Tech Hammer

Chapter 363 The Future (Part 1)

"...I can understand the thoughts of some people at the Royal Academy of Sciences in Switzerland. If you stay in the comfort zone for a long time, you will subconsciously be afraid of challenges. I can understand this emotion...Yes, this should be because they are afraid..."

"In the history of mankind, there has never been a third-party scientific perspective of the human community to judge who has made greater contributions in lighting up the science and technology tree, and who deserves the highest praise and awards from the human scientific community. Obviously this It is a breakthrough from the perspective of science and technology, which will affect all aspects of science, and will especially guide us to develop in the right direction. This also shows that the March Award itself has gone beyond the scope of a simple award..."

"Angry? No, actually I'm not angry. I think that Niels Coulston should be called this name. This academician of the Royal Swiss Academy of Sciences is indeed a scientist who studies physics. He sees the future very accurately. , if the Nobel Prize does not still have a certain influence and suppresses the March Prize in this way, there will really be no chance in the future.”

"No, it's not an exaggeration at all. Everyone should know it on the day of our March Award Ceremony. From a scientific point of view, there is a certain correlation between phenomena and essence, but it is not that easy to distinguish the actual correlation. Where is sex? Here I will give a simple analogy, the problem of female mate selection. I have a foreign female friend who often complains to my lover. Since she understood the concept of a scumbag, she has discovered some of the things she has been exposed to , the probability of a woman of the right age coming into contact with a scumbag is often several times higher than the probability of coming into contact with a good man. But in her opinion, Chinese men are actually quite good in many concepts, so she can’t understand this contradiction How did it come about?"

"If we simply analyze the essence from this phenomenon, we will often come to the conclusion that there are far more bad men in China than good men. But the actual situation is that good men often choose to stay the same, which will lead to the inflow of good men. At that moment in the market, after being selected, he will not appear again, but the scumbag is always wandering in the market, and the probability of a woman looking for it in the market meeting a scumbag will naturally increase greatly."

"This is science. When we want to explore the essence from phenomena, we need to eliminate the superficial connections that may mislead us and look for deep connections. This is where strong artificial intelligence transcends human thinking. The judgment of the human jury is more accurate. This is why the March Award must be more valuable than any other technology awards in the world."

"Yes, many people have not yet realized that a new era has arrived, and are still stuck in the old ways and seeing new things based on old thinking, including some of us. Everyone knows , I am cooperating with Ningsi Lab to design a CPU with independent property rights, which is a huge system project. We have had many discussions on design, such as multimedia systems."

"When we were discussing, everyone was still struggling with whether our design should include many once-standardized protocols and interfaces. This is a linear thinking mode. Although our researchers are using the March Intelligent Platform all the time and enjoying In March, the intelligent platform brought convenience to auxiliary design, functional verification, etc., but they forgot about the more changes that the intelligent platform can bring to the future."

"For example, why do we think that the future of film and television will still be based on the traditional delivery model? Or in the highly popular metaverse world, how should our multimedia technology develop? Should the audio-visual feasts of movies and TV still be the same model as before? , delivered to us? In the era of strong artificial intelligence, will there be a more efficient way to deliver information that is more in line with user needs?"

"My answer is, yes! Friends who have studied my paper "General Theory of Big Data Compression" know that my paper constructs an alternative set of big data transmission methods that are different from Shannon's theory. Storage system. But when this system is upgraded again, with our new chip technology, is it possible? In the future, we will no longer have to stare at the movies and TV shows produced for us by excellent directors, but through more An advanced way to meet our multimedia needs?”

"For example, multi-version audio-visual. If a file of up to several hundred K is converted into a Blu-ray movie, it will generally contain several gigabytes or even ten gigabytes of content. Conversely, a Blu-ray movie of more than ten gigabytes can also be converted into several gigabytes. Hundreds of K of documents. In the future, why can’t we use a new generation of chips and powerful artificial intelligence? We only need these hundreds of K of plot files, and use computers to generate scenes, characters, actions, dialogues, and sound effects locally, and complete various tasks in real time. A kind of rendering?"

"What are the benefits of this technology? To put it simply, blockbusters are still blockbusters and can still bring the ultimate audio-visual enjoyment to everyone. But there is almost no transmission cost. In addition, it can also satisfy the needs of modern people. Personalized needs. Characters can choose their own favorite protagonist, or even let themselves be the protagonist, and play with the people they like in the movie, expanding the breadth of life. The place where the story takes place can also be set by oneself, and it can not be troubled by language, etc. wait."

