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Chapter 202 Tortuous Experiment

Li Deren and his colleagues in the medical project team stared at the computer nervously, staring at the reply notification every second. Waiting for Director Du Xianyu to approve their experiment request.

While they were waiting, they carefully discussed the details of the experiment with this method. Consider the impact of different factors on the experimental results, and strive to eliminate more interference factors, so that this experiment can achieve the best results.

After waiting for a long time, they got a reply from Director Du Xianyu: "This experimental method is very forward-looking, and experimenters have been arranged to assist your experiment."

After obtaining the consent of the experiment, Qian Minghua and the others immediately followed the experimental plan they had set up and applied for the laboratory to conduct experiments through the parrot.

Everything in the biological laboratory is managed by the artificial intelligence parrot. The fairness of the experiment can be guaranteed, and no one can usurp the results of others.

Soon the other party contacted them, and the laboratory has been set up, and the experiment can be carried out at any time.

After Qian Minghua and the others discussed it, they chose **** to go to the laboratory.

Those who went to the biological laboratory were Li Deren, Qian Minghua, and Lin Wen. After they put on their protective clothing, they rushed to the place where they were going to prepare for the experiment.

There are many laboratories in the biological laboratory, and the glass corridor is extremely complicated. Those who don't do experiments often need to be guided by the navigation system to come to the relevant laboratory.

Qian Minghua was the first to walk into the laboratory. Li Deren is too old and basically doesn't care about other things, while Lin Wen is young and has little qualifications. So the one who presides over this can only be Qian Minghua.

After he entered the laboratory, he found that the experimenter had prepared the experimental equipment. There are more than 500 mice in the boxes on both sides.

When Qian Minghua saw some mice, they kept kicking their cages. Some lowered their heads and were looking for something. At first glance, they are very lively and healthy mice.

The organs of mice are being cultivated in the culture tank in front. There is still no breakthrough in organ preservation methods. Even in the frozen state, it can only maintain the activity for more than 20 minutes.

Qian Minghua heard that the company plans to sell the culture equipment and culture medium for culturing organs, instead of directly providing finished organs like providing hematopoietic stem cells.

He actually admires the company's decision. The company has core technology, so it is firmly in the upper reaches of the industry, but basically does not take risks.

All risks caused by medical malpractice are transferred to the downstream. He has practiced medicine for so many years, and he knows that medical accidents are the most troublesome thing.

The experimenter who was playing with the mice came over and greeted them: "I am Qi Feng, the supervisor of the project team, and another team has already arranged the testing equipment.

Now it is up to me to culture the organs of the mice and dissect the mice. Can you be in charge of operating the equipment? "

Of course Qian Minghua was fine, Qi Feng and the others left the heaviest work to themselves. It is okay to let him dissect the human body, but he is really powerless to deal with the mice.

"Director Qi, please work harder. Let's work together to complete this project." Qian Minghua shook hands with him and said with a smile.

After a few pleasantries, they began the experiment.

The instrument is fully automatic, and the results it outputs are directly recorded in the computer. There is no human control at all.

Standing by the side, Lin Wen muttered, "Do they look down on us, for fear that we will hinder their work? Give us such a leisurely job, isn't it just standing here and watching them conduct experiments?"

Qian Minghua scolded him: "Don't talk about it, pay attention to the impact. The project was proposed by us, and it has already taken most of the credit. It should be our reward, and it's not bad at all.

Others do some hard work and you're jealous. Wearing protective clothing to dissect mice, you think we are so relaxed next to the operating table. Without professional training, how can you operate so meticulously. "

Lin Wen lowered his head, but still insisted stubbornly: "They use automatic tables for dissection work, and there are very few places where they really get started."

Qi Feng and the others moved very quickly, dissecting the organs of dozens of mice in a short while.

Put it directly at the intersection of the instrument detection, wait for a while, the instrument gives the result.

Li Deren was the first to take a fancy to this data. After reading it, he shook his head and said: "What's the matter, the life magnetic field of pigs can be detected with this instrument, and it can be detected very clearly. How can the data curve be so smooth when testing the biological magnetic field of mice?" .

It is impossible to accurately detect its exact value field, so how to make a local comparison. "

When Qian Minghua heard Li Deren's words, he immediately analyzed the data carefully and found that it was really not good.

He immediately went to Director Qi Feng and told him: "Director Qi, stop the experiment first. The sensitivity of the equipment detection is very low, and no specific value can be detected. I don't know what caused it."

After Qi Feng ordered the experimenters in the same group to stop the experiment, he asked anxiously: "What caused this, we don't understand this instrument at all."

Lin Wen thought for a while, and said from the side: "Could it be that the biological magnetic field of the mouse is too weak, and there are so many electronic devices, the interference is a bit big."

Li Deren's eyes lit up when he heard Lin Wen's words, and he said immediately: "That's the reason. I remember that pigs, cattle and sheep all reacted differently to acupuncture. They should have different biomagnetic field changes."

When Qi Feng heard the news, he frowned and asked suspiciously: "Could it be that we use pigs for experiments, not to mention that it takes a long time to purchase healthy pigs now, even if we dissect pigs, our experimenters are not familiar with the whole process. process, for fear of destroying its organs.”

"I don't think it needs to be so complicated. Our company is a comprehensive company. I remember that the company has physics researchers who are at the company's headquarters.

Since it is a magnetic field problem, let them solve it. I just contact them and ask them for technical support. "

Qian Minghua did what he said, and directly asked the physics unit for support through the company's scientific research mutual aid platform.

Soon they get a reply message, to provide detailed information. They are good at designing solutions and selecting the right people to solve problems.

After Qian Minghua sent the design of the experiment and the results Li Deren discovered, he got a reply shortly after.

They had sorted out the plan, and Pan Yun set off from the headquarters and rushed to the biology laboratory as soon as possible.

Everyone in the laboratory was waiting anxiously, Qi Feng wanted to ensure that the mice were in peak condition. He also fed some nutrient solution to the mice one by one to supplement their physical strength.

The door of the laboratory was pushed open, and three people came in to bring some instruments.

The leader among them walked over and said directly: "I am Zhu Zhong, and I have made some achievements in the field of magnetic fields. I have solved your problems."

Qian Minghua immediately asked Zhu Zhong, "What is your solution?"

Zhu Zhong said simply: "I checked the electromagnetic spectrum you provided, and found that the data you need has nothing to do with the strength of the magnetic field, but has something to do with the fluctuation of the magnetic field.

I connected an external signal enhancement device to this instrument, so that they can easily detect the biomagnetic field of the mice.

After I understand that you have achieved this purpose, you deliberately chose this simple and convenient method.

This project is to detect living biological organs. After adding the signal enhancement device, the detection instrument can also be made more easily. "

Most of them were skeptical about this plan, but Zhu Zhong still asked Zhu Zhong to connect the equipment, hurry up and start the experiment again.

I am in a bad state of illness, and the update time is not stable these days. I'm really sorry readers. Striving for a stable update next month, outbreaks from time to time.

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