Tech Hammer

Chapter 397 With all due respect, everyone here is leeks.

It is no exaggeration to say that when Ning Wei said the last words gently, Liu Wei felt murderous...

Over the years, the two have become so familiar that even a slight change in tone can be read.

But Liu Wei wasn't sure where Ning Wei would strike with this sword.

Of course, Yi Ning has always been urinary...

Liu Wei only hoped that Ning Wei would be more gentlemanly when he wielded his sword, and at least stop saying words that were inconsistent with his status. As for words of comfort, Liu Wei did not say anything. There was no other reason. After hearing that Ning Wei had studied modern Chinese history all morning in order to stir up emotions, Liu Wei felt that it didn't matter if he worked harder, but he still didn't want the emotions he had finally brewed to go to waste.

Just do whatever you want...

At most, these personal security teams will work harder in the future...

"Everyone, thank you very much for giving me the honor to attend this year's March Award Ceremony. Today I will toast you all, but I won't drink anymore. To be honest, I just know who I am. The wine is really not as good as I expected. I like to curse people when I’m drunk. In order to talk about some serious things with you in the afternoon, let’s just have this drink. I hope we can reach a consensus!”

A glass of wine is consumed in one gulp, and then it’s time to eat.

The dinner arranged by the organizing committee was quite sumptuous. The entire hall was booked and five tables were filled. Of course, there are almost no overly expensive dishes on the table. Most of them are home-cooked dishes. After all, Ning Wei's budget is there, which makes Ning Wei very satisfied with the meal.

To be honest, he still likes to eat some home-cooked food. The only thing he is not satisfied with is that, probably to take care of the international friends attending this luncheon, most of the dishes are sweet and sour. Because of classmate Jiang, Ning Because I prefer spicy food now...

Of course, as long as there are not too many demands on life, these are actually bearable.

And everyone seems to be enjoying their meal...that's good.

Ning Wei felt that he had a sacrificial spirit, and he was willing to give up his appetite in exchange for everyone's satisfaction.

Soon after the meal was finished, the staff of the organizing committee booked and decorated a conference room that could accommodate a hundred people in the hotel early.

In order to facilitate communication among the big guys, the venue was arranged in an oval shape. Ning Wei's seat was arranged at the entrance, and the seats of other big guys were also decorated with exquisite nameplates.

In fact, the staff of the organizing committee also had difficulties when putting up the nameplate. .

After all, there were too many important people attending the meeting, but there were only a few seats close to Ning Wei, so how to arrange it became a problem. Ning Wei had lost his temper on the phone before, and it was hard to ask Ning Wei for instructions, so he made a phone call When we got to Lu Dongyi's side, Lu Dongyi immediately gave him the best advice. People from the west would rank according to the first letters of their names. If the first letters of their names are the same, the first letters of their last names would be used. If they are still the same... …

Then sort them alphabetically by the name of the company, university or laboratory represented behind them.

I put up the nameplate according to Lu Dongyi's suggestion and found that it was actually pretty good.

There is a feeling of separation and separation.

For example, Apple CEO Tim Cook, who has always maintained a good relationship with China, sat first to the right of Ning Wei, and opposite Tim Cook sat Huaxin Precision CEO Chen Shiwei...

Of course, sitting there is not really the point.

Even if some bosses want to find fault, the staff have lost their temper after the sorting method.

After all, they are not on their own land, and these big guys are really afraid of being kicked out.

But then again, this is not the time to vent your anger. Anyway, many big guys have already made up their minds, and some agreements must be reached before leaving China. A fresh and tempting cake is placed there, and there is no reason to ignore it without taking a bite.

The order of the meeting was also very good. Soon everyone walked into the conference room in twos and threes, and then sat in front of their respective seats. They watched Ning Wei lead Liu Wei into the conference room, then sat down in their seats, and took the He picked up the microphone in front of him.

"Everyone, I know why you are still staying in China today, but first of all, please allow me to apologize to everyone, especially to Mr. Zuckerberg, who is also here today, and several others... I will first apologize here. I sincerely apologize to you..."

After saying that, Ning Wei even stood up and bowed to everyone present...

Many people were stunned at this moment. The facing seating arrangement was very suitable for everyone to look at each other.

Especially Mark Zuckerberg, who was mentioned by Ning Wei, subconsciously became vigilant...

This apology came too suddenly, and based on everyone's understanding of Ning Wei's temperament, even if this guy really did something wrong, he would most likely not apologize. So what does this sudden apology mean?

Even Liu Wei, who had been sitting silently in the corner, was a little nervous at this time. After all, Ning Wei's unreasonable behavior was still a bit scary.

"You don't have to have any doubts. I'm apologizing because of the incident that suddenly occurred about four years ago. I'm sorry, but I finally found out and finally confirmed that this matter was actually caused by that little guy in March. came out. Really, I was shocked the moment I found out the truth. Everyone knows that March is just an artificial intelligence program, how could it actively interfere in the development of human society?"

