Tech Hammer

Chapter 470 The tangle of countless people

"According to the verification method given at the end of the paper, as well as the verification method we summarized ourselves, after comparing the data, including the LHC data we obtained during this period, we repeatedly verified it, which also included two different directions: direct and indirect. , and finally put these data into the formula proposed by Ning Wei, and the final results point to one possibility, that is..."

"His theory is probably correct! The credibility is greater than 99%. If it is more scientific, it is that under our current technical conditions, we can no longer find a more suitable theory to replace Ning Wei The theory. We have been able to use the given theory to build a mathematical model and use it to predict the distribution of particles after collision at a specific energy level, and the accuracy proves that it is credible."

"I have to say, Ning Wei is right, Einstein may be right, God does not play dice. Whether it is the Schrödinger equation or the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, they are also right, but they only describe phenomena. The essence is that discontinuity in space directly leads to uncertainty in the microworld, which will be the key point in connecting the microworld to the macroworld."

"So, if we can find evidence of spatial discontinuity in the macroscopic world, it will be the greatest discovery of human civilization! It will also be the starting point for the entire human civilization to enter the next stage! The discontinuity of space makes everything possible. , our view of space and time needs to be updated again, information is transmitted across different time and space, and its speed may not be limited by the theory of relativity."

"The next research in this direction also means that we will be able to accomplish achievements that no one before us could even imagine! Of course, this will become a new track. The question now is how much everyone is willing to invest in this new direction! Now! The most disadvantageous thing is that to advance this work, extremely large computing power and resource integration capabilities are required. In other words, this may be a theory tailor-made for the artificial intelligence platform that China is proud of."

"So now, although we are on the same starting line at a theoretical level, the next research will

Most of the internal speech targets are laypeople who are either very rich or very powerful, and this time is certainly no exception.

Of course, before this internal speech, CERN and the physics academic community around the world had basically reached a consensus during this period of verification. Ning's theory is indeed correct when verified under the current environment.

As for the impact, it can probably only be described as an earthquake or tsunami. Moreover, it has MAX magnitude and MAX intensity, directly maxing out the energy output. Now when experts in the entire theoretical physics community meet, they must be discussing Ning's theory. No, it’s not just the physics community, this also affects the entire mathematics community.

The ridicule of a group of physicists before CERN has now become a sign that this group of people have their eyes on the top, but they don’t know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky. Of course, they have already tasted the bitterness. After all, Ning Wei's video explaining the theory has been widely circulated in academic circles around the world. Many people have watched it repeatedly, and even a specially edited version has been released.

Because in the original version, Ning Wei often asked: "Do you understand everything here?", "Do you understand this conversion? There shouldn't be any need to go into more detail, right?", "It's very easy to understand... well, I think it’s very easy, do you not understand?” Waiting for these words, it is easy for these professors and experts to feel both psychological and physical discomfort...

God knows how the CERN physicists who participated in the meeting endured it without protesting or even making up jokes. After all, these physicists' ability to make up jokes has proven to be quite talented.

how to say? Although Ning Wei didn't speak out, many mathematicians who study theory began to ridicule those theoretical physicists. Facts have proved that the combat effectiveness of high-level intellectuals is extremely amazing. It doesn't even require a single curse word to make people laugh, but it can make people laugh. Embarrassing outside.

"How should I put it? It turns out that physicists are very close to mathematics, but it is obvious that most of them still do not understand mathematics!"

"I have long said that true mathematicians do not get inspiration from physics, but true physicists do just the opposite!"

"I can draw a conclusion from rigorous mathematical reasoning. In fact, the end of the universe lies in mathematics. As for physicists...oh, no, shouldn't we call them laboratory verification scholars?"

"I asked a friend who studies physics if 97 is a prime number. He looked at his phone and said definitely, yes! Five minutes later I asked him again, is 97 really a prime number? He looked at his phone again. , said no. After another five minutes, when I asked him again to confirm, he looked at his phone impatiently, and then told me: Sorry, this issue is controversial, and the relevant page can no longer be displayed."

"I shouldn't have chosen mathematics back then, but should have chosen particle physics. Anyway, in daily work, I only needed to use equations to make nonsense, until a real mathematician came up with a conclusion and corrected the accuracy of the nonsense. This was really easy! Oh , by the way, besides having a relaxing job, you can also satirize mathematicians who have made great achievements. Look, this is what particle physicists do every day. The scary thing is that their salary is the same as ours..."

When this evil wind blew up, the physicists at CERN were completely unable to fight back. For Ning Wei, this probably once again confirmed his reputation as the world's top mathematician and physicist.

After all, the entire system of Ning's theory was born out of pure mathematical reasoning, but the verification method is that of physics. It ultimately guides people's understanding of the natural world. Strictly speaking, this is indeed within the scope of physics. However, the innovations in the derivation process of this set of theories have once again provided countless theoretical mathematicians with new mathematical tools when deriving complex problems.

So strictly speaking, it has extremely positive significance for both the progress of mathematics and the progress of physics. However, this person would rather...

This is actually quite embarrassing.

You must know that Ning Wei has applied to IMU for several consecutive years, hoping that the International Congress of Mathematicians will be held in China. Although there has been no clear answer before, the International Congress of Mathematicians held every four years now has to invite Ning Wei, otherwise it will not be possible to explain to mathematicians who study mathematical artificial intelligence. Although Ning Wei has never participated, after all, he has not come up with any new mathematical trees in recent years.

So if people don’t come, they don’t come either…

But this time, if people still don’t come, it will be somewhat unjustifiable.

In addition, if the next Fields Medal is not awarded to Ning Wei, it would indeed be unjustifiable. Really, few mathematicians in history have achieved this achievement. If they don’t win the Fields Medal, they will lose the Fields Medal. Now they would rather achieve this achievement.

