Tech Hammer

Chapter 314 Little People

In the huge office, Tian Yanzhen began to lose his focus, or rather, Ning Wei's careless words made him lose his focus for a moment.

Well, he could see that Ning Wei was really not interested in winning such an international award. Tian Yanzhen had seen many young people in his life, and he could easily tell whether some words were true to his heart.

Obviously, what Ning Wei just said was probably his true thoughts. That kind of contempt from the bottom of his heart is really not something that a young man in his twenties like Ning Wei can pretend. What's even more irritating is that this guy obviously doesn't have any ambition for fame and fortune. He probably just thinks that those people are no longer qualified to judge his achievements, right?

The jury should be very happy to give me this award, right? Or if I am willing to take this award, they should be very happy, right?

Thinking about Ning Wei's inner activities at this time, Tian Yan really felt that the temple at Yanbei University was a bit too small, and could hardly accommodate this great god.

After all, it's not just the people at ACM who are not qualified to comment on Ning Wei's achievements.

This made Tian Yanzhen feel a little unmotivated, especially the call he made to Lao Yao just now made him feel out of place. It made him want to imitate Ning Wei's tone: "Well, I think they should feel honored to come. By the way, they also left me a phone number over there. Out of politeness, you might as well reply to someone else later. If I don’t want to make a phone call, just reply to the email.”

"If it's out of politeness... Well, then you'd better give me your phone number. I can stop by on my way back to the office later. If you want to send another email, it will be a waste of time. This kind of email is not reliable. Let March reply, how should I put it, its understanding of politeness seems to be a little different from what we imagined. When communicating with it in words, it often goes off topic, and it is still a bit stupid."

After saying that, Ning Wei smacked his lips, as if he had gone too far...

"Okay, I'll send the phone number left over there to your WeChat, and you'll get back to me later. In fact, calling you here is not just about winning awards. Our Ningban class here has decided to do it, and the school is interested in it. They also attach great importance to the selection of Ci Ning class, and the admissions office is also under a lot of pressure. They have to grab good students. They also told me to see if they can let you cooperate with them to shoot a few promotional videos, small interviews, etc. For enrollment purposes.”

After finishing speaking, he paused and then explained: "I know you are busy, but this matter must be done by you. You are very popular among young people, especially many children who regard you as a role model. What can you say that they should do?" You can listen, so you should be fine with this, right?"

Ning Wei nodded and said, "That's no problem, as long as you don't need to prepare for a long speech."

A smile appeared on Tian Yanzhen's face: "You don't need to prepare anything, just some words of encouragement and care for your future juniors or your future students. Say more nice words to let those outstanding seedlings Just come to us if you want.”

After hearing this, Ning Wei became even more relaxed and responded: "Okay, Director Tian, ​​you can just ask the teacher at the admissions office to contact me later. Let's not talk about the Ning class but not the Ning class. After all, this is a meritorious deed." If those children choose the school next door, half of their lives will be ruined. If they choose to go abroad to study mathematics and artificial intelligence, their lives will be completely ruined, so this promotion should indeed be done."

Tian Yan really liked hearing this.

"Okay, I'll let you know later. There's another thing. I recently redefined a new topic direction. Come and see if you are interested. If you are also interested, do your artificial intelligence number theory. When you are tired of research, you can also choose this proposition to change your mind."

After speaking, Tian Yanzhen handed the proposal report he compiled to Ning Wei.

Well, Ning Wei felt that he still needed to read the topic studied by his tutor, but he read the report very quickly. He probably understood Tian Yanzhen's new research direction at a glance.

Coincidentally, Ning Wei is indeed somewhat interested in this topic. I really don’t want to flatter Tian Yan. In fact, with his current status, Ning Wei really doesn’t need to flatter anyone. But in fact, the research on infinite-dimensional manifolds is actually related to artificial intelligence.

The popularity of infinite dimensions, infinite dimensional Lie algebras, infinite dimensional function spaces and operator spaces...these are all extremely imaginative contents.

In fact, everything contained in nature needs to be solved using the concept of infinite dimensions, which of course includes the field of artificial intelligence. An infinite-dimensional mathematical structure, if viewed solely from the perspective of the generators of the structure and the relationships between them, is very complex, and it is difficult to have any mathematical intuition. However, if this infinite-dimensional mathematical structure describes an infinite-dimensional freedom Physical system of degree, this is very interesting.

