Tech Hammer

Chapter 514 IBM, highly anticipated!

With comparison, everyone probably understands what a good question is for Ning Wei.

For Ning Wei, if the reporter on the scene asks a question that can be solved in one sentence, then it is a good question.

If he's willing to say more than a few words about a question, that's an excellent question.

This standard may please some journalists. Although it was dealt with, at least it was a good question.

But that hasn't deterred many journalists.

In fact, many times questions asked at press conferences are not meant to get an answer, but to express the reporters' stance. And for many questions, no matter what the interviewee says, an article can be made.

A simple sentence can be interpreted in different ways, which is a required skill for many Western journalists.

Just like you can use the underworld filter to post a video, you can also use it to interpret your speech.

"Academician Ning, hello, I am CNN's China correspondent Connie. What I want to ask is that since you have repeatedly emphasized that Mir is to serve the people of the world, why do you want to completely block the key technologies for manufacturing Mir? Even The most critical material has never been released. Since it is a technology that benefits people all over the world, why can't the technical details be announced to the world?"

"Well, this is a really good question. It reminds me of a painful past." Ning Wei first stood on the stage and sighed, and then began to recall: "I was still an ignorant young man at that time. I believe this The world was bright, and most people were kind, until one of my papers was submitted to New Developments in Mathematics, and something was revealed that amazed me."

"So starting from that night, I slept less than four hours a day for half a month, and worked continuously to modify the algorithm, just to prevent my turbulence algorithm from being stolen. Later, it turned out that I was not doing useless work, because when turbulence After the algorithm was successfully tested and officially launched, it was really stolen. If I remember correctly, Cisco was the most happy to steal at that time, and even signed an exclusive equipment update and upgrade agreement with several stock exchanges. "

"Really, if I hadn't worked hard for half a month back then, I would have had to file lawsuits with many American companies. You reporters know that for a scientist who was not well-known at the time, it was difficult to compete with these large-scale companies with global presence. Is it so scary for technology companies to go to court? It’s no longer an issue of intellectual property rights. A single procrastination tactic can make me collapse.”

"Fortunately, I was well prepared back then. The unique anti-piracy method allowed me to easily recover the losses. What I want to ask everyone is that my turbulence algorithm can greatly improve the security of the network. Let me ask you, Your computers, the newspapers, magazines, and TV stations you work for have not suffered large-scale cyber attacks in how many years? Is it more convenient for you to buy various low-cost air tickets now? Do you no longer need to rob them from scalpers at high prices? Do you have concert tickets?”

"So my turbulence algorithm back then can be regarded as providing services and convenience to people around the world. Isn't it too much? While providing services, I charge some fees appropriately to ensure that subsequent research is not excessive, right? So now the question is, in our case We directly disclosed all the secrets of Mir before we were ready. What if some large companies misappropriate our technology and refuse to pay patent fees?"

"So Reporter Kenney, don't worry. When we complete the research on anti-theft technology, the key technologies of Mir will definitely be announced to the world. The key materials and information you want will also be made public. But first, we need to Isn’t it too much to ensure that no one can steal our intellectual property without authorization from the Basic Research Center? You can’t ask us to completely give up our own interests in order to serve people around the world, right?”

"Looking back at the past, the more I think about it, the angrier I am. You are a reporter from CNN, right? You were the ones who intervened in this matter back then, whitewashing and slandering some companies that our anti-piracy method was to leave a back door, and you also said that our approach will allow the future It is becoming more and more difficult for large companies to trust each other in technology, which is a reversal of history. I remembered that at that time, ABC and NBC TV stations reported on it, and I saw it on the Internet."

At this point, Ning Wei paused and thought for a moment before continuing: "Well, staff, we will not invite journalists of the same nationality as Mr. Kenney to the luncheon today. Well, I am very serious. Just kidding. After all, everyone should know that I am a person who has always been upright and will not play tricks. Generally speaking, if anyone makes me unhappy, I will definitely not make them too happy. That's it. ,Next person."

