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Chapter 347 Reaction after taking the medicine

Gao Da walked out of the office with a heavy heart, holding in his hand the power-type strengthening liquid that he had obtained from Li Hao after he had softened and soaked it.

He returned to the security department and briefly explained Li Hao's instructions. On the pretext of having something to do at home, he rushed home with the strengthening fluid.

He needs to confirm the specific effect of the strengthening fluid before deciding on his next choice.

Gao Da's home is not far from the company, so he drove to his home very quickly.

He did not meet the company's requirements for housing allocation. The housing allocation is mainly for scientists who have made outstanding contributions in the scientific research building.

However, his salary is considered to be the one with the higher salary in the senior management circle of Yanjing Company. As long as he does not buy a house in full, it is still very easy for him to buy a house.

This house was bought by him with a down payment from his own salary and a loan. It is more than 100 square meters. Apart from the distance from nearby schools, there are hardly any disadvantages.

Now his wife and child are not at home. After the child recovered from illness, he resumed elementary school. Under the arrangement of the group, his wife went to work as a manager in a subsidiary of the group.

Gundam went directly to his gym, which was next to the living room.

This area of ​​an intellectual's home may be a study. But for a tough guy like him, the study room is certainly not as attractive as the gym.

In addition to fitness equipment such as treadmills, single and parallel bars, and weightlifting equipment, there are also equipment for detailed testing of physical conditions.

For example, a machine for testing boxing strength, and a machine for simply testing the proportion of human muscle and fat.

The equipment here looks very delicate, and tomorrow is not the equipment that is not as accurate as a conventional gym.

This is Gundam specially designed to monitor the details of his own body. trust relationship, spend high prices, and order from certain companies that do not sell products externally.

When Gundam came to the gym, he directly opened the strength strengthening liquid in his hand. Feeling very nervous, I stared intently at the fortifying liquid in my hand.

Finally, after a psychological struggle, he thought of Li Hao's reputation among the company's executives and the company's scientific research capabilities.

He directly drank the strengthening liquid in his hand. At this time, the tension in Gundam's heart reached its peak, waiting for the choice of fate.

As someone who has worked in a special department for a long time, he is actually vigilant enough about everything.

Originally, with his personality, he would never take an unknown potion immediately. I will definitely observe the effect of many people taking it, and then decide whether to take it.

It's just that this strengthening liquid is too important, if you don't experience it yourself, you will never believe its function. Even when he listened to Li Hao's introduction, he felt absurd.

Gundam based on previous experience, such things as fortified liquid are completely like advertisements for health care products. It can only fool people, how can it have real curative effect?

Anyone with a little knowledge of biology would never believe in a product like fortifying fluid.

Gundam has been very nervous all the time, for fear that the enhancement liquid will have a huge adverse reaction. After waiting for a while, there was no response from the body.

The doubts in his heart immediately dissipated a lot, and the tension disappeared.

There is no special reaction in the body now, which is enough to show that this medicine definitely does not have the ability to cause death quickly.

Whether it's safe or has some damaging chronic side effects. Gundam is not worried at all, he has many ways to deal with this kind of problem.

Just as he was about to use the equipment to test the changes after taking the fortified liquid, he found that his stomach began to feel warm.

It just occurred to him that Li Hao told him that the absorption of oral strength-type strengthening liquid is a bit slow, but it can be directly absorbed by the stomach. It is not as fast as the instant absorption of injection booster.

After only feeling some warmth in the stomach, it immediately spread to the whole body. There is a warm feeling on the body when basking in the sun.

But this is not epidermis warm. Instead, the whole body has a warm feeling from the inside to the outside.

Gundam immediately knew that the power-type strengthening liquid had begun to work.

These effects are very miraculous, because he used to maintain his body. When taking a lot of supplements, I only feel that my body is full of energy, but I don't feel comfortable.

It's like the old machine hasn't been running for a long time. Just plugged the power back on and the machine will work, but it will certainly not be the same as new.

Now it feels like a detailed renovation of an old machine. Although it is not as flexible as the new machine, it is many times stronger than the previous one.

His body felt this way, as if he had let go of the shackles and let go of the burden. This feeling is not experienced by myself, and I will never believe that it really exists.

Gundam was just about to use the fitness equipment to test his current physical changes.

I felt that all the pores of my body had been opened. I was sweating slightly at first, but soon became profusely sweating.

The sweat on the body is colorless and odorless at first, just like normal sweat. Soon after, the sweat began to smell a little sour, and the smell was very pungent.

This taste is like meat that has been left for a few days in summer, full of spoilage. It is one of the most disgusting smells.

Gundam endured the smell all the time, and didn't go to the bathroom to take a shower.

Judging from his experience, this is because the body excretes some toxins hidden deep in the skin to the outside world through sweating.

If you wash your body now, block the sweat glands and continue to detoxify. May affect the effectiveness of the fortifier.

Relying on his strong willpower, Gundam stood still, waiting for his body to finish sweating.

When the strengthening liquid took effect, it consumed a lot of energy in his body, which made him a little unsteady. This taste is very unbearable, and people with a keen sense of smell will be fainted.

If it was an ordinary person, it would have been unbearable. Gao Da clenched his teeth and held on for a full hour.

When he saw that the effect of the strengthening liquid was over, his body had stopped sweating.

He just regained his energy and walked forward, but fell to the ground.

Only then did Gundam realize that he was soaked through. Constantly dripping sweat. A puddle of water forms under the feet.

The shoes are now full of water, and the ground looks very slippery.

He walked cautiously into the bathroom and began to wash the dirty sweat off his body.

After taking a bath, Gundam felt that he was in a very good state. The whole body feels a sense of relaxation from the inside out.

He immediately followed the original plan and came to the fitness equipment. Begin to examine carefully and strengthen the effects obtained by karma.

After a period of testing, Gao Da compared the current test results with the test results he conducted last night.

The proportion of fat decreased by 0.2%, and the proportion of muscle increased by 0.15%.

The speed of punching increased by one punch per second, the grip strength of the left fist increased by 10 kg, and the grip strength of the right fist increased by 12.5 kg.

Gundam continued to flip through the results of his test, and found that the results were not much different from what Li Hao said.

His overall physical fitness has improved a lot, and he was not known for his physical fitness in the military and special departments before.

But now he feels that his physical fitness is enough to enter the forefront of Huaxia's peers.

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