Tech Hammer

Chapter 344 Hard black is the way to go

The power of the Internet is as strong as ever, or apparently getting stronger.

Especially when Ning Wei hasn't posted on Weibo for a long time, and the content of this Weibo that he suddenly posted is quite explosive.

Whether it is using three-dimensional silicon silicon tube technology to develop large-scale micro-integrated circuits such as CPUs, or developing operating systems belonging to China, these are what most people expect to see. What is even more frightening is that Ning Wei also posted on Weibo on Weibo Unspecified public solicitation for expectations for future operating systems.

For netizens outside the industry, this kind of expectation is not bound by any professional thinking. It only needs to be opened to the imagination, and it ignited the enthusiasm of countless people almost instantly.

"I think the future operating system should be like the one in Iron Man's laboratory. It has a three-dimensional operating interface. You can control the size and details at will with simple voice and dialogue. It is not bound by the computer screen at all. That feels cool."

"For Design Dog, I hope that our operating system will be more friendly to us in the future. It is best to have all kinds of software fully compatible and to minimize the occurrence of various garbled characters. If I am irresponsible, It would be better to have an operating system that I talk to about my needs and it can do the work for me. Well, yes, I hope March will be the voice assistant for the new operating system in the future.”

"Future operating system? Can it still be described as an operating system? It must be the simplest way of interaction. Voice and gesture operations are necessary. It is best to understand my mood, and it is best to help me find it myself. All kinds of needed resources, to put it simply, as soon as I lie down on the sofa, whatever I want, my computer will be ready for me."

"As someone who is not a programmer myself, let me make some comments. I hope that our chips and operating systems can be made modular. More specifically, they are microkernels, highly compatible, highly modular, and have unified interfaces, focusing on various personalities. Customized settings. If possible, it can also have its own cutting functions for work, leisure and entertainment. It is best to be able to operate collaboratively across multiple terminals, which Apple has done very well and is worth learning from.”

All of the above are relatively reliable, and there are also some that directly open up your imagination.

"Can Professor Ning design an operating system like the one in The Matrix that can deceive my senses? It's like even if I drink urine, the taste of Lafite from 1982 is still in my mouth. Even if my My girlfriend weighs 196 pounds, but in my eyes she has a more perfect figure than Britney…”

It’s hard to imagine what the person who made such a comment was going through.

"Why should I, the great Chinese, learn from Microsoft? Since it is an operating system oriented to the future, it should be oriented to new scenarios. I will not go into details about what a new scenario is. You should all know it. But I want to make an analogy, for example We can design future personal computers into humanoid shapes, or simulated robots, the kind in "Westworld" that look just like real people. It is best to accept private customization, which will be more convenient and comfortable to use. , and I have more desire to use it. As for the operating system, which is the soul of these future computers, I prefer the kind of docile personality that allows me to get whatever I want. I guarantee that when this thing is built, it will immediately smash the i12 I just bought!"

Okay, this comment is really hard to describe, but there are also very thoughtful comments.

"Let me talk about my thoughts based on the recent artificial intelligence in March. First of all, in the era of strong artificial intelligence, the future operating system must have a certain degree of intelligence, but to meet the expectations of a biological dog like me, I think it should have the following feature."

"First of all, in view of the survival goal of living things, I think intelligent operating systems have a 100% code self-update function, completely abandon their boundaries, and can tolerate everything. How can I put it, it is equivalent to intelligent operating systems already having the motivation to survive, and they will Spontaneously upgrade safety and ease of use for human aesthetics."

"Secondly, support layer-by-layer upgrades in the field of software engineering. Specifically, our operating system can create a self-organized and interconnected ecosystem. The software system can be self-sufficient and does not require human support. The collective of this complex system Wisdom can no longer be limited by human understanding. For example, when the system monitors a vulnerability in itself, it will immediately repair it online and isolate the vulnerability as soon as possible."

"Thirdly, an intelligent operating system should have a hierarchical control structure. The main server has the highest authority, and the downward single control unit is completely separated. Simply put, it is a hierarchical modular distribution. Users can control their own Choose according to your needs. For example, if it is mainly used to play games, you can choose the game part. For equipment used for work, you can choose the module that is most suitable for each job, so as to be the most streamlined at all professional levels..."

Ning Wei's Weibo perfectly explains what it means to have a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people.

Countless opinions on the future operating system have begun to gather in the Weibo comment area. It is no longer just a competition of imagination. Many big guys from different professions have begun to put forward opinions on the future operating system of China's independent operating system based on their own majors. expectations.

Ning Wei posted this Weibo post at 7:03 pm, and by 8 pm, it already had more than 7,000 comments.

Even excluding some meaningless comments or comments that express agreement with other people's ideas, there are more than a thousand comments that express serious opinions. This is definitely an exaggerated number.

From this point, we can probably see that netizens are still looking forward to their own operating system.

Of course, I would rather not read these comments one by one. I can quickly eliminate the suggestions that are repetitive, similar, funny, meaningless, or too unrealistic, leaving only those ideas that are indeed inspiring.

