Tech Translator

Chapter 103 True Gold Is Not Afraid of Fire

When the chunky old man heard Director Yu Hai announce: "Smart Institute and Qingci Technology are tied for the first place, compatible with all hardware."

He immediately questioned loudly: "There is an insider story. I suspect that someone is cheating. You don't know how to operate in secret. How can this matter be such a coincidence that all those related to you will be promoted."

Shi Xue immediately pulled the short and fat old man, "Dad, stop talking. Pay attention to the impact."

The chunky old man immediately said stubbornly: "Daughter-in-law, don't worry about it, I can't make my son tired and sick, and the system that I worked so hard to develop was defeated by those who went through the back door.

I admit that technology is not as good as people, and we will try our best to catch up. But if it's a small trick, I'll give up my old face and let them give us an explanation. It is said that it is a fair bidding activity, why is it still not allowed to be questioned. "

The chunky old man's voice was loud, and there was a hint of slyness in his eyes, he said that on purpose. It is to attract the attention of the leaders above, and they must not let the second generation ruin his son's hard work.

Director Yu Hai's face remained unchanged. He looked at the crowd and said, "Since some people think that this result is incorrect, would it be convenient for the two companies that won the first place to talk about your technical implementation method? It is best to verify it on site."

Li Hao immediately said: "We have no problem, and we are not afraid of being questioned by others."

Wei Hongtao only uttered two words: "Yes."

After Wei Hongtao finished speaking, he walked to the center of the room and said to everyone: "The hardware is all compatible, which is within my expectation. Our intelligence institute collects data on all hardware facilities on the market.

For every commonly used hardware, we have developed drivers for them, and improved the way to retrieve drivers, so that we can accurately search for drivers suitable for the hardware in less than one millisecond.

We also develop generic drivers designed for off-brand hardware, which can absolutely guarantee that 95% of the devices on the market can be recognized.

After our long-term technical reserves, we can guarantee 100% identification of the hardware equipment of the public security system. "

After Wei Hongtao finished speaking, applause broke out in the room. Everyone can believe that this is their background.

After seeing Wei Hongtao finished speaking, Li Hao walked over.

He looked at the crowd and said: "Our Skynet system hardware identification is not as complicated as Director Wei, we have written a module to intelligently identify hardware.

It does not need to record hardware information, but after the hardware is connected to the system, under the coordination of the central intelligent management program, it explores data communication methods through various channels.

The mode of data communication can be changed arbitrarily under the operation of the system, which can ensure that we can achieve 100% recognition as long as the hardware equipment using the electrical signal communication mode is adopted. "

After Li Hao finished speaking, the audience fell silent. They really couldn't believe that there is technology that can reach this level.

The chunky old man was the first to realize that it was the second generation who were bragging about ppt technology. He immediately questioned: "This is impossible, how is this possible, how can you have such advanced technology. I want proof."

When Zhou Yunsheng heard this, she immediately retorted: "If you don't believe it, you can take any unfamiliar device and see if our system can recognize it. True gold is not afraid of fire."

Director Yu Hai smiled and said: "Then let's try it, and I want to see this function too. It's really more convenient for us to use, as you said.

Xiao Li, go to the bidding fair next door and bring over a hardware device that has not yet been officially produced, and see if the Skynet system can recognize it. "

Li Yi quickly went out and took out a hardware device that had just been sampled and had not yet been officially produced from the bidding meeting next to it.

Li Yi introduced to everyone: "This is an infrared life detector, the latest hardware device. It can only be used independently. It cannot be connected to any system. It needs to be programmed in advance every time it is used. The control method is very troublesome. The manufacturer has not yet Develop drivers for any system."

After he finished speaking, he quickly connected the infrared life detector to the server of Qingci Technology.

There was only a beep from the system, and the green light on the infrared life detector turned on, indicating that it was officially connected successfully.

Li Hao operated the operating system and controlled the infrared detector to search the surrounding area. It can also control the direction and range of its action.

When everyone saw this situation, they were all convinced. Applause enthusiastically.

Director Yu Hai applauded and said: "In the compatibility test, Qingci Technology won the first place. I believe everyone has no objections."

Seeing that everyone was silent and there was no objection, he continued: "The next step is to start the intelligent test of the Skynet system. Xiao Li, connect the four servers to the dedicated data link. The LCD screen will start to play the first scene .”

As soon as Director Yu Hai's voice fell, the LCD screen on the wall lit up again, and it could be seen that this was a police dog training center.

There are two staff members managing five identical-looking police dogs. The dogs are all sitting and standing in front of the camera. They are very quiet, with their eyes fixed on the front.

A student beside Professor Yang said in surprise: "It turns out that this time it is to recognize dog faces. This experiment is too simple. Our face recognition module, let alone recognize dog faces, can recognize pig faces and cat faces. Through our In the experiment, its recognition rate is very high."

Li Yi said disdainfully: "Such a simple thing can test the intelligence of the Skynet system. When we are some entertainment programs, we use a simple verification method like a dog to test."

Just as Li Yi finished speaking, the camera on the screen began to move. It lifted off slowly, and everyone realized that it was a camera drone.

I only saw the panoramic view of the playground taken by the drone. On the left side of the playground, there are cages containing rabbits of very similar shapes and sizes.

There are two kinds of birds on the right side of the playground, one is a rooster with the same size. The other is a snow-white pigeon.

Director Yu Hai introduced the rules of the intelligence test: "The cage will be unfolded in a while, and the dogs will be allowed to chase rabbits, roosters and pigeons. This scene will be captured by an unmanned camera.

We will let the Skynet system memorize static pictures of these animals in advance.

At that time, we will take out a few pictures and let it identify which animal it is. "

The student who spoke just now took a breath and muttered to himself: "It turned out to be the dynamic recognition of compound animals in complex scenes. Don't ask too much intelligence for this kind of thing. It's really too difficult. There has never been a test. Pass."

Li Yi explained next to him: "When we upgrade the Skynet system, we must require this function.

Let me give you an example. Sometimes the Skynet system can only capture a corner of the suspect vehicle.

If the Skynet system can directly identify the target based on subtle details. How much resources can this save our police. "

While they were talking, the cage of the first scene opened. Wait until all kinds of animals mingle in the playground. The staff immediately let go of the dogs and let them start chasing various animals.

Video captured by the drone showed chaos on the playground.

The rabbit is running desperately, and the pigeon is flapping its wings and wants to fly far away. The rooster spread its wings and jumped up, trying to peck the police dog, but found that it couldn't beat it, so it could only run forward faster.

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