So after reading the proposal report, Ning Wei said without hesitation: "Okay, Director Tian, ​​I'll accept this topic, but I think we need to find a more detailed research direction. I'll think about it later." , let’s talk again.”

"Haha, okay, as long as you say so, I will consider it. You go and do your work." Tian Yanzhen said with a smile.

The mood is very good. At his current position, he has actually lost interest in whether he can still win awards. Even if he has not, with a student like Ning Wei, he is too lazy to show his appreciation for some foreign certification awards. Have an attitude of expecting too much.

But he is still looking forward to making groundbreaking research results before he retires.

Being able to see more of the mysteries of mathematics is inherently enjoyable, isn't it?

After walking out of the office, Ning Wei followed Tian Yanzhen's instructions and called back.

There is no way, China is a country with ancient civilization, and the most basic courtesy is still required. People gave him the award, no matter whether they care or not, saying thank you will not lose a piece of meat. In fact, the most important thing is that Ning Wei is not too short of money now and can afford international phone calls.

If he went back to when he was still at Jiang University, he would most likely not have made this call. If he had to make it, it would have been through his instructor's phone number. The saying that the economic base determines the superstructure is truly a truth that applies everywhere.

When you have a lot of money, you can look at the small money with a detached attitude. Of course, the small money here refers to not only the transoceanic call charges, but also the Turing Award bonus. This is also the basis for being strong. This is just like when a man covets someone else's body, he often licks her like a holy warrior to live and die for the goddess, dedicating everything to the goddess without realizing that he has lost all principles and has become a licking dog.

Having a picture will make you soft, but having no desire will make you strong.

So Ning Wei's ability to be so tough is largely due to the magic of money. In fact, Ning Wei thinks that with his current mentality, he can probably say in front of the camera, I don't like money and have no interest in money at all, but he won't say it, because the irony is that daring to say this is based on his Now I am already very rich, so it is boring.

What's even more annoying is that he could have chosen not to be so rich...

If I had known earlier that he basically has nothing to spend money on now, for example, the villa he lives in is provided as a gift, and if he needs a car for travel, there is always a special car to pick him up, and he can also switch models according to the number of people he picks up and the things he has to deal with; when traveling far away There was also a special plane transfer, and he was not asked for money. Even when he went out to treat guests to a meal, Liu Wei silently paid the bill in the end, which made the money lying in his bank card meaningless...

No, it still means everything. For example, March can now be used to play games.

The phone was answered after three rings. This was probably a form of self-discipline, so as not to keep the caller waiting for too long and not to appear too urgent.

"Hello, I'm Ning Wei." Before the other party asked, Ning Wei introduced himself.

"Oh, hello, Dr. Ning, I am the chairman of the ACM committee, you can call me Qimi."

"Hello, Kimi."

"Okay, Ning, I believe you already know the news about the award. Congratulations, you have become the winner of this Turing Award!"

The passionate tone was converted into a signal and then restored into a voice and passed into Ning Wei's ears. Then the chairman of the ACM Association heard Ning Wei's response the next moment.


The very flat and calm voice made Qimi feel confused for a moment, not knowing how to continue the conversation.

The mood on the other side was really too dull, as if he was not winning the Turing Award. It was not even as exciting as Auntie’s supermarket shopping, winning a third prize, and being able to get a free tube of toothpaste from an unknown brand. .

Fortunately, he seemed to realize that this reaction might be impolite, so he spoke again: "Actually, what the instructor meant was that I would like to give you a call and thank you, and then I will add your number to my address book. This will count as multiple friends." , but I believe that if you were in my position at this time, you would also feel that this is really nothing to be excited about."

"It's not that I look down on the Turing Award, but you know, Mickey, if I were just a simple scientist, I would be very happy and excited, and feel that I have been recognized by the world. Maybe I will invite you in the evening Everyone has a meal. But from the perspective of the initiator of the March Award, I am actually not happy about winning this award. After all, the March Award actually includes computers, which are competitive products. From the perspective of a business environment, We are now friendly businessmen.”

"Friends and merchants are natural enemies. You won't object to this, right? Nowadays, all kinds of negative news exposed by various brands on the Internet, I won't say all, at least 80% are from friends and merchants. A masterpiece. Really, I didn’t know anything about this before. I just thought it was because it was more convenient for people to obtain information online, and a lot of information was fermented naturally.”

