Tech Translator

Chapter 166 Avalanche Energy Market

When Li Hao heard the parrot say this, his expression froze immediately.

What exactly is going on? Today he gave no instructions to the parrot at all.

The artificial intelligence of the parrot has been working according to the set program. Without giving it instructions, it will never exceed its authority to perform other tasks.

Li Hao saw Zhou Yunsheng's meaningful eyes next to him. He felt that he was really speechless, and an artificial intelligence like a parrot would not tell lies.

Zhou Yunsheng stared at Li Hao, pointed to the parrot and said, "Haozi, you told me before that parrots can't lie. Now let's see what's going on."

"It's very simple, just ask the parrot."

It's easy to know that the parrot did it. Everything it does is recorded on the server.

He said to the parrot: "Recreate the scene where I ordered you."

The parrot immediately reproduced the scene where Li Hao ordered itself. It noticed some problems through the expressions and voices of Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng. Directly add some explanations to this command scene.

It can be seen that Li Hao ordered the parrot with gestures 30 minutes ago.

Li Hao was wearing VR glasses and sitting on an office chair. He stretched his hands forward and gestured a few times in the air.

The parrot's narration begins, and the gesture's command is: "The parrot carries out the command."

There are some ineffective cluttered gestures in the back.

Another valid gesture followed: "Public send."

Then came a series of invalid gestures, interspersed with a few valid gestures.

"Select recent life photos."

In the end, Li Hao kicked his feet a few times, and the order was: "End."

The parrot gave its own understanding: "This is Li Hao's order to send recent life photos on his social media."

Finally, the parrot appeared on the monitor, folded its head, flapped its wings weakly, and said aggrievedly: "Boss, this is the work you asked me to do. I did nothing wrong."

Li Hao said calmly: "You did nothing wrong, go and deal with other things now."

Seeing the figure of the parrot disappear, Li Hao covered his face and said: "This is completely a coincidence, I am playing Xianyuan game with VR glasses, this is my gesture to cast skills in the game.

It seems that we still need to optimize the gesture command system of Parrot in the future. This time it was a complete misunderstanding.

I used to set the parrot's command gestures to be discontinuous and messy gestures to be executed in order to deal with urgent matters.

Now it seems that this point needs to be changed, and the command gesture should be more concise. "

Zhou Yunsheng muttered and said, "How much loss did your small mistake cause to our company?"

Li Hao asked puzzledly: "How is this possible? Announcing the news of the iron graphene battery is good news. How could there be any losses?"

"Do you understand the operation of the capital market? I'm ready to cut a wave of wool in the American and European markets. Before it can be realized, I was messed up by you, the black swan." Zhou Yunsheng seemed to have lost everything. A large amount of property, said angrily.

Li Hao comforted her and said: "We must run the company down-to-earth and use technology to create wealth. Create real wealth in the industrial field.

Although the financial market brings in money quickly, it seems to us that technology companies are caught in gambling.

Look at how many well-known companies have misappropriated funds into the financial market or the real estate market, causing a good company to collapse in an instant. "

Li Hao saw that Zhou Yunsheng's anger had subsided, and he was also very curious about what happened, but Zhou Yunsheng never explained clearly.

Ask her: "What the hell is going on in the financial markets? It's making you so nervous."

"The Internet is full of such news, and you can find it with just a search. Who would have thought that we just announced a news, but the energy sector of the financial market has ushered in an avalanche.

Many companies in the energy field, especially those related to lithium batteries, have experienced panic in the market, and their stock prices have fallen below the value of their assets. "Zhou Yunsheng said with a sigh.

Hearing what Zhou Yunsheng said, Li Hao searched the Internet for the cause and effect of this incident.

After searching on the Internet, and adding the information collected by the parrot, he sorted it out. He knew the whole process of the whole incident.

After reading it, Li Hao has only one feeling, the financial market is booming and dying suddenly.

He looked at the events that had been sorted out. After the press conference, when he tried the VR glasses, he sent this message due to the parrot's recognition error.

At that time, a BBC reporter was writing a report on the development of new high-efficiency energy storage batteries by Qingci Technology.

After receiving the Moments message from Li Hao, he was overjoyed. Combining what Li Hao said at the press conference and the pictures on Moments.

BBC reporter wrote "A new era of energy storage is coming, what will happen to lithium batteries under the influence of iron graphene batteries"

After writing this article, publish it immediately. At the same time, some domestic media colleagues also discovered Li Haofa's circle of friends.

In addition, many media came to the press conference, and the Global Times also directly interviewed Professor Pan Guofeng of Tsinghua University. It proves that the iron graphene battery has been successfully developed.

Some netizens found the patent certificate of iron graphene battery published by the Patent Office. Learn about the capabilities of iron graphene batteries from the side.

After being confirmed by multiple parties, it immediately caused panic in the capital market. It is called another black swan event by economic experts.

All capital in the world was immediately withdrawn from lithium batteries, fuel cells and other fields.

Even driven by the panic, the panic was transmitted to the power generation industry. Stock prices in new energy fields such as wind power and solar power also fell slightly.

The stock prices of all energy-related companies around the world began to fall. Even the stock price of Huaxia State Grid, which is very stable, has fallen.

Among them, the ones that have fallen the most are lithium battery related companies.

Japan's Panasonic Corporation, and most of China's listed companies that focus on lithium batteries. Their stock prices fell in an avalanche.

Any field related to energy, whether it is related to new batteries or not. As long as there are energy and electricity these two keys are. The stock price plummeted.

The market has completely panicked, and many stockholders showed collective unconsciousness under panic conditions. The stock prices of related companies are all shrinking, but the relationship between falling more and falling less.

However, several companies bucked the trend and rose, and some even doubled their share prices. The representative ones are Tesla and BYD.

As electric vehicles, they are developed in new high-performance batteries, and the trend of electric vehicles replacing fuel vehicles is becoming more and more obvious.

The financial market has been affected by the hedging of funds and has begun to transfer most of the funds to electric vehicles.

After watching the whole process, Li Hao shook his head slightly, and said, "This is the financial market, and a change in an event may make you a sheep sheared.

The energy sector that was previously on fire will now be completely locked up.

Watch him build a tall building, watch him entertain guests, watch his building collapse. "

Zhou Yunsheng leaned on his face with his hands, lay on the table and pondered for a while, she said: "Why do you care about others? We still have to think about what to do with ourselves. You suddenly announced the news about the iron graphene battery. It completely disrupted my established plans. step.

That is, I can't go to the financial market to shear sheep, through continuous disclosure of information, and finally hold a press conference. It will also greatly enhance the popularity of our company. "

Li Hao said with a smile: "I now have a way to increase my popularity, and publish the information of our iron graphene battery."

Zhou Yunsheng sat up and said with emotion: "You are adding fuel to the fire, but fortunately it is beneficial to our company, so let's do it like this."

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