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Chapter 346 Expanding the Security Department

Zhou Yunsheng looked at Li Hao happily, and said: "I said that Beibei will definitely be able to survive. Look at how pure his eyes are now. His body is also full of power. This must be the perfect effect of the strengthening liquid."

Li Hao shook his head and said, "Your actions are purely psychological, and it is impossible for the wisdom-type strengthening fluid to produce such quick results.

Most of its medicinal effects need to break through the blood-brain barrier and act directly on neurons.

Now that Beibei woke up, this just proved that the strengthening fluid can be used safely on it.

The changes of neuron cells and the establishment of new synapses constitute the neural network. It will take a long time, at least a month later, to see Beibei change. "

"Hmph, I'm ignoring you. I don't appreciate it at all. It's obvious that Beibei has changed a lot. I'm going back to work in the office." Zhou Yunsheng snorted softly.

She picked up Bei Bei who was on the desk and walked to her office next to her.

"This is obviously the overflow of a small part of the wisdom-type strengthening liquid, which makes Beibei obtain the effect of a small part of the strength-type strengthening liquid. Such a simple thing can't be seen." Li Hao complained silently.

He was just making complaints about it, but he could actually see that Zhou Yunsheng cared about the little milk dog Bei Bei. Carry him to check Beibei's physical condition.

Li Hao put the strengthening liquid aside, and began to officially enter the working state.

After learning of the success of the booster, his first job was to expand the company's security department.

This is something he wanted to do before, but when he heard that the development of the enhancement liquid had failed, he let it go. Now that the strengthening liquid has been successfully developed, it still needs to be restarted.

According to the classification of Professor Du Xianyu, the intelligent strengthening fluid is mainly used on scientific researchers. They are mainly engaged in mental work, and they need to strengthen neuron cells.

The strength-type enhancement fluid is the type of enhancement fluid used by ordinary people. It just doesn't penetrate the blood-brain barrier into neuronal cells.

Change the neurotransmission network in the body to make the whole body more coordinated. The nerves can be better controlled, and such simple things can still be done with a strengthened body.

Li Hao is now going to recruit some people with good physical fitness to join the company.

Ma Yiming and the others have already started the development of the space shuttle. Bi Ye is also working on quantum communication technology.

Maybe when a certain opportunity comes, their company will be able to officially launch space activities.

Previous astronauts could only withstand accelerations of up to eight Gs. This is already the limit of the human body.

It is just that there are not many such talents among the more than 7 billion people in the world.

But after using the strengthening liquid, only ordinary people whose physical fitness exceeds the average are needed. After a certain amount of training, they can far surpass the physical fitness of current astronauts.

Li Hao feels that now is not the time to announce the strengthening fluid. It also takes a certain amount of time for the booster to take effect.

Now is the time to train and prepare astronauts. When the astronauts are trained, the space shuttle is estimated to be built.

He can only put these reserve astronauts in the security department. Most of these people are muscular, and other departments are not suitable for these people.

After detailed settings, Li Hao changed the current structure of the security department. A large part of the staffing establishment is freed up for astronaut training.

The purpose of the training he gave is for more convenient operation, and the large-scale robot developed in the future.

After Li Hao set up the recruitment arrangements for the security department, he turned off the virtual light curtain and saw that the time was almost 8 o'clock in the morning.

Before he knew it, it took him so long.

Holding the puppy in his left hand and the lunch box in his right, Zhou Yunsheng walked into Li Hao's office.

"Just now I saw that you have been busy. This is the breakfast prepared for you. I have already finished it. You must eat breakfast on time. Dr. Li Deren told us before that it is easy to get gallstones if you don't eat breakfast." Zhou Yunsheng said gently Said.

Li Hao took the breakfast, and said in a soft tone: "How is Beibei now, is there any adverse reaction?"

Zhou Yunsheng kept playing with Beibei's little ears, and she said happily: "I feel more active than before, and my energy level is also high. Just now I have been playing in my office."

While eating, Li Hao said to Zhou Yunsheng: "I am going to expand the security department and recruit some people with strong physical fitness to join our company.

This is mainly to reserve talents for future space activities. It would be too embarrassing if there are not enough astronauts when we have the ability to enter space.

We have developed a variety of aerospace-related technologies, and we must train our own astronauts.

It was extremely difficult for us before, but now with the enhanced fluid, it is not difficult at all to train qualified astronauts. "

"I'll arrange for Zhao Ling to start recruiting some security guards according to your plan." Zhou Yunsheng walked out of the office after checking Li Hao's design, ready to start her work.

Li Hao saw that the company's executives had arrived at the company one after another. He directly sent a notice to the security manager, Gundam, asking him to come to his office.

After waiting for a while, Gao Da entered Li Hao's office with a slightly puzzled expression.

After he sat down, he asked directly, "Mr. Li, what can I do for you?"

"There are two things that need to be arranged by you." Li Hao said in a calm tone.

"The first thing is that the group decided to adjust the security department, recruit some talents with high physical fitness, and reserve future technical talents.

The second thing is that the group's scientific research department has developed a medicine with excellent performance. It can greatly enhance human cell activity.

Although this is not a permanent enhancement, it can also double a person's physique. The most important thing is that it will also repair the previously damaged cells, and slightly improve the overall quality of people.

It just so happens that most of the people in your security department are healthy. After using the potion, the contrast is very strong. "

Li Hao saw that Gao Da's face changed slightly, so he knew what he was worried about? He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I didn't use you to test the medicine. Director Du Xianyu has confirmed that this medicine is very safe.

He is the first tear to use this potion. Besides, there are many professional drug testers appearing now.

Artificial organs can solve most of the symptoms. As long as it is not an acute disease, most of them will return to normal after the organ is replaced. "

"Mr. Li, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that. I was thinking about the function that this potion can achieve.

I will try my best to arrange the things you explained. We also believe in the strength of the company.

May I briefly understand the performance of this biological reagent? "Gundam said as calmly as possible.

Li Hao quickly agreed to his question and gave him a brief introduction to the basic functions of the fortifying liquid.

Gundam's heart was turbulent, and he only listened to Mr. Li's brief introduction. It can be inferred the effect that this medicine can achieve.

He has worked in some special departments, even if it is to concentrate the power of the whole country. He was too surprised that such an advanced product had not been produced.

I'm too busy these days, so I'll update the article at night. I'm really tired today, I don't have energy. I owe two updates and will make up for it as soon as possible. Why!

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