From a publicity point of view, this effect is definitely up to par, and can even be said to be excellent, especially since the topic of China's self-developed chips and operating systems # has been directly listed on the hot search without spending a penny. List.

This made Yan Ming speechless when he saw the news at the airport...

The news was proactively pushed by Weibo. Yan Ming had set it up so that if there was any news on Ning Wei's Weibo, it would be pushed to him as soon as possible.

Obviously, the effect of this wave of publicity has been so good that he can't help but want to take advantage of the popularity. Unfortunately, the company has not yet started discussions on these two projects. Before he is sure that he really wants to invest in these two projects, he It’s really inconvenient to interact with Ning Wei directly on Weibo.

Otherwise, he and Ning Wei had a very happy interaction here. If we bring this to the meeting to discuss it later, we will have to consider the impact of this interaction. To put it bluntly, there is a feeling that he is forcing everyone to make decisions on issues that could have been discussed rationally, which is obviously not conducive to unity.

What's even more frightening is that if he interacts with Ning Wei, this plan still won't get enough support, which will be even more embarrassing. For some small businesses, this is a small matter, but for large international companies, goodwill is really important.

Many Chinese companies rely on goodwill valuation to make their assets positive, even high-tech companies.

"Hey..." He sighed heavily, and Yan Ming, who was still waiting for his flight, began to focus his attention. After all, the more he looked at Ning Wei's Weibo influence, the more worried he became. From the publicity level, the effect of announcements has always been diminishing, which is a pity...

I closed Weibo, opened WeChat Moments, and suddenly came across a message.

"Another Fields Medal winner, Lucassen Friend, has been confirmed to have passed away at 3:00 this afternoon, China time. May the deceased rest in peace." The accompanying picture shows Lucassen Friend winning the award in the 1990s. In the photo taken after the Mathematicians Conference that year, Lucassen Friend, who looked very young at that time, was specially marked.

It's actually quite embarrassing to say that Yan Ming knew that this mathematician was also because of Ning Wei.

Ning Wei's conflict with Lukassen Flanders made him learn more about the mathematician's life. It also made him aware of the influence of Lucason Friend in the world of theoretical mathematics.

The battle between Ningwei and Lucason Flanders in the air had made Yan Ming's heart surge.

I just didn't expect this person to leave as soon as he said he was leaving.

After thinking about it, Yan Ming still took a screenshot and sent it to Ning Wei on WeChat.

How should I put it, with the death of Lucassen Friend, the feud between the two came to an end. Yan Ming felt it necessary to inform Ning Wei.

"Is Lucasson dead now?"

Ning Wei was indeed quite emotional when he saw the WeChat message sent by Yan Ming.

This news reminded him of the gatherings held when graduation was approaching at Jiangsu University, of the letter written by Connerson, editor-in-chief of the "Annals of Mathematics", to him, and of the particularly social Brother Lu...

Back then, the old man taught Ning Wei a vivid lesson on the NS equation, and he returned the favor with two swords. It must be said that the mathematician's reputation in his later years was inseparable from him.

But theoretically speaking, Ning Wei did nothing wrong.

From beginning to end, he just passively defended his achievements.

Now that I see this news, Ning Wei feels speechless for a moment.

How should I put it? After all, he was a mathematics senior whose previous research was used in teaching textbooks. His sudden death still leaves people with a lot of emotions.

I still wanted to say something, but when I thought about the problem that this boss had been working on all his life, he was finally solved in March, and the honor of solving the problem was forcibly placed on him, I suddenly felt that he seemed to be a bit showy in everything he said. I mean, just give up.

"Mr. Friend, you can go with peace of mind. The future of mathematics is left to us."

This reminds me of the past of a mathematician, and Ning Wei lets go of the matter. After all, the relationship between the two is not very good, and there will always be a day when some people are earlier, and some are later...

Not to mention that he still has some very important things to solve now, such as making some preparations for the instruction set of the future three-dimensional silicon silicon tube technology CPU.

To design an instruction set from scratch, you need to first specify the instruction set and instruction set encoding so that each instruction can be divided into several stages for distributed execution in an orderly manner. In human terms, it means using instructions combined with hardware language to let the computer hardware know how to handle data transfer and process control.

It sounds simple, but it's actually very complicated.

For example, it is necessary to draw up the logical relationship between specific functional logic circuits, and to make it as perfect and efficient as possible...

This is not a job that can be completed by one person. Of course, Ning Wei does not intend to complete it alone. What he has to do is still to complete the framework or general direction. But this was also extremely mentally taxing work, leaving him no time to pay attention to other information.

For Ning Wei, he has long been accustomed to fighting prepared battles. The bullshit has been blown out, and when it comes time to actually do something, he has to come up with something to convince everyone.

Not surprisingly, Ning Wei's Weibo was quickly posted to Twitter.

