Tech Hammer

Chapter 377 Confused

Of course, the proposal cannot be sent only to Zhang Zhihong.

As the Vice President of Penguin said, maybe Penguin Group can indeed make all the difference on the Internet platform, but social networking is the foundation of Penguin Group. If you really want to talk about chasing social news hot topics, Penguin Group is really not good at it. The influence of public accounts is obviously not as great as the real-name verified Weibo Vs who dominate the public domain platform.

For example, those speeches that made Ningban students and Ningshe members particularly unhappy were definitely not spread in the circle of friends in the first place.

Although many people get this information from Moments, it is obvious that they all quote content from other platforms. Such as Weibo, such as various headlines.

Of course, for Chen Diancheng, there is no need to go online to find the sources of various comments and make statistics. Behind every social hot spot, March can directly collect and compile various data. He only needs to be able to use it efficiently. March platform permissions.

It just so happened that as one of Ning Wei's students, Chen Diancheng had sufficient authority. . .

Just look at the statistics and you will find that the platforms on which many messages are first published, as well as the channels for dissemination and forwarding, are clear.

Which platform is the most active, how many reposts there are on the entire network, and what the rate of being out of the circle is, everything is clear at a glance. At the same time, these data are automatically collected from public platforms, and there is no legal risk. Shared by March artificial intelligence platform construction partners.

So currently, only Ning Wei and his students, Huawei, Jitu Group, and cooperative units related to Jitu Group can query these background data. In addition, there is no paid query function for outsiders, mainly because the big bosses of the partners are not short of money.

The next step is to do things.

As his name suggests, Chen Diancheng began to contact these domestic bigwigs on the phone in a sincere manner.

Backed by Ning Wei, and Ningshe's products are indeed well-known in the industry, after being invited to attend several Internet conferences in China, Chen Diancheng's mobile phone address book really has no shortage of numbers for Internet giants. Take Xingyu Weibo as an example. Chen Diancheng has the number of Cao Yanping, chairman of Xingyu Group, and the number of Wang Qicheng, CEO of the Weibo platform.

After carefully recalling the two people in his mind for a moment, Chen Diancheng decided to call Wang Qicheng.

There was no other reason. If he remembered correctly, Wang Qicheng was also a man in science and engineering, with a technical background. He first worked at the Xingyu R\u0026D Center, and then gradually reached the position of CEO of the Weibo platform. Chen Diancheng feels that there may be more common topics when talking with technical people doing R\u0026D. And it would be better to talk directly to the boss of the Weibo platform.

As for the chairman of the group who is also the CEO, he is responsible for too many things and is not very technical. I told him that he might not be able to realize the seriousness of the situation immediately.

After making the decision, the first thing Chen Diancheng did was to remove Wang Qicheng's number from the blacklist. Although being on the blacklist will not affect the call, one phone call may not solve the problem. If you forget to drag out the number after calling, it is still a small matter if you don't receive the call back. The key point is It's quite embarrassing.

Speaking of making full use of the number blacklist, it was Ning Wei's fault. Chen Diancheng, as Ning Wei's little fan, naturally followed his example. Of course, Chen Diancheng doesn't mind if others find out and put his number on the blacklist. Anyway, he feels that he has nothing to ask outsiders for. Basically, the big guys in the yard can help him solve all his needs.

This is the secondary benefit of having a mentor who is an industry leader.

As a direct student of Academician Ming Ning of Dingding University, he was given special favor by everyone from the courtyard and even the school leaders to the senior brothers and sisters who belonged to the same courtyard. Anyone who can help will definitely help. But so far, Chen Diancheng has never encountered anything that requires help from anyone. From time to time, people ask him for help. In fact, it wasn’t because I was begging him. The main reason was that Director Ning couldn’t be contacted by ordinary people, so I begged him to send a message or something...

The other senior brothers and sisters are all very busy right now. Probably only they, the new students who are still in class, have some free time.

But luckily, Mr. Wang across the street didn't blacklist him. The call went through as soon as he dialed it, and he answered it without ringing twice.

"President Chen, hello, what can I do?" The other person's tone was still very enthusiastic.

"Hello, Mr. Wang, are you not busy now? Is it convenient to talk?"

"Wait a minute, um..., there is a meeting in half an hour. There is nothing going on now. Is there enough time? How about I inform the secretary to postpone the meeting?"

"No, a few minutes is enough. I just sent you a letter on WeChat. Why don't you take a look first?"

"Watch now?"

"Well, the letter is not long. It can be read in two minutes. We will chat after reading it."

"Okay, President Chen, wait a moment!"

Chen Diancheng clicked on the speakerphone of his cell phone, then put it aside, quietly waiting for the person on the phone to read the letter of advice.

It didn't even take two minutes. About ninety seconds later, the voice from the other side came over again: "President Chen..., what do you mean?"

