Tech Hammer

Chapter 469 This is the best way to cooperate

If physicists like CERN had paid attention to Ning Wei's speech when he attended the world's top computer conference five years ago, they would have discovered that this was actually basic practice.

The principles of algorithms can be explained through mathematical theories, and naturally the principles of physical derivation can also be explained through mathematical theories. Mathematics ability determines the upper limit of a programmer. In fact, this can also be transferred to the level of physics.

There is no way, who made mathematics the most basic tool subject in science and engineering. Fortunately, whether they are top programmers or top physicists who study algorithms, they only need to be able to use existing mathematical tools. They do not need to create mathematical tools. That is the scope of real theoretical mathematicians. , so they only need to listen carefully and understand the theorems and lemmas proposed by Ning Wei...

This happens to be what Ning Wei is best at.

"...Through the above argument, I believe everyone has discovered that this problem has reached a dead end based on the theorems we know now, because we cannot define the result under the existing academic framework, so here I constructed A space as short as a foot..."

After shocking a group of physicists, Ning Wei did not answer the questions raised by these remote physicists. Instead, he started talking about his mathematical derivation from the beginning.

The reason is also very simple. There are so many people and the questions are too complicated. It is better to let everyone follow his ideas. First, introduce the overall idea and then solve the difficulties by answering questions. This is the most efficient solution.

This method must sound familiar, and yes, it is actually the way teachers are most accustomed to preaching.

Regardless of whether the other side is satisfied or dissatisfied, we must first shock these scientists who have their eyes high above their heads.

Facts have proved that this effect is quite good, because the number of people in the live broadcast room of the big conference is not only not small, but also increasing...

You must know that the current Internet conference video software must have screen recording and replay functions. Live lectures can also attract more and more people to listen, which is enough to show the degree of attention the paper has received at CERN at this time...

After all, 90% of the world's particle and high-energy physicists are concentrated here, and everyone happens to be very interested in the true meaning of the universe.

"Okay, that's it for today. From now on, I will spend 4 hours every day in this meeting room to discuss with you. I will talk for three hours, and then spend another hour focusing on answering some questions for you. Until we make this theory clear That’s it, let’s disperse!”

After speaking, Ning Wei logged off directly, leaving the 523 people in the conference room to slowly savor what he just said.

Well, this is probably like treating the seminar as an online class. Fortunately, no one seems to have any objections.

"Ronnie, did you go to that Chinese guy's class?"

"No, Cassia, do you have to say that?"

"if not?"

"I just watched the video replay..."

"So saying this really makes you men feel better inside? Is this the legendary man's self-esteem?"


"Haha, okay, Ronnie, no more joking. I think Ning is probably right. Although the verification work has not been completed yet, I have carefully sorted out the entire paper and watched the videos many times. At least I can't find anything obviously wrong."

"Yes, this is indeed the case at present, but we still have to wait until the verification is completed! I guarantee that this is not the so-called man's dignity, this is science! In fact, I hope he is right, at least his Ning's theory It’s verifiable, and if it’s a metaphysical theory, I may not be able to find a way to verify it in my lifetime!”

"Maybe there's another possibility? Both are right... You know, Ronnie, there's no contradiction!"

"Of course, this is not contradictory, but haven't you noticed? Cassia, if both are correct, Ning's theory at least gives us the possibility to verify string theory. I have to admit that the Chinese is indeed a genius !”

"Oh? I remember Ronny, this is not like what you said. I remember you laughed at that Chinese guy on Facebook... I also remember you said that letting this guy come to CERN to make false claims was a shame to the entire world of physics. , he should be nailed to the pillar of shame in the world of physics together with the money-minded Edwin George..."

