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Chapter 233 You Haven't Experienced Despair

Zhou Yunsheng frowned when he saw Li Hao pacing back and forth in the office.

She comforted her and said, "Haozi, what difficult problem do you encounter? Tell us and we will find a solution together. I don't think it is difficult to find volunteers for artificial organ clinical trials."

Li Hao stopped, turned to look at Zhou Yunsheng, and said in embarrassment: "I know it's not difficult to find volunteers for clinical trials, but I can't bear it.

We know that artificial organs may have hidden dangers, so how can we allow others to experiment.

You may say that I am indecisive, or that my heart is not dark enough. But I really can't make up my mind.

The sages taught us 'Do not do to others what you would not have done to yourself. '"

Chen Siyu looked at Li Hao's embarrassment, and she was very emotional. There are really not many people like Li Hao in society now.

I don't know if it's because of education, or the nature of business society, or because the law hasn't kept up with the development of society. Most people are becoming selfish now.

She looked at Li Hao and said, "It's great that you think so. I've seen many young entrepreneurs before, and they even started their businesses in a black area.

As a result, after he succeeded in starting a business, he was severely punished by the law. The wife took the children and took his money to find other men.

When we run a business, we must follow the right path. Earn every penny in a down-to-earth manner, so that you can feel at ease. "

Li Hao smiled when he heard Zhou Yunsheng's praise. Since opening the company, he has been earning every penny steadily. Because he has alien technology, it is too easy to make money, so why go astray.

I heard Chen Siyu continue to say: "But I know from your performance just now, you must have never experienced the taste of despair."

Li Hao's face was a bit confused, he had never experienced the feeling of despair. But how did Chen Siyu see it?

"Sister-in-law, how can you tell that I haven't experienced despair. I really haven't experienced despair, but it's impossible to be so obvious." Li Hao asked Chen Siyu with a puzzled face.

Chen Siyu didn't answer Li Hao's question directly, she turned to Qian Minghua and asked, "Director Qian, I want to ask you a very important question."

Qian Minghua immediately raised his head and looked at her, and replied with a smile: "Ms. Chen, please ask your question. I will try my best to answer the questions that can be answered."

Chen Siyu took a deep breath, and asked Qian Minghua, "Director Qian, the artificial organ you are developing now. If it is transplanted into dying patients, will it be able to extend their lives?"

Qian Minghua replied confidently: "This is not a problem at all. I am only talking about the hidden dangers of artificial organs. At most, after recovery, they can cause people's sub-health or induce other diseases.

But from a biological point of view, it plays the same role as the internal organs of the human body. It can complete various functions that modern medicine believes that organs can achieve. There is absolutely no problem in continuing his life. "

After Chen Siyu listened to Qian Minghua's explanation, she turned to Li Hao and said, "You should also understand Li Hao's supervisor Qian Minghua's introduction.

Even if this technology has some side effects, it can indeed save lives.

You need to know that there are many medicines for treating diseases. It has many side effects, and the consequences are terrible.

For example, radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer. I think you should be familiar with the impact of these two medical methods on health. "

After Chen Siyu's introduction, she expressed her point of view: "I just said that you have never experienced despair. It is because people with terminal illnesses, even if they have a slight hope of being cured, they know that there will be huge side effects, and they will not use this treatment.

Take the artificial heart produced by your company as an example. Patients with heart problems are on the verge of death, even if the side effects cause them to be paralyzed for life.

These patients will definitely use this method of treatment, and they are talking about which treatment method has no side effects.

In the field of medicine, the general trade-off is the proportion between therapeutic effect and side effects. "

When Li Hao heard what Chen Siyu said, he also recalled his thoughts just now. I found that my thoughts really went to extremes.

Even if organ transplantation is performed now, immune rejection will occur. There is no guarantee that every surgery will be successful.

What's more, they are artificial organs, how can this technology be denied without clinical trials.

Seeing Li Hao standing there, Zhou Yunsheng frowned and kept thinking. She knew that Li Hao was reflecting.

Zhou Yunsheng persuaded: "Haozi, other pharmaceutical companies are mainly looking for volunteers on a voluntary basis. Our artificial organ is no exception.

We can set up a charity event in the name of the company and publish all possible side effects and therapeutic effects it achieves.

Let the patient or the patient's family members, or his attending doctor apply to be a clinical trial volunteer.

Knowing the side effects in this way, those who take the initiative to apply must be critically ill patients. Their end must be death if they do not use artificial organs. In this way, even if one can be saved, it is a remarkable achievement. "

When Li Hao heard Zhou Yunsheng finished speaking, he immediately figured it out. Using critically ill patients as volunteers is in line with his idea of ​​getting the best of both worlds.

He looked at Zhou Yunsheng and nodded, "Just use your method, and we will start clinical trials as soon as possible."

He looked at Du Xianyu again and asked, "Director Du, how is your production speed? Can you produce other types of artificial organs?"

Du Xianyu was happy to see them solve this problem. Immediately replied: "The artificial organs used in clinical experiments are produced in our laboratory and can fully meet the needs of clinical experiments.

I will also cooperate with biological companies to let them build a production line of artificial organs.

The methods of producing organs are universal, and we can now produce various major organs of the human body. "

After Li Hao heard Du Xianyu's explanation, he immediately arranged the task.

"Director Du, you should start preparing the raw materials now, and arrange the production of target organs immediately after obtaining the volunteer's cells.

Director Chen Minghua is responsible for dispatching members of the medical project team to track the postoperative recovery of patients who have been transplanted with artificial organs. Collect detailed data.

Yun Sheng, you are in charge of applying for a medical product certificate for artificial organs from the China Food and Drug Administration. After the application is completed, charitable activities will be carried out. "

Seeing that Li Hao had arranged everything, Chen Siyu asked him, "Can you put the clinical trials on ophthalmology patients in our hospital?"

"It's all right, but sister-in-law, do you still have vacant beds in your hospital?" Li Hao thought of the scene when he went to the hospital that day and the corridors were full of beds.

"This is no problem at all. Now the peak period of seeing a doctor for leukemia and other diseases has passed." Chen Siyu said.

She must fight for this project, and their hospital has collected enough data by themselves. Only then can she rest assured that the artificial eyeballs will be transplanted into Zhou Yuanyuan's eyes.

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