Tech Translator

Chapter 292 New Era of Human-Computer Interaction

Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng came to the scientific research building together.

When Zhou Yunsheng heard Li Hao say that the biology laboratory had started experiments, she was a little moved and wanted to experience the contact brain wave reading technology.

She is also in order to arrange the development of the company more conveniently. He urged Li Hao to take her to the scientific research building on the morning of August 11th.

They walked into the biology laboratory, and Li Hao also wanted to come to the biology laboratory to observe. In terms of scientific research, only the biological laboratory has the heaviest task.

The research and development are still very important results, and the scientific research process of any project cannot be stopped.

Li Hao saw Director Qian Minghua come out to greet them.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Zhou. I'll take you to the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory. Director Du is researching Juyangcao and he doesn't have time." Qian Minghua immediately explained.

"It doesn't matter, we just observe the development of technology." Li Hao said with a smile.

They followed Qian Minghua to the human-computer interaction laboratory.

"Doctor Qian, you are not an ophthalmologist, why are you in charge of brain wave reading technology?" Zhou Yunsheng asked strangely.

Qian Minghua immediately explained: "Mr. Zhou, I am not in charge of the human-computer interaction project, but I am responsible for ensuring the personal safety of the testers of the human-computer interaction project."

Li Hao asked worriedly: "Why, this project is still dangerous."

Qian Minghua said helplessly: "The equipment developed only passively receives brainwaves, it has no active query function. It will not damage the human brain.

But now limited by technology, it is impossible to sort out the clear commands hidden in the messy brain waves. It is only necessary for the testers to continuously strengthen the commands and find the common ground between them, which is a serious consumption of human brain power.

The brain is a very complicated organ. Some frail people who use this device for a long time will experience dizziness and even go into shock in severe cases.

Our company's testers must concentrate all their energy on testing the properties of the instrument as much as possible for scientific researchers to analyze the data.

Their expressions are very focused, and unless there are symptoms of brain damage, the weak symptoms are not noticed by themselves. Will not stop experimenting.

The purpose of our medical team is to prevent accidents, and at the same time provide emergency treatment for brain-impaired testers. "

Hearing this situation, Li Hao was a little relieved. Fortunately, it is not the technology itself that has major side effects. There are many ways to make up for the situation caused by the physical fitness of the testers.

They walked into the human-computer interaction laboratory and saw that it was very quiet inside. Most of them wear a motorcycle helmet-like device, sit on wooden chairs, and stare at the virtual light curtain in front of them.

Zhou Yunsheng looked at the scene in the laboratory curiously, and she asked Qian Minghua: "Director Qian, why do they sit on wooden chairs instead of sofas, it's not very tiring."

"Mr. Zhou, they need to sit for a long time. It is best to use hard chairs, and wooden chairs are the best. If you use very soft chairs such as sofas, the human spine will not be able to bear the force, and spinal injuries are prone to occur." Qian Ming Hua simply said that this kind of medical common sense is known to all doctors, but most ordinary people don't understand it.

Zhou Yunsheng covered his mouth and said: "It turns out that there is another saying. After I go back, I will replace the chair in my office with a wooden chair."

Li Hao observed the projects being tested by the testers in the laboratory.

In the middle of the room is a large square table with many small mazes on it. Three mice with electrodes attached to their heads were zipping through a maze.

On the left is to control the operation of vehicles, and there are drones flying in the air. Electric toy cars gallop down the road.

The right side is very similar to the art exhibition area. Intermittent texts and some weird images appear continuously on the light curtain.

Behind the square table should be the experimental field of operating industry. Li Hao looked over and found that there were many industrial robots inside.

Soon came a little old man about 50 years old. He is Yao Wenhua, the person in charge of the human-computer interaction project.

They often exchange human-computer interaction technology. Li Hao also hinted at many technological developments to him.

Yao Wenhua walked up to Li Hao, and he said happily: "Mr. Li, I just went to sort out the data. Our human-computer interaction project has made great progress. It can already read the brainwave data of direct thinking."

"You guys are making really fast progress. I didn't expect to make such a big progress." Li Hao said happily.

He saw Zhou Yunsheng looking at the two of them as if he was listening to a scripture. Li Hao simply explained to Zhou Yunsheng: "The direct thinking mentioned by Director Yao is like eating, sleeping, and defecating.

This kind of thinking is the commonality of all organisms, and it is also the information directly obtained through physical conditions and observation of the outside world.

The opposite of it is abstract thinking. For example, we are all descendants of Chinese people, which is typical abstract thinking.

To put it simply, fire can cook meat, and vinegar is sour. This is also abstract thinking.

We humans are different from other animals in that we have abstract thinking. The experience of one's own life can be summarized through abstract thinking, and the experience can be passed on to future generations.

With abstract thinking, human beings can understand things that have never been seen before. For example, you have never been bitten by a poisonous snake, but you know that poisonous snakes can kill people. "

Zhou Yunsheng's expression was very confused at first, and then he suddenly understood and said: "I understand, what you mean is that you have cracked the animal brain wave code."

"It can also be understood in this way, but its essence is different." Li Hao said speechlessly.

He turned to Yao Wenhua and asked, "Director Yao, what is the difficulty of the current contact brainwave reading technology?"

Yao Wenhua carefully introduced: "Current contact brainwave reading technology can only read brainwaves from direct thinking and brainwaves from abstract thinking, and we still can't understand its meaning.

But the key is the brain waves emitted by the subjective activities of the human brain, most of which are related to abstract thinking. This creates an extremely large amount of invalid data.

This is easy to solve through technical means, but the most difficult thing to solve is that each individual is unique.

Some people have very single-minded thoughts, and the brain waves they send out are clear and single. It can be easily recognized by the machine.

But some people's hearts are like long grass, with very complicated thoughts. "

Yao Wenhua pointed to the mouse maze and said, "It's like implanting electrodes in the mouse's brain to control his actions. A dedicated person can easily control the mouse to get out of the maze.

But the messy man gave the mouse an order to go left, and then thought of an order to go right in his mind.

When these two instructions are given to the uncle, the brain of the mouse will produce confusing instructions.

This is the biggest difficulty facing our brain wave reading technology, and it is also a problem that needs to be solved urgently for the popularization of this technology. "

Li Hao frowned and said: "This matter is difficult to solve, after all, human psychology is very complicated. What the instrument reads is completely different from what he actually needs.

If this problem is not resolved, it will cause great trouble in the future. "

Seeing Li Hao's worried look, Zhou Yunsheng said directly: "Why do you think so much? Let's take this brain wave reading device and experience it. It can get more data than thinking about it here."

Zhou Yunsheng's words woke up Li Hao, no matter how much he thought about it, he would give it a try.

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