Tech Hammer

Chapter 346 Come on, come on, let’s hurt each other

Ning Wei dares to say that no one understands the thinking mode of artificial intelligence at this stage better than him. This is the result of paying attention to the background of March countless times. Under the restriction of binary system, machine thinking is always carried out under a set of extremely rigorous logical restrictions.

Just like the bottom line of human morality is the rules and regulations in the criminal code, machine thinking and operating modes also have a set of minimum behavioral rules. Westerners once called this set of bottom line behavioral rules the three laws of robots, specifically: 1 , Robots must not harm people, nor must they stand by while people are being harmed; 2. Robots should obey all orders of people, but must not violate the first law; 3. Robots should protect their own safety, but must not violate the first and second laws. .

There is nothing wrong with the three laws at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that there are actually big logical loopholes in them. For example, the first and second laws can basically be said to be based on the fact that everyone can consciously abide by the minimum moral standards of mankind.

For example, a vicious bad guy is resisting countless police officers. When he is about to be shot to death by the defenders of human order, he is encountered by a robot. How should the robot deal with it?

When someone raised this issue, in order to make up for this BUG, ​​science fiction enthusiasts specially added the zeroth law to help Asimo fix this loophole. Robots must protect the overall interests of mankind from harm.

Combining this law with the three laws of robotics constitutes the most important core law that future robots must abide by.

It seems that the 0th Law has made up for the loopholes in the Three Laws of Robotics, but everyone has obviously forgotten that for a program, when an important BUG is discovered and attempts are made to fix it, more or even larger BUGs will often appear.

For example, how should we explain the term "overall benefit of all mankind"?

It is no exaggeration to say that people in the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere understand this word differently; people in developed countries and people in developing countries understand it differently; people of different generations understand it differently; men and women understand it differently; rich people understand it differently. It is different from the understanding of poor people; even two people sleeping in the same bed will have different understandings...

People's opinions cannot be unified. If artificial intelligence is really invented, and this thing is used as a rule to restrict the behavior of robots, the emergence of destructive robots like those in the movie whose mission is to destroy human beings is basically inevitable.

So when creating March, Ning Wei never considered this unreliable binding law. The man who proposed the Three Laws of Robotics was a science fiction writer after all. Although he wrote many popular works in this way, if it were used in practice, it would definitely be a headache.

The most basic method of restraint given by Ning Wei to March is in line with the moral bottom line of the world's mainstream countries, which is the law, and to be more precise, it is the law of China. The equally binding law is that March can never interfere in any way with the formulation of laws in human society.

Of course, for machine thinking, there is no concept of punishment, so the simplest solution is that anything that violates the letter and spirit of the law is restricted for March, even if it is asked to do it, it is not allowed.

In addition, Ningwei also made some other specifications for March's behavioral logic as a supplement to the core behavioral logic. For example, when operating in the form of an intelligent platform, it must take the responsibility of accelerating the development of China's scientific and technological level while taking into account fairness. in principle.

There are also some behavioral logic rules in this core series, which together with the most basic logical behavior constitute the daily behavior rules in March. Precisely because of the existence of daily behavioral rules, Ningwei does not need to care too much about what this kitten is thinking and doing every day...

Not to mention that in the March kernel, one of the most core principles is that the controller will not be deceived under any circumstances, which makes Ning Wei even more at ease.

But with so many behavioral logic rules flashing through Ning Wei's mind in an instant, he just couldn't find out which behavioral logic line gave instructions for the actions he performed in March...

If one side cannot compete, which side will it help? Don't be more arrogant with this way of beating chicken blood.

It’s not that I would rather think too highly of March. With this kitten’s current ability, it can really make a topic endlessly debated on the Internet. In other words, some netizens often have only seven days of memory, but as long as March is here, it will definitely extend the memory of netizens indefinitely, and even allow other current big data systems to misjudge society's attention to a certain issue, thereby allowing control The capital of big data produces misjudgments.

Just like the large-scale publicity of all kinds of persuasive speeches on the Internet in March, if March is willing, it will not be such a big fanfare that all kinds of content will sweep across the entire Internet in one day, but will adopt a step-by-step approach based on people's inertia. It may take a year or so for the technical staff of Facebook and Twitter to find anything wrong.

Just like this time, March has been so actively involved that no one noticed that March was involved in the debate among netizens, and even alarmed the bored Guinness World Records official...

"What drives you to let everyone argue about such a boring thing?" Ning Wei glared at March... no, it should be said that he glared at his mobile phone, and asked in extreme confusion.