"But since I cooperated with some companies in the business field and gained some knowledge about communication, I realized that even on the Internet, it is difficult for something to have a certain amount of communication without a driving force behind it. Of course, I do not rule out accidental explosions, but the number of such accidental explosions is very small, and most of them are artificial explosions. Spending money to attract traffic and hype negative news about opponents is just a routine operation for everyone. Especially This is a compulsory course for those friends and merchants who have fierce competition with competing products.”

"So originally, I was already prepared not to win the Turing Award this year. I was also prepared to wait until the Turing Award was officially announced and try to hype up the topic that the father of strong artificial intelligence missed the Turing Award. , if the effect explodes, it will be a profit for the March Award. After all, credibility is a thing. Every little less means less people can be affected. There is a process until no one cares about it in the end. "

"But now that you have awarded the award to me, all your plans have come to nothing, so you can't expect me to be very happy. Are you right? Of course, it's not disappointing, it's just that there is one less explosive point for communication. It’s a bit of a pity.”

Qimi listened carefully, his thoughts a little wandering. In fact, the Turing Award was eventually awarded to Ning Hechang for similar reasons.

Just saying it so honestly...

Of course, the most important thing is that the other party seems to have said his name wrong...

After pondering for a moment, Qimi said: "Well, my name is Qimi, not Mickey..."

"Oh, sorry, slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue..."

"It doesn't matter, but, Ning, actually science has no national boundaries..."

"No, no, no, I have to correct you on this point, Mickey. I thought so before, but then I discovered that science not only has national boundaries, but also has clear barriers and clear prices. The so-called science without borders is just a suggestion by some scientists. It’s just a romantic slogan. We all know that slogans are meaningless. For example, we hope to share their research results with some companies. Do you know how difficult it is?”

"The layers of patent barriers don't represent science? Does science have national boundaries? It just depends on whose hands the science is in. You see, before I developed the turbulence algorithm, if I had gone to Ericsson's Mr. Ledon He said, science knows no borders, share your 5G patents with us. What do you think he would answer me? He didn’t even bother to tell me the word “Go”. Ask a psychiatrist to see if you are crazy."

"But after we had the turbulence algorithm, I told him that science has no borders, share your patents with us, and we will create a future together. Mr. Letun not only looked at me seriously, but also flew from Switzerland to China. Come hold my hand and shout slogans after me, yes, science should have no borders! I have made you a friend, and we will share these scientific achievements in the future!"

"For another example, before our artificial intelligence and three-dimensional silicon tube chip manufacturing technology were invented in March, I told Tim Cook, big brother, science knows no borders, bring out your technology and let's cooperate. I will be invincible in the future, do you think he will ignore me? If you think the above example is too commercial, then the simplest thing is, since science knows no borders, do you dare to share your latest research results directly with our intelligent platform? ? I will provide you with a port here. If you dare to connect, I respect you as a man who is not duplicitous!"

Qimi once again felt speechless. He felt that Ning Wei's words were hostile, but he didn't know where the hostility came from. He felt that Ning Wei was confusing science with technology patents, but he didn't The law completely separates science and technology patents.

After all, the concept of science is very broad. It cannot be said that only theoretical research belongs to science. Other technological advancements, the microstructures on the chips do not belong to science, and those carefully stored mushroom eggs do not belong to science...

Why did the conversation turn into this?

What was originally thought to be a simple phone call to build a relationship turned into a debate venue. What was even more annoying was that he didn't know whether the person on the other end kept calling him by the wrong name deliberately or because of a slip of the tongue.

However, before he could speak, the other person spoke again...

"For example, before selecting a winner, you always inform the winner of the process in advance. What kind of response do you expect? The winner is grateful and feels that it is an honor to be selected? Should he be excited to receive your recognition? Because your choice represents scientific justice? Or is your will correct? Of course, the most important thing is, why should you be the judge who judges scientists for promoting human progress?"

"Actually, these are the things I am not convinced about. To be honest, I am a true egalitarian. I think your judging mechanism is not reasonable enough. For example, how many third-world computer scientists are there on the judging panel? How many Chinese are there? ? How many Americans are there? How many professors are doing independent research? How many scientists are receiving investment from investors? Do you have a specific, quantifiable model or benchmark standard for your evaluation to determine the nominee’s contribution to the progress of world computer science? Contribution ranking? Let all the unsuccessful nominees have nothing to say?”

