Tech Translator

Chapter 288 Making a Super Computer

Li Hao came out of the conference room, and Zhou Yunsheng was arranging the establishment of a microelectronics company and a chip strategic development plan for the company's executives.

He had more important things to do, so he stopped listening to the company strategy they had already discussed.

The smart factory used the first lithography machine prototype to arrange a small chip production line to produce smart chips in small batches.

Zhou Yunsheng saw that after the smart chip gradually modified the robot control core of the smart factory, the production efficiency of the smart factory increased by 150%. She also wants to put the first official prototype on the chip production line.

Li Hao decided to ask Academician He Wanming to take the prototype directly.

The negotiation between their company and the country on the chip strategy has not been decided.

He felt that the country must have not seen the real effect of the lithography machine. There are still some doubts in my heart.

Sure enough, as he thought, after getting the lithography machine. Negotiations between their company and the country immediately made significant progress. The contract has now been signed.

After Zhou Yunsheng came back, he hurriedly held a meeting of the company's senior management. The company is gearing up to go full speed ahead into chipmaking.

Time is really tight, and we have to race against time to put chips into the market. Try not to let the national team leave them too far behind.

Their company was able to sign the contract so smoothly, and they also made certain concessions.

The most important allocation of lithography machines is based on the ratio of 6:4 between the state and Qingci Technology Co., Ltd.

Coupled with the difference in China's system, the national team can integrate resources to a greater extent. There are countless places where countries are stronger than their companies.

They also need to build a chip production plant, and the national team can directly transform the original plant.

Therefore, the production of smart chips for the national team must be much earlier than Qingci Technology.

If the national team puts smart chips into the civilian field. That must have nothing to do with Qingci Technology.

Then their company will not work hard to invest in the field of chip manufacturing, which has huge investment and long-term benefits. At most, it is to maintain a small-scale production line for internal use within the company.

If the market is not big, it might as well be that they just build a production plant for lithography machines. Sell ​​this higher value-added equipment directly.

But the mother-in-law Wu Qianyu has already reminded them in advance that the smart chips produced by the national team will definitely not be put into the civilian market in the first place.

Because the country has its own strategic plan, the high-performance smart chips produced are given priority to major fields such as military, aerospace, and scientific research.

Knowing the news, Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng made up their minds to enter the field of chip manufacturing, specializing in the manufacture of civilian chips.

After all, without mentioning the civilian market, only counting the amount of smart chips needed within the country, which is too much.

Among the three areas that focus on chip consumption, he also knows the materials used in the military field.

However, in the field of aerospace and scientific research, hundreds of millions of chips are purchased every year. If the national plus team chip company wants to invest in the civilian field, he must first meet the amount of chips used in these fields.

There is still a long time to go, and it also gives Qingci Technology time to prepare.

The smart chip is in Li Hao's strategic plan, and it will not be sold alone in the early stage. To be sold with their company's high-end products. This chip will not be sold alone until the market has recognized the performance of this chip.

Li Hao thought all the way, then turned around and went to the office to take out the laptop he used to record the characters of alien civilizations, and soon came to a laboratory on the seventh floor.

Now the company's scientific research department has all moved to the scientific research building. But some basic equipment that is not easy to move remains in the laboratory.

These lab sites often serve as a place for employees to develop their own interests. Use these devices to develop a little invention.

Today he came to the laboratory to make a super computer for his own use.

Li Hao used the alien civilization text data collected now, he has accumulated for a long time, and he has learned artificial intelligence algorithms.

He has successfully analyzed an algorithm for software to translate the text of alien civilizations.

When he compiled this algorithm, his joy was beyond words. His cheat finger was incomplete, so he tried to complete the cheat finger.

His work of translating characters from alien civilizations has finally come into line with the current translation industry, entering the era of advanced machine translation.

However, after actual testing, his previous laptop was completely unable to drive this algorithm program.

Li Hao cannot directly mobilize the supercomputer located in the Fangshan data center.

He has always been very cautious about the writing of alien civilizations, and he didn't even tell Zhou Yunsheng, who was closest to him.

He is well versed in psychology and knows that a secret guarded by one person is a top secret, but a secret known by two people is no longer a secret.

How could it be possible for Li Hao to remotely mobilize the computing functions of the supercomputer at the risk of leaking the text of the alien civilization.

Only when inspecting the Fangshan data center. Using the computing resources of a supercomputer, the algorithm was barely driven to run, and several simple technologies of alien civilizations were translated.

This is the internal driving force for the lithography machine to be completed in such a short time. It is also one of the cores of smart chips and the reason for the sudden emergence of smart microstructures.

However, he used a supercomputer to drive the algorithm several times, and found that the huge computing power of the supercomputer was very difficult to drive the algorithm to run.

After careful thinking, Li Hao discovered that the calculation method of the supercomputer chip is not suitable for this translation algorithm.

But their newly developed smart chip fits perfectly with this translation algorithm.

When Li Hao came to his senses, he still had to make a super computer first. He came to the laboratory ready to start work.

All the raw materials have been prepared here, and there is also a small laser CNC machine tool and an advanced 3D printer in the room.

Li Hao began to use his dexterous hands to make supercomputer accessories.

He did not choose to purchase finished parts outside, but used electronic components to process the parts used in supercomputers step by step.

After all, he didn't know if there was any spy equipment in these accessories.

You must know that large foreign consortiums have been trying to infiltrate Qingci Technology and steal their unique technology.

The syndicates were all over the place, and it would have been dire if the news had leaked if he had used off-the-shelf accessories in his deeply private projects.

It is by no means so easy to tamper with electronic components. For standard electronic components, every physical parameter is within a certain range. As long as it is carefully tested, it is absolutely safe.

Li Hao has been busy in this laboratory. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at a tablet-sized device in front of him, but with a thickness of five centimeters.

This brick-like device is the supercomputer developed by Li Hao through the scientific research auxiliary system.

It's just such a humble computer, its computing power is about the same as that of a medium-sized server. Processing data is also more efficient.

Li Hao turned on the super computer and began to transfer data.

The display system of this supercomputer is no longer an LCD screen, but replaced by a virtual light curtain.

There are great benefits in doing so. The current virtual imaging equipment can emit multi-layer light curtains.

Li Hao can assign himself a separate light curtain, which can only be seen by the special glasses he made. What others see is a fake interface.

In this way, he can work with Zhou Yunsheng, instead of avoiding everyone when translating technology as before.

Li Hao transferred all the data to the supercomputer. He picked up the original laptop computer and used a diamond grinder to completely crush the computer into powder.

Then put the powder into the prepared acid pool, so that even through any technical means, the data recorded on the previous computer cannot be retrieved.

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