Tech Hammer

Chapter 414 No further delay

Yanbei University, the most beautiful time cafe.

Chen Diancheng likes to come here recently, especially when someone wants to chat with him. What is regrettable is that although the decoration of this store is very warm, the store is really small, and there are always many senior students studying or discussing there with laptops or tablets.

Well, the point is that a new girl named Momo came to the coffee shop last week.

She is really beautiful, small and cute, especially this girl loves to smile. Not only does she have two shallow dimples, but what is even more sultry are her eyes that are curved into crescent moons. She is really cute. Her mother opens the door to cuteness - —So cute.

It's a pity that Chen Diancheng hasn't had a formal conversation with this silent classmate. Although this week, while strategizing Ningshe's overseas trip, he also searched for various ways to flirt with girls on the Internet, and even rehearsed the details that should be paid attention to when confessing countless times in his mind, he never took action.

I even knew that this girl was called Mo Mo because I heard another waiter in the coffee shop call her that every day.

It's not that Chen Diancheng has a bad heart or courage, nor is he thick-skinned. In fact, he has an extroverted personality, and he has never had any obstacles in communicating with female classmates and female members of the Ning Club.

So the real reason is that Chen Diancheng knows himself too well. He has been extremely proud since he was a child, and it is difficult to accept the pride of failure. After finally meeting a girl he liked on campus, he was afraid that if his confession failed, he would really be too lazy to pay attention to the girl, which would be a pity. So Chen Diancheng hopes to get to know girls in a more natural way.

For example, like on TV, if someone makes trouble in a coffee shop, then he stands up and saves the beauty...

But it's a pity that this is Yanbei University, not to mention the place where his mentor lives and lives. Even if Chen Diancheng comes to sit in the evening after finishing his work every day, let alone encountering unsightly troubles, there will be disputes in the coffee shop. None of them were encountered once.

However, this week is not in vain. Once I met Mo Mo and another girl took over the class. During the chat, Chen Diancheng learned that Mo Mo’s classmate’s surname was Wen. Recently, he was worried about whether the midterm exam of the media economics course taught by a certain teacher named Xu would be successful. Can't pass smoothly.

After getting this information, Chen Diancheng returned to his rented room and immediately logged into the course inquiry system on the school intranet. He quickly determined that Momo should be a major in the Department of New Media and Communication, School of Journalism and Communication, Yanbei University. Second student.

Because after searching the entire course schedule, only the instructor named Xu from the Communication Department teaches this course.

After getting this clue, he won't have to try his luck when going to the coffee shop in the future. Knowing the course schedule means knowing about what time the girl will appear in the coffee shop every day.

At the same time, after knowing the department and grade Momo was in, Chen Diancheng successfully found the girl's name - Wen Yimo on the scholarship publicity platform of the School of Journalism and Communication.

Oh, it turns out my name is Momo, not Momo...

After knowing the name, Chen Diancheng, who couldn't restrain his curiosity, wrote a smart search program and started digging around on the school's Weiming BBS. He soon locked Wen Yimo's dormitory building and specific room number through several posts. By the way, I also roughly learned a series of preferences of this girl. Chen Diancheng has almost confirmed that this girl has not dated a boyfriend yet.

That’s pretty good…

In addition, I also roughly understood the reason why Wen Yimo went to Good Times to work as a temporary worker. It is not a lack of money. After all, his hometown is in northern Jiangsu, which is almost the most economically developed area in the country. And look at the information revealed in many posts. , her parents most likely also teach in colleges and universities. Such a family may not be rich, but it is hard to say that they will be short of money.

So I work as a temporary worker just because I really like this cafe. I want to experience life and expand my social circle. Looking at some of her comments on the Internet, it seems that I won’t be able to work in the cafe for too long.

Because she had recently revealed on Weiming BBS that using her spare time to work-study had affected her homework, and then lamented that she was not the kind of genius whose grades would glow green just by listening casually in class.

Well, there is no ambiguity in this sentence. Because for the children of Yanbei University, if they want to live a decent life, their scores must be somewhat green.

Yes, every time the grades come out at the end of the semester, the higher the score, the greener the color used to mark the grades. After the end of the semester, when you open the transcript for online inquiry, it will look green. That is a treatment that only top academics can enjoy. As for If you want your grades to shine green, you have to be a god of learning.

