Tech Translator

Chapter 203 Incredible success rate

Qi Feng led the researchers in the laboratory and immediately began to dissect the mice.

They selected very few materials this time, and only dissected three mice.

The reason why there are so few selected materials is now the testing work, and a few can be tested to find out the performance of the equipment. Also, he had some doubts about the effectiveness of this device.

It is too simple to directly add a signal device to the original instrument. It always sounds perfunctory.

They were very fast, first dissecting the heart of the mouse. Preserve the heart in a cryogenic freezer. It simulates the environment in which the heart is preserved artificially, reducing the error caused by the environment.

Put it into the detection chamber of the instrument, and the instrument starts to start slowly.

Everyone is waiting for the output of the instrument, and they want to know whether the hoped biomagnetic field data can be obtained by this method.

After waiting for a while, the instrument gives the data it detected.

Li Deren looked at this data, he shook his head and said: "This biomagnetic field data is worse than before, and some fluctuations can be seen just now, but the detected patterns are too weak to be used for data analysis.

The biomagnetic field data signal this time is much stronger than before, but it is completely irregular, and we have no way to analyze this data. "

Seeing this data, Zhu Zhong said with a smile: "The instrument we added can not only increase the signal, but also filter the interference signal of the magnetic field signal in the environment, so that the detected target signal can be displayed more clearly.

This is raw data, which must be processed by us before it can be transformed into the data you need.

I will show you the operation method later, and when you see the processed data, you will know whether it has any effect. "

After Zhu Zhong finished speaking, he began to use his mobile phone to connect to the company's cloud intelligence platform. They have specially written a number of office software through the computer company.

He projected his creative method on the screen in front of him and showed it to everyone.

It was difficult for him to operate the mobile phone due to wearing protective clothing and heavy gloves, and it took him a long time to process the data.

Li Deren looked surprised when he saw the data on the screen. Some regular curves of this biomagnetic field data are exactly the same as the experiments he did with pigs.

After a quick calculation in his mind and careful analysis, he said happily: "This is the biomagnetic field of the mouse heart. I didn't expect that the display effect would be so good if only this device was added, allowing this device to detect such a low-intensity biological field." magnetic field."

Qian Minghua and the others heard Li Deren's surprise, and they also looked at the sorted biomagnetic field curve.

After careful analysis, their expressions were all shocked. It is really that the detected biomagnetic field is too clear.

Seeing the result, Zhu Zhong said with satisfaction: "I can tell from your expressions that this design has been successful.

Since it is successful, we have nothing to do here, and we will leave immediately. It is really difficult to work in this protective clothing. Even the simple action of tapping the phone requires several operations. "

Seeing that Zhu Zhong and the others were about to leave, Qian Minghua thanked, "Thank you very much this time. If you don't help us, we don't know how to proceed with this experiment."

After Zhu Zhong packed up his equipment, he was ready to go out. He said indifferently: "It's all one company, and it's very common to help each other."

After Tian Minghua watched Zhu Zhong leave, he said to Qi Feng, "Director Qi, let's continue the experiment."

Qi Feng also saw the hope of the success of the experiment, he said happily: "We will continue the experiment, we must prove the effect of this conjecture through multiple experiments."

After they communicated, they began to continue the experiment.

The enthusiasm for this experiment is much higher than the previous two, because it has been seen that the experiment is about to succeed.

The speed of the experiment was very fast. In a blink of an eye, nearly 500 mice in the laboratory had been dissected.

They also collected detailed data on the biomagnetic fields in the organs of mice.

Qi Feng and the others stopped dissecting the mice and watched the data collation complete.

Qian Minghua looked at the sorted data, and he said happily: "We have collected several sets of data, such as the data of the heart's biomagnetic field. After removing dozens of abnormally fluctuating data, there are more than 400 roughly consistent data. Now we have sorted out the biomagnetic field data of mice organs.

Next, according to the biomagnetic field data of these organs, the organs of artificial mice are tested to verify whether they are biologically active.

After that, Qi will be in charge of your team to perform physiological slices of artificial mouse organs to verify the recognition rate of our method. "

"Okay, we can start the experiment now. Just cultivate a hundred groups of common organs in mice.

This is our conventional culture method, and the success rate of culturing biologically active organs in this way is not high.

See if the method can accurately identify living artificial mouse organs. "After Qi Feng finished speaking, he immediately started the experiment.

They put the cultivated artificial mouse organs into the testing room after cryogenic freezing.

The data detected by the instrument is then entered into the analysis software.

The instrument has finished testing the organs of the artificial mice. Qi Feng and the others immediately began to perform physiological slices. Through technical means, to explore whether the cells have biological activity.

Biological laboratories have now explored an exhaustive set of methods for testing whether organs are biologically active. However, biological sections and a series of physical and chemical operations must be performed on the examination.

They have continued this work after all the test results have come out. Everyone began to analyze the specific test results.

Tian Minghua picked up the test data and said: "The test results show that the artificial mouse heart has 15 biologically active parts, the artificial white mouse kidney has 33 biologically active parts, and the artificial white mouse liver has 17 biologically active parts. indivual."

After he finished speaking, he asked Qi Feng, "Director Qi, what are the specific data on the biologically active organs of the artificial mice that you detected through physiological slices."

Qi Feng remembered very clearly, he said directly. : "A total of 21 artificial mouse hearts have biological activity, a total of 40 kidneys have biological activity, and a total of 25 livers have biological activity."

When Lin Wen heard this result, he said regretfully: "It is a very good result to be able to detect it, but its detection success rate is still not good. We need to improve it carefully before it can be applied."

Qi Feng said directly: "Looking at this data, it already has the value of practical application. Don't just look at the overall data, but look at its accuracy.

This method detects biologically active organs after we slice them. All of them are biologically active.

This means that the success rate of detecting organs with biological activity by this method is 100%. Although the overall detection success rate is not too high, it can guarantee that the transplanted organs are biologically active.

Anyway, the success rate of our artificial organ culture using conventional methods is also very low. It is worth discarding some biologically active organs. "

When Qian Minghua heard what Qi Feng said, he checked it again carefully. He compared the biologically active organs detected by the equipment with Qi Feng's slice detection method, and carefully verified their numbers.

After verification, Qian Minghua announced loudly: "Our project has been completely successful, and the detection success rate of this method can reach 100%. It has already been applied in practice. It is estimated that after many experiments, it can be used in clinical trials."

When everyone heard this result, they applauded enthusiastically. They've finally nailed the technology, taking the organ-making project a big step forward.

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