Tech Hammer

Chapter 432 International Joke

It must be admitted that when a person is successful, any speech in public can easily attract the attention of most people. And a successful person like Ning Wei is even more convincing. After all, his life experience is not a secret on the Internet, and he does not have a good father.

So although Ning Wei's tone was not passionate and lacked the appeal of a big boss, the story he told still made everyone involved at the scene...

"As you all know, there is actually no shortage of incense in the temple, but my senior brother has a principle and is not willing to borrow the Buddha's fire, and he doesn't want those senior brothers to see it, so he wants to find a tourist to borrow the fire. It was such a coincidence that I happened to pass by that hall and they stopped me, but unfortunately I don't smoke, so I don't have the habit of carrying cigarettes with me."

"What's even more coincidental is that it was not a weekend, so there were not many people in the temple. At least there were no other tourists around me, but fortunately it was sunny that day, and everyone knows the weather in Jiangcheng. A sunny day in October is nothing like summer. Both were the same, so the senior brother returned to the main hall and found a magnifying glass, and asked me to use the magnifying glass to focus the light and help him light the cigarette."

"Look, isn't this a very troublesome thing? Not long ago, Director Chen came to me and asked me to come up with some ideas for the Olympic opening ceremony. I don't know why, but I suddenly thought of this. And then today happened. An experiment. I have just thought about it carefully. Perhaps subconsciously, I have always believed that every small advancement in technology should serve every ordinary person in this world, even if he is a smoker."

"As scientific researchers, our goal is to make 100% efforts so that every Chinese person can use the simplest method to solve some of the small problems in life. Just like this time, we can use This laser is used to light torches. Perhaps in the near future, there will be hundreds or thousands of satellites carrying laser generators in low-Earth orbit, which can provide real-time ignition services to every smoker who forgets to bring a lighter?"

"As long as you have a mobile phone, combined with our March Smart System and Beidou System, plus an APP, you can guide the brother who forgot to bring a lighter to a safe place that will not affect anyone else. A simple voice operation can confirm When you light up your cigarette, a laser will shoot down from the sky to solve the problem of forgetting your lighter..."

Everyone in the control center was stunned at this time...

They thought that Ning Wei might tell an interesting story, but they probably never expected that this story could be so interesting, so interesting that they didn't know how to evaluate it.

how to say……

This is probably a large-scale plan with hundreds of billions of scientific research funds designed to solve a problem that can be solved by dividing the money equally, which makes people feel outrageous just thinking about it.

Fortunately, Ning Wei couldn't hold back and laughed out loud...

"Haha, using satellites to light cigarettes is just a joke, but the idea I want to express remains unchanged. Scientific progress ultimately serves mankind, and no matter how small the demand is, it is worth 100% of our efforts. This sentence is encouraged by everyone. I also believe that our next generation and all Chinese people in the future will remember the efforts of our scientific researchers! Finally, thank you again for your hard work these days, which has allowed us to have a wonderful result today."

Finished speaking.

In exchange for the wry smiles from everyone around him.

"Academician Ning, you really know how to joke!"

China's space station in the sky has returned to its original orbit.

Of course, the sudden action of the Chinese Space Station attracted the attention of many people.

In particular, the environment in low-Earth orbit is already very complex, mainly because there are too many satellites. In order to avoid accidents, the control center has already informed the aerospace management departments of various countries around the world. Naturally, everyone will pay close attention to the Chinese Space Station this time. action.

International interactions inherently uphold the principle of hypocrisy.

No one really believes the reasons on the table.

Do you want to do a track change performance test suddenly when you have nothing to do? Only a ghost would really believe it.

The space station is not like a satellite. If such a big thing moves in space, it is worth money, and there are even certain risks. Changing orbit just for the sake of changing orbit is really full.

Therefore, almost the entire process of the space station's orbital maneuver was recorded by someone who was interested.

