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Chapter 201 Biomagnetic field detection method

Dr. Li Deren saw that most people did not believe what he said and thought he was bragging.

He really has a plan in mind. After this period of research, he has discovered the physical and chemical reactions of organisms when the meridians are running.

As long as his conjecture is actually verified by the data. Then use this method to test the level of biological activity.

Li Deren continued his usual work, at the stage of testing the three pigs.

He went to see a doctor for those who were resting, and taught them how to maintain their health. People nowadays only know to seek medical treatment when they are sick. Instead of keeping in good health by yourself, the idea of ​​treating diseases in traditional Chinese medicine is the essence of the ancestors.

He is very proud that no one fell ill during the high-intensity work of the medical project team. It can be said that he played a very important role in ensuring their health.

Qian Minghua finished testing the three little pigs through the equipment. He walked to Li Deren's side. I saw that Li Deren was instructing other people in the medical project team to maintain their health and help them find out the diseases hidden in their bodies.

After seeing Li Deren's introduction of his physical condition, he said to Li Deren: "Mr. Li, the data detected by the instrument has been sent to your personal account."

Their company has been advocating paperless and intelligent office. Basically all data transfers are performed on the server. The company's server has a cloud backup function, so you are not afraid of data loss.

Li Deren was very happy after hearing that, today is the most important test. One core data detection has always been vague. According to his guess, he focused on strengthening the experiment today.

He has been tested 18 times in total. If today's data meets expectations, combined with these few tests, he should be able to find the pattern he hopes to find.

He walked back to his office, ready to calculate the data obtained.

Before leaving, I glanced at my colleagues who were competing with artificial organs. He was deeply moved.

The development of the company's technology is really fast. The heart organ that Qian Minghua and the others are testing is the new artificial heart manufactured by the company.

It's just that it's still a bunch of cells glued together. A single cell is biologically active. After careful testing, this heart does not have the function of pumping blood. Not a whole organ at all.

They are now taking the failed heart to test, trying to find a way to detect whether the organ is biologically active.

When Li Deren returned to the office, he first looked at the data detected today. After reading it, he was very happy. This data perfectly met his expectations.

He used the data obtained several times according to the requirements he set. Let the company's artificial intelligence Parrot do the analytics integration.

He is very grateful for the convenience of the company's setting software, which allows him, an elderly person, to easily control the software.

He does not need to calculate the data, but the software on the computer directly calculates the data.

Li Deren waited for a while, and soon the data was calculated by the parrot.

He saw that the data had been analyzed, especially the two data, which showed a perfect curve fluctuation, which was very in line with his guess. Now he is very sure that his conjecture is in line with science.

One piece of data is that when he performed acupuncture and moxibustion on piglets, the piglet's biomagnetic field fluctuated regularly.

Another data showed that when he fed Chinese medicine decoction to the piglets, the absorption rate was the highest. The piglet's biomagnetic field also fluctuated regularly.

Human life activities are essentially the process of chemical reactions.

Such as the synthesis of amino acids, the breakdown of fats, and the energy storage and storage of high-energy phosphate bonds. They are all organic chemical reactions.

In a chemical reaction, the composition of the atom does not change, but it must be accompanied by a change of electrons.

According to the principle of electromagnetism, the movement of electrons will inevitably generate a corresponding magnetic field. Therefore, the magnetic field of the human body itself is changing all the time.

Acupuncture or feeding Chinese herbal decoctions cause him to mobilize the corresponding viscera. The corresponding biomagnetic fields of the corresponding organs must be different from usual. show a corresponding increase or decrease.

It is very difficult to detect the magnetic field changes of living organisms. The strength of this biomagnetic field is less than one ten-thousandth of the strength of the Earth's biomagnetic field. Extremely sensitive instruments are required to detect it.

If he hadn't implanted highly sensitive detection instruments in the piglet's organs, and raised it in a special cage to isolate it from other magnetic field interference. He will not find this phenomenon.

Li Deren saved the materials, so he went to find Qian Minghua and the others. Through the data he has now researched, it is completely possible to judge the organs with biological activity.

Just record the biomagnetic field regularity of healthy organs. Organs with the same biomagnetic field as it must be biologically active.

Li Deren came to the testing room and saw Qian Minghua, Lin Wen and the others were still thinking hard about the artificial heart.

He came in and shouted to them, "I've found a way to measure organ activity."

Qian Minghua put down his work, and said pleasantly: "Is this true? Mr. Li's research has really made a breakthrough. What kind of technology did you find?"

Lin Wen showed an expression of disbelief, he stood up and said suspiciously: "What kind of method does Mr. Li use, it can't be acupuncture or moxibustion for organs.

It is totally unfeasible to do so, the higher authorities require us not to touch the organs, and even detect through the cryoprotective device.

If moxibustion is even more impossible, it is okay on the skin, and moxibustion directly on the organs will be cooked. "

Li Deren looked at most of his colleagues with unbelievable eyes.

He suddenly felt elated, Chinese medicine is also scientific. Problems that they cannot solve, let him solve them through traditional Chinese medicine methods. Introduce them to your own methods.

Lin Wen retorted after listening: "How is this possible, the human body's magnetic field is too weak, and the general method of detecting magnetic fields ignores it.

To detect the biomagnetic field of the human body, it needs to be in a special place to prevent the detection accuracy from being affected by other magnetic fields, and it also needs professional sensors.

It is even more difficult to detect the biomagnetic field of human organs. It is necessary to find a healthy person and send the detector to his corresponding organ by means of minimally invasive surgery.

If there is no accurate information as a guarantee, I don't think the company will spend a lot of effort to find volunteers to do this project. "

Qian Minghua's eyes lit up, and he came up with a good idea: "This method can also provide us with new ideas, and there is no need to detect human biomagnetic fields at first.

We have a lot of mice in our lab, and we can dissect their organs. After detecting its biomagnetic field, it was compared with the mouse organs we made with stem cells.

It doesn't hurt to dissect so many mice. Through many experiments, it can fully verify whether this technology is successful.

Wait until we have mastered the technology before using it on people. "

When everyone heard what Qian Minghua said, they all thought it was a good idea. They immediately applied to Director Du Xianyu. Let other scientific research project teams cooperate with their experiments.

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