Tech Translator

Chapter 246 Laser Communication

As soon as Li Hao put down the phone, he saw Gao Da came to his office in a hurry.

Just because of the theft at home, Li Hao thought of whether there was a major problem in the company just now.

He directly asked Gao Da: "Manager Gao, I just received news from the neighborhood committee that my home was stolen. Through my remote video observation, no valuables were lost, but the computer and documents in the study were lost.

I think this is because certain foreign institutions are targeting our company and want to steal our company's core technology. You are now raising the security level of your company. "

When Gao Da heard the news, a flash of astonishment flashed across his face. He sat in front of Li Hao and said, "Mr. Li, has our company's technology been stolen? Do you want me to send security guards to protect your residence?"

Li Hao waved his hand and said: "There is no loss in technology at all, I carry all the technology materials of our company with me, and I won't keep them at home.

There is no need for bodyguard protection, I have bodyguards for personal protection. There are no valuables at home, and I am not afraid of them stealing them.

The main thing is that the scientific and technological information stored by the company must not be obtained by commercial espionage, otherwise the loss will be too great. How is the company doing recently? "

Gao Da first introduced the company's security situation: "Recently, there have been commercial spies trying to steal our company's information. At first, they directly sent people to steal our company's hard disk or collect paper materials.

However, our company's security system has performed its functions excellently, and none of these commercial espionages have succeeded.

They are commercial espionage, and most of them use skills to commit crimes. Rarely carry weapons. Our company's bodyguards can easily control them.

After that, the means of commercial espionage changed. They no longer sent people directly to our company to steal technology.

Instead, eavesdropping equipment is installed on the network interface of the company's external connection or the telecommunications room where the signal is transferred. Stealing our technology by targeting hardware with high-tech devices.

This kind of theft is extremely difficult to detect, and the process is very hidden. Our company only discovered it twice. Now the core technology is only communicated on the internal network, and will not be transmitted externally.

After discovering the abnormality, our network technology department can only close the external communication of the abnormal line and transmit emergency data through satellite. "

After Gundam's introduction, he put the bolt-like interface in his palm and showed it to Li Hao: "This is a high-tech device they use, I guess they just found this way.

It directly uses long-wave electromagnetic signals to send information, and it is not easy to locate in the city's messy electromagnetic signals.

I guess this is their trial, once they find the right way. It will conduct eavesdropping on our company's hardware system on a large scale.

The fiber optic network is not under the control of our company, and it is difficult to defend against this method. Mr. Li, does the company have any good solutions? "

Li Hao thought for a while, then he said: "Didn't you propose to use satellites to transmit data just now, we can rent satellites to transmit data."

"Mr. Li, it's okay to use satellites for emergency. If you really want to use them to transmit signals, one is the high cost of use. The other is that the current satellite encryption method is also easy to crack.

Like satellite and optical fiber transmission, their transmission channels are open. It is easy to be intercepted by someone.

Most of the organizations that steal our technology are supported by foreign consortiums, and they have sufficient technical reserves to intercept satellite signals.

After they stole our technology, they analyzed it through supercomputers.

Except for quantum cryptography, other ciphers will sooner or later crack the data as long as the computing power is sufficient.

We are now trying to find a way to spread the signal point-to-point, and try to prevent the signal from being stolen by others.

The data passed by our company is not time-sensitive. Really steal the technical data, even if it takes a year to crack. It's worth it for them too. "

Li Hao heard Gundam say so much, and he basically understood what Gundam said. Now it is satellite and fiber optic signals that are easy for adversaries to pick up.

That is, no matter how strict the encrypted signal is, even if the password is changed once for communication.

But after intercepting the signal containing scientific and technological data, they calculated the probability of the font based on mathematical data.

This method, which is very simple in cryptography, has a high probability of obtaining the data sent by the company.

However, their company's data is not time-sensitive, even if it takes a long time to crack, it is completely worthwhile to obtain their company's data.

"I remember that our company seems to have a point-to-point communication method. Wait a moment, I'll look for it." Li Hao said to Gao Da.

After hearing this, Gao Da said in surprise: "I really didn't expect that the company still has this kind of technology, so that it can solve the company's current communication security problem.

We now only need the company headquarters, key laboratories and Fangshan data center. The secrecy between these units will completely solve the problems encountered now. "

Li Hao picked up the second-generation laptop beside him. It's now about the size of an average laptop. There is no keyboard for flexible touchscreen operation.

Li Hao remembered that when he translated alien technology, he translated a very simple technology.

Laser coding communication technology, which emits a highly penetrating invisible laser.

The communication bandwidth of this technology is higher than that of optical fiber. The data transfer rate is also very fast. It's just that the use is extremely limited, and it is not as popular as optical fiber communication.

Li Hao checked this technology carefully, and the effective range is 50,000 kilometers. An efficient communication method that fully complies with confidentiality requirements.

After checking the information, he said to Gundam: "In our company's huge database, I found a laser communication method. It uses laser to carry information for communication.

The laser transmitter and receiver must be point-to-point to receive the signal. Once an error occurs, the laser cuts off immediately.

In this way, it does not spread out like electromagnetic waves, and it is easy for others to intercept the signal.

I am going to use this equipment to build our global communication system. It can be built into small satellites. Now the cost of launching a small satellite is only hundreds of thousands of yuan. Our company can fully afford the launch costs. "

After Gao Da heard it, he smiled, and the company was able to solve the communication problem.

He asked carefully: "Mr. Li, I probably understand this laser communication method. Its cost is very high, and our company needs to be established.

It's just that time is not enough to build a satellite system. Even if the company is producing satellites rapidly, we also need to wait for the satellite launch plan. Also find a temporary solution to the problem. "

Li Hao closed the computer, and said with a smile: "This laser communication instrument is not expensive at all. The most important laser transmitter only needs a special coating on the surface of the conventional laser transmitter.

Our country's laser instruments are leading in the world, and it is not difficult to purchase high-grade laser transmitters.

The day before yesterday I listened to Director Guo Jianzhuo's report that their metamaterial research project team developed a special organic polymer material.

The pressure resistance is extremely strong, and it can float stably in the adjacent space of 20-100 kilometers.

We can use this material to make an instrument similar to a hot air balloon. Let it work in the adjacent space. "

After Li Hao finished speaking, he immediately opened the cloud intelligence platform to assign tasks to Guo Jianzhuo and Yuan Dingfang.

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