Tech Translator

Chapter 167 Energy Changes the World

Zhou Yunsheng understood Li Hao's meaning, and now releasing the specific information of the iron graphene battery is completely adding fuel to the fire.

Don't look at the stock market falling sharply now, but most of these are stock funds or hot money. Once there is trouble in the market, they are the first to react.

There has been no movement of the big capital that has really put their positions under pressure. Besides, the stock market is in turmoil for a short period of time, and its impact on companies is not immediately apparent. Many companies can survive this wave of crisis.

And once their company announces the news of iron graphene batteries. When everyone knows the correctness of this news.

The blow to those lithium battery companies is not just about the stock market.

For example, like a Tesla car. He wants to ensure that he is in the high-end brand of electric vehicles. More advanced batteries must be used.

They continue to use lithium batteries, which will definitely cause unsalable electric vehicles, and may be surpassed by other brands of electric vehicles.

Therefore, we can only violate the contract and no longer purchase the lithium batteries agreed in the contract.

Once the buyer defaults, it is believed that the battery company will be eliminated. This is the most fatal blow to battery companies.

But the more sensational the results are, the more attention they will attract as manufacturers of iron graphene batteries.

Zhou Yunsheng estimated that the sensation caused by Li Hao's method would make them a world-renowned technology company.

This is an effect that no advertisement can achieve, and she is not worried about the envy of other companies towards him. Now, as the protagonist who triggered this black swan incident, he already gritted his teeth as much as he should hate. It doesn't matter to their company to add more hatred.

Zhou Yunsheng immediately began to announce the success of the iron graphene battery on the official website of Qingci Technology.

At the same time, the patent certificate of iron graphene battery and various performances of laboratory tests were announced.

This announcement also announced to Grandpa that the iron graphene battery will usher in industrial production in two months and is now accepting orders.

With the announcement of Qingci Technology, it immediately began to arouse strong repercussions around the world.

Financial capital, which had previously waited for news, began to act immediately. Stocks in the energy sector saw more volatility.

This time, not only the stock market was affected, but the financial turmoil also spread to the bond market and futures, two financial markets. People who didn't respond in time lost blood, causing most financial companies to suffer.

Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng checked the rise and fall of the major financial markets compiled by Parrot.

He looked at Zhou Yunsheng's tense little face, and said softly: "From today's situation, we can see that the financial market is still very fragile, and the ability to resist risks is not good.

Like our technology companies, we only need to find out the direction of technology advancement. The product is really popular in the market, and its ability to resist risks is very strong. "

Zhou Yunsheng thought of those unlucky battery companies. She was about to refute, but then she thought of what Li Hao meant.

It's not just a development company that wants to make yourself feel at ease. Don't go to the financial markets.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yunsheng said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't go to the financial market. I am not familiar with it at all. I was fully sure, so I wanted to go to the financial market to make a fortune. Now that the opportunity has been lost, I am not not Know the risks in financial markets.

I used to think about using financial leverage to increase the company's funds when the company was short of funds.

But now that our company's products have occupied a certain share in the market and received a steady stream of funds, how could I lose my company's strengths. "

After Li Hao heard Zhou Yunsheng's assurance, he felt relieved. Continue to observe fluctuations in financial markets.

He wants to add fuel to the fire. In addition to boosting the company's popularity, he also wants more companies to get into trouble.

In this way, whether he recruits these corporate talents or encounters fewer competitors in the market in the future.

When Li Hao was thinking, he heard footsteps outside the door. Looking up, it was Chen Siyu who brought Zhou Yuanyuan back.

Seeing her sister-in-law entering the room, Zhou Yunsheng asked with concern: "Sister-in-law, how is Yuanyuan's health?"

There was an unconcealable smile on Chen Siyu's face, she said with a smile: "Yuanyuan's condition is very good, after Professor Qian Minghua checked her eyes, their medical expert team conducted a detailed examination on Yuanyuan.

Finally, it turned out that her condition is very suitable for organ transplantation, and there will be no problems. Now, as long as you maintain your health, you can wait for the success of the project before proceeding with organ transplantation. "

After Chen Siyu introduced her daughter's situation, she looked at Zhou Yunsheng and said, "I'll also learn about the current situation of your company on the way.

Unexpectedly, the press conference was just completed in the morning. You made another big news.

This news is much more valuable than your press conference. I guess you have been pegged by various international capitals.

It just so happens that my bodyguard company is doing business in Yanjing, so I will send some bodyguards to protect you. Let me observe the security of your company. I don't know what your security manager used to do. He has strict protection for the company, but the security guards he cultivated are obviously not suitable for protecting you. "

Zhou Yunsheng heard Chen Siyu's serious words, and she replied indifferently: "Sister-in-law, you have made a big fuss. The city of Yanjing is so safe, how can we have accidents."

Chen Siyu shook her head, she stretched out three fingers, and said to Zhou Yunsheng: "Do you know, after your brother found your trace, I sent the company's elite bodyguards to protect you secretly.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yanjing is the safest city in the world. But it refers to the overall level of security. Certainly not to the point of not picking up lost things on the road.

The bodyguards I sent out have dealt with three waves of malicious people for you in the past few months. "

Zhou Yunsheng covered his mouth in disbelief, his face turned pale. Li Hao reached into his trouser pocket again, where there was a small electric shock baton, which could give him a slight sense of security.

Seeing their actions, Chen Siyu said with a smile: "Professional matters need to be resolved by professionals. Not everyone in the world likes fair competition. Once they fail in business, there are many people who want to resort to outsiders.

Using bodyguards for protection is also just in case. You must know that if you are negligent, you will lose your life. "

When Li Hao heard Chen Siyu's words, he nodded secretly, and said, "Sister-in-law, we don't actually have any privacy. It would be better if there are bodyguards to protect us. We trust the bodyguards sent by your company."

Chen Siyu smiled, and said happily: "It's right to think so, in fact, you are also considered public figures, how can you have so much private space.

Besides, the changes brought about by your iron graphene battery are too significant.

Every time society undergoes drastic changes, it starts with changes in the energy sector. All the changes in our world can be traced back to changes in the way and efficiency of energy use.

Iron graphene batteries do not change the overall structure of energy sources. But it has changed the way energy is transported to a certain extent.

You don't know how many people's cheese this is. How about not being cautious. "

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