Tech Hammer

Chapter 376 Proposal

For a group of children in Ningshe, when Chen Diancheng spoke up, there was actually no agreement or disapproval. The reason is probably that the vast majority of Ningshe members major in science and engineering. From the perspective of science and engineering thinking, technological innovation can change everything.

More importantly, logically speaking, most people believe that what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong, with no middle ground. The two most important characteristics of science are predictability and falsifiability. The goal that everyone strives for is to find the truth of adaptability through these two characteristics.

This is different from the liberal and romantic ideas of liberal arts. The vast majority of science students are actually not very good at using gorgeous rhetoric and various emotional output to express strong emotions. After all, the requirement of the paper is to use concise and practical language and data to prove each topic.

This is especially true when it comes to programming work such as programming and algorithms. . .

Currently, when writing programming languages, each command can only have one interpretation. Strong artificial intelligence may be able to do multiple-choice questions, but the machine will not make a choice when reading the code. Any ambiguous instructions will lead to BUG. When calling memory, , the starting and ending positions also need to be clearly marked. Even if it is programming in March, this rule must be followed.

0 is 0, 1 is 1. In a simple and clear world, it is naturally difficult to produce emotions as complex as human nature, and the entanglements of external interests have not yet had time to cover the inside of Ningshe. To be honest, if everyone was focused on money, the money in Ningshe's public account would have made everyone jealous. It's just that everyone is more enthusiastic now. There is nothing wrong with having money in the public account. When everyone goes out into the society and starts a business, maybe the start-up capital can be obtained from here?

So there is nothing to object to, and no one thinks there is anything wrong with Chen Diancheng's idea. Many people are even eager to give it a try. It's like some people are full and start to feel bad about everything. Some people are full and just want to complete more visions. No one has the psychological burden of destroying the jobs of some people who have very different moral standards.

Therefore, Chen Diancheng's will was very smoothly recognized by the small collective of Ningshe.

Young people are always full of passion and blood...

Before the formal meeting, Zhang Zhihong had a half-hour phone call with Ma Huaide, the founder, chairman of the board and CEO of Penguin Group, in the hotel.

The two chatted for nearly half an hour, and then at the afternoon meeting of senior executives of various departments, with Ma Huaide's support, Zhang Zhihong's opinions were passed with difficulty.

It's really hard...

The launch of the project in cooperation with Ningshe also means that it will be more difficult to meet the KPI performance appraisal standards of some departments this year. As we all know, killing someone's wealth is like killing their parents.

Of course, there are pros and cons as well as pros and cons.

For example, after a closed-door meeting, Penguin Group’s platform and content business group decided to conduct a new round of organizational structure adjustments for the video business and reorganized the Video Science Center to be responsible for the exploration of new video forms. At the same time, the PCG Short Video Community Product Department of Penguin Group, together with various departments, began to prepare and develop a new holographic short video shooting community.

Including exploring the shooting mechanism of holographic short videos, various hardware tests and recommendations, finding the shooting characteristics of holographic video technology, and guiding and assisting video owners to launch high-quality holographic videos.

In addition, Ma Huaide seems to have thought of a project that has been abandoned for many years-Penguin Weibo. Of course, this project was only temporarily mentioned at the meeting. Whether it really needs to be rebuilt depends on the subsequent development of the situation.

Penguin Weibo competed with the current Weibo for ten years. However, Penguin Group, which controlled the entrance of social traffic after ten years, still ended in failure.

Of course, this is not a big deal for Penguin Group. After all, the foundation of Penguin Group lies in its dominant position in acquaintance social networking. In terms of product positioning, Penguin Weibo is just one of its many products. Penguin just wants to try it. Building a public social platform; for the other side, it is the top priority, and it can be said that all resources are invested in it.

To put it bluntly, Penguin needs a three-dimensional product structure to improve the user adhesion of all its products. If it fails at one level alone, as long as it does not affect its foundation, it will not be a big problem. But its opponents operate the platform as the foundation for the future. From this point of view, the day Penguin Group decided to start Weibo, it had already lost.

