Tech Translator

Chapter 315 Processing of low-level artificial intelligence

Li Hao saw that it was Fang Wenwen, and he really didn't want to deal with this person.

He's not gay, he's a complete phony. I heard that she is married now and her children are in elementary school.

His wife, Li Hao, has never seen her before, but according to company rumors, she is a standard female Tyrannosaurus.

Fang Wenwen looked at Li Hao without responding for a long time, and said: "You ignore what people say, what did I do wrong? Tell me, I will definitely change it."

"Brother, can you speak normally? I'm panicking when I hear this."

Li Hao immediately stopped him from continuing, and now he felt goosebumps after just saying these few words.

"Hmph, contempt for meat eaters." Fang Wenwen snorted softly, returning to his normal tone, "I heard from the staff that you have already transferred the data to the new intelligent supercomputer.

Our original supercomputer with low-level artificial intelligence. I took a look just now and just took away the low-level artificial intelligence data accumulation module.

Low-level artificial intelligence relies on that supercomputer, and it can do a lot more. How is this low-level artificial intelligence group going to deal with it.

It's best to think about how to deal with it now, otherwise it's not worth wasting such a major resource there. "

When Li Hao heard Fang Wenwen's question, he also began to think about how to deal with low-level artificial intelligence.

Seeing Fang Wenwen's performance, Zhou Yunsheng was also very satisfied. Fang Wenwen applied for the job on his own initiative in the early days of the group. Zhao Xuan, manager of the human resources department, was in charge of interviewing Fang Wenwen at that time, and she was still undecided.

In the end, Zhou Yunsheng personally made the decision and agreed to recruit Fang Wenwen as the general manager of Yunshang Qingci Company. Although he has some personality problems, his ability is really good.

Yunshangqingci Company has now established data centers in major regions around the world, and even successfully established data centers in North America, which is the most unfriendly region to them.

Although limited by the laws of the host country, some data centers are established in cooperation with local big data companies, but there is no problem at all in hosting Qingci Technology's local data.

Li Hao thought for a while, but he didn't think of a good idea to deal with low-level artificial intelligence. Now their company has mid-level artificial intelligence.

The projects that can be completed by intermediate artificial intelligence will be several orders of magnitude higher than that of low-level artificial intelligence. It's not on a level at all, and they really don't have to keep low-level AI.

But it's a pity to discard it directly. Now their company's low-level artificial intelligence is at least five years ahead of the artificial intelligence of major companies outside.

It is the artificial intelligence technology piled up with Huaxia and the American military with resources and technologies. The ability between them is not equal.

With a helpless expression on Li Hao's face, he said, "I really can't think of a way. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Fang Wenwen looked at them and said with a smile: "You guys can't think of a good idea, so I'll just tell you what I came up with. If there are any loopholes, don't blame me."

Seeing that the superiors did not stop him from speaking, Fang Wenwen directly expressed his point of view.

"Since our company has upgraded the artificial intelligence technology, it means that the artificial intelligence technology used now has far exceeded the original low-level artificial intelligence technology."

Seeing Li Hao nodded, he continued: "This is a very easy solution. According to my observations, the mainstream artificial intelligence technology of major companies around the world. They use the same resources, which are far inferior to our company's low-level artificial intelligence technology. .

Our low-level artificial intelligence technology, which is about to be eliminated, is still in a leading position internationally.

Just because low-level artificial intelligence technology is useless to our company doesn't mean it's useless to other companies.

We can fully disclose this artificial intelligence technology. Just like the small programs that are very popular now, others can develop new artificial intelligence programs based on our artificial intelligence technology.

This will not only greatly promote the current Internet+ and young people's entrepreneurship, but also greatly improve the brand of our company.

The most important thing is that we can charge for this capability, which will bring great cash flow to our company. "

"Your idea is very good." Li Hao praised, then turned to look at Zhou Yunsheng, "Yunsheng, what do you think of this plan?"

Zhou Yunsheng curled up his lips slightly, nodded and said, "I think this plan is okay, let Manager Fang design the plan, and then apply to us for approval, and finally Yunshang Qingci Company will implement it."

"Then let's do this, Manager Fang, please submit the project plan to us through the cloud intelligence platform as soon as possible." Li Hao immediately agreed.

Fang Wenwen showed a bright smile on his face, and said: "Thank you, Mr. Li and Mr. Zhou for your trust. I will definitely design a plan for the public platform of low-level artificial intelligence technology, and work hard to operate this tool well."

After he finished speaking, he had achieved his purpose of coming here. Standing aside silently, no longer disturbing Li Hao and his work.

After Li Hao saw Fang Wenwen retreating to the side, he asked Zhao Jiang, "Chief Engineer Zhao, the intelligent supercomputer has been in operation for a while, how is it doing now?"

"Mr. Li, don't worry, the smart supercomputer is running well now. After careful inspection, we will hand over the maintenance plan of this smart supercomputer to the engineers of Yunshang Qingci Company."

When Zhao Jiang heard Li Hao's question, he replied seriously.

Li Hao said with satisfaction: "Then you continue to test this intelligent supercomputer."

He then instructed Fang Wenwen: "This intelligent supercomputer is a newly designed supercomputer structure, and it is the first time that intelligent chips have been put into use on a large scale.

Although no problems were found in the design, no one knows what problems it will cause in actual operation. Your Yunshangqingci company must do a good job of data backup. "

Fang Wenwen replied confidently: "Mr. Li, don't worry, our Yunshang Qingci Company has its own data backup system, and there have been server downtimes many times, but there has never been any data loss."

"In this way, I can rest assured that the group will never treat you badly if you work hard." Li Hao encouraged them.

After he finished dealing with this matter, he and Zhou Yunsheng left the Fangshan data center, preparing to return to work in the company.

He still needs to find a good way to promote the scientific research assistance system.

On the car back, Li Hao jokingly said to Zhou Yunsheng: "Don't look at Fang Wenwen as a motherfucker, the employees of the company say that his wife is a female Tyrannosaurus."

Sitting in the passenger seat, Ji Lin, the bodyguard in charge of Zhou Yunsheng's daily protection, squinted at Lin Bo who was driving.

She said coldly: "Who usually arranges me in the company."

Zhou Yunsheng said in surprise, "Ji Lin, Fang Wenwen is your husband."

Ji Lin said helplessly: "It's my husband. He's usually very motherly and small-minded. Don't worry about me coming to Yanjing alone to work. He chased after me as soon as I arrived in Yanjing."

Ji Lin's answer also resolved a doubt in Zhou Yunsheng's mind.

When she checked Fang Wenwen's resume before, she found that he worked very well in the International Department of State Grid, and it was impossible for him to resign and come to their company because of his personality. It turned out to be because of emotional factors.

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