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Chapter 399 Hardworking Cleaner

Li Hao saw that the employees of the Space Exploration Group were extremely happy. He could feel their joy too.

Getting the space shuttle safely into space for the first time is no easy feat.

Zhou Yunsheng saw the surprise performance of the employees. She looked at Li Hao and asked strangely: "Brother Hao, why are they so happy? Didn't the space shuttle just fly out of space and haven't come back yet, it's too early to be happy."

Li Hao said with emotion: "It's not early at all, they have a reason to be happy, they were able to safely send the space shuttle out of the earth, and this test flight was a perfect success.

My requirements for this test flight of the space shuttle are very low, that is, to send the space shuttle out of the earth safely. Verify that its engine and casing meet design requirements.

Now the major powers in the world have only a 30% success rate in launching new spacecraft for the first time. The success rate of the next few launches is only about 50%.

Industrial products have a process of gradual maturity. No product is an exception.

Due to the different systems in Huaxia, the success rate of the launch is somewhat high. But not as high as people think.

Highlights of the launch scene that we see on TV or on the Internet.

This can no longer be said to be an aerospace mission, but has risen to a political mission. It is absolutely overinvestment, planning every detail through long-term arrangements. To ensure the successful completion of space missions.

Our space shuttle is a new type of spacecraft. It was able to ignite smoothly in the first test flight and successfully flew outside the earth. This is extremely difficult. "

After Zhou Yunsheng heard Li Hao's explanation, she nodded to express her understanding.

See the space shuttle soaring through space. Li Hao and the others were sitting on chairs, chatting while eating melon seeds and drinking fruit juice.

Director Qiu Shi asked: "Chairman Li, your space shuttle has successfully flown out of the earth. Let me first wish you success here.

When a normal space mission arrives here, it enters the orbit predetermined by the spacecraft in advance. It will come down after a few days or a few hours in orbit.

I saw that when your space shuttle first flew out of space, its biggest engine started to ignite. The target orbit displayed on the light curtain should be a geosynchronous orbit.

What does your space shuttle go into geosynchronous orbit for. "

After Qiu Shi finished speaking, he relaxed and waited for Li Hao's answer as if he was listening to a story.

As for the secretary sitting next to Qiu Shi, he didn't seem to care. It's just that his eyes flickered, staring at Li Hao from the corner of his eyes. Seriously waiting for his answer.

"I don't know what the space shuttle is going to do? Maybe verify the technology." Li Hao replied with a smile and waved his hands.

At the same time, he turned his head to look at Ma Yiming who was staring at the big screen.

Ma Yiming sensed that Li Hao was watching him, and responded: "The space shuttle is indeed flying to a geosynchronous orbit of more than 36,000 kilometers. His main mission is to go up and clean up space junk."

He mentioned the task of cleaning up space junk, and everyone was thinking about space junk. None of them are unfamiliar with the term.

Space junk is unwanted man-made objects orbiting the Earth.

Space junk can be as small as artificial satellite fragments, paint flakes, dust, or as large as entire spacecraft wreckage.

The electronic synthesis sound also sounded in everyone's ears. By special means, the sounds are confined to their area.

"Since the former Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite Sputnik 1, countries around the world have carried out more than 4,000 launch missions, resulting in a large amount of space junk.

While most of it burns up in the atmosphere, more than 4,500 tons of space junk remained in orbit as of last year.

Space junk generally moves at a high speed of 7-8 kilometers per second in a low-earth orbit at a height of 300-450 kilometers.

In the geosynchronous orbit at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers, it moves at a high speed of 3 kilometers per second.

According to the relative speed at the time of orbital inclination collision, space junk collides with other spacecraft, and the resulting relative speed can even reach more than 10 kilometers per second.

Because of the enormous kinetic energy of a collision, space junk collides with other objects to produce enormous destructive force.

Therefore, if space junk collides with a spacecraft such as an operating artificial satellite, manned spacecraft, or the International Space Station, it will cause damage to the machine at the slightest, and endanger the life of the astronauts at the worst.

According to calculations, a piece of space junk with a diameter of 50 centimeters can destroy the space shuttle.

Space junk with a size of a few millimeters, if the space shuttle collides, it can cause damage to its internal structure and cannot continue to work. "

Director Qiu Shi said with a smile: "Chairman Li really has an international spirit. He expended so much energy to clean up the space junk that is extremely troublesome in the world. This is really a very kind act."

"You might as well just say that I am the Holy Mother White Lotus. We capitalists seldom help others for free. There is no way." Li Hao said with a wry smile.

He couldn't admit this kind of thinking, not to mention it wasn't for this purpose in the first place.

If he is really fishing for fame, agree to it. Director Qiu Shi will definitely take the opportunity to propose the formula of the sharing strength strengthening liquid, so that this technology can serve more people.

He already knew very well the thick skins of these people who climbed up the ladder.

Li Hao briefly explained: "The mission of the space shuttle is to clean up space junk. It's not that we think so much, but we have to do it, and we have no choice.

If there is a pile of garbage on the road in front of our house that can damage the vehicle, everyone else rides a bicycle once or twice a year. As long as he is skilled enough, he can avoid hitting garbage.

We drive a luxury car and basically drive out every month. You said who will clean up the garbage in the end. "

Everyone immediately understood Li Hao's meaning. Nowadays, mainstream countries conduct space activities after a long time interval. The main thing is to launch satellites.

And the Space Exploration Group will definitely launch space shuttles frequently in the future. From the perspective of probability, it is also the probability that the Space Exploration Group will encounter space junk and have an accident.

The secretary sitting next to Qiu Shi suddenly said: "The speed of this space shuttle is too fast, and the driving force of that large engine is also very powerful. It only took a few hours to reach the geosynchronous orbit from outer space."

Only the simulation animation of the space shuttle in space was played on the light curtain.

It happened that a group of space junk was moving towards the position of the space shuttle at high speed.

All I saw was a black, two-dimensional web ejected from the cabin by the space shuttle.

Ma Yiming said: "This kind of net is made of a special two-dimensional film material, which is extremely tough and can withstand thousands of kilograms of pulling force.

Our purpose is to wrap the space junk with this two-dimensional large net, so that many space junks can be gathered together.

Due to the effect of the earth's gravity, these garbage will be gradually pulled towards the earth. Finally burn up in the atmosphere.

The two-dimensional large mesh has its own power, and its propellant is stored in liquid form in the gap with a width of 10 microns between the two films.

It can provide weak power, which can make extremely complex movements in the vacuum environment of space.

A two-dimensional large net with a size of 100 square meters weighs about 0.5KG, which is very convenient for storage and use.

It can be clearly seen from the animation that the large net is ejected, and the thrusters immediately function according to the pre-programmed procedure.

Originally curled up a net, the propellant was activated immediately, and the whole big net was stretched and flew forward. It's like a spider web ready to hunt.

Soon came to the edge of space junk, due to the impact. The two-dimensional large net is naturally closed towards the rear. Pack space junk in no time.

Seeing this scene, Ma Yiming breathed a sigh of relief and said with ease: "Our design is really successful, and we can use it to efficiently clean up space junk.

A clean space environment is especially beneficial for our company's space shuttle to move between orbits or to deploy some satellites in certain orbits. "

They continued to visit the ground command center, and everyone's trip was worthwhile.

The space shuttle acts as a hard-working cleaner. Cleaning up most of the space junk in Earth orbit.

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