Tech Hammer

Chapter 398 You really can’t be too arrogant in life

The logic of scientists is very rigorous and can be said to be impeccable.

For Ning Wei, what he means is very clear. He will not get involved in specific areas such as commercial cooperation and authorization. He is only responsible for checking and making things happen properly.

But in fact, there are examples to follow.

It can probably be understood as joining the franchise. The only problem is that after paying the money, there seems to be no guarantee that you will get an acceptable contract.

Because the real technology licensing contract has to be negotiated with another person.

For many big players on the scene, being cheated is nothing. As long as they can enter the market, they can always make money back in the future.

Breakthroughs in technology mean that products are updated across the board, and it also means that consumers can easily be stimulated to spend money more happily. God knows how many people worked overtime last night. Calculating the market size that new technologies may bring, even if the estimate is not so optimistic. , at least in the first three years, the three-dimensional holographic display market was measured in trillions of dollars. After all, these technical combinations can involve all aspects of people's entertainment life.

It’s just a matter of how much market we can occupy.

Any brand new track will be full of chaos in the early days. After a few years, the dust will clear and the one who can survive will be the king.

So when everyone was still hesitating, Ning Wei spoke again: "I forgot to tell you that this education reform plan still needs to be piloted first. We need to know whether it can really achieve the same effect as the previous March Encourage to Learn. It will be implemented on a large scale, so not all schools will be directly enrolled in the early stage. So at present, our first batch of renovated schools should be controlled at about 100,000."

"So not everyone will have the opportunity to participate in this reform. I would suggest that all companies that have participated in the investment select the first ten partners around the world to jointly promote three-dimensional display technology, so if Everyone hopes to get on the driveway as soon as possible...Of course, I am the most fair person and will never let anyone spend money in vain."

"In order to have a basis for mutual trust, the operation model is roughly like this. We will set up a special education fund in March. Whoever is interested in cooperating with our laboratory only needs to raise a deposit of US$8 billion to enter the fund. If you know the account, you can negotiate. Before paying the deposit in advance, we will sign the contract. If the cooperation project is negotiated, the money will not be refunded and will be used for the classroom renovation of the future school. If the negotiation fails, the deposit will be The full amount will be refunded through the original channels within sixty working days after a written request is made."

"Of course, everyone still needs to think carefully before disbursing the money, because the foundation will not bear all the transaction costs of raising the money, as well as any interest incurred during the negotiation and post-application disbursement process. In order to express our apology, last time Google, Facebook and Twitter, which are most affected, will receive a qualification unconditionally. Unless the three companies make it clear that they will give up."

"That's probably the situation, and you don't need to worry. Both Ningxin and our 3D display technology are still in the trial mass production stage. If everything goes well, it will take about three months to start mass production, so you can check the After fully estimating the future market and your own cash flow, you can decide whether to join the market where both parties cooperate."

"So you don't have to wait any longer in the capital. Just do the market research and let the financial actuaries figure out what kind of contract we need to ensure that we don't lose money. To be honest, I will leave the capital tomorrow. As you all know, it is not easy for me to be a tutor. I have to take a group of students to experience the future city and take a vacation. Today's meal is my way of saying thank you for giving me the face to attend this ceremony. Okay. Thank you all again for giving me face."

According to Ning Wei's idea, after the noon meeting, the impact of the March awards ceremony came to an end, or it could be said that there was nothing wrong with him.

Regarding education reform, as he said at the meeting, it is an extremely long-term plan that cannot be accomplished in one go. First conduct a small-scale pilot to see if it is feasible, identify possible problems, and then slowly modify the rules. When the results come out and the effect is good, the pilot scope can be expanded. Only when everyone thinks it is good can it be truly promoted.

We also need to coordinate various relationships. After all, this kind of thing involves too much and is very troublesome. If it really needs to be promoted nationwide, it can be completed in five years, which is the speed of the universe. If something goes wrong, it's normal for it to drag on for ten or eight years.

For Ning Wei, his role was to make a suggestion and raise the money first, and that was enough.

But this is obviously idealistic, and some more personal relationships cannot be ignored. For example, Tim Cook, who is about to retire, expressed his invitation to have dinner with him in person, which is not easy to refuse.

After all, everyone had a pleasant conversation before. Ning Wei didn't intend to be the enemy of the whole world, so he could only happily agree to the invitation.

Just after saying goodbye to the big guys and leaving the hotel, Director Tian, ​​who had ignored him all morning, called again.

Ning Wei hesitated for ten seconds and then honestly clicked the connection button...

"Are you sober now?"

The four-word question was concise and concise. Fortunately, the tone didn't sound like he was very angry, and there was even a hint of ridicule...

"Wake up..." Ning Wei responded slightly awkwardly, and his tone became more natural. Since it has happened, he can only accept it. Moreover, the experience of giving guidance to the tutor on the phone is also a rare experience: " Director Tian, ​​actually last night was an accident..."

"No, no, it's not an accident. Young people are right to do big things. I think what you said last night was right, so I invite you to come to my office. I will introduce you to someone and you can do it together. Big projects.”

