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Chapter 147 Brother 146 The Importance of Propaganda

Li Hao said in surprise: "Yunsheng, how could it be so fast? This is not in line with common sense. It is even a medical device, and its approval process should take more than a month."

"You are talking about conventional products, but our company's products are corneas. You just said that there are more than 6 million patients waiting for corneal transplants every year. However, the number of donated corneas is less than 10,000 per year.

It should be known that people who are blind due to corneal defects, as long as the qualified cornea is replaced, there is more than 90% possibility of recovering their vision.

What a significant proportion this is. The second leading cause of blindness in my country is corneal defects. The number one blinding disease is cataract. We also have IOLs for cataracts.

These two products are in full compliance with the special medical products stipulated by the Food and Drug Administration. As long as the application goes up, the green channel will be opened, and the review process will be expedited. " Zhou Yunsheng explained to Li Hao.

Li Hao widened his eyes, and said in surprise, "Food and Drug Administration still has such humane laws and regulations. If we can quickly apply for a certificate, we can directly enter clinical trials and cure patients more quickly."

Zhou Yunsheng chuckled and said, "I didn't know at first, but the staff of the Food and Drug Administration told me when I was applying for the registration of bionic crystalline cornea.

By the way, I came to talk to you. Now I have opened the online processing function in the Food and Drug Administration, and we directly submit the proof materials online. This allows them to review faster. "

After Zhou Yunsheng finished speaking, she immediately asked Wang Tong to provide the required materials. Let him sort out these materials and make them into electronic documents.

Seeing that Wang Tong contacted multiple departments of the biological company and quickly sorted out the materials she needed. And form an electronic file and send it to her.

Zhou Yunsheng started to open the app software of the Food and Drug Administration, and entered the account number and password of the company.

After Li Hao saw Zhou Yunsheng enter the management interface, he could see that there were two medical devices under their company name. Artificial corneas and intraocular lenses.

Experts from the Food and Drug Administration explain their usage, limitations and contraindications. Suggestions such as scope of application are also put forward. The review process is also indicated above.

Zhou Yunsheng clicked on the information, and directly uploaded the electronic document that Wang Tong had sorted out just now to the website of the Food and Drug Administration, waiting for review.

After finishing all the work, Zhou Yunsheng put away his phone and stood up. She said to Wang Tong: "You can start the sales plan of contact lenses and color contact lenses now, and the head office will provide resources to cooperate with you in the promotion work.

After the review of these two medical devices is completed, the head office will help you arrange clinical trials. We must use these few products to make the company famous.

Your most critical task now is to ensure the bottom line of quality and safety. "

Wang Tong straightened his body, and immediately assured: "Mr. Li, Mr. Zhou. Don't worry, I will manage the biological company well, strictly control the quality, and ensure that the products are safe and effective."

Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng visited here at the biological company. They went out to encourage the employees of the biological company.

When Zhou Yunsheng was about to leave, what did she suddenly think of? Provided several parameters to Wang Tong, and directly asked him to process a few sets of color contact lenses, and at the same time asked for a few contact lenses as samples.

They left the biological company, and Li Hao drove the car to the company headquarters.

On the way, Li Hao suggested to Zhou Yunsheng: "Yunsheng, I think we should start the advertising plan now.

Today's products are full of wine and are afraid of deep alleys. It is no longer the era when only products are king. We also invite professional advertising companies to advertise our products. "

Li Hao knows that publicity is too important for a product. Just like several major health products that often appear on CCTV. In fact, they have almost no real pharmacological effects.

But it is a large-scale publicity, which makes this health care product a household name, and packages the health care product as a magic medicine in a certain field. Finally, billions of billions of dollars in annual sales are achieved.

These are just health products with no medical function. No matter how much their products are advertised, they will make a wave of quick money without sustainability.

But Li Hao knew that their company's products were very effective. Coupled with effective publicity, it will have a great impact on product sales.

"Haozi, do you still remember our downstairs cultural company called Honghu?" Zhou Yunsheng didn't answer Li Hao's direct question, but asked him a question.

"Of course I remember this company. It was started by a young couple. Their main business seems to be anchors. The last time our company encountered a public opinion crisis, we hadn't recruited a public relations manager at that time, and asked this company to help us with crisis public relations. "Li Hao replied directly, how could he forget what happened just a few days ago.

He then said: "Our company has now recruited a manager of the public relations department. If there is any matter, we can ask him to solve it directly, and we don't need this company to get involved."

"Except for some people on the Internet who purposely slander our company. There is almost no need for crisis public relations. Except for RMB, no one can make everyone love her. This kind of pink-eyed people and people with ulterior motives don't need to worry about them. .” Zhou Yunsheng first denied that she did not seek this company because of crisis public relations.

She then reminded Li Hao: "Haozi, do you still remember that we carried out the smog removal experiment a few days ago, when I saw those two young lovers live broadcasting us on their mobile phones. Our smog experiment can be so popular on the Internet. The fire is also related to their promotion."

Li Hao frowned, and said dissatisfiedly: "I really didn't notice this, are they following us for a live broadcast?"

"No, it seems that they came to the park in advance, and they happened to meet us." Zhou Yunsheng explained directly when he heard Li Hao's tone was a bit unfriendly.

"That's it, it's just a coincidence. Our experiment is also open to the public. If they want to broadcast it live, they can broadcast it live." Li Hao said indifferently.

When Zhou Yunsheng saw Li Hao, she never understood what she meant, she said directly: "When Hu Yu is free, she chats in my office, I know she is a media major.

When he came to our company a few days ago, I just wanted to design an advertisement for contact lenses and color contact lenses, and she saw it.

I didn't care at first, but later Hu Yu showed me the advertising copy written by her according to her memory. I thought the copy was very good and the shooting effect was very good. "

"Oh, you originally asked Wang Tong for the color contact lenses because of the commercial shooting plan. Now that it has been planned, we will shoot directly. As long as the commercial meets our requirements, anyone can shoot it. Sometimes small companies will shoot classic commercials " Li Hao said directly.

He finally understands now that Zhou Yunsheng told him these things in a roundabout way. In fact, Zhou Yunsheng can decide on his own, he doesn't care which company shoots the advertisement at all.

Their company is not short of this kind of money at all. If the effect of the shooting is very bad, this advertisement can be completely discarded. Change to a well-known company and shoot an advertisement that suits your heart.

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