"After confirming that the man behind this incident turned out to be March, I re-examined the program I wrote before, and after repeated consideration of the core program that may have caused this BUG behavior, I made significant modifications. But Our Chinese culture requires me to admit when I have done something wrong, and to take responsibility if I have caused losses to everyone. Therefore, I once again sincerely apologize to everyone for the last incident in March. If I have brought any harm to everyone, Whatever the loss is, we can discuss how to compensate it in private."

Ning Wei continued with great sincerity.

The audience was still silent.

Under Ning Wei’s reminder, many people recalled that time four years ago.

But in fact, this matter is not a secret among them, it just feels a bit nonsensical. Not to mention that everyone knew at the time that Ning Wei was behind the whole thing, or that this guy was the one behind it. In the end, the big boss from the Federal Reserve was hired as the middleman to finally resolve the matter.

Many of them also paid a price. For example, the future city construction promoted by Zhang Dingxi at the award ceremony last night and afterwards included 200 million U.S. dollars in construction funds and 300 million U.S. dollars in equipment and services, all of which they paid for.

Even the origin and fermentation process of that incident still make them feel very unfair...

The little girl said a few random words, how could she offend this giant Buddha?

In everyone's eyes, this incident was considered a matter of spending money to eliminate disasters. Fortunately, Ningwei didn't have the lion to open his mouth, so the small amount of money was shared among several families and the solution was solved. In particular, US$300 million was donated to provide equipment and services, and many people even made a fortune from it.

But then again, although everyone was sure that Ning Wei was the one who did it, no one pointed it out. Ning Wei never admitted it in public. But after the protection money was paid, the incident of encouraging students to study came to an abrupt end, which is enough to explain everything.

At this time, I would rather bring up old things again, which makes everyone a little confused. This apology is contrary to common sense.

But soon, they understood what Ning Wei meant...

"Of course, you were not the only ones who were hurt at that time. I heard that the social media scandal at that time was so sudden that it caused many teenagers to develop a rebellious mentality. This also makes me feel depressed these days. I blame myself very much, so I thought about it, and I definitely can’t let it go like this. Our Chinese culture values ​​a person having to admit when he has done something wrong, and to stand upright when being beaten. It also values ​​a person repaying kindness with kindness and repaying grievance with straightness."

"So this is how I think about it. The debts owed must be repaid, and the beatings must be endured! What a coincidence, my students and I have made some achievements in the past few years, whether it is Ningxin or 3D display technology. Everyone should have seen that there is still some market potential. So this time I want to repay the favor. The technology must be shared with everyone. New technologies should be shared with all mankind, so that everyone can enjoy the advancement of science and technology in life. The changes it brings!”

As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions on the faces of most of the big guys at the venue became more relaxed.

To put it bluntly, isn’t it just for the sake of Ningwei that everyone stays here?

In any case, with this commitment as a foreshadowing, any subsequent issues will be easy to discuss. After all, this technology cannot be obtained for free. Even many big guys don’t want the threshold to be set too low.

A chaotic market is not good for them.

If possible, who wouldn’t want to make monopoly money?

"Of course, as I just said, I not only want to repay kindness, but also stand upright when I am beaten. After learning from it, I decided to come up with a solution that solves both problems at once. You also come to teach us. Many students in China feel the trouble of being harassed by endless courses every day, which makes them tired of studying!"

"In order to achieve this goal, this is what I think. Let's use China's public education system as an experiment and renovate the classrooms in all public schools in China from bottom to top. We will use our technology on both the podium and the blackboard. Let’s make it into a virtual form, so that we can make teachers relaxed and teach these children basic knowledge over and over again! Let their childhood become dark and they can enjoy the fear of being dominated by technology in advance.”

"How about it? It fully embodies the principle of reciprocity in encouraging students to learn! Of course, while we are being beaten, this can also be regarded as a model for everyone. If this works well in China, you can also introduce this plan to your own country, maybe this is a profit growth point. If it is really effective, some elite private schools will definitely find ways to introduce this technology. With the experience in China, you will definitely make a lot of money when you go back to take orders! "

"Of course, depending on your connections, you might be able to get a job at a public school after you go back, which would be even more profitable! In short, this is the plan I have been thinking about for a long time. I believe everyone thinks it is perfect, right? Of course. , this is just my personal opinion at the moment, if you have any other ideas, you can tell me, and I very much hope to solicit your opinions."

After saying that, Ning Wei paused, looked around the entire conference room, and then asked enthusiastically: "Mr. Zuckerberg, I see that you seem confused. Do you have any questions?"

"Well, well, I do have some questions. Ning, what you just said, who will pay for the specific cost of renovating all the classrooms in use in Huaxia? Is it the school?"

After hearing this question, Ning Wei's head shook like a rattle.