"This is a dynamic, chaotic system information product based on environmental realization. This is more complicated to explain. We can analyze this idea from a biological perspective. For example, we all know that the genes of most organisms determine For many things, the genetic information in these genes is stored in nucleic acids. The genetic information that carries the genetic information guides the synthesis of proteins and promotes the growth of organisms according to certain traits. In the absence of mutations, we can tell based on the appearance that this belongs to That kind of creature. That’s the local support for computing power.”

"As for whether the computing power is enough? In theory, it is possible. Everyone knows that Little Libaba's Feitian system is, to put it bluntly, a large-scale distributed collaboration system. Artificial intelligence can take this effect to the extreme, especially With more suitable hardware, this collaborative computing will not only be completed through software, but can be completed more efficiently through hardware."

“In other words, after our independent chip industry develops in the future, the whole world will change. Computing power and user privacy will be at different levels. People can join the artificial intelligence platform and share idle computing power at the same time. , you can also enjoy free support from others’ computing power. Our artificial intelligence system will be able to calculate each user’s computing power contribution and usage through accurate data, and then reward them.”

"You may not understand what this means. To explain it this way, generally speaking, personal computers always have rest time, while enterprise-level servers need to provide services 24 hours a day. Now we There are also countless companies that rent cloud computing services to ensure the normal operation of their company's network business. In the future, personal computing devices will have the possibility to join cloud services. While enjoying cloud services, they can also earn profits by providing cloud services."

"The addition of these idle computing power can further enhance the all-round capabilities of strong artificial intelligence. Of course, it also includes more complete establishment of award-winning models for various scientific research directions of the March Award, such as more dimensional evaluation systems, and the impact of technology trees. Develop clearer judgments that a selection committee of five or even ten people cannot achieve.”

"Don't look at the current development of science and technology from an old perspective. The era of strong artificial intelligence has arrived, and it will even lead to a trend. So rather than saying that the March Prize is benchmarked against the Nobel Prize, it is better to say that this is a new technology that suddenly emerges, following the trend. A collision of old ideas. More scientific productivity has been created, and everything we do now is just to liberate advanced productivity."

"According to the lessons that history tells us, at this stage, those decadent and old vested interests will of course fight tooth and nail to maintain their former glory, but all this is in vain. Because advanced productivity will surely replace Old productivity, this process is destined to be irreversible! Because in the end, it will be every natural person on the earth who enjoys the benefits.”

“So I must congratulate those winners who were finally selected this year through multi-dimensional analysis and judgment using our strong artificial intelligence technology. As the winners of the first March Award, they will definitely be remembered by history. At the same time, Please also look forward to the March Prize Awarding Party in March next year. At the party, we will present all the candidates for the March Prize and their scores. At the same time, we will announce the mathematical model of the selection to the world and explain to every academic person why These people can win awards in their respective fields, and we will open a special dialogue window after the party to answer all questions."

"At the same time, I am also here to invite Mr. Niels Coulston and Chairman Heikensten to attend our March Award Ceremony. If they are willing to come, I will spend some time discussing the three issues with them. Why will the Monthly Prize replace the Nobel Prize as the world's most important award in the field of science and technology? We can even let everyone in the world pay attention to this debate through live broadcast."

The interview lasted for half an hour, and Ning Wei finished talking.

Of course, there are traces of performance in this. All the questions were not so much conceived by Luo Zhen as they were finalized by Ning Wei, and then step by step, Ning Wei was asked to say everything he felt needed to be expressed.

In addition to responding to the Nobel Prize, more importantly, it once again promoted a wave of independent chips that are being designed and future operating systems that have not yet been prepared.

The main reason is that Ning Wei has no interest in appearing in the media. Therefore, when doing this kind of thing, I still prefer to complete multiple mission goals at once, not to mention that the entire March Award evaluation system can actually be closely related to China's independent chips in the future.

For the media, it is great to get a lot of useful information. The key is that the content of this interview is neither long nor short. Editing it into news and summarizing all the content into one or two minutes is really a test of your skills...

Fortunately, it is not difficult for professional media people after all.

When the material was sent back to the station, a plan was quickly drawn up.

In addition to condensing the content of this interview and broadcasting it on the news, the complete interview video will be released directly through online media after the news. It can be regarded as an online version of the "People" program.

The video content was unsurprisingly popular.

After all, this is not just about competing with the Nobel Prize, but because as a world-recognized top scientist, in this interview, he directly talked to the public about his understanding of future computers and the entire artificial intelligence industry. Follow the description.

Especially the part about the movie.


In the future, after China’s independent chip is completed, will it be possible to personalize movie viewing?

Can future movies and TV series be independently generated based on the script? Can everyone choose a male and female protagonist individually? Or even insert yourself into the film and become the protagonist?

In other words, how far can you imagine your future films?

