Tech Hammer

Chapter 513 All for the people of the world

"Haha, hello, Captain Xu!"


"Thanks for your hard work!"

"It's actually not hard, it's just..."

"Don't worry, I'm still very busy with tasks today. Next, I have to trouble you to take these comrades back and park them at Qingling International Airport."


"Haha, let's experience the feeling of taking off from the sky. There must be many envious captains. I told you, look at the hangars currently full of drones. There will be no training for taking off in the air for at least a year. At least You'll be the only pilot to fly off the Mir this year, so I'm telling you that's enough to brag about for a whole year..."

Xu Xiaobin was a little uncomfortable with the enthusiasm of the staff on the Mir.

But it still sounds quite touching.

The only thing that made him depressed was that he thought he could still hang out on the Peace. Although it was exciting to take off from the sky, something he had never experienced before, being able to hang out on this giant space carrier was actually even more exciting. Feeling.

After all, as a pilot, who wouldn't be interested in something as big as Mir? As a result, before he could take off his protective suit, he had to return to the deck and board the plane again when the camera was not around, let alone flying a foreign Gulfstream. If possible, Xu Xiaobin actually hopes to fly a J-shaped aircraft to take off and land twice here, which would be more exciting.

That is truly the most rare experience, and you can enjoy the joy of unlimited battery life in the air.

What a pity!

After Mir descended from altitude, a group of people who had not undergone space weightlessness training boarded the Gulfstream 750 that had just completed the exercise with the help of the staff. Xu Xiaobin also sat on the plane again. This time the co-pilot was also equipped with a co-pilot.

It’s a rare experience to take off in the air. It’s just simpler than taking off on the ground. You don’t need to be so particular about the elevation angle during takeoff. I easily separated from the Mir. Then the Mir’s control tower cut off contact after saying goodbye and turned around. Arrive at the control tower of Qingshan International Airport.

"Huh...Old Xu, you have shown your face this time. Hurry up and land quickly. Maybe you can catch the live broadcast of Mir entering space."


After the global live broadcast gave a silhouette of the Gulfstream taking off in the air, it refocused the camera on Mir.

The wind deflector has been folded back up after the aircraft completed the alley-oop, and all external hatches have been closed. Then the staff started busy checking the sealing of each hatch. After the inspection, under the gaze of countless satellites, Mir began to climb rapidly at a speed that clearly violated the laws of gravity, along a diagonal line, towards Rushing out of the atmosphere...

Yes, not a parabola, but a diagonal line. All the way through the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, ionosphere... with the hope of countless people, it went straight into space. There is no need for any explanation at this time, as long as there are pictures, it is enough.

The goal of Mir's test is to arrive near the orbit of the space station, but this time it will not have any contact with the space station. According to the plan, the two sides will say hello, separated by dozens of kilometers and witnessed by the whole world, and then Mir will The return process will begin.

In fact, if one goes by Ning Wei's intention, asking March to light a cigar for Director Tian and letting Tian Yanzhen do a cool pose to show off in front of the global audience watching the live broadcast is nothing more than Hepinghao's presence. Stay in space for ten more minutes. After all, this time is different from the last Olympic ceremony. Even if it is hundreds of kilometers away, it can really light up the cigar, and the energy is enough.

However, this suggestion was resolutely rejected by Tian Yanzhen. Ningwei went to find Lu Dongyi, but Senior Brother Lu said he did not smoke, so he started to have ideas about his students again. But as soon as he opened his mouth, all the students said that not only did they not smoke, but they could not follow him. Smoking cigars. Even Zhang Dingxi, who originally liked to smoke one when he had nothing to do, firmly stated that he had quit smoking for a long time, and then secretly put half a pack of China in his pocket that he had not finished smoking for a week and secretly threw it under the table...

According to Zhang Dingxi, this kind of embarrassing thing must not be done, and at the same time, he can quit smoking.

Ning Wei even had an idea for Liu Wei and Xiao Yuan, but not surprisingly, everyone rejected them, so he had no choice but to give up.

