Tech Hammer

Chapter 315 The Horn of Yanbei University

Ning Wei, who positioned himself as a small person, guarded his three-acre piece of land honestly and did the work he thought he should do. But when the ACM official website released the news that he had won the Turing Award, many people still felt excited.

No matter that Ning Wei didn’t take the Turing Award seriously, it caused a wave of carnival when it was posted on the Internet. After all, the Turing Award is still very prestigious. It is also the top international scientific award. If it is compared, it can probably be regarded as an award as famous as the Nobel Prize.

In particular, computers have developed into an industrial chain that is closely related to everyone in this era, which is naturally worthy of a special mention. For example, the three most well-known portals in China put this news on the front page at the same time. Many official media began to reprint the news one after another. Internet influencers, regardless of whether they were related to science popularization or not, also began to explain it to the public. The origin of the Turing Award starts from Turing the person, then to the Turing machine, then to the Turing test, and finally how rare it is for Chinese scientists to win this award...

Even the China People's Daily Online made a statement through its official Weibo.

"Congratulations to China's outstanding young scientists @Professor Ning Wei of Yanbei University for winning the Turing Award after winning the Wolf Prize. I hope that all young scientists in China can follow Ning Wei as an example and strive for China to more honors."

This is probably the official classification of Ning Wei as an outstanding young scientist in China.

Just when this issue was the most hyped on the Internet, the Admissions Office sent a large team to record a video for Ning Wei.

You have to strike while the iron is hot. For example, when Ning Wei was at Jiang University, he was on the hot search several times because of his academics, and Jiang University was also popular. Even if Ningwei is on the hot search every time because it is not the admissions season, the conversion rate of the popularity is not enough, but it has also made Jiangsu University's score line "swoosh" rise in the past two years.

The admission score is now 25 points higher than that of another school in Jiangcheng that has been competing with Jiang University. You must know that the score difference between the two schools never exceeded two digits two years ago. In particular, the scores of the School of Mathematics and Statistics of Jiangsu University have begun to catch up with those of Hua Science and Technology University and Ming Dynasty Jiaotong University. Of course, this is also appropriate, because before Ning Wei was discovered, the evaluation of the School of Mathematics of Jiangsu University was A-, and now it has been upgraded to A.

This is just for undergraduates. Now the scores for postgraduate entrance examinations in Jiangsu University's School of Mathematics have begun to rise, because it is said that Jiangnan University's papers are now more valued when submitted to some international journals. Anyone who actually does projects and research knows that although many times the number of papers published does not represent the level, in many cases when it comes to evaluating professional titles and excellence, the number of papers published and where they are published are all evaluation criteria.

So it actually took more than a day or two for the admissions office to target Ning Wei. Last year, I thought about whether to let Ning Weilai make a few videos to promote the admissions of Yanbei University. But when he arrived at Tian Yanzhen's place, he was declined.

Of course Tian Yanzhen did it for the sake of Ning Wei, not just because he was afraid of delaying Ning Wei's study and research time, but mainly because Ning Wei had always felt that Tian Yanzhen was not good at talking, and at that time Ning Wei was just As he was emerging, he was afraid that Ning Wei would unconsciously say something shocking in front of the camera, which would offend others and affect Ning Wei's future development.

But it doesn't matter now.

Ning Wei's mouth started to soften, and he didn't like to offend people anymore. But now the situation has changed. From last year to this year, Ning Wei won the Chen Shengshen Award at home, the Wolf Award and the Turing Award abroad. The most important thing is to develop a strong artificial intelligence platform like March. We have also developed three-dimensional silicon silicon tube chip technology, so Ningwei’s status is now different.

In other words, my status is different, and I am no longer afraid of offending others when I speak freely. It is not an exaggeration to say that in the eyes of a big boss like Tian Yanzhen, as long as he, a student, does not touch a field that a scholar should not touch, he can be escorted while walking on the street. As for offending some people, , that’s not a big deal, so it can be released.

If Tian Yanzhen knew how Ning Wei positioned himself, he would probably feel more at ease. It would be great if you have the self-awareness of being a little person. It's just such a little person who can scare people to death if he talks about it.

Of course, for the team sent by the Admissions Office, no one regarded Ning Wei as a nobody.

The time was scheduled one day in advance, and the team arrived at the research center an hour in advance to arrange the location for the video shooting. Of course, the team consists mostly of students. There is a teacher from the Admissions Office leading the team. The plan to record the video has been discussed in advance. I also sent a message to Ning Wei before coming here.