"I believe there is not, because if there were, it would have been announced on the official website. The so-called selection is nothing more than putting the candidates at one or several meetings, and those who you think are qualified will discuss who has made greater contributions. Some. Of course, not just the Turing Award, everyone does this. So who can win and who cannot win, in addition to the respective contributions of these scientists, also depends on the conscience and subjective consciousness of the judges."

"But do I need your recognition? Or do I need some people who are destined to be less successful than me to recognize all the results I have achieved? Or maybe they even give me recognition because of their grievances? According to normal development, it shouldn't be Did you invite me to be a judge to determine whether other people's research results are acceptable to me? This is the most appropriate expression of scientific evaluation."

"Really, it's not that I'm crazy, or that I'm too proud. I didn't have the qualifications to judge before, but unfortunately, I do now. So I just said these words casually, and there is something offensive about them. Don’t take it personally. It’s not worth it to be so angry. Of course, if you are angry and plan to change the candidate for this year’s Turing Award, I don’t mind too much. Really, you can choose other candidates, and I won’t let it happen. And I feel depressed.”

Ning Wei said in one breath, and the other person was silent for a moment without making any comments on the above remarks. When he spoke again, he began to narrate like a robot: "Actually, with this call, I hope to invite you to attend the ACM conference in San Francisco in June this year. Moreover, this year's Turing Award Ceremony will be held during the ACM conference. In fact, we are also preparing to officially include you as a professional member of ACM on that day. We also have multiple special interest groups that are looking forward to your joining. We also believe that you can Bringing a lot of different things to these interest groups.”

This response made Ning Wei laugh and said: "Haha, Qimi, you are such an interesting person. But do you think I dare to go to San Francisco to attend the conference you organized after complaining to you so much? You think so highly of me Be brave, I am the king of strong words. I am very powerful with my words, but my hands-on ability is very weak. So I am afraid of being beaten when I go face to face to cause trouble. By the way, according to tradition, the Wolf Prize Award Ceremony is held in Israel. It was held in the Capitol Building. Guess why you chose the Centenary Auditorium of Yanbei University in the end? Is it because I am timid? If your ACM conference can be held in China, I will definitely participate, even if it is outside the country. That’s it, I We've arrived at the office door. Goodbye. Hang up..."

After saying that, Ning Wei pressed the hang-up button the moment he opened the door.

Just after walking in the door, he found that Liu Wei, who was silently following him, did not go to his lounge as usual. He couldn't help but asked curiously: "Brother Liu, are you planning to talk to me too?"

"No, I just want to advise you. Sometimes, don't speak so clearly. If you live so straightforwardly, it will make people around you feel tired, such as me. I have been thinking recently about whether I should make more arrangements for a report. Gathering people."

These words made Ning Wei carefully reflect on what he just said, then he raised his head and said: "Brother Liu, you can't really blame me. After all, this is probably one of the few fun I have now. If I can become famous at a young age and not be arrogant, How terrible is your character? Not to mention that before I became famous, I was just an unknown person. I really couldn’t do the kind of thing where I could show a gentleman’s smile even though we were obviously uncomfortable looking at each other.”

"More importantly, Brother Liu, if you compare yourself with others, you really don't think that I am the kind of employer who simply doesn't want to be more perfect. For example, if you are protecting another scientist with similar achievements to me, he was notified today that he will be taken away from me. Turing Award, and then very happily agreed to go to San Francisco to attend the ACM conference. By the way, I also carefully prepared to speak at the award ceremony, and I was very sure and sure to attend this conference. If I was not allowed to go, I would choose to be autistic. , will you feel more headache if you encounter this kind of situation?"

Liu Wei was stunned for a moment, and then found that he was speechless.

"So, Brother Liu, as the saying goes, there are gains and losses, so don't be too picky. Besides, I can throw off the burden of being an idol and express my inner feelings without any scruples. Why are you still struggling? Right, Brother Liu? As long as you keep reminding yourself that I, Ningwei, am just a little person who speaks freely, will you be able to take it all for granted?"

Liu Wei nodded subconsciously, but soon felt that something was wrong...


A no-nonsense person?

Setting such a persona for yourself is like having an invincible golden body...

Ha...little people!

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