No one could clearly see the CNN reporter's expression at this time. In fact, with the mentality of just watching the excitement, as the human director of this live broadcast, he really wanted to focus the camera on this reporter at this time.

But the human cameraman's reaction was still not as fast as March's. When the cameraman moved the camera, March had already turned off the lights and directed the lights elsewhere. The kitten didn't seem too interested in these people's reactions, which was quite disturbing. Regrettably. However, this is probably a small potential difference between humans and artificial intelligence.

But I think Connie was definitely not happy. But for reporters from other American media, it is probably more innocent.

By the way, who did they provoke? They wanted to ask questions but were not selected, and suddenly they were told that they would not be allowed to attend the luncheon that had been prepared?

Of course, no one who can attend today's press conference really cares about having a meal, even if it's delicacies, that's all. But everyone else can eat this meal, but they don't serve it, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

This is double standards, discrimination, and political incorrectness...

Coincidentally, the beam of light once again randomly selected a reporter with the same nationality as Connie.

"I am John Easton, a reporter from the American Topic News Service. I have the right to protest what you just did. You are..."

"Well, interrupt this reporter friend from the United States. I just said that if you don't want to ask questions next time and are selected to stand up and say something incomprehensible, the reception will end directly and the official reception will be held at noon. The banquet is cancelled. Now I declare that this reception is over and all the officially arranged luncheons at noon are cancelled. That's it. Finally, thank you all again for coming. Goodbye!"

After the words fell, the lights on the podium dimmed, and then the curtain gradually closed...

A reporter subconsciously glanced at the time. Only nine minutes had passed since Ning Wei took the stage. In other words, the half-hour reporter's question session was over in less than a third of the time?

Is this boss really serious? It was so crisp and clear, and everyone was given time to react?

This time the cameraman was extremely alert and captured John Easton's footage.

In other words, from the time this reporter was selected to when he started asking questions, the cameraman's lens never left him. Ning also chose shots from other angles to announce the end of the press conference.

So this time everyone enjoyed the extremely surprised expression on this reporter's face with a hint of disbelief.

What’s even more funny is that this global live broadcast ended with a close-up of John Easton’s expression.

Mainly because there was no other material to shoot.

Ning Wei has already left on the rostrum, while reporters from many countries in the audience are still in a state of confusion.

This also directly caused countless Chinese netizens to explode instantly...

Because after the live broadcast ends, the barrage function is turned off directly! I've finally been able to hold back a bunch of slutty words and want to complain, but I can't post any comments anymore? !

The feeling of frustration can be imagined.

As a result, various chat groups, communities, forums, post bars, and comment areas of various software exploded in an instant.

After all, if the desire to express is suddenly suppressed, it will definitely be much more terrifying when it breaks out than when it is vented directly...

"I've finally seen what it means to be willful. Academician Ning is worthy of being a role model in the world of willfulness."

"Look, jokes about the post-2000s education career began to become popular on the Internet ten years ago. Now they seem to be so weak. Academician Ning is the best among them!"

“On how you can avoid working overtime and even get off work early during important moments...”

"Although I don't understand how a good press conference can develop like this, but I am really shocked!"

"I don't know what to say! It's live broadcast around the world, and he skipped work twenty-one minutes early!"

"I generally don't like to stir up trouble, but in today's matter, I feel that if the two American journalists can leave Yanbei University alive, the hundreds of journalists who attended the press conference today will bear unshirkable responsibility."

"Am I the only one who thinks that Academician Ning colluded with that cat? Did he deliberately let two American reporters stand up to ask questions in a row?"

"The latest news from Yanbei University: Academician Ning really canceled the official luncheon for the press group at noon. But because the meal had been ordered before, the hotel kitchen was ready and there was no way to cancel, so Professor Ning simply decided to Pay out of your own pocket to treat your classmates to dinner.”

