculum and the ordinary class.

Just when I was immersed in how to make Ning Ban's courses frightening when people heard about them, there was a knock on the office door.

"Please come in... Hey, Brother Liu, what's the matter?"

"Don't you want a detailed survey map of the surrounding areas of Luopu County? I'll send it to you." Liu Weiyan said concisely and handed Ning Wei a USB flash drive.

"So fast?" Ning Wei felt a little surprised: "Are you all supermen?"

"The current survey is definitely not that fast. We happened to find the survey map from two years ago. The geology has not changed much in two years. Luopu County is not an area of ​​plate activity, so it can be used directly." Liu Wei explained. .

"Oh..." Ning Wei nodded suddenly. Indeed, two years is not a long time, so the problem is not big.

"But one thing is that although the coordinates on the map have been encrypted, the data of these survey maps are very real and are still confidential documents and cannot be leaked casually. Especially they cannot appear on the Internet." Liu Wei emphasized extremely seriously .

"Don't worry, Brother Liu, I understand! This map is for the production project, and I guarantee it will not be leaked." Ning Wei nodded immediately and said.

"That's fine, I'm leaving."

"Don't you need to take back this USB flash drive?"

"If you want to copy it to the server, the USB disk will be left to you. If I don't have absolute trust in you, this picture will not be given to you." Liu Wei waved his hand.

How should I put it? Ning Wei really liked hearing these words and immediately replied: "Brother Liu, we are good friends again!"

Liu Wei, who was about to leave, paused, turned his head and looked at Ning Wei, and for a moment he didn't know how to respond.

After Liu Wei left, Ning Wei put down his study of the curriculum and began to carefully study the drawings in the USB flash drive. Speaking of a drawing, in fact, the USB flash drive contains a set of drawings. The drawings are marked in great detail, including the altitude of each location. You can see the sweat that the surveyors put in to draw these drawings.

After sighing, Ning Wei directly uploaded the drawings to March's backend, and by the way, raised the security level of the drawings to the highest level, and then summoned March.

"In March, I sent you some drawings from the background to find a suitable area to build a future city. Can you understand this description? I know you understand. I didn't hide it from you when I chatted with your mother. .”


"If you understand, plan it carefully. Remember to plan beautifully. I also need to use your drawings to tell stories."


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