"Ahem, Cassia, did I say this? You must have remembered it wrong. I think you must have blamed Taylor's words on me, you know? Ning went to that guy on the first day he came. We had a fight with him, and Edwin George finally pulled him away, so it was normal for him to see that Ning and Edwin were uncomfortable! If you don’t believe me, go check my Facebook, I have never said this. "

"No, no, no, Ronnie, I remember very clearly that both of you scolded each other. If you can't find it on Facebook, it must be that you deleted the words you posted before, or set them to private content! Haha, Ronnie, I really didn’t expect you to have such a cute side..."



Ronnie Maillard just felt blushing...

Why does the Internet need to have memory? !

Ronnie Maillard wasn't the only one troubled.

In fact, 90% of the physicists currently stationed at CERN have temporarily put aside their projects and are working hard to verify Ning Wei's theory. This is why the progress is so fast. It can be said that the current LHC is all opened for Ning Wei's theory.

Therefore, Ning Wei has become the most talked about name among scientists at CERN during this period. Even Edwin George's reputation has gradually improved.

how to say……

As Edwin George thought before, if Ning Wei's theory proves to be correct, then he will also have credit.

Without the cooperation of CERN, this theory cannot be verified, right?

After all, the voices mocking Ning Wei can no longer be heard in CERN. There are even many physicists who are not resident at CERN, who came to CERN from major universities and research institutes to start working on the verification of the paper.

At the same time, Edwin George did not hide anything.

The video recorded by Ning Wei during the four-hour teleconference every day for the past half month has also been shared in the world's physics academic circle. Originally, anyone who was a partner of CERN could download and watch it, but this semi-public nature has naturally limited the threshold. Unable to stop people's enthusiasm for sharing in the Internet age, these videos were soon compiled into complete course schedules and began to spread in countless colleges and universities.

Likewise, Edwin George's analysis began to come true.

"Actually, everyone's previous ideas were biased. We all know that a good physicist must first have the potential to become a good mathematician. In the same way, good mathematicians can get twice the result with half the effort when they start studying physics. !”

"Obviously, Ning Wei is indeed such a genius. I think he is the Newton of the world...I admit that although there were some misunderstandings between me and him before, it was just a misunderstanding! Now I feel that I can become a very good friend with him ! Well, if he is willing too! Of course, I will apologize to him first."

If Ning Wei was still at CERN at this time, there is a high probability that he would not have thought that these words were spoken by Professor Taylor Alex, a university physics professor with a cowboy style of the American West, who had come to make a big fuss.

It can be said that Edwin George really knows these scientists very well. From this point of view, they really have no moral integrity. It's very enjoyable when scolded, and even more enjoyable when submissive. It's like having a trembling physique.

His words probably represent the aspirations of many people. As the verification work proceeds, more and more laboratory evidence shows that Ning Wei is right. Whether it is what they call Ning's theory now, or the short space in the theory, it will become the latest research direction in the physics world.

In other words, Ning Wei has once again become a god in the world of physics.

After all, being able to become the founder of a certain direction in academia is an undisputed and supreme achievement. Just like any current paper on artificial intelligence cannot bypass Ning Wei's paper, there is a high probability that physics students who study quantum mechanics, high-energy physics, cosmology, etc. in the future will not be able to bypass Ning Wei's theoretical research.

This is the influence of academia...

The only good news for countless students is probably that Ning Wei's thesis will most likely not be exposed to undergraduate students. Otherwise, I would rather have a high probability of enjoying the treatment of countless sages - being greeted crazily by a bunch of students behind their backs... Just like Fermat, Taylor, Lagrange, and Lópida are often talked about by Chinese mathematics majors The children summed it up as "Mallegbi".

"Ning, it is no exaggeration to say that you conquered the entire CERN! You may not believe it, but I can hear people discussing your name here every day, and some people have even started to discuss your bloodline..."

When calling Ning Wei, Edwin George described the situation at CERN to Ning Wei in an exaggerated tone.

It can be understood as a sign of goodwill, but Ning Wei doesn't feel right...

"Discussing my bloodline? Isn't it? Edwin, are the physicists at CERN still so venomous?"