"That's what the letter means. We Ningshe and Penguin Group decided to jointly launch a sunshine news campaign. We call on all media people to track the time of hot news topics in society and put them in the sun to improve the coverage of hot news in society. Quality is our responsibility, and we have simultaneously launched a set of media account credit rating algorithm systems. This system, coupled with Weibo’s real-name authentication big V system, can greatly improve the authenticity and accuracy of media dissemination of news, so we sincerely invite Weibo Join this purification operation. Mr. Wang, what do you think?"

As expected, the person on the other side was silent for a long time, probably because he didn't expect to receive such a suggestion after receiving a call so early in the morning. After pondering for a long time, he asked: "President Chen, can you ask me how to connect to this so-called How exactly does the credit rating algorithm system work? What is its operating mode?"

"It's very simple, Mr. Wang. Our artificial intelligence news system can automatically monitor the content posted by major media accounts and self-media accounts in real time in accordance with the most rigorous news reporting principles. Although artificial intelligence will We will not judge the authenticity of these published contents on our own, but we can first determine whether these news contents are reported unilaterally for the sake of novelty and speed, or whether they are reported in a frank manner. If this situation exists, we will automatically report the alleged perpetrators. The question is placed in conspicuous characters on the prompt bar at the front of the news, and points are deducted. When the points are deducted to a certain extent, the account will automatically be labeled with an unfair news stance."

“Second, for hot news that is fabricated to gain attention or released directly without any appropriate additions, after being identified and authenticated by the system, the account will automatically be marked by the algorithm as having produced fake news. Especially some big V and media accounts, wantonly The act of promoting an unsubstantiated short article cannot be exempted from liability either. Of course, if it has been verified and evidence can be produced, it will no longer be included."

"Third, all news reports published on Weibo that do not meet press publication standards or are not compliant will be automatically included in the list of fake news websites by our algorithm. Every year, our website will make major certifications Based on the outrageous degree of fake news from the media or self-media, a series of awards are automatically judged by artificial intelligence such as the most unreliable or the least attitude. These honors and notes will be automatically added to the bottom of the winning media units and self-media accounts. "

"The above labels are not permanent. As long as no illegal news appears within a scoring cycle, and news reports become more and more compliant, showing the responsibility and integrity of media people, all negative labels will be automatically cleared."

"At the same time, in order to commend those units and individuals who always stand on a neutral level and work conscientiously in compliant news reporting, the system will also award many honorary labels, and the system will automatically recommend these units and individuals to enter the selection of the China News Awards. In addition In addition, if conditions permit, we also plan to establish a China Sunshine Journalism Award similar to the Pulitzer Prize to commend outstanding news media people in various fields."

"Of course, if Weibo is willing to cooperate with me, we can also bind our algorithm to the platform's traffic. Organizations and personal accounts that create fake news will not only be labeled, but their content exposure will also be reduced. We no longer even push relevant blog posts to our fans to promote the Sunshine News Initiative. To be honest, Mr. Wang, we have reached a consensus with Penguin Group, and they plan to bind their products to our algorithm. But I think before announcing this matter with Penguin Group, we can also reach cooperation with you and work together for the development of China News. What do you think?"

Really, after hearing Chen Diancheng's words, Wang Qicheng almost cursed him with the words "what a stupid penguin".

To be honest, Xingyu Weibo has really relied on various controversies to survive in its current development. Wang Qicheng simply couldn’t imagine how Weibo’s daily activity would have dropped without these hot social controversies.

In the context of limited entertainment, life is already very difficult. If such a system is introduced, what will be pushed every day? Good food?

In the Internet era, what is sought after is speed. The pursuit of speed will inevitably ignore some other factors, such as accuracy, authenticity and comprehensiveness. If these certified big Vs have to check again and again before publishing a hot social news, there is no doubt that the novelty of the content will be missed. I can’t tell you the whole picture that people have seen from the short video. The press release here has not been completed yet...

Over time, wouldn’t the Weibo hot list lose its credibility?

In short, at this moment, Wang Qicheng really felt that Chen Diancheng's brain was filled with water, and coupled with the shameless Penguin Gonghuo, how could he come up with such a plan without ten years of hydrocephalus? Is this going to bring all current Internet media back to the traditional media practices?

After thinking for a long time, Wang Qicheng slowly said: "No, President Chen, you are still in school and may not understand some of the rules of how this society operates. First of all, we should still believe in the ethics of journalists. But the Internet News has its own special characteristics, especially in this era of free press. It doesn’t seem right to come up with a set of rules to cover everything like you do? Regardless of whether the opinion is correct or not, each of us should have a normal and open voice. Channel, isn’t it?”

Without any hesitation, Chen Diancheng responded immediately: "No, no, no, Mr. Wang, you misunderstood. Our algorithm will never hinder press freedom. It will not hinder people from speaking out publicly, and ordinary people do not participate in this system. , we are just regulating the big Vs who have channels to speak out to be more rigorous when speaking out. Is this also wrong?"