Although the naked eye in broad daylight will definitely not notice the light falling from the sky, for many countries, various devices on satellites can still roughly judge what the Chinese Space Station did in that short moment. It's just that this was done in a somewhat haphazard and confusing way...

For example, NASA director Maynard Jeffers, who is responsible for monitoring the Chinese Space Station, received the report almost immediately.

"What? The Chinese sent the space station there just to shoot a high-frequency laser towards the capital? Then they returned to the original orbit after sending it? What do they want to do? Long-distance laser weapons? Hit their capital?"

"It's not clear yet. But it's certainly not a weapon level. According to the results of the current analysis, well, in fact, you can tell from this photo that the power of the laser emitted from the space station is not very high, and after traveling a long distance In particular, the attenuation and diffusion after entering the atmosphere do not have any power. Dr. Rosen suspects that this is a test of a precise laser positioning system, because this laser may carry a specific wavelength and information, so that it can be compared with the ground Specific laser receivers react."

"Precise positioning? Testing in the capital of China?"

"It's really confusing. Maybe you can call and ask..."

"Well, okay, you go ahead and do your work."

Watching his secretary walk out of the office, Maynard thought for a moment and then picked up the phone.

As the secretary just said, NASA and the China Aerospace Center have always maintained information connectivity. After all, everyone still has to argue about the space development plan every year. The universe is infinite, but the orbital space outside the earth is limited. As more satellites are sent into the sky, there is still the risk of traffic jams, and space resources are also resources.

Not to mention that satellites that are not affiliated with each other can change orbits, and they may collide without communication. Especially for space powers like China and the United States, it is normal to quarrel over orbital position every year.

Of course, if you want to quarrel, you still need a channel, so we also left each other’s phone numbers. However, it is not controllable who answers the call. Whether you can find the person in charge sometimes depends on luck and the mood of the other party.

Maynard was lucky today. After the call was made, someone with enough weight quickly answered his call.

"Lu, we noticed that your country's space station actively changed its orbit today. You even installed a laser transmitter on the space station and launched it, so what exactly is this doing? Don't lie to me about the test orbit change, old friend Maybe I can be more honest, otherwise I really don’t know how to write a report.”

Maynard asked bluntly when the call was transferred to his old acquaintance.

Although he said he was a bachelor, it didn't mean that Maynard really believed that the other party would tell him the truth. It just showed an attitude that he had mastered everything. In this way, even if the other party makes up lies to deal with him, it should be more reliable.

"Haha, Maynard, you are right. This operation is of course not only about testing the space station's orbit-changing ability, but you also said just now that we fired lasers. What do you want to ask me for after you know everything? "

"What's the purpose? So you spend tens or even hundreds of millions just to launch this laser?"

"You really want to know?"


"Okay, who made us friends? The situation is like this. Today, when a big shot in China wanted to smoke, he suddenly realized that he forgot to bring a fire."

Maynard frowned, what do you mean?

What's even more annoying is that after I opened my mouth, the person on the other side remained silent again.

"Lou, I'm discussing with you the orbit change of the space station. What does this have to do with smoking without fire? So what space experiments are you doing?"

"No, haven't I told you everything frankly? Haha, Mr. Jeffers, haven't you understood?"

"Honestly? No, I don't quite understand."

"Yes, I told you that a big shot in China forgot to bring a fire when he wanted to smoke today!"

"But does this have anything to do with the space station's orbital change?"

"Our astronaut wants to fly over and light a cigarette for him. You know, calculate the orbit, then change the orbit, fire the laser, light the cigarette, and then fly away, all in one go, space lighter!"



"Fuck you!"

"Thank you!"


Yes, Maynard Jeffers hung up the phone directly. This was probably a stress reaction. After all, everyone will feel that their IQ has been humiliated. The Chinese are still as hateful as ever. After all, this answer means nothing to his report.

The space station maneuvers hundreds of kilometers just to light a cigarette for some big shot at high speed?

