Tech Hammer

Chapter 345 Moral Loss

It is difficult for many people to get into the irritating state of looking at someone who is extremely unpleasant to them, and they have long wanted to blackmail this person, but they can never find the right entry point. But this sentiment does exist.

Just as Ning Wei laughed at himself, there are too many people in the world who dislike him, and most of them are very capable and capable bosses. Not only do these big guys want Hei Ning, they even very kindly hope that he can die young as soon as possible.

Although when the time comes, they are likely to shed a few tears because the most talented scientist of our time passed away too early, or even say some very beautiful words of remembrance in public, but of course the premise is that they would rather die first.

But this is most likely a dream come true. Compared to the age of a well-known scientist, Ning Wei is still young, which is not very impressive. Even if China's current life expectancy is reduced by half, they can still live for at least more than ten years. Not to mention that for scientists of this level, the annual physical examination at the unit will most likely be treated specially. Various detailed examinations must be clearly arranged, and various accidents will be minimized. This is indeed very annoying.

Fortunately, in this era, capital can control the right to speak to the greatest extent. This sentence can also be translated as, the bottom line of many media can be adjusted in a floating manner according to the amount of capital investment, especially under the rules of the game in Western countries, the media Most of them are also private resources, so they need to take care of the bosses. Especially when the bosses of media people don’t like someone…

"Mr. Lucason Friend, winner of the Fields Medal, lifelong honorary professor of Princeton University, academician of the School of Mathematics of the Institute for Advanced Study, and academician of the American Mathematical Academy, passed away at 3 o'clock this morning. Coincidentally, three hours later, Ning Wei, a young Chinese mathematician, posted this on Weibo..."

First, CNN posted a piece of content on its official Twitter that seemed very pertinent.

It looks like two pieces of news that have great global influence today are simply kneaded together. For a media company whose main content is broadcasting news, it does not seem to be a big problem.

But soon many media outlets started to follow.

"As we all know, Lukassen Flanders was hospitalized twice because of Ning Wei's Weibo. What happened at that time has passed, but on the day Professor Flanders passed away, the topic that the scientist led the public to was something new. It’s quite interesting to replace the old stuff, so is that why you can’t wait?”

And then……

“While the mathematical community around the world was in mourning because of the death of a respectable mathematician, someone in a certain country started their own carnival on this day.”

Logically broken down step by step, it often feels impeccable.

People tend to show the greatest tolerance to the deceased. This is probably because although it is difficult for people to empathize with the joys and sorrows of the world, facing death is a fate that everyone must experience. Just like the saying on the Internet, no one can come back alive from the day they come into this world.

Not to mention that no matter what mistakes Lukassen Friend made in the last few years of his life, before he did these things, after all, he had trained many mathematicians, and he could be considered to be full of talents.

And many students are still in higher-level research institutions.

For example, the American Academy of Mathematics, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and the mathematics departments of the top 100 universities in the world...

If in the previous incident, everyone was embarrassed to support the former teacher out of caring for feathers, then now that the teacher has passed away, and it is time to seal the coffin, they have to take care of the relationship between the former teacher and student. of.

No matter what the considerations are, in fact, from the bottom of their hearts, everyone does not want Lukassen Flanders to still have the dark history of being stone hammered to steal his research results in his later years after his death, especially when When the emotion of remembrance overflows, I think of the voice and smile of this mathematician when I was mentored. When I see various analyzes that seem to be unbiased but obviously do not meet daily expectations, it is difficult to maintain the rigor of my usual thinking.

This is probably even more true if you are not used to the style of a certain Chinese young man.

At this time, no one would think about why Ning Wei decisively refused those meetings held abroad. From their perspective, this was probably a sign of youth and frivolity.

When resentment begins to erupt, content on Facebook and Twitter becomes unreadable.

"Indeed, talent often does not equal character, but Professor Friend has passed away after all. I think giving the deceased enough respect should be the most basic humanistic quality that a human being should possess."

"It's really a coincidence. Huaxia has always wanted to make its own operating system, but this is difficult. The design of an operating system is a long-term accumulation process. Ning Wei's statement at this time really makes me feel uncomfortable."

"The youngest winner of the Wolf Prize in history, well, this title is indeed a proud one. But this title only represents an achievement in mathematics. I believe that history will be written on top of this title, plus The most narrow-minded young mathematician."

"At a meeting where someone wanted to confer Ning Wei as a foreign honorary academician of the National Academy of Mathematics, I voted against it. Now it seems that I did the right thing. We cannot require that a great scientist must also have a noble spirit. Morality, but at least have an average moral standard.”

When big names in foreign mathematics circles start to speak out on Facebook, they can naturally affect a large number of people, and now countless media people are even more excited.