In fact, there are definitely people who are willing to show their faces in this live broadcast, but most people would rather not like it, so they can only give up in the end.

This is probably why Ning Wei has no interest in the second half of the live broadcast.

At this moment, he was sitting quietly in the background, watching the real-time transmission of March, but the picture was not the live content, but the reactions of the reporters in the Centennial Auditorium. Watching many foreign reporters look surprised, confused, disbelieving, and slightly excited. Isn’t this more interesting than watching a live video?

The boundless space is no longer mysterious in Ning Wei's eyes. He is only thirty-five years old. As long as the plan can meet the standards, he feels that he may be able to see the truth of the universe and even travel across the universe to see other places. He has been having this urge recently.

But now it was his turn to play. Ning Wei gathered his thoughts and stood up. He lowered his head and sorted out the uniform that Classmate Jiang specially picked for him, and then stood in front of the door.

This appearance will officially come to an end after Mir returns to the atmosphere. Mir will also enter a silent state or a stealth state after landing at a certain altitude.

The live broadcast will also be connected to the press conference at the Centenary Auditorium of Yanbei University.

It's time for him to personally come forward to give a final comment on this live broadcast.

In the auditorium, the holographic video had stopped playing, but it did not disperse. Instead, it stayed on the screen of the Vision Mir and the China Space Station in the same frame. It was not until the staff guided them onto the stage that the screen finally dispersed into light. point.

For viewers on the Internet, the live broadcast was still continuing, but the screen switched to the rostrum of the Centennial Auditorium. In other words, it switched to Ning Wei. In fact, Ning Wei felt that it was more suitable for Lao Luo to come to such an occasion. Unfortunately, Luo Zhiqiang refused to miss the first test of the Mir. At this time, he was still on the Mir, so he could only deal with these reporters. .

It's actually boring to explain these scientific things to a bunch of laymen. Fortunately, he hasn't faced the camera directly for a long time, so he doesn't feel disgusted at all.

When I walked onto the stage, the curtain behind me closed, and the audience immediately fell silent.

"Hello fellow journalists, my name is Ning Wei. Just now is the whole process of the launch ceremony of our large aerial operation platform Mir. Next is the final press conference. The scheduled time is thirty minutes, if you are not so If you have a lot of questions, we will end it early. If you have a lot of questions, it is impossible to extend the time. The main thing is that you can’t delay everyone’s lunch time.”

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of noise.

There were at least more than 300 reporters who came to the scene today. It only lasted half an hour. It might take several minutes to explain a question clearly. Does this mean that the press conference might be over with less than ten questions?

God knows how many questions these reporters have thought about at this time...

However, Ning Wei didn't care. After two seconds of silence, he spoke again: "Everyone, please be quiet. After all, this time starts from when I take the stage. Okay, now comes the question-and-answer session that everyone loves to see. As you can see, There is no moderator for this question. There was originally one, but I found it troublesome, so I asked March to be my moderator."

"The specific rules are to raise your hands if you have any questions. Wherever the overhead light beam controlled by our artificial intelligence system in March stays, the hidden microphone you received when entering will be automatically activated, and then you can ask questions directly. Okay. By the way, due to technical reasons, reporters in the first five rows can only speak in this question and answer session, and each reporter can only ask one question. Okay, now the reporters in the first five rows can raise their hands."

Without even giving the reporters sitting in the back row time to react or protest, Ning Wei directly announced the start of the press conference's question-and-answer session. After all, time is limited, and the main reason is that most of the reporters behind the fifth row are reporters from some foreign media, and Ning Wei doesn't think they can ask any constructive questions.

The most important thing is that Ning Wei and Yue Yue cooperate very well. When some of the reporters in the audience raised their hands, a beam of light had already shone...

The reporter who reacted very quickly also stood up immediately and began to ask questions: "Hello, Professor Ning, I am Deutsche Welle's reporter Verscher. When I was watching the Mir launch test just now, I noticed that the Mir The external publicity ambassador of Mir once said that the most significant scientific and technological breakthrough of Mir lies in the materials used in its main frame."