However, every time Ning achieves similar achievements, it is extremely unexpected. For example, the theoretical results he once made in the computer algorithm field laid the foundation for mathematical artificial intelligence and made the entire mathematical community dismayed; this time, in physics Scientists published their results, which once again made the entire mathematical theory community proud. This also put pressure on the International Mathematical Union, led by the American Mathematical Society...

To be honest, from solving the smooth solution of the propulsive NS equation, to solving the KLS conjecture, to laying the foundation for the mathematical theory of artificial intelligence, Ning Wei's influence in mathematics is enough for him to win the Fields Medal. Ning Wei has never been awarded the award. It’s not that no one recommends it. After all, there are many mathematicians studying this field. If Ningwei cannot win the award, it means that no one in this field will be embarrassed to win the award in the future...

However, due to various reasons, the Fields Medal has never been awarded to Ning Wei. This can be regarded as a game between the two parties. If it continues like this, ICM can probably continue to treat it coldly. But Ning Wei’s paper breaks this balance again.

Mathematicians all over the world don’t think too much about messy things other than mathematics. When their future research fields have to quote or even directly use Ning Wei's research results, it is unimaginable for many mathematicians that such a person is not recognized by the world's mathematical community.

Even though Ning Wei once expressed his deviant remarks that the world mathematics community might not tolerate him, which aroused the dissatisfaction of many mathematicians, Ning Wei's talent cannot be completely erased because of this ignorant statement.

Of course, it is not just the International Mathematical Union that is particularly troubled at this time. In fact, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is also feeling a lot of pressure.

Why is it only November now? Why does the deadline for Nobel nominations every year be set to January 31 of the following year? If the deadline starts in September and ends in October, this problem can be postponed to next year...

Yes, this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics review committee has received Ning Wei’s nomination, which is probably something they didn’t expect.

Because of the March Prize, Ning Wei’s relationship with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has been tense. Both sides are vying for the status of the world's most influential science award.

The more impressive the March Prize is, the more passive it becomes for the Nobel Prize. So one can imagine how the Swedish Academy of Sciences feels about Ning Wei. The two sides have had a war of words more than once.

Now Ning Wei’s contribution to physics is undoubted. It can be said that if he fails to win the Nobel Prize in Physics, then the Nobel Prize will basically be discredited.

After all, if a scientific award is not awarded to a certain scientist because he is unhappy with it, it is really unjustifiable, and it goes against the original intention of the Nobel Prize. It is a blow to the credibility of the Nobel Prize, and it is even disrespectful to previous Nobel Prize winners in physics.

Of course, if Ning Wei had won the March Physics Prize, the Nobel Prize Organizing Committee could have used an unwritten rule to excuse it. As an award of the same type, there is absolutely no need to award it to the same person...

But Ning Wei announced to the world as early as the establishment of the March Award that in order to ensure the fairness, justice and openness of the March Award, as the founder of the March Award, no matter what results he achieves in the future, he will not participate in the March Award. Award selection for any award.

In other words, for the Nobel Prize, there is almost no reasonable reason to exclude Ning Wei.

So here comes the question...

At this time, even the most imaginative physicists in the world dare not think of any achievements in recent years that can be more advanced than Ning Wei's research and make greater contributions to the world of physics...

Well, this requirement seems to be too high, but even if the requirements are lowered, even if the achievements are slightly inferior, and the research results that make it difficult for everyone to say weird things, we can't find them now.

Therefore, when many qualified nominees, including many former Nobel Prize winners in physics who had not nominated anyone for many years, began to nominate Ning Wei, how could the review committee reject Ning Wei without any fireworks? How to do it without damaging the credibility of the Nobel Prize has become the ultimate test of ability...

However, this problem is obviously unsolvable.

They even know why many former Nobel Prize winners who have not been involved in world affairs for many years have come forward to support Ning. It is not that these people have benefited from Ning, but if they really dare not to give Ning the Nobel Prize in Physics next year. Because, these people will most likely feel that their award-winning titles may be so worthless...

After all, for awards, the most important thing is credibility. Without credibility, there will naturally be no honor...

You can imagine how embarrassed the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences was at this time.

While many people are looking at how ICM and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences should handle this matter, most people don't know that there is someone who may be more entangled than these two institutions at this time.

That's right, it's Edwin George!

If the CERN director were asked to evaluate himself, he would definitely think that he is still a very principled person, a person who has long since escaped from vulgar taste, and possesses gentlemanly demeanor, chivalry and patriotic sentiments.

So now he hates Ning Wei...

I hate why Ning Wei is so generous and gives so much...

If you recommend a person and give him 200,000 euros, is he the one who needs the 200,000 euros?

It seems that there will soon be a shortage of...

Yes, he did make a lot of money when he cooperated with Ning Wei last time, but how can I put it, that money has stimulated his yearning for the life of the rich. Recently, he has begun to inquire about the standard equipment of the rich - going to sea for vacation and partying. The artifact - the yacht!

What man can resist such a large toy?

Although it is temporarily inconvenient to write the yacht directly in his name, there is no problem in buying it in the name of his relatives for your own enjoyment. So he recently went to study the yacht market. Even an entry-level luxury yacht over 60 feet that can be played on the Shanghai High Sea for a few days costs tens of millions or even nearly 100 million US dollars, and it is still second-hand!

More importantly, the maintenance cost after buying this thing is even more frighteningly high, which he feels is not something he can afford with his small salary!

Of course, Edwin George could also choose to buy only a medium-sized yacht, but the risk resistance and comfort levels were completely unable to compare with those of large yachts, which made him unwilling...

I have to say that when people's greed is ignited, it is like planting a sun in their heart, which continues to shine and heat...

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