If you carefully study the content on Facebook and Twitter on this day, you will find that the hottest news is dominated by Lucassen Friend and Ning Wei.

A piece of content that was only discussed on Chinese Weibo has spread overseas and has become a hot topic. This is partly thanks to the help of countless Western media. Everyone is busy not only remembering the past glory of Lucassen Flanders, but also busy donating a nail, which is more or less a nail for Ning Wei to be on the pillar of shame in the future.

So both of them became popular.

Many ordinary people who cannot calculate addition and subtraction of more than two digits clearly know that a great mathematician in the United States died today, and there is also a young mathematician and scientist in China who is said to be equally great, because with this A deceased mathematician had conflicts, so the Internet carnival mode started on the day of the mathematician's death...

The very outstanding young mathematician in China is called Ning Wei. Ning Wei, who once had an affair with the princess of Snow Country, is said to be the initiator of the scandal some time ago. Of course, if you really say this, for many ordinary people, it will not make them have a deeper impression of Ning Wei. For example, how awesome is a very awesome person? How evil and bad is this guy?

Of course, when guiding people's emotions to completely blackmail someone, the media can always find a way to make most people make the virtual image concrete...

So in the eyes of countless ordinary people, Ning Wei became Dr. Zora in "Captain America 1"; Doctor Doom in "Fantastic Four"; Dr. Killian in "Iron Man 3"; "Resident Evil 3" Dr. Isaacs in…

This is really thanks to the natural materials provided by Hollywood, otherwise the public may not have counted it. In many big-budget movies based on science fiction and horror themes, scientists have assumed the roles of various extreme villains.

These deeply rooted characters also let the public understand what a terrifying scientist Hua Xia's Ning Wei is. Basically, it has reached the ceiling of evil. Every day, I am either thinking about how to enslave everyone, or thinking about how to destroy the earth...

But if you look more carefully, you will find another interesting phenomenon.

In fact, it seems that those technology companies and capital tycoons who really hate Ning Wei have not ended up personally.

Even those capital-controlled media that are well known to the public only did the work of linking the two things together at the beginning. They did not participate in the various blackening processes that followed as various public opinions fermented. Some large media even helped Ningwei said some good things. For example, CNN, which was the first to link two unrelated things, sent out another tweet that night, "Huaxia Ningwei is not a symbol and should not be overly stigmatized."

Then this tweet quickly received thousands of scoldings, but the editor of CNN handled these scoldings differently than usual. He neither controlled the comments nor deleted any of them. Fully respect the right of CNN readers to complain...

Although the internal and external networks are physically isolated, in the Internet era, when something is discussed too enthusiastically on the external network, it will inevitably spread to China. Miraculously, these logics also influenced many Chinese netizens, so Ningwei Weibo’s popularity increased again.

On a platform where opinions can be expressed unscrupulously, the comment area of ​​Ningwei’s discussion Weibo began to become chaotic.

"Be a human being before becoming a scientist!"

"I think there is plenty of time to discuss things like future operating systems. There is no need to put it today. Of course, I don't dare to think about what Professor Ning thinks about it, and I don't dare to ask."

"Is Professor Ning really mocking Professor Flender with this behavior pattern? It is said that this is called not leaving the old and not coming in the new?"

"It's better to build some virtue for your children. It's impossible for a person to be successful all his life. He's gone to other places, and he still mocks them in such a subtle way. It looks like he has a low character."

"To be fair, let me not mention that Professor Flender's purpose was not to steal Ning Wei's research results. According to the truth I learned, he just hoped to delay Ning Wei's research so that his team could Be the first to get results. To be honest, many big guys have done this kind of thing or even gone too far. Ning Wei’s counterattack sent this respected mathematician into the hospital twice. No matter how big the hatred is, it’s almost done, right? At this time To add insult to injury is really despicable."

"There are many beautiful virtues in China, and I think they should be continued. For example, in the dictionary, it is obviously not a complimentary word, or even a neutral word, but a derogatory word."

The above comments are actually quite gentle. Naturally, there are a lot of people who directly enter the comment area and start scolding. Of course, it is quite normal for this to happen in Ning Wei's comment area. It is impossible for people in Niu to satisfy everyone, and they would rather have all kinds of weird voices in the comment section of every Weibo post.

Of course, Ning Wei would never see these comments. After all, his usual style is to just kill and not bury.

After posting on Weibo, no matter how lively the comment section is, he usually doesn't pay attention. Although this time is different, he is soliciting everyone's opinions, but Ning Wei will definitely not spend time reading those comments one by one. He only needs to leave it to March to make a list of all the contents in the comment area, which is enough for him. Know everyone’s opinions.

But those netizens who are actively involved in what future operating systems should look like are annoyed.