For example, everyone can save the world ten or eight times in the movie, and even after choosing the plot development, they can bring themselves and the opposite sex they like into these stories to complete a big production?

How could artificial intelligence be so terrifying in the future? !

It is no exaggeration to say that after this video was released, it was destined that all the new product launches of major technology companies the following year would be completely ruined by the sense of anticipation evoked by this interview video.

There is no doubt that no one can achieve this level with the existing technological reserves. Whether it is software or hardware, it is impossible to complete this level of rendering under the existing conditions. In the words of a knowledgeable person, if you want to locally generate a Blu-ray movie of more than ten gigabytes from a document of several hundred K, as Ning Wei said, the computing power required is an astronomical figure.

Not to mention that ordinary personal equipment cannot complete it, even supercomputing cannot complete it in a short period of time without the help of a large resource library. As for new chips, they are still in the design stage. According to the general rules of the chip industry, the time unit for completing each step of a large general-purpose chip like a CPU from design, verification to tape-out, and finally mass production is generally It is calculated on an annual basis...

The chip is still in the design stage. In other words, it would be good for Ningsi Lab to complete the initial design of the CPU and enter the tape-out process after 2026. The possibility of successful tape-out in one go is extremely low, especially for desktops. CPUs are more complex than mobile CPUs. The three-dimensional CPU structure is definitely more complicated than the traditional flat CPU structure. Not to mention that this field has not been touched before. During the research and development process, the capital chain may be broken, causing the project to be delayed indefinitely. risk.

The conclusion is that you might as well treat the content described by Ningwei in this interview as a series in your lifetime...

But even if some professionals jump out to throw cold water on it, they still can't stop the public's enthusiasm. Now Ning Wei has a lot of fans, and everyone’s rebuttal arguments are also very sufficient - don’t you know that what Professor Ning is best at is creating miracles? !

Think about it, in March of that year, the chip was rubbed by hand. From the official announcement to the chip actually being rubbed out, it only took one night, and the result was super perfect - how can I say this?

In short, Professor Ning may not be able to do what others can't do. The scene described by the scholar is just around the corner!

A group of people quarreled and even started to @bosses from various technology companies, hoping that they could express some opinions. Even many foreign media reporters did target Ning Wei's video and hoped to interview those big names in the technology industry.

But unfortunately, most of the big guys remained silent. Even laboratory researchers from well-known technology companies received gag orders and did not respond to Ning Wei's video.

Professors from some prestigious universities have expressed some opinions through various channels. Generally speaking, the response from the academic community is relatively rational, with both support and opposition. Of course, there are also discussions on the scientific nature of the award process for the Nobel Prize and the March Prize. Or quarrel.

Anyway, the days passed by in the public debate, and after speaking out, Ning Wei chose silence, which was basically equivalent to disappearing from the public eye.

Until March Awards Ceremony will be held as scheduled.

At least Ning Wei's idea was right. When the big names in the world's science and technology circles confirmed that they would attend the first March Award Ceremony, there was no surprise in this award ceremony. attracted the attention of the whole world.

Moreover, with the support of the big guys, there are more important participants in the academic world. Although the Nobel Review Committee and the Foundation did not send anyone to attend, they were probably not satisfied with Ning Wei's invitation to speak via video. But there are actually three former Nobel Prize winners...

Of course this is thanks to many people.

For example, Arnold, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry eight years ago, visited with Sundar Pichai as a director of Alphabet, Google’s parent company. This was a matter of face given by Google.

There are also two physics prize winners who were invited by Tian Yanzhen after repeated requests. This is to give the boss face.

But in the final analysis, these Nobel laureates themselves are very interested in strong artificial intelligence like March, so they came to participate in this event and got the opportunity to communicate face-to-face with March.

In any case, this March Prize Award Ceremony was very successful. At least in terms of the attention it received, it was definitely no less than any Nobel Prize Award Ceremony. After all, the identities of the big names are still very eye-catching...

Although Ning Wei did not make any remarks at this award ceremony, March explained the scoring rules of each dimension of the March Award to the world through the screen. It was detailed enough to include an explanation of each scoring point of each candidate. Once again It sparked a heated discussion on the Internet and in academic circles.

In any case, at least in terms of making the selection criteria public, the March Awards are indeed ahead of the world. Strong artificial intelligence has once again become the hottest topic in the world.

Ning Wei doesn't care about the arguments from the outside world.

Because at the end of April of the same year, something very important to Ning Wei's life happened. Jiang was confirmed to be pregnant at Yanbei University Affiliated Hospital. When he was diagnosed, she was already three weeks pregnant.

Obviously, Professor Ning must take full responsibility for this matter...

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