Tech Hammer

Chapter 362 Traffic

According to Ning Wei's original intention, he didn't want to pay attention to the drama that Rui Guo forced on him. There was no need. Judging from the current development situation, it is not them who are anxious anyway.

With the help of March, it is enough to do your own thing step by step. At least Ning Wei is still very confident that in his lifetime, he will see the March Prize surpass the Nobel Prize and become the most pertinent and well-known award recognized in the world.

Of course, these are secondary, the key is the sense of honor of winning the award.

The reason why the Nobel Prize is so influential is that everyone has already recognized that these winners have pushed the world's technological tree forward in the right direction, so there are many exclusive privileges for Nobel Prize winners. For example, dedicated parking spaces in universities, or capital bosses waving their checkbooks to ask for cooperation.

In Ningwei's design, the future March Award will certainly be the same, and it must be won.

Because an international award can often really drive a country's scientific and technological strength forward a big step forward.

The population of Switzerland is only 10 million. Just looking at the population, it is basically the same as a medium-sized city in China. However, its scientific and technological strength ranks among the top ten in the world, and it leads the world in many scientific and technological fields. Such as metallurgy, materials, machinery, electronics, communications, etc., the Nobel Prize naturally plays a great role in promoting them.

After all, most of the Nobel Prize judges are in this country. Everyone's recognition of this award means that Swedish scientists have the right to comment on the development of world science and technology.

For China, the same is true for the March Award.

When the March Prize has the same status as the Nobel Prize, it means that the world has recognized the scientific evaluation system formulated by Ning Wei, recognized China’s ability to determine the direction of world science and technology, and recognized China’s transformation from a world manufacturing center to a Transformation of the world’s technology hub. Once there is this recognition in the academic circle, it also means that more outstanding talents from various countries will be more willing to come to China to communicate, or at least come to China to have a look.

Although the global village is now used to describe the speed of information transmission on the earth in the Internet age, in fact, China under the lens of many Western media and China in the eyes of Chinese people are still two different worlds.

When many people who are obsessed with academics want to understand or obtain some information, they almost instinctively choose large media with a certain degree of credibility, because if they want to obtain information from tens of thousands of self-media, they need to spend too much money. It is not cost-effective to waste time and money to distinguish the authenticity.

In this case, with the blessing of the March Award, it will be natural for many scientific researchers to spontaneously learn about China through channels, and even want to come to China to have a look. Maybe they will not want to leave after coming?

For example, Lucy Rowan, although she often feels resentful and likes to come and quarrel with Ning Wei when nothing happens, she actually enjoys her stay at Yanbei University, and from time to time she even takes her classmate Jiang out for a walk. While shopping, I also made many friends at Yanbei University, and it is said that I have many suitors...

I heard from Jiang Chenshuang that Lucy Rowan actually had the intention of falling in love or even getting married in China. In her own words, Chinese men were much more reliable than those in her motherland. For example, during daily chats, someone even revealed to her that it was only natural for a man to leave his salary card to her for safekeeping after marriage, especially when Lucy Ron didn't quite understand what a bride price was.

In response to this, Ning Wei's only comment back to Jiang was: "What the hell?! You can't lick a dog in the House!"

It's a pity that it is said that his lovely Senior Brother Zhou has been very licked, but he still failed to capture Lucy Ron's heart. Probably because of her superior IQ, this talented female Ph.D. from Harvard values ​​external beauty more...

In fact, Ning Wei Dao really wanted to talk to Lucy Ron about the issue of mate selection.

For example, appearance is not everything, especially from a woman's perspective, a man's appearance is the least trustworthy. After all, handsomeness cannot be eaten. Although his senior brother Zhou is not handsome in terms of appearance, at least he is not ugly. Especially the temperament that can delay treating guests to a meal for several years and save up any money, is especially suitable for marrying and living...

But finally gave up.

The main reason is that Ning Wei is not sure whether this kind of conversation will have the opposite effect based on his relationship with Lucy Ron.

Because Lucy Rowan also sincerely told classmate Jiang that her good impression of Chinese men must be discussed aside from Ning Wei, because she felt that Ning Wei did not have any of the other outstanding Chinese men she had seen. With all those beautiful qualities in his body, he was very puzzled as to why Mr. Jiang was so devoted to a chauvinist guy like Ning Wei...

Okay, I thought too far again.

In short, we should first attract those high-end talents to China for a look. What if they are attracted and decide to stay and do research? As long as the price is high enough, as long as the city is livable and the environment is good enough, why not work anywhere? After all, science has no borders.

And compared to Chinese people, foreigners are actually less opposed to immigration. After all, most Western countries are immigrant countries. They are willing to go to Mars, let alone just change their lives on earth.

Of course, in Ning Wei's idea, it is probably enough to attract elites in scientific research fields in various industries. It is best to be the kind of person who treats the laboratory as home and works together to build a better earth.

Obviously March understood Ning Wei’s thoughts, so he gave suggestions...

Keep going!