"All the teachers and students in our Ning class and our class from freshmen to seniors have just been informed that they will not go to the cafeteria at noon today, but will go directly to the Yanbei International Hotel next to the school for dinner. Professor Ning invited all the students and teachers to have dinner. Don’t worry that we will waste it, in fact, the Chinese journalists who attended the reception this time are also here.”

This last piece of news not only has screenshots of everyone directly @on WeChat, but also photos of Ningwei walking into the hotel with a group of students, which proves its authenticity.

It's good, at least the meals booked in the hotel won't go to waste.

It was only at this time that everyone probably remembered that Ning Wei did have such willful capital, because he was not only a great scientist, but also an out-and-out rich man. It is said that the income brought to him by the turbulence algorithm alone has exceeded 100 billion, which is enough to support this kind of willfulness. This is indeed no one else.

Of course, the discussion about Ning Wei's sexy operations is just a temporary passion.

After all the enthusiasm was exhausted, countless attention was still focused on Mir.

In fact, all the controversy today is about Mir.

Ever since this behemoth was sent into space, today was destined to be an extraordinary day. Most of the discussions eventually turned to this unprecedented aerospace aircraft carrier...

Yes, although the official definition of Mir is still a mobile operating platform in the air, netizens seem to prefer to define Mir directly as an aerospace aircraft carrier.

After all, the hangar can carry civilian drones, and it can also allow a Gulfstream 750 to land and take off in the air at will. Then there will definitely be no problem in carrying other aircraft, especially fighter jets.

Not to mention that Mir is not only an aerial platform, but also runs extremely fast, requiring almost no special protection. It can also provide combat warning services for the fleet, which is nothing more than carrying some radars on Mir. According to the officially announced Mir load capacity of 65,000 tons, it is not a problem to equip more radars.

Coupled with its global delivery capabilities, it is equivalent to China having a multi-functional base out of thin air that can float in the sky for a long time, move quickly, have stealth capabilities and the ability to escape into outer space, and can also provide loading and unloading services for satellites.

How touching is this?

If according to the propaganda ambassador, Mir's technical content is not high, and the focus is only on the materials of the main frame, it also means that this thing can still be mass-produced. Even if one ship is produced in five years, what will happen in twenty years? Don't there have to be at least five aerospace aircraft carriers floating in the sky from time to time?

One can imagine how fierce the discussion about Mir is on the Chinese Internet.

And this time it is extremely rare that there are not many naysayers on the Internet. It is as if everyone suddenly learned to think independently and gave up the humble habit of reflecting on nothing, or finally no one is willing to speak for the whole audience. Reflecting on the purchase, it is so harmonious that people are not used to it.

After all, it is not very satisfying to suddenly discover that there are no good topics on the Internet to criticize people.

There have been many reflection monsters on the Internet, and many foreign netizens have asked questions from the depths of their souls: "Is this still the world we are familiar with? If so, what the hell have our scientists been doing these years? "

This is indeed a difficult question to answer.

But this time, there is finally a foreign company that can stand up and regain some face.

That's right, it's IBM.

Although the strong artificial intelligence system is still the leader in March, Western countries have been studying this thing for so many years, but there has been no breakthrough. Now that Watson has emerged, it can be regarded as filling the gap abroad.

At least it shows that IBM scientists are not eating for nothing.

Not to mention that China’s rise in recent years was actually marked by its birth in March.

Even if they do not fully admit it, the vast majority of scientists believe that the core reason for the technological revolution in China in recent years is that strong artificial intelligence was first invented in China.

Now that they have Watson, it also means they have a chance to catch up.

After China released Mir, Watson immediately received unprecedented attention.

Especially in the live broadcast, the two reporters were despised by Ning Weichi Guoguo, which made countless foreign media go crazy. IBM didn't even need to spend money on advertising, and they began to actively prepare for Watson's press conference the next day. Build momentum...

Now just wait for IBM to regain its face!

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