But now that this product has been offline, Ma Huaide sees an opportunity to pick it up again, and it can even be used as a weapon to stand on a high moral ground.

"President Chen, we just finished our meeting and have made a decision. Penguin Group is willing to cooperate in depth with Ning She to do this. Do you think we can finalize this matter soon?"

After the meeting, Zhang Zhihong immediately called Chen Diancheng.

"Mr. Zhang, are you so efficient? Doesn't it mean that genius has results?"

"Haha, our President Ma attaches great importance to this matter. He just took the time to hold a video conference. No, this matter was decided directly at the meeting. President Ma also said that if I don't sign the contract in Beijing, I will There’s no need to go back to Shencheng.”

"Okay, regarding the contract for the operation of the glass slipper project, we have a contract template here. Our law school classmates helped us draw it up one by one. By the way, it is exactly the same as the one signed by Ning Feng. Is that okay with you? ?”

"Well...our legal colleagues will fly over from Shencheng tomorrow, but I think it won't be a big problem."

"That's fine! But what measures do you have to cooperate?"

"Well, we already have a rough plan. First of all, we decided to draft an initiative for the entire network, and propose to the news practitioners across the entire network, including self-media, the initiative to create a clear online world starting from me. At the same time, we initiated All Internet media practitioners have put forward higher requirements for the rigor of news. They also simultaneously announced the cooperation plan between Penguin Group and Ningshe to introduce artificial intelligence rating system tags to all specific news content creation involving Internet media under Penguin. among.”

"Then it depends on your algorithm. After introducing the rating system provided by Ningshe, we will also consider determining the exposure of various news categories based on the standards of the artificial intelligence news rating system in the future. In layman's terms, it means giving . Integrate our recommendation algorithm with the rating system provided by your agency to encourage and advocate better quality and more comprehensive news content, and to guide the journalistic ethics of media people. Ensure that bad money will no longer drive out good money. time to happen."

"Because we are pressed for time, we can only think of so many for now. In addition, if other friends are not very cooperative, for example, if that Weibo company is not willing to introduce your rating system, we can consider it. Restart the Penguin Weibo plan and introduce the rating system provided by your company, which we refer to as the Sunshine News Content Rating System, into the future development of Penguin Weibo and create some content that is differentiated from our friends."

"Specifically, it is to attract more high-quality media companies and media people to settle in and create a sharing platform that focuses on real news hot spots. We will observe and discuss hot social events from multiple angles. We do not refuse everyone to make their own voices heard, but we strictly prohibit the pursuit of traffic for the sake of traffic. Selective and one-sided reporting of press release content appears. Especially in-depth reporting of hot events, ensure the tripartite principle, ensure authenticity and freshness, and strictly control the orientation to eliminate headlines."

"Because we just finished the meeting, this matter requires multi-department coordination, so these are the results of the discussion at the temporary meeting. Specific details on how to cooperate need to be given by each department. This will take time, but in general The above details are all based on the major issues determined at today's meeting. I wonder if President Chen is satisfied with these?"

Zhang Zhihong gave a very detailed account of some of the decisions made during the meeting, as well as the content of the private discussions with Ma Huaide. Anyway, sincerely.

Of course, as Zhang Zhihong said before, Penguin Group is actually not involved much in news reporting.

For example, people rarely look for various news hot lists from Penguin’s products. It's a pleasant surprise when it's done well, and it doesn't hurt if it's not done well. The most important thing is that you can also get the right to operate the glass slipper project, which is worthwhile from every aspect.

Of course, this is not bad for Ningshe.

With the involvement of the giant Penguin Group, the voice can speak louder.

As for whether the glass slipper project can make a lot of money in the future, Ningshe is not considering it.

Not to mention that the agency operation contract is actually very beneficial to Ningshe. Even if it is really influential and makes a lot of money, according to the contract, Ningshe will always receive dividends. Of course, the most important thing is that the glass slipper project is not a big project for Ningshe, it is more just a matter of interest.

