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Chapter 397 Double Happiness

Li Hao opened his eyes, and today is already November 5th. It was the day of the space shuttle test flight.

After washing up, he had breakfast with Ma Yiming, Niu Zhengfeng, Gundam and other airport executives.

They are going to go to the hangar where the space shuttle is located to check the status of the space shuttle that is about to fly. Arrange for space shuttle test flight work.

As soon as they went out, they saw sand and stones flying on the road in the distance, filled with smoke and dust.

As soon as Li Hao saw this scene, he knew that another vehicle was approaching the airport. This is definitely not a vehicle for delivering materials, because the materials have already been delivered, and no delivery vehicles have come to the airport recently.

As long as you think about it for a while, you know that someone is coming to the airport again. No one was invited to the shuttle test flight at the airport, and this person must have come uninvited.

They all stopped to watch, wondering who had come to the airport without saying hello.

Sure enough, after waiting for a while, I saw two cars approaching the airport. Soon the two cars parked in the square of the airport one after the other.

Li Hao recognized a smart electric car among them at a glance, which was Zhou Yunsheng's car. She wondered why Yun Sheng came here.

Sure enough, he saw Zhou Yunsheng and Ji Lin get off the smart electric car.

The people who came out of another red flag car were Director Qiu Shi and a person dressed as a secretary, who should be Director Qiu's secretary.

Li Hao saw several Hongqi cars parked in the distance. He guessed it was Director Qiu Shi's accompanying staff.

Li Hao nodded at Zhou Yunsheng first, and he led the airport team straight to Director Qiu Shi and the others.

After all, Director Qiu Shi is a guest, and Zhou Yunsheng is his own. Even out of politeness, guests should be entertained first.

Li Hao walked up to Director Qiu Shi, shook hands with him, and asked with a smile, "Director Qiu is usually so busy, why does he have time to come to our airport to watch the test flight of the space shuttle?"

Qiu Shi responded with a smile: "You have made such a major achievement as the space shuttle, and you will conduct a test flight today. Someone from our leadership must come to visit.

You are not just as simple as your own company developing a space shuttle, the key is that you belong to our country.

In the perception of the outside world, our country has made technological breakthroughs. Can give us a great voice.

Now that the international situation is changing, there is no telling when there will be big news. I didn't know if I had time today, so I didn't say hello to you in advance. This is uninvited. "

"Director Qiu is welcome to visit the test flight of the space shuttle. We welcome you in no hurry." Li Hao smiled and invited Director Qiu to visit the space shuttle together.

They walked towards the hangar, Director Qiu chatted with Li Hao for a few words. He walked up to Ma Yiming and asked him about the general situation of the space shuttle.

Li Hao came to Zhou Yunsheng's side and asked her: "Yunsheng, didn't you say that the Space Exploration Group is not under your management, and you didn't come with me to participate in the space shuttle test flight. Why did you come here suddenly today?"

Zhou Yunsheng's face suddenly turned rosy, showing a shy expression. Whispered in his ear: "Brother Hao, I have been pregnant for more than a month. I felt a little uncomfortable in my stomach yesterday. I used the smart ring to detect and found that I was pregnant.

I was afraid that the smart ring would be misdiagnosed, so I hurried to my sister-in-law's hospital for a detailed test. Really pregnant. After I knew this good news, I came to share it with you in person as soon as possible. "

Li Hao's eyes widened, and he said with surprise: "Is this true?"

The joy came so suddenly, he was unprepared, and was filled with great surprises.

He and Yun Sheng have been defenseless, but Yun Sheng has not been pregnant for a long time. Western medicine could not find out the cause, but after the guidance of Li Deren's old Chinese doctor, he knew that his kidney was a little weak.

I didn't expect the good news to come so soon after my body recuperated.

Knowing this news, coupled with today's test flight of the space shuttle, this is a double blessing. Li Hao feels that he has become the happiest person today.

When everyone heard Li Hao's surprise, they all looked at them with puzzled eyes.

Zhou Yunsheng saw everyone's eyes, she showed a warm smile, and said: "We are discussing something, it is too pleasantly surprised, Brother Hao can't help it."

She tugged at the corner of Li Hao's clothes again, and when she saw that Li Hao had calmed down, she said, "Brother Hao, don't interfere with the test flight of the space shuttle.

This is a happy event, and what we have to do is to leave no regrets today. Now you should devote your energy to space shuttle test flight work.

Don't mess this up because of the two of us. Add happiness to happiness, and double happiness will make people happier. "

When Li Hao heard Zhou Yunsheng's words, he calmed down and walked towards the hangar.

The group of them came to the hangar soon, and the door of the hangar had been opened. Engineers inside have finished overhauling the space shuttle and are fueling it.

Li Hao saw the whole picture of the space shuttle for the first time. It gives the impression that the whole aircraft is in a chubby state.

The captain is twenty-five meters long, with a round belly. The width of the fuselage is six meters, in order to facilitate the placement of the ion electric propulsion engine. The fuselage is cylindrical in shape as a whole.

The length of the wing is nine meters. This is not just a wing, but also the solar panels and speed reducer of the space shuttle.

The wings on both sides plus the width of the fuselage, the overall horizontal length is 24 meters. There is only one meter difference from the twenty-five-meter-long fuselage.

This is the reason why the space shuttle, the first impression it gives people is chubby.

Director Qiu Shi saw the fueling process of the space shuttle, and the engineers burned the surface of the space shuttle with a flamethrower.

Seeing this kind of thing, he asked in surprise: "What are they doing? How to use a flamethrower to burn the surface of the space shuttle. They just spray fire at the fuel filler port, which will cause a large-scale fire."

Zhou Yunsheng thought of the shock she felt when she first heard about ion electric propulsion engine fuel, and she also wanted others to experience it.

Zhou Yunsheng spoke with a perfect accent, and said in a very penetrating voice: "The fuel of the space shuttle is polymerized carbon dioxide and water, and neither of them can burn."

Ma Yiming then explained: "Using a flamethrower to burn the surface of the aircraft is testing the thermal cycle system of the space shuttle.

To prevent the failure of the thermal cycle system to start, when the space shuttle enters the atmosphere, violent friction will generate a large amount of temperature, and the internal components of the aircraft will be burned. "

When Ma Yiming accompanied them to explain, Niu Zhengfeng had already walked to the engineers and asked them about the basic situation of the space shuttle.

Soon Niu Zhengfeng came over, and he said to Li Hao: "The space shuttle has been tested and is in excellent condition. You can start the test flight at any time."

Li Hao ordered: "Then let's test the flight."

Director Qiu Shi was surprised again and said: "Now, are you going to test the flight now? Why didn't I see the rocket launcher. Looking at the big cylinder behind the space shuttle, it should be a rocket.

How to launch without erecting it. "

"Director Qiu, don't worry, you will be able to see the test flight process of the space shuttle in a while." Li Hao said with a smile on his lips.

Supplement 2

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