Tech Translator

Chapter 289 Where is the car?

Li Hao looked at the super computer he made with electronic components, and he was very satisfied with the performance.

Given all the problems he can face with this supercomputer, this one should stick with him for a while.

The supercomputer production process is also to verify whether some of his ideas can be realized.

The connection method of the supercomputer smart chip is a simplified version used to verify the connection method of each server of the supercomputer in the future.

Li Hao was the first to make a supercomputer, in addition to making his work more convenient. The most important point is that the output of smart chips is very small now.

However, the company needs a lot of equipment for smart chips, and the supply has been in short supply. He simply cannot use tens of thousands of smart chips to build a supercomputer.

Li Hao returned to his office with a super computer that looked like a brick.

It was found that the time was noon on August 10th, but Zhou Yunsheng and the others hadn't ended the meeting yet. I wonder how long this meeting will last?

Li Hao briefly observed the scene in the meeting room through the virtual light curtain. They were discussing while eating.

Seeing this, he knew that this meeting would last for a long time. I also ordered a lunch and started eating.

After he finished his meal, he was checking whether the supercomputer could function as designed. He found out that Lu Hong, the chief designer of smart cars, had sent him a message. Tell Li Hao that they have already designed a smart electric car and let him experience it in the past.

He locked the supercomputer under his desk in a high-security safe.

Get up and go to Lu Hong and the others to see the situation of smart electric vehicles.

Li Hao looked puzzled, and Lu Hong let him experience the smart electric car. Why ask him to go to the office instead of directly telling him to go to the park.

It is estimated that the performance of the smart car they made is not the best version.

A few days ago, he just handed over the translated motor technology to the smart factory, and asked them to produce various types of advanced motors.

Smart electric vehicles also use this motor, but this motor is being explored for crafting. Not officially put into production yet.

Even a prototype sample could not be found. Lu Hong let himself experience a smart car, which must be a simplified version using an ordinary electric motor.

But they all know the data of the electric motor. Li Hao estimated that through data processing, the ordinary electric motor can replace the high-efficiency one.

Li Hao didn't think about it anymore, he came directly to the smart electric vehicle project team.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Lu Hong greet him immediately, and he said happily: "Mr. Li, we have solved all the problems you mentioned last time.

Following the development of the company's technology, the design drawings of smart cars are constantly revised. Now the smart electric vehicle design drawing has been agreed by all of us, please correct me. "

"I'll see the blueprint later, where is the car? I'll experience the performance of the car first.

Where do we go to test the performance of the car, it is best to choose a place with few people, and we test the car so as not to affect others. " Li Hao said enthusiastically.

"Mr. Li, what car. Why can't I understand what you are talking about?" Lu Hong asked with a confused face.

"Of course it's our smart electric car prototype. I remember you reported it. The smart electric car prototype has been produced. It's just that the motor has not been replaced. It almost doesn't matter. I will drive slowly."

Li Hao has long wanted to experience the smart electric car developed by the company. It's just that I have been too busy with work recently, so I didn't catch up with the time.

Hearing what Li Hao said, Lu Hong understood, and he explained: "Mr. Li, it's a coincidence that you came here. Our smart electric car prototype is going to the blowing hole.

I adjusted some details of the smart electric car based on the wind tunnel data of the smart electric car. The smart electric vehicle design drawing has been completed, and this requires you to experience the smart electric vehicle. "

Li Hao spread his hands and said, "Of course I am willing to let me experience the smart electric car, but the car is not in the blowing hole, so what kind of experience can I get?"

Lu Hong pointed to the smart electric car simulator next to him and said: "This is a simulation simulator developed by an electronics company, which can simulate all the operations of our smart electric car.

Mr. Li, you can experience the smart car through the simulator to see if it meets the company's design requirements. We will formalize the design drawings and hand them over to the smart factory for production. "

"It turns out that I was asked to experience the simulator, which is far from the real car." Li Hao said helplessly.

He thought he could drive a smart electric car to relax outside, but he didn't expect it to be a simulator.

He understands the simulators produced by the company and can indeed restore some scenes in a real way.

Li Hao entered the cab, and it was exactly what he asked for. There are just a few simple buttons on the front of the cab. Smart electric cars are completely controlled by artificial intelligence.

Sitting in the co-pilot position, Lu Hong said: "The identity verification method for smart electric cars is a biomagnetic field detector. Each car can only be set as one owner.

Other people drive the car, and their authority is slightly lower than that of the owner.

Mr. Li said before that special attention should be paid to the security system. Our car is divided into two operating systems. They are all independent of each other.

The first is the normal driving function, when he makes a mistake and cannot stop or brake accurately.

The owner of the vehicle can boot the hidden operating system. It can make corrections to the current driving mode.

According to your requirements, we arrange an emergency mechanical braking scheme in the car.

There is a pull rod under the main driver's seat. As long as the pull rod is lifted, the electric car will activate the mechanical brake device. "

After Li Hao heard it, he nodded in satisfaction: "The safety system is doing well. Let me take a look at the smart car designed according to your design. How does it feel to drive?"

Afterwards, Li Hao started the vehicle. These are the limited things that the owner of the vehicle can do.

After entering the destination, the vehicle starts slowly. The scene in front of me is very real. This is a scene restored by a supercomputer through a special method.

He can do it, in a way that is extremely real. Li Hao's current situation. There is not much difference between driving a smart electric car on the road and actually driving it.

Smart electric vehicles will automatically avoid vehicles and people in front, and will also dodge when encountering obstacles.

There is also a light curtain on the windshield of the smart car that is constantly recording the performance of the vehicle.

The driver can intuitively feel the subtle changes of the vehicle.

Li Hao experimented with the smart electric car in the simulator for a while.

He exited the simulator and said: "This vehicle is basically not used, we operate it, and it is completely controlled by artificial intelligence.

You can completely finalize the design according to this rough design.

It's just that there are some subtle aspects that still need to be optimized. For example, I feel that the distance between it and the surrounding cars is too far.

I know that your design is for safety considerations, but don't make a one-size-fits-all, and also consider the environment in which smart electric vehicles are located.

For example, it is like a traffic jam, and it is completely impossible to maintain such a large safety distance.

Another point is that smart electric vehicles strictly abide by traffic regulations. It is not as flexible as humans, and there will be absolutely no accidents caused by smart electric vehicles.

But when encountering some unexpected things, it still acts in accordance with traffic regulations. It should be added to him to deal with different scenarios.

Of course, this is all related to the control system of the smart electric vehicle. You need to work efficiently with computer companies to solve this problem.

Your form and function designs are ingenious. I am very satisfied with this design. "

Lu Hong said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Li, we will definitely try our best to solve these problems. We will strive for the early launch of smart electric vehicles."

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