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Chapter 398 Space Shuttle Takes Off

Niu Zhengfeng heard Li Hao's order, and he gave orders to the entire system.

"The test flight of the space shuttle is about to start. All departments are requested to quickly enter the preparation state. All personnel please leave the area where the space shuttle operates."

With his order, the entire system began to operate efficiently.

Li Hao heard the noise outside, he looked up at the hills on both sides.

One side is a smooth airstrip, and the other side is the ground command center and antennas needed for communications.

The sound outside was because the people on the runway who were overhauling the runway began to evacuate rapidly and the sound made by the movement of equipment.

Soon there was another strange noise outside. He heard the noise and looked up. On the top of the mountain opposite the runway, a closed antenna was slowly opening.

The engineers in the hangar were also moving quickly. After filling the space shuttle with fuel, they began to lock the intersection of the fuel tank.

Niu Zhengfeng walked to Li Hao's side and reported again: "Mr. Li, all the work is ready. You can start the test flight of the space shuttle at any time."

"The preparations are really quick. Does the space shuttle need a launch window? If not, you can start now." Li Hao called Niu Zhengfeng to ask.

Niu Zhengfeng immediately explained: "President Li, we don't need to choose a launch window for the launch of our space shuttle.

The ion electric propulsion engine used by our space shuttle has the ability to fly, plus the ability of the space shuttle to fly in the atmosphere.

These comprehensive characteristics determine that the space shuttle does not need to wait for a specific launch time. "

"A spacecraft that can be used at any time is a good spacecraft, so let's test it now." Li Hao boasted, and he didn't bother Niu Zhengfeng's arrangement for the space shuttle.

Niu Zhengfeng quickly made a request to them: "Mr. Li, I don't know what problems will arise when launching the space shuttle for the first time. Please go to the ground command center to observe the situation of the space shuttle."

Li Hao held Zhou Yunsheng's hand and everyone here, and they followed Niu Zhengfeng to the ground command center he visited yesterday.

As soon as Zhou Yunsheng entered here, she said in surprise: "What a beautiful crystal flower, why didn't our bamboo building use this kind of flower, I decided to plant this kind of crystal flower in my office."

Following Qiu Shi, the person who looked like his secretary didn't just look at the crystal flower, or, like ordinary people, they were all staring at the top of the big screen, where the movement of the space shuttle was played.

He focused all his attention on the light curtain in front of the ground command center employees, where they processed the data.

Laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the doorway. I just checked a few data that ordinary people can't recognize. His pupils constricted immediately, and he kept silently reciting these data in his heart.

Niu Zhengfeng walked to the main console, pressed his right hand on the console, and passed the biomagnetic field authorization test.

"Attention all units, the space shuttle is about to take a test flight, please report the situation to each unit."

As soon as Niu Zhengfeng finished speaking, he only saw electronically synthesized voices coming from the device.

"The space shuttle is undergoing a self-inspection. The self-inspection passed, and all equipment is normal. The power storage is 99.7%, and the fuel tank is full."

Afterwards, voices continued to report.

"The communication cooperation team is normal and has been connected to the China Aerospace Communication and Observation System.

The equipment of the major observatories is operating normally, and the spacecraft of the Yuanwang system has arrived at the designated position. "

"The communication group is normal, the quantum communication has been started, and the quantum channel has been successfully established. The laser communication channel is normal, and the electromagnetic communication channel is normal."

"The observation team is normal, and the radar has not found any interference."

One after another, the reports kept ringing, but all of them were good news.

After Niu Zhengfeng listened to all the reports, he issued an order: "Please board the plane."

When Zhou Yunsheng heard this, she stared intently at the space shuttle on the light curtain.

At the same time, he asked Ma Yiming who was standing aside: "Manager Ma, the space shuttle still has passengers. Is it the astronauts you selected to enter?"

Ma Yiming said with a smile: "You can see what the passengers look like right away, don't be surprised."

As soon as Ma Yiming finished speaking, the abdominal cabin of the space shuttle suddenly opened, and it slowly fell under the support of the hydraulic rod.

Employees wheeled several carts into the space shuttle.

The cars inside are filled with transparent boxes, so you can see what the passengers inside look like?

There are a dog, two pigs, three mice, five big white rabbits, sixteen silkworm babies, a nest of ants and several plant incubators.

Seeing this situation, Li Hao felt that it was unexpected and reasonable.

General manned spaceflight equipment conducts experiments for the first time, and animals are carried on board for observation. The former Soviet Union was like this, the United States was like this, and China was like this. The space shuttle they conduct test flights is no exception.

The employees quickly walked out of the belly, only to see the hydraulic lever at the exit of the space shuttle rise, and then heard a click, and the entire exit quickly closed.

The secretary standing next to Qiu Shi, seeing this situation, wanted to ask Ma Yiming. Feeling inappropriate on this occasion again, hold back strong thoughts.

After that, he couldn't bear it any longer, so he asked Ma Yiming, "Manager Ma, don't you need to manually lock the doors of your space shuttle?"

Ma Yiming replied: "No manual participation is required. We adopt electromagnet adsorption and mechanical automatic locking. There are robots in the cabin for inspection. Safety is guaranteed."

Zhou Yunsheng said excitedly: "The space shuttle has started."

Everyone focused their eyes on the light curtain and found that the space shuttle was taxiing in the hangar.

Slowly drove out of the hangar, made a big arc on the square, pointed the nose at the runway on the hillside, and parked firmly on the square.

Niu Zhengfeng looked solemn, and said loudly: "Attention all units, the space shuttle is ready to ignite."

After he finished speaking, he pressed the red start button next to the console.

All I could hear was the sound of electronic synthesis constantly ringing in the ground command center.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Light the fire."

All that was seen was the blue flames from the engines located on the wings of the space shuttle.

The space shuttle suddenly picked up speed and taxied rapidly on the runway. Soon came to the runway with a slope on the hillside.

It seems that the roc spread its wings and flew high, quickly passing the runway on the hillside. Steadily start flying in the air.

The pictures sent back from the on-board equipment show that the nose of the space shuttle is tilted up by 30 degrees. Start flying through the atmosphere at extreme speed. Constantly approaching the outer space of the atmosphere.

Everyone in the ground command center held their breath and kept staring at the screen.

After waiting for a while, the space shuttle has broken through the atmosphere and officially flew into space.

The large ion electric propulsion engine in the middle of its abdomen was activated, and the white flames spewed out from the engine, propelling the space shuttle to quickly fly to the geosynchronous orbit.

Niu Zhengfeng saw the space shuttle soaring steadily in the universe without any problems.

He excitedly announced: "I declare that the space shuttle project has basically achieved its goal."

After he finished speaking, the staff of the command center immediately stood up. Big applause.

Thanks to book friends 20170621164814246 and book friends 160302155805257 for their rewards.

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