"Okay, in this case, we will prepare the proposal and then send it out through Penguin Group's channels."

"no problem!"

"Well, in addition, the Sunshine News Rating System, I like this word very much. We will sign the contract tomorrow, and we will sort out the algorithm the day after tomorrow at the latest and hand it over to you. Please be prepared."

"Wait a minute? The evaluation algorithm will be handed over to us the day after tomorrow? President Chen, are you talking about a proposal or an algorithm?"

Obviously, the efficiency given by Chen Diancheng really scared Zhang Zhihong, and he quickly confirmed.

"Haha, no doubt, it's an algorithm! I will send you the proposal later. In fact, this is not a technical problem in the first place, it is just easier to solve it with technology. Let me tell you this, I just checked the internal three The archives of the monthly user platform have ready-made algorithms for news evaluation standards. Moreover, it is a three-dimensional evaluation method, including professional content analysis, relevant social response analysis, comment analysis, etc."

"But we really weren't prepared for this. Let me explain to you. I checked the files generated by this algorithm at that time. I wonder if Mr. Zhang still remembers the news that suddenly spread in mainstream online media outside the Internet five years ago. A trend to encourage students to learn? "

Chen Diancheng's question once again brought back Zhang Zhihong's memories.

Yes, there was such a trend of encouraging people to learn.

When this incident first happened, it became a joke among a group of people, calling it happy awakening. But later, many people discovered that the taste was wrong. Although the uncontrolled content was homogeneous, the specific copywriting and video content were not. The sudden and crazy emergence of different content can directly interfere with the platform's recommendation algorithm and push it across the board, which already shows what is unusual about it.

Of course, the matter ended up being nothing, but fellow Internet company executives also heard rumors. The incident of encouraging students to study could be said to be the first time Ning Wei used a strong artificial intelligence platform to take action. All relevant content is produced by intelligent platforms. At the same time, March also accurately exploited the push algorithm loopholes of each platform to complete the large-scale promotion of these educational content...

The effect is very obvious. It is said that a group of Western children have successfully given up the habit of checking Facebook and Twitter for a few days. After all, the videos are like chanting sutras about how important learning is, and how hard it will be in the future if you don’t learn well. It’s really It can make people depressed. If you don't hurry up and play a few more games to calm down your shock, you won't be able to pass the level in your heart.

At the same time, it also miraculously caused the Facebook and Twitter visits of many foreign Internet celebrities to plummet.

Fortunately, this incident only lasted for three days, and it did not spread on the Chinese Internet. Otherwise, China’s social media and short video software would have had a headache.

As a human master, Zhang Zhihong also knows more. For example, the once world-famous environmental protection little princess suddenly disappeared. It is said that she returned to Rui to continue high school. However, there is no follow-up report at all, and she does not know where she is currently studying in high school. How is it going? Have you been admitted to university? Which university have you been admitted to?

This is actually very strange. After all, the environmental protection princess who was once very popular, no matter how cool it is, in this self-media era, there will always be some journalists who will think of this little girl when they are too busy to find traffic, and then Some follow-up reports can satisfy the curiosity of countless netizens. After all, this little princess has also met and talked with many presidents of major countries.

But this little girl seems to have been forgotten by the world. No one abroad now mentions her at all.

Now that Chen Diancheng mentioned this, Chen Diancheng suddenly thought of the little girl with freckles on her face who talked about "good or bad oil", so he subconsciously replied: "I still remember it."

"Oh, it will be easy to explain if you remember it. To put it bluntly, in order to achieve the purpose of rapid communication at that time, the library had a special communication model, which involved a series of algorithms, including the hot event assessment system algorithm. Now we There are members who are studying these algorithms, and there are ready-made model evaluations, which basically do not require any modification..."

In fact, Zhang Zhihong didn't quite hear what Chen Diancheng said, and his mind was already drifting away...

Another major historical event has come to naught.

