Tech Hammer

Chapter 431 Successful Test

No matter what, Chen Diancheng found that time passed very quickly after falling in love. The comparison of time flow speed was like whether the little fairy who was having a stomachache was in the queue outside the toilet, or had already entered the toilet...

Obviously, Chen Diancheng and Wen Yimo are in the state of falling into the cesspool of love. The specific manifestation is probably that the dynamic updates of their Moments are becoming more and more frequent. Especially Chen Diancheng’s Moments, which rarely updated once or twice a year, has recently been updated every time. Zhou can always update two or three articles, and he can always come up with some sentences that make people feel numb physically and mentally after reading them, such as:

"Love is like mathematics, deep and beautiful, and it can always make you desperate without even realizing it."


"Love means that even the little pimples on your face are as cute as the decimal point that I love to deal with most..."

Of course, the singles in Chen Diancheng’s friend list are not so easy to bully. Comments like this can always receive many comments in a day, such as:

"Thank you, President Chen, for finally believing that I was in love for three years and successfully dispelling the little thought of saying goodbye to being single when I was bored."

"The great mathematician Gauss once said seriously: Licking a dog gets nothing."

"I have always felt that the decimal point also has dignity, so please don't humiliate the decimal point! Thank you."

"Known: My girlfriend has acne on her face. How can I make her feel better? The answer to this question is definitely not to post on a social circle. This is a straight man's solution. Negative points! For a qualified licking dog , you should buy her the best bottle of freckle removal cream immediately!"

"Old Chen, you have changed. You are no longer a pure person. Director Ning once said that if you lose your pure heart, you will not be able to go far on the road of mathematics. You are finished. I have a hunch that you will be Ning. He is the first loser under his leadership who cannot graduate on time!"

"Brother Dian Cheng: Please drink more hot water!"

"With all due respect, everyone in Ningshe is responsible for the president becoming like this!"

Chen Diancheng was unmoved by these cynicisms and just gave a unified reply in the circle of friends: "You should not be jealous of geniuses, just like you should not be jealous of the sun. - Yuri Bondarev."

Of course, being so confident mainly comes from Ning Wei's affirmation.

And this also made Chen Diancheng understand the words that his mentor often said: "People see and like different things in different life journeys. There are some things you still don't understand. When you understand, You will understand of course!"

This sentence sounds very metaphysical, but after Chen Diancheng got together with Wen Yimo, he felt that he understood part of this sentence. For example, when he was in love, what he saw was indeed a little different from before.

The anticipation before we meet, the happiness when we meet, are definitely the most beautiful gifts in this world to mankind...

Especially when the two of them are together at night, they can't help but exchange beneficial bacteria with each other in the most direct way. The dizzy feeling always makes Chen Diancheng feel proud of having beautiful women in the world in his hands, so he can always let him go smoothly. He would not stop talking until he felt he was short of oxygen.

Moreover, his mentor is obviously very supportive of his relationship.

For example, a month later, Ning Wei called him there and gave him six tickets for the Olympic opening ceremony. It is definitely the best seat. The seats in the north of Honeycomb Plaza are in the third row from the inside to the outside. It is still in the middle. Generally speaking, this location is often scanned by cameras because it is full of big shots.

Therefore, tickets in this area are basically unavailable. In Chen Diancheng's view, this is why Director Ning spared no effort to help him earn face. This also made him look forward to the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. However, when the time came to August, the Olympic Games When it was really about to come, the young man became nervous again...

He became even more nervous when he learned that his father-in-law and mother-in-law had already booked air tickets to fly to the capital.

But this is inevitable. After all, they are the two people who raised Wen Yimo from childhood. Although Wen Yimo had already told Wen's father and Wen's mother about his existence, and he even met them in the video. It seems that the two elders are quite satisfied with him, but they are still a little nervous...

How to relieve this tension? Chen Diancheng doesn't want to communicate with his parents, but he really wants to talk to his tutor. It's a pity that Director Ning's people are almost nowhere to be seen in the yard...

Yes, Ning Wei has rarely appeared in the yard since the end of July.

