Tech Translator

Chapter 204 It's Simple

In mid-May, the weather has started to warm up. Li Hao came out in his unlined clothes.

They drove to the company, Zhou Yunsheng sat in the passenger seat.

Seeing the smile on Li Hao's face, she asked curiously: "You are so happy today, is it because Dingyi added the artificial intelligence program to the online commodity platform, and it has already started to be delivered to the relevant departments?"

"Ding Yi's computer company moved very quickly, but I'm not so happy because of them. It's because of another good news from the biology laboratory.

The industrial production process of artificial organs developed by the biological laboratory has insufficient biological activity of the produced organs. Now, through the method found by Li Deren, an old Chinese doctor, it has been able to detect biologically active organs.

The breakthrough of this technology has solved the long-standing problem of being unable to find organs with biological activity through simple identification.

Its appearance solves one of the biggest problems in the industrialization of artificial organs. "

Li Hao briefly introduced what he learned. He also briefly introduced the biomagnetic field detection method to Zhou Yunsheng.

When Zhou Yunsheng heard this, she was pleasantly surprised and said: "Now the organ production project has reached this level, and they can all produce qualified organs.

Then I estimate that both Uncle Li and Yuanyuan will be able to undergo organ transplants soon.

Uncle Li's heart condition is very bad, and it took a long time to delay, so I don't know what problems will happen. It is also a very good result to be able to transplant a good heart earlier.

Yuanyuan is also getting older and older, and now she doesn't even go to elementary school at this age. If it continues, her personality will be very withdrawn, which is not conducive to her growth. At this time, the light has been restored, which should be just right. "

"Yunsheng, you are too optimistic. This project has not reached the point you said. At least human organs have not been produced yet. Some technical problems are not so easy to make breakthroughs.

Now they use this method to experiment, and they can only experiment with mice. "

Zhou Yunsheng was very puzzled, and asked with some doubts: "I don't know much about biology, but according to my common sense, the embryos of mammals are all similar. The differences between them are not as great as we imagined.

Since the organs of mice can be produced, why has there been no breakthrough in human organs for so long. "

While driving, Li Hao explained patiently: "I've also learned about this issue. Life forms have evolved for a long time, and their organs may look similar in effect, but they are actually very different.

Even the organs of different races have some subtle differences, such as the number of bones in adults. The East Asian race represented by Huaxia has 204 bones, which is two fewer phalanges than the 206 bones of the European and American race.

The fifth finger of the Chinese people has only two joints, while the European and American races have three joints. "

Zhou Yunsheng immediately rushed to say: "I understand this. We are a farming civilization, and they are a gathering, fishing and hunting civilization. The little toes on the feet have three joints to facilitate climbing trees."

"Your explanation is very strange. What I mean is that the same person has subtle differences in organs. Let alone animals and people.

This is actually part of the reason. The most important reason is that we use biological reagents to induce the division and differentiation of totipotent stem cells, and it will appear in different situations.

When gene expression selection enzymes are used to direct the expression profile of totipotent stem cells. It is only able to express specific single cells.

The cells then form tissues and organs, which requires the participation of other biological agents. Their type, order, and concentration all affect the properties of the forming organ.

When we did not have a biomagnetic field detection method, we could only verify its biological activity by slicing. Then transplant it into a mouse and observe its survival.

The success of artificial organs in mice is based on a huge amount of experiments and accumulated experience.

Of course, this technology is not suitable for human beings. Fortunately, there is now a biomagnetic field detection method. According to Director Du Xianyu, they have jointly explored through the company's multiple scientific research departments.

Finally, it was discovered that this biomagnetic field detection method can not only detect the biological activity of organs, but also detect whether the developed organs are formed. This allows the experiment to progress more quickly. "

"That's really great. Hearing what you said, Director Du's project has also succeeded very quickly. Why did you say that you were not so optimistic just now?" Zhou Yunsheng still asked with some doubts.

"Even with the technology of biological detection, it also needs to collect detailed data. When Director Du reported to me, they collected the biomagnetic field data of thousands of mice's body organs.

In order to obtain more secure data, we also need to sample some more people. The data will also need to be provided by healthy organs, and volunteers will need to be disembowelled for minimally invasive surgery.

Where can we find so many volunteers? I estimate that we need to spend a lot of money and take a long time to find volunteers who are willing to perform minimally invasive surgery. "Li Hao said with some worry.

After hearing this, Zhou Yunsheng pondered for a while. She asked Li Hao: "Is the device for detecting the biomagnetic field of organs special? The process is not troublesome."

Li Hao had learned about the situation in advance, and he said directly: "I heard that they are designing an instrument to enhance its anti-interference performance. By enhancing the magnetic field signal detection.

It's about the size of a washing machine. But the detection process is very convenient. It only takes a second or two to detect the results. "

"Then it's so much easier, why bother. We don't have to recruit volunteers at all.

We can cooperate with the hospital when they operate. By the way, the biomagnetic field data of the patient's organs are collected.

In this way, we can not only obtain the biomagnetic field data of healthy organs, but also obtain the biomagnetic field data of diseased organs.

These data may be useful in the future, and may be helpful in solving certain diseases. "Zhou Yunsheng smiled and said the solution she thought of.

Li Hao was taken aback when he heard Zhou Yunsheng's method, and then said pleasantly: "This method is really good, and it can easily obtain the biomagnetic field data of human organs.

This detection method does no harm to patients, at most we give them some small gifts and compensation. It is perfectly possible to achieve this purpose. "

Li Hao felt a little emotional, not only he, but also the other people in the biology laboratory didn't think of such a good solution.

They all take all the work on themselves. It seems that some simple tasks can also be outsourced, so that the company's scientific research personnel can concentrate on breakthroughs in core technologies.

Li Hao drove to the company with Zhou Yunsheng soon.

In the elevator, Zhou Yunsheng asked him: "You have been recruiting R\u0026D personnel for smart electric vehicles for the past few days. How is the progress now? Have all the required talents been successfully recruited?"

"I've already interviewed, and our company's smart electric vehicle project can now start slowly.

I estimate that when they come up with a few plans and our company manufactures an excellent motor, the preparatory stage of this electric vehicle project will be completed. "Li Hao said simply.

He has been recruiting people for the electric car project these days, although it has taken a long time. But the recruiting staff was exactly the same as his thinking.

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