Ning Wei didn't have any airs about his juniors and juniors. When the time came, he followed the previous plan and sent the cameraman to the office to shoot a video clip of his usual work with the juniors who were doing the interview today. He also specially asked The camera captured the topic he was researching, the problem of mathematical structure of infinite dimensional fluids...

Of course, to ordinary people, those ghostly symbols and numbers may only make people feel confused, but that's enough.

Then I filmed some videos of Ning Wei's daily life, focusing on the final content about Ning Wei's enrollment. Of course, the most important part is to record some of Ning Wei's words through simple conversations.

"Professor Ning, do you have anything to say to our future freshmen regarding the new Ning class this year?"

"Oh, this is true. We only recruit the best students in Ningban. Why do we say they are the best? Because in the future, the students in Ningban will teach those students who graduated from Huaqing Yao Class and Zhi Class, as well as those from MIT How should students studying artificial intelligence or even computer science at universities such as Berkeley, Princeton, and Harvard do their jobs. So for students who are not the best and want to work in this industry, you should choose to apply for other schools."

"In addition, everyone knows that I should be qualified as a tutor next semester and be able to teach graduate students and doctoral students. Let's put it this way, in the future my graduate students and doctoral students will focus on selecting from the Ning class, so I won't have any influence on other schools. Prejudice, because there are several courses in Ningban that other schools do not have in the future. For example, the artificial intelligence theory course led by me."

"By the way, Professor Ning, congratulations on winning this year's Turing Award. As a Turing Award winner, do you have anything else to say to the future students of our Ning class?"

"Let's put it this way, if you study hard in Ningban and just want to win a Turing Award, Fields Award or Wolf Award in the future, then I think it is unqualified. Because when they graduate, I hope they Their ambition is to become the founders of new theories and create new awards in their names to replace the awards that were once recognized by scientists across the ocean."

"Young people must first dare to think. There has always been a saying from the outside world that the School of Mathematics at Yanbei University is the first of the four lunatic asylums at Yanbei University. In the future, our Ningban will make the lunatics in the lunatic asylum shy away from it. If you don’t even have such ambitions and pride, let me tell you directly, you will definitely not be able to persist in Ningban in the future, and you should consider going to the other side or going abroad. After all, you will not be able to achieve much in this life."

"Ah...Professor Ning, it seems that you really have high hopes for Ning Ban. Then if you enter Ning Ban, you will really be a winner in life?"

"Well, you can say that. In addition, students who can successfully enter Ningban do not need to consider anything other than their own interests. Not only that, I will personally spend a sum of money as a special gift for Ningban. The scholarship is currently planned to be awarded to Ningban students in the first three periods. We will decide whether to retain it in the future based on the results. This scholarship can be obtained as long as you can ensure that you stay in Ningban and will not be diverted, that is to say, as long as you can achieve the minimum score of Ningban Ask for it and you’ll get it.”

"The preliminary plan is to divide it into three levels. The first level is for the top ten students in the class, who will receive a reward of 100,000 yuan after the results are released at the end of the semester; the second level, from eleventh to twenty-fifth, will be awarded each semester. 80,000 yuan reward; the third level, 50,000 yuan reward per semester after the 26th place. In other words, if Ningban can remain in the top ten, it will receive a total of 800,000 yuan scholarship in four years. And The Ningban Special Scholarship does not conflict with other scholarships in the school."

"In addition, outstanding Ningban students have the opportunity to work and study in our core artificial intelligence laboratory during the winter and summer vacations. This opportunity is very rare. Let's put it this way, including the teaching assistants who have just joined our team, they are from Harvard University Professor Lucy Rowan from the institute is currently not qualified to observe our laboratory. Even at Berkeley, there is no such opportunity, because everyone knows that strong artificial intelligence technology is currently only mastered by our Chinese cutting-edge artificial intelligence. In the hands of the laboratory. At least currently, no university or research institution in the world has announced technology that can compete with ours."

"Oh my God, Professor Ning, it's such a pity. The conditions you mentioned make me want to study in the Ning class. So how many people do you plan to recruit in the first phase of the Ning class?"

"We expect to recruit 40 people, and there will be five floating places, depending on the number of applicants. Of course, if the 40 people are not recruited, we will not force it. But before that, I still want to tell you that in It is extremely difficult for Ningban to graduate smoothly. Let's put it this way, if twenty of the forty people can graduate successfully in four years, for the professors of Ningban, they have reached the standard. If this number can reach Twenty-five people, that’s a big victory!”

