Tech Translator

Chapter 314 New Parrot

Zhou Yunsheng's face was tense, and he stretched out his right hand to tentatively touch the crystal ball full of electric arcs.

As soon as her little hand touched the surface of the crystal ball, it was immediately hit by a small electric arc, and she quickly pulled her hand back.

"The electric arc here is really electric. Brother Hao, you are holding this crystal ball in your hand. Is there any problem? Why don't you remove the electric arc?" Zhou Yunsheng rubbed the finger hit by the electric arc and asked Li Hao at the same time. road.

"Don't look at the arc on it that can break through the air. Its voltage is tens of thousands of volts, but in fact the current on it is very weak and has no effect on the human body. It is similar to the arc generated by piezoelectric ceramics on ordinary lighters.

But these electric arcs are very powerful, they are the bridges for the information and energy exchange between the energy life in the crystal ball and the outside world. "Li Hao simply explained.

Holding the crystal ball in his hand, he led them to the next room. Here engineers have installed intelligent supercomputers.

Li Hao asked Zhao Jiang: "How is the detection of the intelligent supercomputer? After a day of startup, can it work normally?"

Zhao Jiang replied immediately: "After detailed testing, the pre-start has been carried out, and no problems have been found."

Li Hao came to the control center of the intelligent supercomputer, where there is a circular platform. He pressed the button next to it, only to see the raised platform open and a device pop out from above.

The device is topped by a cage-shaped structure made of five metal rods.

Li Hao put the crystal ball in this cage-shaped structure, and the metal rod began to shrink inwards and tightly stuck to the crystal ball.

This cage-shaped structure is the connection channel for the information and energy exchanged by energy beings to the outside world.

The intelligent supercomputer also relies on this structure to decode the information sent from the crystal ball, and encode the content on the intelligent supercomputer and upload it to the crystal ball.

After Li Hao placed the crystal ball, he pressed the button next to it, and the cage structure sank into the cabinet immediately.

After installing the crystal ball, he instructed Zhao Jiang: "Now officially start the intelligent supercomputer, and see if the intermediate artificial intelligence can start normally."

Zhao Jiang asked suspiciously: "Mr. Li, we haven't installed an operating system on the intelligent supercomputer yet. Do we need to install an operating system when starting it?"

Li Hao waved his hand and said, "There is no need to install an operating system, there is an intermediate artificial intelligence to control the entire intelligent supercomputer."

After Zhao Jiang heard Li Hao's order, he began to arrange engineers to fully activate the entire intelligent supercomputer.

With the tacit cooperation of many experienced engineers, the intelligent supercomputer was successfully launched quickly.

The virtual world generated by the virtual reality imaging device covers the entire room.

Li Hao and the others were standing here, only seeing a starry sky in front of them, with meteors constantly flashing past. After waiting for a minute, a few Chinese characters jumped out ahead.

"Retrieving data, please wait..."

The scene in front of them changed, and suddenly there appeared a person about two meters tall, with a chubby body and dark green body, and a pair of wings that were about the size of a human palm growing on his back.

His head occupies one-third of his body, but his calves are very short. The overall feeling is very similar to that of a penguin, but the wings are too small.

This strange bird wobbled to Li Hao's body, flapped its small wings quickly, and shouted excitedly: "Boss, boss. I'm in very good condition. I used to be suffocated to death."

Zhou Yunsheng covered her mouth, held back her smile, and patted the strange bird's head. She said doubtfully, "This is a parrot. The bird I drew is so beautiful. Why does it look like this now?"

"Of course I am a parrot. I feel that my abilities have improved a lot. As for how to become this way, of course I like this way and I don't want to change into other looks." The parrot said proudly.

Seeing this, Li Hao was very satisfied. This means that the parrot already has the cognition of "I". He now knows to give himself a fixed form.

"This is a parrot's self-awareness awakening, which is a very good phenomenon. It proves that energy life works perfectly." Li Hao briefly introduced.

Zhou Yunsheng pulled the parrot with his hands, and kept pulling out its feathers.

I only saw that the feathers on the parrot's body became bare after being pulled out, and then returned to their original state soon after. But the parrot didn't respond.

Seeing Zhou Yunsheng doing this, Li Hao asked strangely: "Yunsheng, what are you doing? Why can't I understand what you mean, what are you competing with a virtual image?"

Zhou Yunsheng stopped what he was doing, and said happily: "I'm testing whether the parrot has an emotional module, and whether it will respond to my movements.

As a result, he didn't respond at all, and he seemed to be a stupid artificial intelligence. So I am very relieved. "

The parrot flapped its wings and said eagerly: "I'm not stupid, I'm really capable."

Li Hao wanted to test the parrot's current ability, and he was very happy to see the parrot like this. The potential of this artificial intelligence is still very high, and it can understand some semantics just after it is built.

He asked the parrot directly: "Parrot, what kind of abilities do you have now?"

The parrot looked very proud, he shook his head and said, "My ability is very strong now, and the biggest manifestation lies in my understanding and creativity.

Before you issued tasks to me, you had to explain the various details of the tasks in detail. Now I only need to issue a not-so-ambiguous instruction, and I can analyze the possible meaning of this instruction in the current environment.

The biggest improvement is that I already have preliminary creativity. If I find that I lack certain abilities, I will write some programs independently to make up for my own shortcomings. "

Li Hao was very satisfied when he heard the parrot's report. Now the parrot can play a greater role in promoting the development of the company.

To build intermediate artificial intelligence, he most wants to add creativity to the scientific research assistance system. Parrot is now reached.

"Order, the parrot takes over all the management items of the original supercomputer." Li Hao directly gave instructions to the parrot to start the simultaneous upgrade plan.

This command is executed at the speed of light, and the completion time is only the time of switching a switch.

When these functions are officially taken over by mid-level artificial intelligence. Everyone who uses the cloud intelligence platform and scientific research assistance system has a clear perception.

They found that the task assigned by the cloud intelligence platform became more detailed and more reasonable. The simulation results given by the scientific research auxiliary system are more scientific.

At this time, the door of the room was pushed open, and a man with a petite face, two long braids, pale skin and suspenders, and holding orchid fingers walked into the room.

"Hey, I didn't notify you when my brother came. If I didn't come back for something, I wouldn't know you came to the company."

Li Hao squinted at Zhou Yunsheng with his eyes, as if to say, why do you recruit everyone to the company.

The person who came was Fang Wenwen, the general manager of Yunshangqingci Company. The Fangshan Data Center and other data sub-centers were managed by Yunshangqingci Company.

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