Although there were rumors at the time that this was indeed the case, there was no confirmation at all.

It was impossible for Penguin Group to send an email to determine what the situation was, but it has now been declassified.

What’s even scarier is that this happened five years ago. The most terrifying thing is that Ning Wei really trusts Ning She and the students. Chen Diancheng can actually find this kind of content in the database? This kind of sharp weapon is in the hands of this group of fearless students. Even if a hole is made in the bucket, Zhang Zhihong will not feel any surprise.

What Zhang Zhihong didn't know was that this was actually an accident.

Not just any student in Ning Club can query these databases. The main reason is that Chen Diancheng is already a direct Ph.D. student under Ning Wei. Naturally, his treatment is different from that of other club members, and the resources he can mobilize are also different.

In the end, all the emotions and thousands of words in my heart could only be condensed into one sentence: "Okay, I'll wait for news about President Chen."

"When the word Rashomon appeared in human history, it has never disappeared. In the Internet age, it has become a disaster everywhere! As ordinary people, when we open Weibo, Tieba, or even Moments, we chase after everyone When a social hot topic happens, everyone is surrounded by overwhelming reports. The celebrity effect, entertainment effect, and shocking headlines make everyone fall into carnivals one after another on the Internet.”

“I don’t know since when, we no longer pay attention to the authenticity of news. We are accustomed to only looking at one-sided words in news reports. We look for emotion, experience passion, and vent anger through hot spots. We sigh, we curse, We lament that we thought we could open our eyes to see the world, and we thought we were using independent thoughts to analyze human nature reflected in hot spots, but the facts have repeatedly emphasized that we are just being manipulated emotionally by pens!"

“I don’t know since when, news is no longer oriented towards authenticity. Even if there are deep interests involved in the incident, people don’t care that there is only one side of the story in a news article. The so-called tripartite principle has been thrown out of mind, in order to attract people. Bloody steamed buns can also taste delicious. Media people don’t consider evidence, only empathy. Viewers forget that even a photo can be interpreted in 10,000 ways by just cutting out part of it!"

"Since when did media people who are serious and rigorous but still have conscience have no choice but to bid farewell to this industry sadly? However, those who give up the lower limit and are not afraid to challenge the moral bottom line of the industry can thrive like a fish in water and thrive despite all odds. The laurel crown that crowns the emperor speaks nonsense that goes against good morals and does things that are outrageous to both humans and gods!"

"Why? Why did the industry I once dreamed of choosing to enter in order to realize my ideals degenerate to this extent?"

"Someone told me that this is because when an industry only needs to exercise self-moral restraint, and the benefits gained from violating moral principles far outweigh the harm, it gives these people the courage to challenge the moral bottom line again and again."

"A dirty country, if everyone follows the rules instead of talking about morality, will eventually become a normal country with a human touch, and morality will naturally gradually return; a clean country, if everyone does not follow the rules but talks about When it comes to morality, talk about nobleness, talk about moral standards every day, and everyone is selfless. In the end, this country will degenerate into a dirty country full of hypocrites.

“Therefore, Penguin Group and Ningshe issued this initiative, advocating that every platform involving hot social events introduce a sunshine news evaluation system, and all content involving hot social news reports be intelligently rated, depriving them of false news content, and ranking them for traffic. The existing one-sided news content has disappeared from the entire network and no longer has any room for survival."

"At the same time, we advocate that every user can use your actions to support the Sunshine News Rating System. Let excellent and ideal journalists return to their posts, let news gathering and editing return to their original vision, and let us see Everything you hear is the truth, let all the anger be justified, let all the hypocrites have no hiding place, let the brave ones stand and make money, let the despicable people freeze to death in the snow..."

When Zhang Zhihong received this short essay, he probably discussed it with Chen Diancheng and made some small changes.

Change "Penguin Group, in collaboration with Ningshe, issued this proposal" to "Ningshe, in collaboration with Penguin Group, issued this proposal."

The two sides quickly reached a consensus, and that's it...


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