"So I just consulted my colleagues in China, and my colleagues also consulted many experts in materials science during this period, but no one understands that current materials science can produce such empowerment, and no relevant papers have been found. Information. So my question is, where is the leading material for Mir’s main structure? And which company produced it?”

The reporter from Deutsche Welle spoke very quickly, obviously wanting to buy more time for other reporters to ask questions, but Ningwei answered faster: "Well, the question you asked is very good, but it involves relevant confidentiality, so No comment, next.”

Before the uproar could be heard below, the light from the top light came on again, this time directly shining on a reporter who had been raising his hand and never put it down.

Probably because he was confused by Ning Wei's straightforward no comment, he forgot to ask a question for a moment.

"Have you not thought about it well? Then..."

"Wait, Professor Ning, hello, I am Peter Chatham, a reporter from French newspaper Libération. Just now, the Mir has indeed demonstrated unparalleled capabilities, which can even be said to have surpassed an era. Do you also think that this technology may be useful for regional security and stability."

Ning Wei picked his ears and answered very succinctly: "Another good question. Come and recite the name of our large aerial work platform with me - Mir! Okay, next one."

The lights come on again...

The reporters in the audience finally came to their senses.

According to this way of playing, it can even take less than a minute from asking to answering the question.

In these thirty minutes, maybe forty or fifty questions can be answered. But the problem is that this answer is not what everyone wants to hear...

The atmosphere is a bit noisy...

When the lights came on, the reporter who stood up bravely did not ask questions, but scolded: "Professor Ning, please take the questions of my colleagues seriously."

However, Ning Wei just looked at the audience with confusion and said: "Well... I think there must be some big misunderstanding. By the way, who do you think I am? I am a scientist, so I am not like a diplomat. My grandson is spoiling you like that. Let me tell you, if you don’t want to ask questions next time and you raise your hand to be chosen to stand up and say something incomprehensible, the reception will end immediately and the official luncheon at noon will be cancelled. Next.”

This simple sentence directly affected the arrogance of the foreign reporters in the audience...

At the same moment, countless Chinese netizens who were watching the live broadcast were almost laughing, and the barrage began to collapse...

"Is this... so the scholars will gradually become three-dimensional in the future?"

"Wow hahaha... I'm laughing so hard. Pass this on quickly. Academician Ning was led astray by March!"

"I just like to see Lao Ning acting rebellious. It's so exciting! It's just that he hasn't appeared in too many scenes in recent years. Let's let Lao Ning do more things in the future!"

Fortunately, when the next reporter stood up, the atmosphere finally became more normal.

"Professor Ning, hello, I am Chen Cheng, a special correspondent from China IT Base Camp. My question is that Mir has shown extremely excellent performance. At the same time, today's video has been promoting Mir's breakthroughs in the civilian field. I want to ask about Mir's contribution to the world will mainly focus on those aspects in the future."

Ning Wei smiled when he stood on stage for the first time. As expected, he was still a sensible reporter from China.

"This is a very good question and deserves a patient answer. First of all, the design concept of Mir is to serve the public. The word public represents the vast majority of people in the world and safeguards their basic rights. For example, Mir's global The rescue mission is to protect the right to life of people around the world; Mir can be reused to launch satellites, saving a lot of rocket launch costs and energy waste, and safeguarding resources shared by people around the world!"

"Mir is currently the only large-scale airborne ship that can clean up space debris. It maintains the space environment that is closely related to everyone in the world; Mir is powered by the cleanest energy and maintains the environment for everyone in the world; Mir is super Strong space delivery capabilities to maintain information exchange among people around the world; we are in China, but our hearts are around the world!"

"Some people like to discuss Mir together with our space cigarette lighting technology, thinking that this will pose a threat, which is extremely unethical. As we all know, two civilian technologies are still civilian technologies when they are put together. In order to better serve people around the world. I would also like to warn all journalist friends here not to report blindly, make random guesses, or make irresponsible associations. After answering, please come to the next one!"

Ning Wei's impassioned and upright voice echoed in today's Centenary Auditorium, and simultaneously echoed in the ears of countless people...

Well, everything is for the people of the world!

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