Ever since Ning Wei complained about the Metaverse on Weibo, even Wall Street began to pay attention to the Weibo of this recognized technology wizard. Moreover, as time goes by, people are paying more and more attention to it, and when Ning Wei launched a large-scale science popularization on Weibo, it was an impossible task to immigrate a million people to Mars in five years. In the end, it was confirmed that the so-called science popularization was just a large-scale plan for the world's largest During the spirit test, basically all the big guys on Wall Street started to notice Ning Wei’s Weibo.

There is no way. If the U.S. stock market is the most mature and valuable stock market in the world, then the technology stocks in the U.S. stock market cannot be ignored by any investor. Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Intel, Qualcomm... These high-tech companies that control the world's latest technologies directly support half of the US stock market.

The Weibo content posted by Ning Wei can often even directly affect the stock price trends of these companies. For example, in March, when Ningwei’s Weibo live broadcast was used to deliver 3D silicon silicon tube RF chips to these large technology companies, the stocks of Qualcomm and Intel almost fell in response.

This was once the last thing many big figures represented by Mr. Sackler wanted to see. They also thought of many ways to limit this from happening, and even urged Google to give up funding for the paper that the editorial board considered Ning to be. It was compiled into a teaching material, but a series of actions failed to solve the problem.

If we let go of business as usual, since the problem cannot be solved, we can change our approach and try to solve the people who have caused so many problems, but obviously this path is not very feasible. Especially when Ning Wei gave up almost all communication opportunities abroad and stayed in China to do his own business, it was beyond his reach.

In addition, this person couldn't be bribed even if he spent money, which made many people collapse.

What's even more irritating is that this guy doesn't have any assets overseas, and there are almost no measures to stop this young man from taking action.

It's not that I haven't thought about pouring ink on Ning Wei, but although this guy is young, he stays in school almost every day. Every time he hears this name, he only solves some world-wide problem and breaks through. How do people like this handle the shackles of a certain technology? The only good news is that Ning Wei took a few photos with the Snow Country Princess when he attended the STOC conference. Unfortunately, promoting this thing will not damage the public's impression of him at all, but will make many people think this guy is cool.

Of course, this does not mean that the opponent completely gives up treatment and no longer thinks of ways. For example, Ning Wei has been described by Western media as a mad scientist for some time. In the eyes of many people, Ning Wei is the kind of person who does not care about the life and death of mankind around the world and studies artificial intelligence. In the future, he is likely to create Skynet to destroy mankind. The villain.

The effect is there, at least Ningwei's image in the eyes of ordinary people abroad has indeed become that kind of villain scientist. But everyone soon discovered that although this kind of publicity was successful in making many people have a bad impression of Ning Wei, it was only aimed at his evil character.

This kind of publicity model has allowed many people to denounce Ning Wei's evil in various ways, while at the same time being deeply influenced by Ning Wei's many remarks on various scientific aspects, and even changing their judgment of market expectations because of Ning Wei's remarks.

This is terrible. So in the end everyone discovered that cold treatment seemed to be the best way. Therefore, for a long time, the name Ning Wei has become a taboo for major capital-controlled media. No matter how much trouble Ning Wei makes at Huawei, it would be best if no one mentions it.

But the memory of the Internet is too powerful.

Once it has happened, it cannot be forgotten.

Especially in the era when everyone is a self-media, even if the big media does not mention it, it is impossible for Facebook and Twitter to ban everyone. Although private domain traffic does not go to the public domain, once it breaks down and spreads, it will still be very serious. scary.

Some time ago, the media stopped mentioning this name, which is indeed useful.

Because Ning Wei was busy building Ningban and studying and sorting out physics knowledge, he didn't make any big noise. It became popular in China just because of some Ningban promotional videos.

But even just a few videos have caused a heated discussion on Facebook. After all, those videos almost despised all the famous schools in the United States.

Fortunately, these have aroused the resentment of many students.

The big media ignored it, and its attention was quickly diverted by other hot topics.

However, the sudden announcement of Java vulnerabilities caused Ning Wei to gain another reputation in the industry. This time, the scope of the impact was larger, and it also caused those high-tech companies closely related to Java to be accidentally injured again, such as Google and Oracle. …

But that time, because of the foundation's quick response, the problem was successfully solved.

But today's situation is different. Ning Wei has taken the initiative to build future-oriented chips and operating systems.

If a Chinese person said this, he would most likely make people laugh and pass by quickly, but the person who said this was different. After all, Ning Wei is the ultimate villain scientist in the legendary movies. Although this guy is a lunatic, his level is very high...

A brand-new chip manufacturing process was invented without any fanfare. With such a high-profile announcement this time to build a chip and operating system, the possibility of success seems very high.

It's scary and annoying to a lot of people.

Can't this person really keep a low profile?

It also allowed many people to see opportunities...

Really, rather than that, wouldn’t you feel a little bit guilty about Mr. Flender’s death?

If it hadn't been for your blow, this big-shot mathematician might have lived for another ten years... And on this special day, if you face the death of a mathematician, you can forget it twice. Making things happen in such a high-profile manner...

If we define good guys and bad guys based on the most simple human emotions, those who have no sympathy or empathy are definitely bad guys with corrupt morals. Their characteristics are completely consistent...

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