"No, no, no, Mr. Zuckerberg, it is a bit unreasonable for you to say that, and it is completely inconsistent with the principle of reciprocity. Although it is indeed unreasonable to do such a heinous thing in March of that year, we We didn’t ask you to spend a penny to do this, right? So of course we won’t pay to upgrade these classrooms in Huaxia Public School now.”

"However, I can also make a promise. As long as the materials are used for school classroom renovation, I will negotiate with the supplier and provide them to everyone at least 30% lower than the market price. The recognized labor costs for installation will also depend on the region. The differences are different, and I will give you a discount to ensure that you can complete these projects at the lowest price, bringing a close to the last March Encourage to Students incident!"

This time, the big guys were silent for longer.

This condition is really confusing.

This is China, a big country with one-sixth of the world's population. How many schools are there?

So, someone soon raised this question, and Tim Cook, who was sitting next to Ning Wei, asked: "Ning, how many schools are there in the Huaxia public education system as you mentioned?"

"Well... coincidentally, when my assistant came over just now, he specifically asked about this question. Brother Liu, you have finally been able to use English after studying it for so long. Come and report it to everyone." Ning Wei Smiling, he turned around and said something to Liu Wei.

Liu Wei stood up, glanced at Ning Wei, then took out his mobile phone and called up the data he had just received from the education authorities.

"The following data comes from last year's "Statistical Bulletin on China's Education Development". The data can be found and verified from public channels. Currently, there are 161,681 ordinary primary schools and 51,982 public junior high schools in China, including 88 vocational junior high schools and 13,737 ordinary high schools. , since there are 5,412 complete secondary schools, this number can be subtracted from public junior high schools and 2,663 higher education institutions.”

"Based on the above data, the total number of schools that need to be renovated is 224,651. Because of Professor Ning's repeated instructions, we did not include the 266,700 kindergartens across the country. Because those children are still too young. Small, renovating classrooms is of little significance to learning. According to Professor Ning’s preliminary calculations, the average cost per school can be controlled at around US$1.5 million.”

You can imagine the expressions of the big guys at the scene when Liu Wei reported this series of numbers expressionlessly.

There are nearly 225,000 schools. On average, a school needs to invest US$1.5 million, which is also US$340 billion. According to the current exchange rate, it is about 2 trillion yuan, which is probably almost equal to China’s entire investment in the compulsory education system in a year...

Of course, for many of the big guys, it's not a lot, and there are some.

For example, Microsoft recently spent $68.7 billion in cash to acquire Blizzard Activision.

It is said that Apple’s overseas cash and securities reserves officially exceeded US$300 billion last year, which even led Apple to increase its stock repurchase plan by another US$20 billion...

Companies like Facebook and Google are also not short of money. After all, they can just sit back and earn advertising fees. The former has invested more than 30 billion US dollars in the metaverse field over the years, and the latter’s investment in research and development is no more than Facebook’s. mean.

At this time, there were more than 50 people on site, representing more than 50 world-renowned companies and research institutions. On average, each company has to bear about 6.8 billion US dollars. For some small businesses, this amount of money is an astronomical figure. But for these Fortune 100 companies, they can still make it happen by gritting their teeth.

The key is what is the meaning of giving out this money? After all, no one’s US dollars are blown by the strong wind!

"Haha, more than 300 million, everyone can share whatever you want. If a family has less than 10 billion, it can eat the big cake of the future Yuanverse. Really, I think this is quite worthwhile. But there is one thing that everyone understands. I This person doesn’t pay attention to business matters. Regarding the specific licensing law, you still need to discuss it with businesses like Huawei and Huaxin.”

"The billions of dollars spent on upgrading Huaxia classrooms are, how should I put it, purely because I thought of a prerequisite to apologize to everyone. As you know, although I have never participated in business negotiations, I can't promote your cooperation. Yes, but in some respects what I say is quite useful. For example, I can’t tell who I will cooperate with on just one phone call, but all the cooperating manufacturers will definitely give me this face.”

As soon as this was said, everyone understood it instantly...

This money is probably to buy an access threshold...

Sure enough, once some people are shameless, they are really shameless!


"It's nothing! Really, everyone, I just said it during the meeting. I am a person who repays kindness with kindness and repays grievance with kindness. Now I have only talked about the mistakes I made in the first half of March. I haven't had time to tell you about it. The fact that 28 spies were planted in Ningsi's laboratory would be interesting if we really wanted to consider it. I am a person with a clear sense of grudges, and this incident caused me not to sleep well for three days, but I felt that it didn’t cause much damage anyway, and I was just a little tired, so I didn’t plan to care about it.

"But if you want to care about this, then I will care about it too. Think about it, letting a world-class scientist who may create miracles every day not sleep well for three nights may mean that he missed out on a world-class invention. This requires How much compensation is needed to make up for my losses? People, you have to be content!"

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