Originally, everyone was having a good chat here and had a lot of fun doing some scientific discussions. However, a group of people rushed in and started spouting some inexplicable content without saying anything. This made people very irritated.

Those who are a little patient will check what happened, while those who are impatient will just start scolding.

Really, for netizens who are immersed in fantasizing about what the future operating system will be like, it is a pity that a foreign mathematician died today, but it has no logical relationship with Ning Wei asking everyone for opinions on the future operating system. ? Is it impossible to discuss science after someone dies? People die every day. Do we have to mourn on Weibo every day? !

The most protracted scolding wars are often not those in which one party is particularly arrogant, but the kind in which both parties think they are quite reasonable.

As long as both parties feel that they are justified and occupy the moral high ground, they will naturally be able to make a noise.

So in the middle of the night, the Weibo comment area became lively again. Originally, a certain star suddenly revealed the news that he was going to release a new song in the evening, but it was finally suppressed by fans' forwarded comments. Ning Wei posted a hot search on Weibo in the evening. Everyone They were all waiting for it to stay at the top of the hot search list until the early hours of the morning to promote their idol widely so that more people can buy the electronic version. Who knew that within half an hour of staying at the top of the hot search list, Ning Wei’s topic would become a strong topic again Pressed down...

A bunch of cute little fans were dumbfounded.

Professor Ning, do you want to do this? You have to steal other people's hot searches every time, which makes people hate you!

What's even more annoying is that in theory, Ning Wei's failure to be on the hot search has no impact on him at all. Everyone in China knows that Ning Wei does not rely on exposure to live, and even if he is willing, he can basically enjoy everything on the earth. Wealth and income may deceive people, but tax figures do not.

But there is really no way.

After all, this kind of thing is unexpected by no one.

What’s even more frightening is that this kind of topic can spread quickly. When the two sides argue in the Weibo comment area, the netizens on both sides will not care whether the Weibo boss is already grinning from ear to ear with joy the day after tomorrow, and they will quickly move on. position……

This is probably because both sides feel that they are justified, and naturally hope to win the support of more new forces by lengthening the front.

In this way, a group of people quarreled from Weibo to Weibo, then from Weibo to Weibo, and the excitement was spread to NGA. Even the big Tieba, which had already started to go cold, started a debate. As for the position of small videos No one was spared, and a bunch of homogeneous comments began to flood the screen again.

After all, this topic is easy to develop, and top Chinese scientists who have their own popularity are involved in it. At this time, the topic is still on the hot list of major social software, and it has its own traffic.

Really, if it weren’t for this kind of sudden Internet time, many people wouldn’t believe how many night owls there are on the Internet in China…

Just looking at the discussion intensity of these topics in the middle of the night, many foreign netizens may have an illusion that young people in China don't actually need to sleep. After all, it is difficult to see the amount of discussion on something growing rapidly at one o'clock in the morning.

This is no longer as simple as an ordinary hot search, but many people have really begun to participate in this debate. It doesn’t matter what the future operating system will be. Whether this kind of thing is ethical must be clearly debated first...

If Lukassen Flanders knew this, he would probably feel very relieved, because more people know his name on this day than he has in all the years he has lived.

"March, what's the news today?"

The next morning, Ning Wei opened his eyes from sleep and asked casually as usual.

The screen of the mobile phone placed on the bedside table automatically turned on from the off-screen state, and then a kitten jumped out. Then the external network speaker of the mobile phone started working, and the kitten's voice came out...

"Meow, the most lively news today, with more discussions on the Internet than any record, is probably... the big discussion about whether Professor Ning has lost his moral character... According to online news, Guinness World Records in China has planned to start counting whether this topic can be recorded A world record - the most discussed topic across platforms in 24 hours."

Ning Wei paused while putting on his clothes because the words "Professor Ning" did sound familiar.

"Who is this Professor Ning?" Ning Wei asked confused.

"Meow, that's right, don't doubt it, it's you."

"Me? Morally corrupt?"

Ning Wei was very surprised. His first feeling was that he was completely unworthy of the word, and then his heart shrank... Could it be that some of his private affairs with Classmate Jiang were posted online?

Yes, at the first moment, Ning Wei associated the words moral depravity with a certain project he promoted with the selfish intention of unlocking more postures... This was probably the most moral depravity that Ning Wei felt he had done in his life. It happened, but he quickly shouldn't be, he didn't mention this little thought to anyone?

"Meow, because Lukassen Flanders passed away and you chose to use your influence to start an Internet carnival on this special day! Last night was really exciting. In order to keep the topic hot, I need to subtly Between the two roles, if one shows signs of fatigue, I have to help the other to keep the heat alive. I am really exhausted..."


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