"Vicious tongue? Ning, did you misunderstand something? The reason for discussing bloodline is because everyone is just surprised by your talent and thinks that you were born in a genius family. It is normal for us to discuss bloodline. For example, The royal family and the hereditary nobility..."

"Uh... Okay, I probably misunderstood... Edwin, let me tell you a trivia fact. In China, we rarely discuss human blood. When this word is mentioned, it usually refers to pets. For example, dogs, cats, etc., because whether their bloodline is pure or not directly determines whether these little guys can be sold at a good price..."


Obviously, Ningwei is still not suitable for this kind of daily chat, and his popular science knowledge can leave the other party speechless...

But this is indeed true. After all, serious people in China rarely talk about blood. Anyone who shouts "My surname is Aisin Gioro" on the street will most likely be laughed at by the crowd.

Not only because the Qing Dynasty has died, but the key is that there are many surnames of ancestors who have been emperors, Ying, Liu, Wang, Gongsun, Cao, Sun, Sima, Yang, Yuwen, Li, Wu, An...etc., Aixin Jueluo can only be counted as one forty-seventh at most. If you add in the various ministers who once held high positions, that is, the surnames of nobles in each dynasty, it will be even more. It is impossible to say that hundreds of surnames will account for more than half. .

This is probably the reason why there are no so-called nobles in China. If you count three generations up, your ancestors may have been farmers; but if you count ten or eight generations up, you will find that the ancestors of most ordinary families may have been prominent.

The history is so thick that the so-called human bloodline seems like a joke. In short, this thing is a mess and no one is too lazy to discuss it...

This is probably a cultural barrier. You laugh at us for not having nobility, and I laugh at you for not having history... Anyway, when we don't like each other, and there is nothing we can do about each other, then let's laugh at each other. People's emotions must be exported. .

Fortunately, this wave of advantage is obviously on Ning Wei's side, and the opponent has to continue even if it is embarrassing.

"Haha... Ning, the Chinese people are really... really... Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's talk about cooperation. Do you remember what you told me last time? There are already many at CERN. Scientists have submitted relevant cooperation projects, which makes me think that both of us can start a long-term win-win cooperation. This is my idea. Ning, you can issue a commissioned task, and then we will complete it."

"This is equivalent to you having some powers that only a committee has. Ning, I believe that with your current reputation, you will be able to respond to everything. I am also very happy to serve as a middleman and build such a bridge. I believe that with the efforts of both of us, we will be able to Promote the progress of Ning's theory as quickly as possible and contribute to the advancement of world physics."

Hearing these words, Ning Wei was stunned. Suddenly, he felt that Edwin George, who had always had a good impression, became less cute.

This suggestion was actually somewhat incompatible with his ideas.

After all, he never thought of continuing to cooperate with CERN in this way, otherwise Huaxia Jian

A good scientific research organization acts like an employment union. Ning Wei feels that this is a complete humiliation to the high-energy physicists who are doing research at CERN. After all, they are all scientists, not mercenaries.

The most important thing is that if this cooperation continues, China's own CEPC seems to be useless. The project launched in 2022 has been under construction for six years. It is said that it is now in the final stage and is expected to be officially launched in two years...

"No, no, no, Edwin, there may be some misunderstandings between us. How should I put it? Well, maybe the next question is a bit personal, but I still want to know, how much salary does CERN give you every year? I hope you don't mind me. Being so direct, I think we are friends, right? Why not tell me more frankly."

" annual income is about 500,000 euros, the specifics are still a bit variable, but..."

"Half a million euros? Oh my God, is that why CERN doesn't pay attention to talents so much? I feel aggrieved for you, Edwin, why don't you help me ask if there are any scholars who are willing to come to China? Every time you recommend If a CERN scholar or engineer comes to work in China, I will provide you with 200,000 euros, 2 million euros for ten people, and 20 million euros for 100 people. It is purely your personal income. What do you think of this kind of cooperation? Sample?"

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