"After all, we are not setting up this class to train ordinary talents. The training goal of Ningban is to make students become great scientists who can truly influence the world and the future. Well, this goal may be a bit vague. Let's put it this way, my goals are four After 2000, Ningban's recognition around the world has reached such a level that even if you only stayed in Ningban for half a year, you will be eliminated. After graduation, as long as you write your experience of studying in Ningban on your resume, those who are before the world will be eliminated. The top 50 technology companies will also compete for that.”

The video shooting went smoothly, and Ning Wei's speech did not disappoint as always, especially the promotion of Ning Ban. This is also full of strong Ningwei style. From the conception of Ningban, it has been separated from all similar special classes in other colleges and universities. In fact, the key proposition is just one: Ning class will be the first class in the future world and will not accept refutation.

If it were a different professor, even if Ningwei's tutor Tian Yanzhen said these words, he would probably attract a lot of criticism and ridicule. After all, this guy is boasting a bit too much and seems to be overestimating his abilities. Because even Tian Yanzhen dare not say that his academic level can be ranked among the top ten in the world for similar research.

But Ning Wei really has no problem at all talking like this in front of the camera. Because he is really qualified to speak to the whole world. No one understands the mathematical theory of strong artificial intelligence better than him. And after he said these words, except for civilian science, there is probably no big boss who is serious about studying artificial intelligence. Dare to jump out and refute. The reason is simple, because science has two most important characteristics, one is predictability and the other is falsifiability.

The easiest way to prove to the public that he is stronger than Ning Wei is to show a program with an intelligence level exceeding three months, or a combination of hardware and software. Before this technology is developed, no matter how many papers are written and no matter how many profound terms are used to display erudition, it will be meaningless to the public.

Of course, civilian science must be excluded here. After all, civilian science mostly lives in their own world. The three words "superpower" can be used to explain how to hatch chicks from hard-boiled eggs. You can omit about a million in the middle. The scientific analysis and demonstration process of words is unrivaled.

But fortunately, these admissions promotion videos shot for Ning Wei have nothing to do with the civil sciences. In fact, it is difficult for civil servants to train students who can catch the eye of Yanbei University’s admissions teachers.

So after getting these valuable admissions promotion videos, the admissions teachers at Yanbei University also began to take their own actions.

At this time, it is less than two months before the new year's college entrance examination, but for a Chinese super university like Yanbei University, the recruitment process has already begun. It can even be said that most of the students who are qualified can study in Ningban. In fact, students no longer need the college entrance examination to test their quality. They are the small group of outstanding students who have fallen into the eyes of the admissions teachers in various provinces very early.

What we need to work hard to conquer now is the small group of outstanding students who have performed extremely well but are still hesitant and have not signed a contract with any institution. This includes not only some competition students, but also students who have shown their talents early.

Make good connections in advance and become familiar with each other. In this way, when the college entrance examination results come out, basically the top ten candidates in the province who have not signed a contract will most likely not be qualified to fill in the application by themselves. The admissions of Yanbei and Huaqing The young brothers and young ladies were all watching closely. Some of them were even taken to the hotel before they even knew their grades. There were dedicated young brothers and sisters who would accompany you to talk about life and ideals. According to your hobbies, Play chess with you, play Werewolf, or even buy you a high-speed rail ticket directly, and be "escorted" to the campus of Yanbei or Huaqing, allowing you to experience the wonderful university campus in advance...

In addition, there are even people who will take you to travel for free during the summer vacation to experience a different life. In short, as long as your academic performance is good enough, the admissions offices of prestigious universities can use tricks that only ordinary people can't think of, and there is nothing that others can't do.

Now that they have Ning Wei's video, the teachers at Yanbei University's admissions office, especially those in charge of science, are more confident.

Really, if Ningwei has already boasted to the camera to the tune of ten times, in private, the old admissions students would definitely not mind praising themselves and belittling another company ten times more.

Chen Diancheng is probably one of them. As the most dazzling graduate of Mingzhu Middle School this year, he is also the child of other people in the eyes of the parents of his classmates. For example, he has already distinguished himself in mathematics competitions since the first grade of junior high school. In the second grade of junior high school, he directly participated in the National Joint High School Mathematics Competition, and was successfully selected into the Chinese Mathematical Olympiad with good results in the top 50.

When he was still preparing for the high school entrance examination in the third grade of junior high school, he had been successfully selected for the national team to start training. At the same time, he began to study college mathematics courses by himself. Although he was not selected by the national team in his third year of junior high school and became one of the six students to represent China in the International Mathematical Olympiad, it was not entirely because he was not good enough. After all, he was still a junior high school student and still had a chance.

