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Chapter 102 Compatibility Testing

The small door next to it opened quickly, and a middle-aged man in his 40s came in, wearing a conspicuous white police uniform.

His movements are strict, and he looks like he has been working in the military and police field all year round. He exudes a very kind demeanor, and it seems that he is not difficult to approach.

Behind him were several office workers, all in police uniforms.

Wei Hongtao whispered to Li Hao, "This is the assistant to the minister, Yu Hai, the director of the Equipment and Finance Bureau."

Li Hao didn't expect the Ministry of Public Security to take it so seriously. As a member of the party group, Yu Hai personally presided over the bidding work of the Skynet system.

Seeing Yu Hai coming, everyone in this room stood up to greet him. They knew that the most critical Skynet system test was coming.

Yu Hai looked at them with a serious smile, and said kindly: "Some of you have passed the preliminary examination of the Skynet system, and some of you have unique intelligent technology.

On behalf of the Ministry of Public Security, we are about to conduct a detailed inspection of your Skynet system.

Our test this time is directly based on actual combat requirements, and we also need to arrange unexpected situations. I believe that routine projects will not be difficult for you. The main test is to test the intelligence of the Skynet system.

This is the first line of defense to ensure the safety of people's lives and property. We want to expand the intelligent system guarantee that was previously exclusive to key departments to the whole country.

The specific requirements have already been sent to you, and I will not talk nonsense, and start testing now. "

Director Yu Hai waved his hand and said: "We will now verify its first function, compatibility. Come with us to the meeting room."

Led by Director Yu Hai, they walked out of this room and towards the conference room.

Li Hao and the others came to the meeting room, with a long table in the center. The four sides of the room are ready with four servers.

Director Yu Hai introduced: "These are four medium-sized Inspur servers, and now we are testing the time required to install the system in an emergency. I will give you ten minutes to spare, and five points will be deducted for every minute that exceeds."

He said to everyone: "In order to ensure fairness, you can test these four servers, and you will randomly select and allocate servers later. My assistant Li Yi is responsible for the specific arrangements."

After hearing Director Yu Hai's words, everyone began to seriously test the four servers. Every detail is guaranteed to be perfect.

After all, no one knows which server belongs to him, he can only guarantee that their performance is good.

Soon they were all testing the servers, and each team thought all four servers were perfect.

Standing next to Yu Hai, Assistant Li Yi, who was wearing a black police uniform, saw them checking the server and walked up to them.

Li Yi said to them: "Director Wei Hongtao of the Institute of Intelligence, Professor Yang Tianming of the University of Science and Technology of China, manager Shi Xue of Tianyu Intelligent Technology, and president Zhou Yunsheng of Qingci Technology, please come to the stage and draw lots to choose your own server."

When Li Hao saw that the representative of Tianyu Intelligent was a female manager in her 30s, he thought it was that arrogant old man.

Zhou Yunsheng and the others quickly finished the lottery, and they allocated the Dongfang server. Tianyu Smart is facing their western server. Director Wei is the server in the south. Professor Yang of the University of Science and Technology of China is the server in the north.

After seeing that they had activated the server, Li Yi turned on his mobile phone to count the time, and at the same time, he ordered everyone loudly: "Start the system installation work."

Li Hao inserted the mobile hard disk into the server, he stood up and said, "We're done."

Seeing this situation, the old man of Tianyu Intelligence started to laugh, and finally couldn't help laughing while holding his belly. They all laughed out loud.

Seeing this situation, Li Yi frowned and said, "Mr. Li Hao, can you be sure that you have installed the Skynet system?

After you confirm it, you can no longer perform any operations. You will need this server to run the Skynet system and test other functions later. "

Li Hao said confidently: "This is a simple function of our Skynet system, which can be directly activated through an external device.

We use highly compressed programs to efficiently utilize CPU and memory resources through scheduled intelligent allocation programs.

Not to mention connected to the server, even on laptops and mobile phones, it can effectively use the resources of hardware devices and activate some functions. "

Director Yu Hai applauded when he saw this, and he said with a smile: "As expected, it was specially approved by Minister Zhao Ke. Your system is not capable of other functions, but this technology is also very useful. It can be used in some emergency situations. , is a make-or-break technology.”

Seeing that Qingci Technology completed the installation of the program in an instant, the other teams became anxious.

But they are all selected by the Ministry of Public Security from across the country. They can stand out from many programs, and of course they will not be stumped by simple tests. All programs are installed within ten minutes.

Director Yu Hai saw this situation with a smile on his face.

Li Yi stepped forward and said immediately: "Now we are starting to test the compatibility of the Skynet system. There are more than a thousand hardware devices that are often used by the Ministry of Public Security. They are gradually connected to the Skynet system through the network. Every hardware device is not recognized. One point deducted."

Director Yu Hai said with a smile: "This test is a bit long, let's take this opportunity to take a look at the situation of the bidding fair next door."

The space above the four walls suddenly lit up, and it was discovered that it was wallpaper disguised as an LCD screen. It can be seen that it is the site of the bidding meeting for four products.

Zhou Yunsheng pointed to the LCD screen in the south, and she said excitedly: "Why did my brother come to the bidding meeting? I remember that their company is mainly in the financial field. My sister-in-law's company has a training business for bodyguards, and doesn't pay attention to other businesses."

On the LCD screen of Li Haonan, there is a handsome young man walking towards the rostrum.

He and Zhou Yunsheng have many similarities in appearance, about ten years older than her. There was an air of self-confidence about him. This is the self-confidence accumulated over a long period of success.

"My uncle is very handsome. It looks like he is holding a drone model. This should be related to the drone." Li Hao looked at the video and analyzed.

Zhou Yunsheng observed the video carefully, and she discussed with Li Hao: "I think it's not just a drone, but my brother is holding a medicine in his hand, I don't know what it is.

I heard from my mother that my brother was very worried about the condition of my little niece, and he invested a lot of money in the medical field. Should be able to produce some results. "

Just as Zhou Lei's product display was about to be shown on the screen, the LCD screen on the wall suddenly changed to a static scene.

Li Yi looked at everyone and said: "The leisure time has passed, and the test results are now out. Please announce the results of this test, Director Yu."

Yu Hai took the small card handed over by his assistant, and he announced to everyone: "The 4th Chinese University of Science and Technology team, 18 pieces of hardware cannot be started."

The Chinese University of Science and Technology team was very calm when they heard this. They knew that these Skynet systems could adapt to more than 95% of the hardware and they were satisfied. This result far exceeded expectations.

Director Yu Hai went on to say: "The third place is Tianyu Smart, and the five hardware cannot be started."

The chunky old man murmured in a low voice: "Why are there people who are higher than us? Thousands of hardware are controlled within five, which is already a very high level. Others must be cheating."

Thank you Ah Qi from your family, and book friend 20171204184035703 for your reward. Thank you for being late to Feng Congyun 123. Writer's Assistant sometimes makes a mistake and doesn't show tips.

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