Of course, this kind of thing is actually not suitable for speaking out on Weibo.

People are being interviewed by reporters, and if he responded with one or two sentences on Weibo, it seemed disrespectful.

So, Ning Wei put down the research at hand, walked out of the office, went to the next door, and knocked politely on the ajar door.

The door was quickly opened, revealing Liu Wei's angular face.

"Want to go out?"

"No, I just have something to ask you. I remember that many media wanted to interview me?"

"You want to be interviewed?"

"Well, the chairman of the Tim Nobel Prize Foundation has come forward to accept interviews. I have reflected on it. We can't act too arrogant. We should be more low-key as a person. Occasionally accept interviews, live broadcasts, etc., and talk to the media It is also necessary to build a good relationship. What do you think? Brother Liu? "

Liu Wei was silent for a moment, thought about it, and asked carefully, "Ning Wei, what do you want to talk about specifically, do you want to go through the draft first?"

"I just want to calmly tell the world about the March Awards. It can be said to be a large-scale science propaganda. I will tell everyone why the selection process of the March Awards is the most scientific, and also respond to some rumors, why this year No Chinese person won the March Prize. That’s probably it. I don’t need it after the draft is finished. I know what is said and what is not said.”

"Ning Wei, you should know that many people are very optimistic about you and think very highly of you, but in fact everyone also hopes that you can talk less. There is nothing wrong with scientists being quieter, especially big scientists who don't talk much. It's normal to be good at communication. It's enough to just concentrate on doing your own thing!" Liu Wei suggested.

The words were very tactful and the meaning was very direct. It was almost as simple as saying, "If you don't know how to speak, why don't you speak less?"

This reminded Ning Wei of what Yu Yue shouted angrily in front of the screen: "Meow people are not afraid of challenges and always move forward bravely!".

Although many people think that Ning Wei is very venomous, in fact, Ning Wei is very aggrieved by this evaluation. When it comes to venomous tongue, March is really venomous. However, most people seem to have no impression of this, and even the Internet The mainstream comment on March turned out to be - cute!

This is the most exaggerated.

At least compared to March, Ning Wei feels that he is already very good at communication and has strong communication skills. For example, he would often shut up everyone in his former dormitory group just by opening his mouth.

"Some things still have to be said. Especially when it comes to the March Prize. This award is very important to a series of my plans, and whether the March Prize can develop in the future. I asked March to make a scenario prediction that was not too scientific. , which is probably based on the responses of all parties to previous hot events in the international community as a template, and then making a mathematical model to judge the subsequent media response to this incident."

"The result is that if we don't respond, a well-known media report will probably start to flood the screen, very objectively analyzing from various angles why the March Prize cannot replace the Nobel Prize. In order to improve authenticity, say Maybe this report will be signed by a Chinese journalist. This kind of report will have different opinions on the impact of the March Prize, but one thing is certain, it will inevitably delay the acceptance of the March Prize in the international academic circle. This acceptance is not Raising bonuses can solve it.”

"The scary thing is that, based on the impact of reporting, this kind of targeted article will become popular within the academic community, thus delaying the recognition of the March Award in the international academic community. This time may be two years, five years or even ten years Years, although we are all still young, it doesn’t matter. But there are always some people who are old. I believe that many old scientists will definitely hope to see China have its own international awards that are comparable to the world’s top awards in their lifetime. You say Woolen cloth?"

This reason can be said to be invincible, especially the elevation of the realm of thinking.

Many people hate the kind of rhetoric that elevates one's intentions infinitely during a conversation, but they have to admit that this method is very useful. It was as if Liu Wei didn't dare to say "no" at this time.

"You're right. But the March Prize has a dedicated office, and the March Foundation has a dedicated management department. Why are you joining in the fun? Wouldn't it be better to just let other professors be interviewed?" Liu Wei gave an option. .

"I'm really not boasting, Brother Liu. The March Foundation's influence is not big enough now. Even if they were interviewed, few people would take it seriously abroad. I'm different. I have traffic."

The answer is still very reasonable.

In the Internet age, traffic is influence. What you say must be seen by others to express your attitude. If no one sees it, it is called self-entertainment.

"Okay, when do you want to?"

"How about... just make an appointment with any media this afternoon and get it over with as soon as possible!"

"No special request?"

"Well, it would be best if someone you know well does the interview."


Ning Wei said that he made an appointment with a media at random, but of course the media cannot be too casual.

After all, too many media hope to interview Ning Wei, not to mention some local media, even the central media have applied many times.

As Ning Wei wins more and more awards and becomes more and more famous, the videos of Ning Wei’s interviews circulating on the Internet have not changed much. The main focus is still on the several interviews Ning Wei accepted when he was an undergraduate, as well as the interviews he received in the Central Media News A few minutes of content on.

After Ning Wei graduated from his bachelor's degree, the only serious videos left were those short videos taken to promote Ning Wei's class. From a media perspective, this is somewhat of a waste.

Just like Ning Wei's self-evaluation, after all, this is a guy who does not rely on traffic, but brings his own traffic.

