Tech Translator

Chapter 291 Want to Build the Group Headquarters

When Zhou Yunsheng heard Li Hao mention this technology, she widened her eyes and said in disbelief: "This is really amazing, I didn't expect it to be this technology.

It really complements these several projects of our company, and these several projects plus this technology are just like a tiger with wings added. Sure to be a hit. "

"Of course, Director Du's biological laboratory has prepared three research and development directions in order to develop this efficient human-computer interaction technology. Fortunately, one of the directions is suitable for human use, and we will change the model of human-computer interaction in the future." Li Hao said very happily.

Zhou Yunsheng has greater confidence in the company's future strategic planning.

She discussed with Li Hao how to use the contact brain wave reading technology in the future.

The two of them discussed continuously, and soon formed a general plan for the company's future development. At the same time, formulate a plan for encountering various situations.

When Zhou Yunsheng saw that it was almost time to get off work, she got up and said, "Brother Hao, my mother also contributed a lot to our chip cooperation project with the country. Let's go and see her."

"I've said it before, but you always shirk it. We'll go there after get off work." Li Hao immediately agreed.

Probably because of Zhou Yunsheng's father, she was very reluctant to go to her parents' house. But Zhou Yunsheng often went to visit his parents with Li Hao.

The two of them drove to Zhou Yunsheng's parents' house.

Soon he came to the door of Wu Qianyu's room and rang the doorbell. It was Zhou Yuanyuan who opened the door.

She said cheerfully, "Auntie, uncle."

Finally, he ran to the room and said loudly, "My aunt and uncle are here."

Zhou Yunsheng watched Chen Siyu walking towards them, she smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, Yuanyuan looks very happy like this."

"Yes, I have arranged for her to study in elementary school and go to school with friends of the same age. She is very happy." Chen Siyu said with a smile.

When Li Hao walked into the room, he saw Zhou Qiao and his son sitting at the desk playing Go. Wu Qianyu sat on the sofa and watched the news.

He stepped forward and said respectfully, "Hello, uncle and aunt."

Zhou Qiao raised his head and said happily: "Li Hao is here. Your company's cloud intelligence platform is really excellent. I can remotely manage the company and control various departments. The auxiliary management program that comes with the software makes the entire company digital. I can see it at a glance. I understand, it will be easier to manage the company.”

"Uncle is easy to use. This management method is the general trend in the future. Flat management and intelligent data modeling can help people manage the company better without changing the company's original management structure." Li Hao smiled. replied.

Zhou Lei urged from the side: "Dad, I have already robbed this game, and you will lose this game."

"It doesn't matter who loses and who wins? I must win you." Zhou Qiao looked at the chessboard, thinking hard about the next steps.

Li Hao walked towards Zhou Yunsheng, and heard Zhou Yunsheng and Chen Siyu talking in a low voice.

"Sister-in-law, my brother is good at chess. He couldn't play backgammon well before, but now he can play Go well. It's not that he didn't like this kind of chess before."

Chen Siyu whispered: "Your brother is bullying our dad because he doesn't understand modern technology, look at his left hand under the table.

He is playing Go with your company's artificial intelligence, but he is taking my dad's steps.

The real game of Go is artificial intelligence and our father. Even the top players in the artificial intelligence world can't play Go, so how can our father be able to. "

When Li Hao heard this, he shook his head and laughed secretly. He had heard that some people used man-machine method to play chess with others before, but now he saw the truth.

Wu Qianyu turned off the TV, and said to Zhou Yunsheng and Li Hao: "Fortunately, you are here today, otherwise I would have to inform you that I have something to tell you."

Li Hao sat on the sofa respectfully, Zhou Yunsheng went to her mother's side, and asked curiously: "Mom, what's the matter."

"Of course it's a good thing." Wu Qianyu looked at them, "The photolithography machine you developed and the smart chip you participated in the research and development caused a great shock in the high-level.

A leader said that your company with such a high level of research and development should be placed in the Xiongan New Area, where many major scientific research units in China are concentrated. The scientific research environment and policies are more suitable for technology companies. "

Zhou Yunsheng said happily: "I know this. There are many scientific research units in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, just like the relocation of Xiong'an New Area. Many famous universities in China either relocate to Xiong'an New Area as a whole, or open branches in Xiong'an New Area.

When we originally established the company, we also wanted to gain a foothold in Xiongan New Area for future development. It's just that the conditions were not ripe at that time.

Mom, what kind of preferential conditions does the country give us? "

Seeing her daughter's anxious expression, Wu Qianyu said directly, "You have benefited a lot. The country directly allocated a piece of land to you for the construction of your company."

Zhou Yunsheng blurted out: "Is it free? This is really great."

"Think too much, you have to buy at the market price. This is already a very important benefit. You must know that the land in Xiong'an New District has long been prohibited from trading.

Not only will you allocate a piece of land, but there are also many benefits. Your company has been officially listed as a high-tech enterprise and can enjoy the tax reduction and exemption stipulated by the state.

Two products, lithography machines and smart chips, enjoy five-year tax exemption. "Wu Qianyu finished all the welfare policies directly.

When Li Hao heard about this welfare package, he didn't expect the country to come up with a generous welfare policy. This is already a great benefit.

Zhou Yunsheng pouted and said: "This is far worse than I thought, but it is also very good to have so many benefits."

Wu Qianyu looked at the two of them, and said to them: "The official business is over, now it's time to talk about current affairs. I see that you two are so close that you are already living together.

Hold your wedding for as long as the two of you want, and if it feels right, don't put it off any longer. "

Wu Qianyu felt that Li Hao developed too fast and would accept more temptations in the future, which would be bad for her daughter.

Li Hao also thought that his parents had raised this question, and he and Zhou Yunsheng had a very good relationship. Since the elders asked this question.

He replied directly: "I discussed it with Yun Sheng. There is still more than a month left for this year's National Day. We don't plan to make a fuss, just invite the family to have a banquet."

Wu Qianyu nodded and said, "Since you two have an arrangement, let's deal with it according to your two ideas."

After Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng stayed for a while, they got up and left.

On the way home, Zhou Yunsheng asked Li Hao: "Brother Hao, we are in the Xiongan New Area, what do you want to use it for?"

"In the future, Xiong'an New District will definitely be the engine of China's scientific research and education. I want to use this land to build the headquarters of the group." Li Hao expressed his thoughts.

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