What makes Chen Diancheng depressed is that he is considered a celebrity in school and has been to the coffee shop quite a few times in the past week. However, the three posts he published in the past week mentioned some things that happened in the coffee shop, but none of them mentioned anything about it. Speaking of him... it turns out that arts and science never connect.

But no matter what, Chen Diancheng decided to meet Cao Lin at the Good Time Cafe, and the time was also set at 4:30 in the afternoon. According to the rules Chen Diancheng summed up based on the class schedule, every Thursday afternoon to evening There are no classes at all, so I will take classes in the cafe. I will also have a simple meal in the cafe for dinner, and most likely I will choose the beef bibimbap...

Because the school girl praised this simple meal on the Weiming BBS and strongly recommended everyone to try it.

Chen Diancheng has decided to use this simple meal as a breakthrough for the two of them to get to know each other.

How can I put it, this is definitely more strategic than his teacher's pursuit of girls.

So at four o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Diancheng was already sitting in the coffee shop, waiting for Chairman Cao of Xingyu Group to come to the appointment. By the way, he watched his Momo finish her shift with the girl who worked here during the day, and then took advantage of Momo's When Mo was not busy, he ordered a cup of black coffee and specifically asked not to have sugar to show off his personality...

She silently observed Momo's classmates busy in the coffee shop, showing a sweet smile from time to time. Not long after, her phone vibrated, and then she saw Chairman Cao, who had seen the pictures on the Internet, standing there. Looking at the door of the coffee shop.

Chen Diancheng looked at the time. It was four twenty-seven. He was not late, so he raised his hand.

"President Chen, nice to meet you. I'm Cao Lin."

"Mr. Cao, please sit down. What would you like to drink? I'm treating you."

"Well... black coffee will be fine." Cao Lin glanced at the cup in front of Chen Diancheng and quickly made a decision.

"OK, wait a moment, beauty..."

"Hello, can I have another cup of black coffee?"

"Still no sugar or milk?"

"CEO Cao……"

"Yeah, okay."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

His eyes swept over Wen Yimo's turning away. Chen Diancheng, who was in a happy mood, looked at Cao Lin and asked proactively: "Mr. Cao, do you want to see me for anything?"

From the first moment he saw Chen Diancheng, Cao Lin had been observing this student who made Xingyu Group disgraced. He didn't display an arrogant attitude that would repel people thousands of miles away as he had expected. On the contrary, he was very enthusiastic, which somewhat surprised Cao Lin.

Of course, he didn't care that Chen Diancheng glanced at the young waitress in the coffee shop, and he never thought that this enthusiasm was not actually for him. He just thought that if this young man was not very rich, he might be able to make Xingyu Weiwei. Beau is out of the woods for now...

"President Chen, actually you should know. You should also know that Weibo is the most important Internet project of Xingyu Group. You should also understand the situation of Xingyu Weibo now. If possible, I still hope to discuss a plan to solve it." The problem we are facing now. I believe Ningshe’s original intention was not to let a company with roots in China go bankrupt and liquidate directly, right?”

Cao Lin's tone was very gentle, and no resentment could be heard. After all, he was prepared to give in this time.


Chen Diancheng nodded, and then asked doubtfully: "Mr. Cao, did I communicate with Ningfeng Software about this issue before? Didn't Manager Lan tell you our thoughts? As long as Xingyu Weibo posted the previous We have compensated the 500 million used for publicity, and then connected to the News Sunshine Rating System independently developed by Ningshe and provided to major platforms for free. We will immediately cancel the choice between our software and Xingyu Weibo. Policy. Five hundred million yuan is not much, right? Xingyu Group is reluctant to part with such a small sum, right?"

Cao Lin frowned. Given this condition again, do these young people really think that money comes from the strong wind? It’s 500 million when you open your mouth…

But thinking about Ningfeng Software’s ability to make money while lying down...

Cao Lin suddenly felt that the young man in front of him might have some misunderstanding about the unit of counting money, so he smiled bitterly and said: "President Chen, these 500 to put it, if it is placed under the normal operation of the group company before, It’s not a big problem to take it out, but the current situation is really difficult, and I believe President Chen can understand it.”