So naturally, after Liu Wei reported it immediately, the news spread to the central media.

In the CCTV building, the well-known host Luo Zhen is in front of the computer carefully reading the resumes of the guests invited to the next episode of "People". The program will be officially recorded tomorrow. Before the program, she has a deeper understanding of the guests, and will undoubtedly have a deeper understanding of the filming and production process of the program. What's more advantageous, the most important thing is that the guests invited by the program "People" have their own special characteristics, for example, they are all real people.

It was as if the person she was going to talk to tomorrow was a well-known business tycoon in China. To be able to reach the position of a boss, you have to be somewhat temperamental. Although when it comes to the level of these big bosses, they will give some face to the central media, but as the host, knowing more about the interviewees can ensure a generally friendly atmosphere while ensuring that interesting topics can be discussed. , but it can demonstrate the skill of a host.

Luo Zhen was engrossed in reading the information when the phone on the table suddenly rang. She glanced at the five characters in the director's office and quickly connected the phone.

"Hey, Director Zhang, what are your orders?"

"Luo Zhen, I have a temporary interview assignment. Please prepare quickly and get ready to go immediately."

"Ah? Interview task? I'll go." Luo Zhen was a little confused. After all, there were reporters on the station who were responsible for outbound interviews. For a program host, it was rare for her to be assigned outbound interview tasks.

"Well, you are the only one who has dealt with Professor Ning in Taiwan so far. Professor Ning wants to have an acquaintance do the interview, so it's you."

"Professor Ning? Ning Wei?"

"Otherwise? Is there any Professor Ning who is willing to be interviewed? We have to respond immediately? You should prepare quickly and ask Xiao Zhou to cooperate with you. The time is set at two o'clock in the afternoon and the location is at the Yanbei Mathematics Research Center. You guys After you go there, just call Mr. Liu Wei and he will make arrangements. By the way, this is not a recording program. If you cooperate well, we will see if we can arrange a more formal interview with Professor Ning."

"Okay, Director Zhang, promise to complete the task."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Zhen was still very excited.

As Director Zhang said, not every professor is willing to be interviewed, and the central media will cooperate. After all, the central media also wants to save face.

But Ning Wei is definitely a special case. Even though he has been rejected too many times before, he still has no temper. After all, his achievements are there.

Luo Zhen still remembers the last time she talked to Ning Wei, when Ningban was under preparation and the plan for the future city was just a drawing.

Now that classes in Ningban have officially started, the construction of the future city in LP County is also in full swing.

But she didn't expect that she would have the opportunity to interview Ning Wei again. After all, no one has appeared on the program "People" twice. More of a curiosity, why did Ning Wei suddenly want to be interviewed?

Professor Ning is well known in Taiwan for being too lazy to deal with the media.

After all, there are not many celebrities on the stage who want to interview but have never had the chance. Ning Wei is definitely the most special one.

Excited, she immediately found Ning Wei on WeChat and sent a message: "Professor Ning, Taili just assigned me a task. I will rush to Yanbei Mathematics Research Center to meet you at two o'clock in the afternoon. For an exclusive interview, what topics do you want to talk about?”

She quickly received a response, still very simple "?"

Fortunately, the message that followed was quite enthusiastic: "Sister Luo, you're here again? But I can't do a program with just a few interviews in the afternoon, right? I just want to discuss with you about the Nobel Prize and As for the topic of the March Awards, it’s impossible for this thing to support an entire program, right? I just asked Brother Liu to find someone to record a short video, and that’s enough. Are you making a fuss out of a molehill?”

After seeing Ning Wei's news, Luo Zhen immediately replied: "Professor Ning, I probably understand what you mean. But this doesn't need to be a program. We can excerpt some of the dialogue and broadcast it directly in the form of news That's good. You can also express your opinions on the news. Let me tell you, before I became a host, I was actually a news reporter, and I am quite familiar with this job."

"That's best, Sister Luo, thank you. It's a pity that my dad is not in the capital, otherwise I could have let you take a photo with him."

"There will definitely be opportunities in the future. Professor Ning, I will go directly when I am ready. Now you can think about what questions you need me to interview. We will communicate directly on WeChat. After the meeting, we will start directly to avoid delays. Your time.”

"Well, it's actually quite simple. You can search on the Internet to find out what Niels Coulston, a member of the jury for this year's Nobel Prize in Physics, and Lars Heikensten, chairman of the Nobel Foundation, have said in the past two days. videos, and then just ask around the topics they talked about. You must have more experience than me in how to specifically ask these two questions."

"No problem, I will communicate the problem with you in advance on WeChat later."

"Well, please, Sister Luo, I'll see you later."

"No trouble, see you later!"

Ning Wei was talking about these videos. Luo Zhen really didn't know what was going on. However, five minutes later, the two videos were downloaded to the mobile phone, which also allowed Luo Zhen to understand the cause and effect.

It's no exaggeration. In one minute, at least dozens of questions came to Luo Zhen's mind.

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