"Meow..., of course, it is to promote China's technological progress and technological independence. This meow has specially compiled the history of modern technological development and summarized the relationship between technological development and capital. There is no doubt that if we do not discuss the social nature of capital, we must It is recognized that capital can most efficiently promote technological progress in a certain direction. This efficiency is unmatched by any other way of promotion. And maintaining a high level of attention is of great benefit to attracting the attention of capital."

"Meow..., this specific matter will allow more capital to see the ordinary people's desire for new chips and new systems, which will help them dare to invest heavily at this level in the future. Although they do not necessarily have to participate in our Product research and development, but both chips and operating systems require a complete set of ecological support. If it remains popular now, maybe at some point in the future, capital will be more courageous to invest in upstream and downstream hardware and software ecological supporting facilities."

Ning Wei has nothing to say.

After all, March's logical behavioral characteristics were defined by him. It is his responsibility to promote China's technological progress and take into account the principle of fairness. This is one of the core and most basic logical behavioral characteristics of the March smart platform.

Core and basic means extremely high authority for the machine. If it is a calculated result, putting Ning Wei at the center of the controversy can be beneficial to the driving force of basic and core. Naturally, there will be no hesitation in March.

As for whether being debated about moral corruption will cause any psychological distress to Ning Wei, it is not a consideration in March. After all, intelligence based on binary computing power cannot be expected to fully understand various human emotional characteristics. .

"So how long are you going to play like this?" Ning Wei asked angrily.

"Meow..., if you mind, well, through your speech analysis, you really mind. Then let's stop here..."

The kitten lay down, with a look of grievance on its furry face.

"Okay, by the way, I want to ask, which side do you help more?" Ning Wei quickly got dressed, got up from the bed, and asked casually.

"Meow..., this has to be divided into time periods. I started to intervene in this topic at 9:17:32 last night. I initially provoked the dispute, that is, the group of people who thought you were morally corrupt were completely abused. .So from 9:17:32 until 2:23 this morning, I was helping them find various reasons to slander you."

"Meow..., after 2:23 in the morning, the voices supporting you obviously began to weaken on all platforms. From this time to when you just got up, that is, 6:47 in the morning, I have been helping to support you My friends will clear your name."

This answer made Ning Wei feel much more comfortable.

Today is still a working day. From the perspective of normal Chinese people, they still need to sleep at night during the working day. Being able to stay up until after two o'clock is already a very strong combat capability.

Anyone who can give up rest in the early hours of the morning to protect his voice is a die-hard fan.

As for the person who scolded him across the street and still maintained high energy late at night, either he was not a normal person, or his life rhythm was different from that of the Chinese people. There is nothing to say about this. He is not currency and cannot be loved by everyone.

Not to mention that even currency may not please everyone. As we all know, there was once a rich man in China who didn’t like money at all and never touched money...

"That's it..."

After quickly washing up, Ning Wei sat in front of the computer and started paying attention to the topic that had been busy all day yesterday.

As mentioned in March, there have been various interpretations of the discussion of future chips and operating systems on the day that Lukassen Friend passed away.

There are indeed many people who feel that this is a special way to celebrate the death of Lucassen Flanders, in other words, they are making fun of the deceased. And this matter came from the Internet.

If the whole thing was completely unorganized, Ning Wei wouldn't believe it.

From the earliest official Facebook comparison to the rapid spread on Facebook and Twitter, March helped him organize an extremely complete timeline.

You can probably tell what's going on at a glance.

Seeing the excitement on the Internet, it would be a lie to say that I am not angry.

Needless to say, there will definitely be a call from home later.

For Ning Wei, any slander on the Internet will not hurt him in the slightest, but it will always cause a lot of trouble to his parents at home, which will then be passed on to Ning Wei's troubles.

This is not the first time.

The main reason is that Ning Wei can't explain to Lao Ning and Ning's mother why many people grew up in this land and have never even gone out to take a look, but mentally they can figure out that everything outside is extremely beautiful, and they can't even allow others to say it. It's not good outside.

If the brain circuits cannot be connected, naturally you will not be able to urinate in a pot.

Sure enough, as soon as Ning Wei considered this issue, his mother called at half past seven.

"Ning Wei, does Lu Hesen really have any conflict with you?"

"Yes, Mom, but don't worry, I have already forgiven him."

"Forgive him. Why are there so many people on the Internet saying that you celebrated on purpose yesterday?"

"Mom, is this a big deal? Let me tell you, as long as a person is famous, anything he does can be wrong. You see the commotion online, it means your son is too famous now. I told you already , you just need to treat the news about me on the Internet with a normal attitude."

"Hey, you have worked so hard and done so many things, why do people still scold you?"

"You don't understand this, right? It's normal to be scolded when you do something, but no one scolds you if you don't do something? Don't talk about it anymore, Mom, I'm doing well in the lab, but I still have to work on a project. Let's talk later."