"For example, if a short article involves the interests of both parties, these media have a natural obligation to verify it with the other party before forwarding such one-sided remarks, right? After forwarding, they should also attach another person's statement, right? If possible, attach the second The tripartite argument is not too much, right? The three most basic elements of time, place, and person involved in the essay need to be roughly verified, right? Don’t worry, I really want to eat this bowl of rice. These are the most basic, right? Of course, you said that if the other party does not accept the interview, this can be marked directly in the article, but as a media person, you should at least provide evidence that you did these things behind your back, right? Even if it is a phone call that was hung up. Record!"

"I did nothing above. I just reposted it just to grab the hot spots. In the end, it was proven to be false. Innocent people suffered losses. Have the entities behind these media accounts compensated them? Are there too many tragedies like this? In the end, those big media Vs All they did was delete the matter. If the matter got serious, it would be quiet for a few days at most. There are even some accounts that still publish content as usual every day, but just turn off the comments and just treat these things as a thing of the past. Is this right? "

"As a layperson who went to a journalism school for three days to attend classes on this matter, I know that news has a preconceived communication effect. When unbalanced information is sent out, it will form a bias, and it is extremely difficult to correct this bias. Don’t those news practitioners know? If they knew, why would they always dare to do this? But now after listening to Mr. Wang’s words, I suddenly realized, are these all tacitly approved by the platform? So you are also responsible for the online media creating so many unjust cases? What values ​​are these?”

Chen Diancheng's voice was not loud, but every word was heart-breaking. This also succeeded in making Wang Qicheng hesitate longer before he said: "President Chen, have you ever thought about a situation? In fact, some incidents are not reported in this way by the media people themselves. , but the groups they target want to see such reports?”

"Forget it, Mr. Wang, it seems we have nothing to talk about. Thank you for making me realize that when the values ​​​​of both parties are completely different, there will be many differences when looking at the same issue. Although Penguin Group also has a lot of dark history , but in this matter, I think they have done a good job. In this case, we, Ningshe, will no longer seek cooperation with you."

"Finally, let me tell you that news is not literary creation. There is no need to explore the good and evil of people's hearts, the ignorance of the masses, or to show the short-sightedness and selfishness of human nature. The most basic function of news has always been to deliver information truthfully and comprehensively. Forget it, no Let’s chat! I’m hung up!”

"This...President Chen..."


Wang Qicheng was stunned when he heard the busy tone from the receiver.

This is really like hanging up the phone immediately after a disagreement, without even saying goodbye. This made Wang Qicheng feel angry. After staying in a high position for a long time, he couldn't remember how long it had been since he had been angry like this.

I just wanted to put the phone away and ignore this inexplicable call, but I felt a little uneasy in my heart. The destructive power of the Ning family has always been amazing, especially this time the Penguin Group was involved. But when he tried to call back, he couldn't get through, and the receiver kept saying "The number you dialed cannot be reached temporarily..."

So Wang Qicheng simply opened WeChat and began to write a message carefully.

After typing a few times and clicking send, the glaring exclamation mark suddenly made him realize that the call could not go through probably because, like WeChat, he had been directly blacklisted...

Are all young people today so strong?

After being stunned, Wang Qicheng had nothing to do. Although there is a landline on the table that can be called, this person probably won't listen to what he says and just hang up, right? Unless he can immediately decide to connect to this so-called sunshine rating algorithm system. But obviously, it is impossible to access this thing in the near future...

So I can only let it go for the time being, but Wang Qicheng still recorded the matter and planned to mention it at the high-level meeting. This is the only way, or can someone from Penguin ask about the situation?

In fact, if Chen Diancheng didn't blacklist Wang Qicheng, he would still be unable to get through.

After hanging up Wang Qicheng's phone number and completing the blacklisting operation, Chen Diancheng immediately called Zhang Zhihong. Without waiting for greetings, he directly informed: "Hey, Mr. Zhang, I just talked to Wang Qicheng." The talk has collapsed. This is what I plan to do. You guys can start promoting it directly. I will discuss it with Ning Feng and make an announcement at the same time. In the future, all games that use our random algorithm technology will not be able to follow the Star We are cooperating with the game publishing platform of Weibo Group. At the same time, our software will be mandatory updated on time at 12 o'clock this morning and will no longer be compatible with Weibo's products."

"We are already prepared for this. After the version is updated, if Xingyu Weibo is detected in the system, the automatic deletion program of our software will be automatically activated. Because it will be updated tonight, so when should we use what method? What’s a better way to notify customers?”

Really, these two sentences made Zhang Zhihong confused.

Isn't this too decisive?

Just after the talks collapsed, did you immediately make a big move? Leave absolutely no room for change?

"Um, President Chen, is it too fast to update directly tonight? Even if you don't give Xingyu time, you still have to give the game developer some buffer time? At least give the game developer an announcement first. Right? Otherwise, you want to wait?"

"No, no, no, this is a matter of attitude, we can't wait! But what you said makes sense, wait a minute, I'll ask Ning Feng to send a mass email to notify the game developers... we'll talk later, bye!"



Zhang Zhihong looked at the phone, confused for two seconds, and then quickly called up the big boss's number...

If you haven't prepared yet, a big event is coming...

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