In this way, when he was a freshman in high school, both Huaqing University and Yanbei University had already begun to offer him olive branches. For example, if he nodded, he could enter the preparatory class of the Huaqingqiu Old and New Leaders Program and choose to study for a bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree, or choose Yanbei University. Peking University liberal arts program plans to enter the School of Mathematics at Yanbei University.

But the child who studies well is undoubtedly more assertive. He did not choose to sign a contract with two institutions of higher learning. Instead, he chose to figure out the direction he really liked in high school. He did not keep his eyes focused on mathematics, or even stopped studying. He signed up for a mathematics competition and began to set his sights on computers. He spent most of his time studying on his own. He also participated in the Google Global Programming Challenge and successfully won a prize of US$10,000.

I also participated in a domestic Science and Technology Innovation Cup College Student Mathematical Modeling Competition and won the first prize as an individual. What’s even more frightening is that high school students could have had a mentor, but Chen Diancheng just participated alone and won the prize. Programming and papers are all completed independently.

If such a student resume is placed in front of Ning Wei, Ning Wei will probably be convinced. After all, he really wasn't that good when he was in high school.

Chen Diancheng originally set his goal in his senior year of high school to apply directly to MIT. For this reason, he also signed up for MIT Battlecode. If you win the prize in this competition held by MIT, you will get extra points when applying, which can make up for some of his shortcomings in other aspects.

Unfortunately, he fell ill when the competition started, which made this kid from someone else's family begin to wonder if he had no connection with MIT, so he has been hesitant about how to plan his future.

In fact, he also thought about enrolling in Yanbei University or Huaqing University, but he felt a little unwilling to think of wasting two years in this way. After all, he could have graduated with a doctorate at the age of 24...

Of course, he had been targeted by the admissions teachers from Yanbei and Huaqing for more than a day or two. After the admissions teacher in charge of Mingzhu got the video of Ning Wei recruiting students for this year's Ning class, he immediately thought of such a person. So during the self-study class, Chen Diancheng was called by his head teacher to the office to meet with the admissions teacher of Yanbei University.

At first, Chen Diancheng thought it was the same old routine, but what he didn't expect was that this time, Teacher Hou didn't ask him about Yanbei University's sincerity, but directly took out his mobile phone and handed it over: "Classmate Chen, take a look. , this is the message from Professor Ning Wei of Yanbei University to the students of Ningban. If you have no interest in our upcoming Ningban after reading it, I won’t say a word of nonsense."

"Oh?" Chen Diancheng nodded, then took the phone, opened it and saw what Ning Wei said while walking...

"...We only recruit the best students...because our students are there to teach...those students how to work."

"...In the future, if you just want to win a Turing Award, a Fields Award or a Wolf Award, I think it is unqualified..."

In the quiet office, Ning Wei's clear voice reached his ears word by word, seeming to open a door to a new world for him. Fuck...this was so awesome, it really made his blood boil...

As the video came to an end, the admissions teacher's words began to reach his ears...

"I won't go into detail about the standard of Professor Ning's academic research, right? The Chen Shengshen Award at home, the Wolf Award and the Turing Award abroad, these are the icing on the cake for Professor Ning. The most important thing is that I I think you are very suitable for the admission standards of Ningban. At the same time, Ningban also belongs to our Boya strong foundation enrollment plan. As long as you are willing to come, we will arrange for you to go to Ningban for an interview after the college entrance examination."

"Let's put it this way, our Professor Ning is an ambitious person, and he is also a person with the ability to support his ambition. If nothing else, take Huaqing as an example. Look at which professor in Huaqing dares to say this to the camera. So? So if you go, you will be ruined! As for going abroad at this time? Which country’s universities can give you a month to study? What is artificial intelligence? Our Yanbei University’s month is called artificial intelligence, and other universities claim to be artificial intelligence Those who study intelligence are all studying artificial rookies!"

"Really, there are not many chances to be admitted to the Ning class. Professor Ning also said that he only needs 40 people in the first batch. There are more than 30 provinces and municipalities in China. On average, each province can admit less than Two people, I don’t need to say more about how rare this opportunity is, right?”

"Really, this is the only chance. I only have three recommendation places in Ningban. If you are confident enough in yourself and can decide today, we will sign the contract today and I will recommend you. If you I still can't make up my mind today, so I can only give the place I have to others. But let's talk first, my recommendation does not mean that you will definitely be able to study in Ningban. It just gives you a chance to study in Ningban. You should think carefully about whether you want this opportunity."

"Whether you go to Yanbei University to become a master or go to another university and waste your life, you can decide in a matter of seconds."

"Teacher Hou, stop talking, here's the contract, I signed it..."

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