The opening ceremony is about to begin, and it is indeed too busy.

The Tiangong Space Station is 423 kilometers away from the earth.

About three days ago, the three astronauts finally launched the launcher from the ground in accordance with the established mission. According to the instructions and the guidance from the ground, they firmly fixed the launcher and the specially designed bracket in the pre-designed position, and provided This specially designed remotely controllable angle-changing bracket is connected to the power supply, and then the bracket is connected to the space station system. In this way, the system can automatically control the emission angle of the laser.

Now the instructions they received were to prepare to change orbit, pass the pre-given coordinate point in thirty minutes, and conduct a laser test launch. This also means that the space station needs to bypass the satellites below, arrive in an orbit about 386km from the earth, and then operate briefly for half an hour before returning to its current fixed orbit.

Of course, during the entire orbit change process, the China Aerospace Center had already informed the departments responsible for the aerospace industry in other countries around the world a week in advance. The reason given was to test the orbit change performance of the space station in order to cope with more complex space orbits in the future. Environment, well-founded.

For astronauts on the space station, it probably means one more daily task.

Fortunately, most operations are performed automatically. In addition to the laser generation period, the supplies sent last time also included the fuel needed for this test. But speaking of it, this is also a very expensive test. If you make such a move, if you include the delivery fee, tens of millions will be wiped out. But then again, at least for now, any extraterrestrial activities are extremely expensive.

Fortunately, Tiangong uses a torque control gyro for daily attitude control and adjustment. Normally, the fuel consumption for attitude control on orbit is almost zero.

A remote command center under the China Aviation Administration.

"Academician Ning, Tiangong Station has begun maneuvering towards the target point as planned, and is expected to arrive at the predetermined coordinate point in thirty minutes."

"Oh, okay, how are the preparations on the ground?"

"Everything is ready, but the fuel sent up this time is only enough to maneuver back and forth three times. The aviation administration has tried its best to reduce the speed of the space station, but the operating speed is still 7.02 kilometers per second, which is so short Can the accuracy of the time really be guaranteed?"

"Nothing is wrong, don't worry, it's no problem. After all, it's so far away. During the movement of the space station, the angle of the laser is also calibrated in real time. It's like a hunter on a high-speed car extending the barrel of his gun from the window. Just like aiming at a deer one kilometer away, as long as the hunter is experienced enough, he can hit it with one shot, so please trust March’s real-time calculation and control capabilities.”

"Okay, Academician Ning, please hurry up. I'll contact the ground remotely and ask if the equipment on the ground is ready."

"Well! I'm sorry for your cooperation, Professor Pang."

Of course, the test cannot be the same as the day it officially started. The equipment on the ground is a pole raised at the top of the hive, with a sensor between the poles. In order to ensure that the pole does not shake slightly due to wind speed, a fixing ring is installed near the top and is firmly fixed with eight steel cables.

Half an hour passed quickly, everything was ready, and the countdown began in the main control room...

The sky that is moving at high speed in space is also passing over the sky of Beijing at an extremely fast speed. During this process, the angle of the sky station began to fine-tune, and then maintained its posture. The bracket equipped with the laser generator moved in a way that was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye. movements, adjusting the angle.

The sensor design on the ground is a ring with a diameter of about 10CM, which is somewhat like the target used in the Olympic shooting events. The difference is that it is not divided into so many rings, but only three parts. The center of the circle is a small black circle with a diameter of only 1CM. , the yellow part is the middle position of the 5CM diameter excluding the black part, and the remaining part is white.

The laser hitting different locations will produce different signals and be recorded, which will also determine the size of the torch switch that will be lit on the day of the Olympic opening ceremony...

As the time approaches, the atmosphere in the command center becomes more and more solemn, while everything outside is still peaceful.

Few people know that the most important part of the opening ceremony, the ignition, is being actively prepared. Of course, there are still some differences. For example, yesterday the Beijing Traffic Police Department notified in advance the control of several main roads near the Beehive. The subway station near the Beehive is here. The time period is also temporarily stopped.