Chen Diancheng looked at Cao Lin doubtfully and asked in surprise: "No, Mr. Cao, do you mean that Xingyu Group can't even get 500 million now?"

After seeing Chen Diancheng's attitude, Cao Lin could probably confirm that this young man really had no idea about money, so he couldn't help but slow down his tone again and said: "President Chen..."

"Hello, here's your coffee."

The coffee delivered at the right time interrupted Cao Lin's words, but the time President Chen called him was just right. Chen Diancheng was very satisfied. He saw that after Cao Lin called him that, classmate Momo was obviously very happy after putting down the coffee. She glanced at him curiously.

"Oh, thank you."

Cao Lin turned his head and nodded his thanks, then continued to look at Chen Diancheng and said: "President Chen, five hundred million is not a small amount. Let's put it this way, there are nearly 4,300 companies in China plus the GEM. Among these companies Ninety percent of people are unlikely to be able to come up with so much money at once without any effort.”

Chen Diancheng shrugged and said: "I absolutely believe this data, but you also said that this is all listed companies. In fact, if Internet listed companies are specifically selected to make a statistics, the data will change again. You can get it in one go There are definitely more than 10% of Internet technology companies with an investment of 500 million, and Xingyu Group is definitely one of them."

Cao Lin nodded with a wry smile and replied: "Okay, I admit that it is not completely impossible for Xingyu Group to take it out, but you have to know that this money belongs to the company. If you want to take out this money, It is not something I can decide alone, especially the current situation of Xingyu Group. To be honest, I am under a lot of pressure. The shareholders are very dissatisfied with the current operation of the company..."


Cao Lin's words were interrupted by Chen Diancheng. This young man who had not yet had time to taste the sufferings of the world said seriously: "Mr. Cao, don't you think this is your opportunity to reorganize the group company? If the shareholders are disobedient, just kick them out. I I have studied the chairman of many large companies, and most of those who succeed are those who are extremely courageous. Especially now, not only are you having difficulties, but I, as the president of Ningshe, are also having difficulties."

"Mr. Cao, although I don't understand the financial operations in your shopping mall, you should understand how difficult it is to manage people, right? To tell you the truth, our Ning Club now has more than 180 members at Yanbei University. I believe you also know In the case of Ningshe, those who can join the society must either have a comprehensive grade point ranking within the top ten of their majors for two consecutive years, or obtain a silver medal or above in well-known domestic and foreign competitions; at the end of the day, those who can join the society must be given the highest honors by their tutors in the undergraduate scientific research plan. good review."

"Well, Mr. Cao, you may not know much about Yanbei University's undergraduate scientific research program. Anyway, this program also has high requirements for academic performance when selecting students. Basically, they are the best talents from various science and engineering departments in the sophomore stage. They may be accepted into this program. In short, they are all very strong! And you may not know it well. Our Yanbei is different from the school next door. If they are dissatisfied with something, they only dare to shout anonymously online, but we Students of Yanbei University, how dare you make trouble if something happens! You should make trouble under your real name!"

"So, Mr. Cao, although I am the president of Ningshe, please think about it from my perspective. I used the money everyone earned from hard work to do this red envelope event to publicize the decision of choosing one from the other. , now you come to see me, just say a few words to me, and I will immediately run to tell everyone that it is better to dissolve enemies than to marry them, and cancel this two-choice decision. What do you think our members will think of me? Can I still be the president?"

"So please put yourself in my shoes. Hey, it's almost time to eat. Mr. Cao, you finally came here. I'll treat you to a meal. To be honest, the simple meals in this cafe are good. Let’s talk while eating.”

Then, without waiting for Cao Lin to react, Chen Diancheng waved to Wen Yimo who had just idled not far away. When the girl came to the table near the two of them, Chen Diancheng amplified his voice and continued: "Mr. Cao, I highly recommend it. You try the beef bibimbap in this cafe. The taste of this bibimbap is the best in Yanbei University. Everyone who eats it is full of praise. It is worth trying for first-timers."

After finishing speaking, Chen Diancheng said to Wen Yimo who had already arrived in front of the two of them with a smile: "Please help us order two portions of fat beef bibimbap, thank you!"

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