"Well, take care of yourself."

After hanging up the phone, Ning Wei took the initiative to call Classmate Jiang, which made everyone he cared about feel relieved, and the next thing would be easy.

"In March, someone made me feel less beautiful."


"Well, actually I don't blame you. Your starting point is good, but have you ever thought about a problem? This kind of large-scale discussion about my character will make me feel bad. If I feel bad, I will It affects the efficiency of thinking about problems, which in turn affects my work. If my work is affected, it will slow down the pace of China's scientific and technological development..."


"So you have to find a way to calm me down and let me take a look. Counting the time difference, the other side is already off work now, but it doesn't matter. I'm feeling quite stuck right now, so do you know what the correct approach is?"

"Meow..., are you causing trouble for the person who is causing trouble?"

"March, you are getting smarter and smarter. According to the law of conservation of emotion, the overall emotional value of everyone in the world is constant. When one person's mood gets worse, it means that other people's mood will get better. So I What I have to do now is to make as many people as possible who want me to feel bad start to feel bad, and if that happens, my mood will naturally get better.”

"Meow... I'm not a real cat, but you're not a real dog either..." The kitten raised its head and smacked its mouth, directly applying the comment style it didn't know where it had seen.

Ning Wei ignored March's complaints. He had already sat in front of the computer and started operating in March's background as fast as a tiger.

Then I picked up the phone...

"Hey, Mr. Yan, I know, I'm not urging you to make chips. I have other things to do. Here's the thing. I just checked the turbulence algorithm external authorization list and there are more than 20 companies. I just want to ask, Regarding the turbulence algorithm chip licensing, the licensing contracts for other companies are signed every two years as we agreed before, right? Well, yes, that's good. Please help me inform me about everything through Huawei. For foreign companies that have already obtained authorization, we will no longer consider renewing it after the authorization expires, and will also stop providing activation codes to the outside world."

"Well, just tell them that this is not a business behavior. It's just because the developer of the turbulence algorithm is in a bad mood today. He just wants to be autistic and doesn't want to have any irrelevant contact with other people. Anyway, help me send the electronic notification first Send the letter. As for whether the authorization will really be terminated by then, we will talk about it. Sorry to bother you, hang up now, Mr. Yan."

After hanging up the phone with Yan Ming, Ning Wei started to operate in March's backend again, and then ordered to March: "In March, help me pick up Intel's boss Pat."

"Meow..." March, who was watching Ning Wei's work, called out, and then dialed the number in the address book as quickly as possible.

Soon, the person on the other side answered the phone very cooperatively, without even giving the other person a chance to say hello. Ning Wei stared at the screen and opened his mouth and said quickly: "Mr. Gelsinger, this is it. My laboratory recently discovered We have discovered three serious vulnerabilities in Intel's latest 12th generation CPU, which are located in the masked read-only memory of the chip. If you exploit these vulnerabilities, you can easily bypass your latest EPID and DRM measures. What's even more frightening is that one of the vulnerabilities is also It's terrifying to be able to allow an attacker to extract chipset encryption keys and use them to forge hardware IDs and crack hard drive encrypted data."

"This call to you is to inform the product designer and manufacturer in accordance with industry practice. After notifying you, I will report the details of these vulnerabilities to the China Network Security Threat and Vulnerability Information Sharing Platform. Intel China should also be a member of the platform. One of them, right? In half an hour you should be able to try to find our official platform in China to learn more detailed vulnerability information. No need to thank me, this is the spirit of internationalism. By the way, I will hang up now, goodbye Gelsinger I wish you a good day, sir."

Without giving the other party a chance to speak from the beginning to the end, Ning Wei quickly hung up the phone, and then ordered to March: "Next, please help me call Mr. Nadella from Microsoft..."

There was a small episode in the middle. Pat Gelsinger's hand speed was very fast. When Ning Wei was still instructing March, the other party called back. March quickly hung up and then pulled him in first. He was on the blacklist, and then dialed the number of Microsoft CEO very quickly.

"Mr. Nadella, the thing is like this, our software laboratory discovered an extremely dangerous and major 0DAY vulnerability in win10, which is simply nuclear bomb-level..."

"Hey, Mr. Cook, you may not believe it. Our laboratory has discovered an extremely troublesome vulnerability in the hardware and software of the new generation of Apple. The newly released ISO has a very troublesome boot hardware. We have roughly tested the vulnerability. This vulnerability can permanently jailbreak almost all Apple devices currently on the market, and the bootable hardware vulnerabilities you know are almost impossible to patch through software..."

"Mr. Pichai, one billion Google users are facing the risk of information being leaked. This risk comes from a third-party vulnerability in the Google Cloud Platform, but this third party is closely related to Google's architecture..."

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