These indirect costs are probably calculated into this unprecedented experiment, but because this test was conducted during the day, most people in the world would be unaware of it.

No one knew at this moment that the space station, which was like a dust in the space, was passing over the capital at a high speed at about 7 kilometers per second. At this time, countless people in the master control center in charge of the laboratory were... Staring at the screen nervously, the preparations that need to be done have already been done, and there is not much that can be done manually, so we can only wait for the results.

"...5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, launch..."

Electronic synthesized sounds echoed in the central control room, and two seconds later, a burst of cheers and warm applause erupted from the control center...

"Success, success, the system determined that the light source hit the target!"

And by Ning Wei's side...

"Academician Ning, is it really successful?!"

"Director Ning, it was a success in one go. This shot was so accurate!"

Finally, countless cheers were interrupted by a cat meowing...


A Chinese garden cat suddenly appeared on the home screen, lazily holding its head high and meowing...

After the people in the control center were stunned, they immediately reacted, applauding as before, and receiving rave reviews.

“Well done March!”

"It's already March, no one else would be able to do it."

"Even if you hit a moving target with such a high speed, even an awesome character can't have this kind of reaction speed!"


"Huh... ok, I don't need to test this accuracy. The astronauts on the space station have worked hard. They can return to the previous orbit. The ground preparations will continue as usual." Looking at the kitten on the screen, listening The excited and happy voices of the staff in the hall gave their opinions.

"Yes, yes, yes, there is no need for a second test. It hits the target right on target. This accuracy... this accuracy... By the way, Academician Ning, can we review the entire background calculation process?"

"Of course, of course, Professor Pang, you only need to log in to the backend, and all the data will be saved. I have seen the simulation data before, and the main reason is that the conversion of the reference system and the coordinate system is more troublesome, and the amount of calculation involved is relatively large. Everything else is actually fine.”

"Thank you, Academician Ning."

"You're welcome, you're welcome!" Ning Wei Hao Ran said.

I'm most afraid of this kind of situation...

The person in charge of the control center next to him immediately echoed: "Academician Ning, why don't you take this opportunity to say a few words to everyone?"

"Ah? What did you say?"

"Just say something! You have also seen that everyone is so excited now. You can just say a few words to everyone."

"Forget it, forget it...I still have some things to do. I have to go back to school. I'll talk about it later when I have the chance."

"That's not okay. For a busy person like you, you don't know when you will come back next time. Besides, you have also seen that everyone actually wants to hear something from you, even if it is to encourage everyone to continue. Let’s work hard in this direction.”

"Mr. Lu, I really have nothing to say." Ning Wei shied away again.

But this time, Mr. Lu didn't give Ning Wei a chance. He directly pressed the button next to him and picked up the microphone.

"Ahem, everyone, be quiet. Let's listen to Academician Ning Wei, the proposer of the space station laser ignition project, say a few words to us, okay?"

Warm applause rang out again, and countless people turned their heads to look at Ning Wei on the highest podium. The person in charge of the command center next to him had already handed the microphone to Ning Wei.

Well, Ning Wei really didn't prepare what he needed to say today.

In fact, he has already planned his schedule. After hosting the test today, he will fly back to the capital and wait for the opening of the Olympic Games... After all, he is too lazy to continue arguing with those big guys, and his ability to speak in public is already over. Degenerated...

If possible, Ning Wei prefers to write short compositions on Weibo, because he can let March organize the copywriting...

So when the microphone was handed to his mouth, Ning Wei's mind was really blank...

Until suddenly a lightbulb flashed...

"Well, thank you all, let me tell you a story. When I was in my senior year in Jiangcheng, one day something happened and I felt very complicated, so I went to the famous Guiyuan Temple in Jiangcheng to relax. Coincidentally, that day I met a graduate student in the Department of Philosophy of Jiangnan University at Guiyuan Temple. He was ordained at Guiyuan Temple and became a glorious mage, but our encounter was a little different. You may not believe it, but he You stopped me because you wanted to smoke, but you didn’t bring a fire..."

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