"Hmm? Um...Director Tian, ​​who is he? How big is the project?"

"You'll know when you get here! Hurry up, don't make people wait too long!"

"Oh, I'll be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, Ning Wei glanced at Liu Wei and asked, "Director Tian said he would introduce someone to me to help me with a big project. Do you know what's going on?"

Liu Wei rolled her eyes at Ning Wei: "I'm not a god, how could I possibly know that I've been with you today?"

"You are well-informed. Please help me ask."

"Don't you know it when you go? Director Tian won't harm you..."

"I still want to be mentally prepared first. Now Director Tian doesn't play according to the routine, which is not good!"


In this way, the two of them chatted together, and soon returned to the International Mathematics Research Center. Ning Wei did not hesitate too much, and walked directly into the small building where Tian Yanzhen's office was located, and went up to the second floor. Standing outside the door, I heard hearty laughter inside. It was obvious that the two of them were chatting happily.

Since someone was there, Ning Wei knocked politely.

"Come in...Hey, our big star is very fast." Tian Yanzhen joked as soon as he entered the door.

"Director Tian, ​​please don't embarrass me." Ning Wei smiled and quickly looked around at the people around Tian Yanzhen. It was strange. He felt familiar, but he was sure that he didn't recognize them.

"Okay, come on, let me introduce you. This is Director Chen Wenwen..."

"Oh, hello, Director Chen." Ning Wei suddenly realized.

When he heard the name, he remembered that the media had previously reported that after it was confirmed that this year's Summer Olympics would be held in China, the Kun director was subsequently selected as the chief director of the opening ceremony of this year's Olympic Games.

In view of the successful experience of the opening ceremony of the Chinese Olympic Games in the past, everyone still hopes that Director Zhang will take part in the opening ceremony of this Olympic Games. However, after all, Director Zhang is nearly 80 years old this year, and directing such a large-scale performance event as the Olympic Games is too time-consuming. The energy, coupled with the fact that this year's arrangements were too hasty, was really too much for the body, so in the end, this heavy responsibility was handed over to the director in front of me.

In the previous Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics, Chen Wenwen was also in the directing team and was responsible for a lot of work. His experience was good in all aspects, and Director Zhang was also supportive, so he was successfully promoted.

But then again, planning this year's Olympics from the perspective of an opening ceremony director is indeed a headache.

There is no way. The opening ceremonies of the first two sessions were so successful that it is really difficult to come up with something innovative.

Not to mention that with the rapid development of China's artificial intelligence technology in recent years, the March Award has become more and more famous, and the self-confidence of netizens has reached an extremely high level. With this mentality, there is no need to show results to the world. The requirements for the opening ceremony of a large-scale event are naturally higher.

This is a typical big scene where countless netizens can praise people to the sky if it is well done; let alone if it is poorly done, even if it is just too mediocre, the complaints on the Internet will probably make the director depressed, even if Chen Wenwen this time It can be said that he was ordered to do so at a critical moment.

But Ning Wei only knew so much about Chen Wen. After all, Ning Wei didn't really care about things like the Olympics. It was not his strong point.

"Academician Ning, hello, hello. I have known for a long time that you are young, but in real life you look several years younger than on TV, which is enviable!" Chen Wenwen stood up and said politely.

This is the truth, not a compliment.

When he needs to go on TV, such as last night's award ceremony, Jiang will always prepare dark-colored formal clothes for Ningwei. As for Ningwei's usual habit, young people like to wear light-colored or gray sweatshirts. The last down jacket or sweatshirt indeed looked more in line with his age at this time.

After all, Ning Wei is not yet 30 years old, and at the age of 28, he has not reached his peak psychologically and physically.

"Okay, everyone, sit down. Old Chen, you don't know. Young people nowadays have many ideas. I called this guy last night, and he was still criticizing me for not being aggressive in doing things and smashing the rules. His attitude is to produce new results, and he also said that he wants to work on a big project. So, I can see if you can talk to him about this." Tian Yanzhen set the tone directly from the side.

These words made Ning Wei want to slap himself twice.

Wine is really not a good thing.

When Director Chen arrived, he immediately followed Tian Yanzhen's words and said: "Haha, Director Tian, ​​I feel relieved when you say this. Academician Ning, I really have something to ask for from you this time. I sincerely want to invite you." What do you think of some technical guidance and suggestions for our Olympic opening ceremony this time?"

"Me? Providing technical guidance for the Olympic opening ceremony?" Ning Wei pointed to himself, and then suddenly realized, he took the initiative to ask: "Director Chen, do you want to use the three-dimensional display used at yesterday's March Award Ceremony at the Olympic opening ceremony? Technical, right?”

Chen Wenwen nodded and replied without hesitation: "It does mean that. To be honest, I also watched the online replay video of the award ceremony yesterday on the recommendation of my colleagues and got some inspiration. If I can use this Technology, I think there should be many things that are difficult or even impossible to present in reality, and they should be able to be displayed, right?"