Not to mention the value of the lighter, the key is that photos of the laser generator installed on the Chinese Space Station are already on his desk. From a professional point of view, the power of a laser with this specification is obviously not too great. From an orbit of more than 380 kilometers, It is just a beam of light that is emitted to the earth. It shines brightly. Not to mention lighting a cigarette, even Mars cannot inspire one.

This is so awesome...

How shameless!

However, just after hanging up the phone, Maynard Jeffs' expression became serious again.

He suddenly thought of the expert's judgment during the secretary's report just now...

"...Dr. Rosen's suspicion is that this is testing a sophisticated laser positioning system, because this laser may carry a specific wavelength and information, so that it can react with a specific laser receiver on the ground."

If this judgment is true...

The Chinese have been able to accurately locate a cigarette butt in space nearly 400 kilometers away?

The person in charge of the Huaxia project on the phone just now sounded very relaxed and seemed to be in a good mood. Does this mean that the test was successful?

As soon as this possibility came to his mind, Maynard Jeffers broke into a cold sweat...

Most people may not quite understand the concept of firing a laser beam from a space station and accurately hitting the target, and they may even think that it is not difficult...

Isn't it just target practice?

It's just a matter of staying far away...

But as a mid-level employee at NASA, Maynard Jeffers still knows it very well. It flies over the Chinese capital at a relative speed of more than seven kilometers per second and can accurately hit the predetermined target. This means that the space station must seize a momentary opportunity with an extremely strict posture and angle in order to achieve success. It can be completed, and the amount of calculation required instantly is an astronomical number.

Not to mention anything else, just a series of coordinate conversions consumes a huge amount of computing power. With a distance of nearly 400 kilometers and an ultra-high relative speed, even an angle difference of 0.1 seconds may be as large as 0.1 seconds when magnified to the surface of the earth. Miles of fallacy…

And this is only the theoretical calculation data required. In actual operation, the laser enters the atmosphere from space, and many other factors must be considered, such as how to pass through clouds.

If this is successful, lasers can be used to transmit countless messages in the future, and the speed may be several times faster than now.

As we all know, radio frequencies are becoming more and more rare and precious. The wavelength of radio also limits the information carrying capacity. Theoretically, short-wave lasers can carry thousands or even tens of thousands of times more information than radio, and this is not affected by the number of channels. The restrictions are even more difficult to crack.

If there is such an accuracy, theoretically speaking, as long as there are enough receiving devices on the ground, satellites can transmit information at high speed through lasers. Of course, the premise is that these lasers can pass through clouds without damage.

Of course, theoretically speaking, if the power of the laser generator is large enough, it can have many uses, but those are even scarier to think about...

It’s just that from the bottom of his heart, Maynard Jeffers still doesn’t believe that China can really do this. The most important thing is that he didn’t receive the news before, and it suddenly happened like this, which is not in line with the general laws of technological development. , even though China is now leading the way in the field of artificial intelligence, when it comes to computing power, they still have the upper hand.

But with these ideas, the report became easier to write.

With the endorsement of experts and some supporting evidence, this report will be taken seriously even if it is not allowed. After all, the current economic environment is not very good. It is getting harder and harder to find money for the building in Washington. It is appropriate to amplify some unknown technologies and request funding. Sometimes I can feel more confident.

Well, maybe we can also add a little imagination. For example, the Chinese have been able to achieve decimeter-level instantaneous positioning capabilities from space to the ground?

It is no exaggeration to say that once he writes this report, it will at least help NASA get an extra billion or eighty billion, right?

At the same time, Ning Wei, who was about to board the plane, received a call from Zhang Dingxi.

"Director Ning, our screen has been installed and has just passed the test!"

"Oh, that's good, good work!"

"Hey, I'm really tired this time. You don't know, but the requirements are much higher than the one we did in school... I'm lucky, those brothers in the lab really didn't sleep a wink for several nights..."

"In this way, I will celebrate your success after the opening ceremony. Okay, stop talking, I'll get on the plane first!"

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