Seeing that Ning Wei did not answer immediately, but instead frowned, Chen Wenwen immediately added: "Academician Ning, using this technology will definitely not cause your students to suffer. Our budget is relatively sufficient this time. "

Hearing this, Ning Wei smiled, shook his head and explained: "Director Chen, it's really not a matter of budget. The main thing is that the Olympic opening ceremony is different from our award ceremony last night. First of all, it is in an open place. The equipment is inconvenient to set up. In the venue, we can use the structure of the venue to hide the entire set of display equipment very well, so this effect is achieved."

"In addition, the outdoor environment is not very controllable, and the sports venue is too big. If it is just a small stage, that is definitely no problem, but if it is held in a large square like the previous Olympic opening ceremony, and it has been three Months have passed, and we only have four months to prepare. With all due respect, even if we find a way to design the venue, the production company may not be able to produce such a huge display frame in such a short time.”

Chen Wenwen was obviously disappointed, but still asked unwillingly: "Academician Ning, I don't know much about technology. If we don't need the display frame you mentioned, can't we achieve the stage setting like last night?"

Ning Wei thought for a while and said: "Well, it's very troublesome. First, the light source and sensor cannot be fixed without a frame. Second, signal transmission and decoding also require the support of the chip within the frame, especially in such large-scale party situations. , it is necessary to accurately calculate the position of each light source and sensor, and it also requires a high degree of cooperation from the manufacturer. To be honest, for our stage layout last night, almost all my students came back to help, plus Ningshe and the manufacturer’s engineers, from After the New Year, I was busy until two days before the awards ceremony to solve all the problems."

Hearing Ning Wei keep emphasizing the difficulties, Tian Yanzhen interjected: "Ning Wei, yesterday you told me on the phone that you need to be bolder in academics and have the courage to break all rules. Today I will Are you starting to emphasize the difficulties? Let’s put it this way, Lao Chen is also a good friend of mine. This time I’m begging you, you have to help Lao Chen find some way.”

"This is what I think. The artificial intelligence you are developing is definitely the most advanced technology on the planet. This time, Lao Chen also wants to make this opening ceremony have the sense of technology that young people like most. Even if this holographic project No, you can also think of other ways. The whole world will pay attention to the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, but more people care about your awards ceremony in March. Come up with something different and show China's technological strength to the world. It will also be helpful for you to realize your previous ideas. Cooperation will benefit both sides, what do you think?"

Ning Wei glanced at Tian Yanzhen, thought about it carefully, and felt that what Director Tian said seemed to be right, so he simply said: "Okay, since Director Tian said so, I will definitely think of a way, but if I really want to Ask me to come up with a plan now, even if I am a god. Otherwise, Director Chen, please leave me a phone number or add a WeChat account. When I get back, I will think about it carefully and then give you a brilliant one. Alternative options, how about that?”

"No problem! That's it. But Academician Ning, you have to hurry up. As you just said, it takes four months to prepare for this event. Time is really tight. This kind of large-scale event requires all parties to prepare for it. Coordination is an extremely troublesome matter, so we must seize the time!"

Ning Wei nodded and said: "Don't worry, Director Chen, I will definitely give you a reply in these two days."

After hearing Ning Wei's affirmative answer, Chen Wenwen also had a smile on his face. Then he took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and said, "Thank you so much, Academician Ning. By the way, this USB flash drive is in This is our current tentative plan. Take it and take a look. If your plan can be integrated into this set of plans, it will be the best. Even if it doesn't work, as long as Academician Ning's plan is feasible, I will give priority to your idea. Let’s modify this plan based on what we want to show. By the way, this must not be leaked before the opening ceremony.”

Ning Wei was still hesitating whether to take the hot USB flash drive. Tian Yanzhen laughed and said: "Haha, don't worry, Old Chen, you don't need to talk about keeping things secret? Our academician Ning's brain is the most important thing in China." It’s a secret. If you really want to compare it with what’s in his head, your USB flash drive is not enough.”

After hearing this, Ning Wei sighed in his heart, and without being pretentious, he naturally took the U disk handed over by Chen Wenwen and said: "Don't worry, Director Chen, Director Tian is right, I keep everything confidential. The agreement was signed so hard that my hands were weak and my mouth was so tight.”

"I'm just reminding you casually, haha, if I didn't believe Academician Ning, I wouldn't have copied the USB flash drive when I came. Okay, Lao Tian, ​​thank you very much, I won't keep it, there are still There are a lot of things waiting for me to make a decision. Academician Ning, I am waiting for your good news."

"Okay, if you're busy now I won't keep you here, I'll take you out."

"No, no, the car is waiting outside the yard. When the Olympics are over, I'll treat you to a drink!"

"Then I'll remember it!"

Ning Wei silently watched the two old men standing in front of the door to be polite, and suddenly felt that the chat process just now was a bit strange. Was this... singing a double act? !

Okay, it's too late to say anything now. I lowered my head and looked at the USB flash drive in my hand. Well, I feel like I have a headache...

Sure enough, you can’t be too arrogant in life!

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