Tech Translator

Chapter 404 Intelligent Robot

On November 7, a cold current swept across the north. The sudden drop in temperature made Li Hao feel very bad.

Of course, the temperature was only a secondary reason. The real reason for his bad mood was that he was not lucky during this period.

None of the recently translated extraterrestrial civilization technologies can be used at the current level of earth technology.

Mainly limited by basic science and materials. Li Hao repeatedly urged Guo Jianzhuo to quickly develop atomic reconstruction technology to solve the problem of materials.

But Guo Jianzhuo obtained a super brain after successfully using the intelligent strengthening liquid. Progress in the development of this technology is still very slow.

It can be seen that there is a huge gap between it and the earth's technology, if it weren't for their company to develop the strengthening liquid. Even if you have detailed scientific and technological information in your hands, you will not be able to use the technology because you cannot understand the information.

Li Hao entered the working state, and first checked the main contract reached yesterday. He found out that the military had paid liquidated damages to those who left.

He also wondered why the military was so happy, but found that the military had written them a thank you letter.

The main content is that Zhang Guoqing, the most powerful of these people, can already run on the water. The speed has broken through the sound barrier, reaching more than 400 meters per second.

The military proposed to exchange Zhang Guoqing and their previous training data.

Li Hao was very surprised when he saw this data. He remembered that the average speed of everyone running was only 30 meters per second.

He checked Director Du's current status and found that he was in free time, so he immediately called him.

After the call was connected, Li Hao directly ordered: "Director Du, prepare a copy of the standard version of the strength-type strengthening liquid absorption training plan formulated by the biology laboratory and send it to the military."

Director Du Xianyu immediately agreed: "Alright Mr. Li, I will ask my secretary to deal with it as soon as possible."

After Li Hao finished his instructions, he asked Du Xianyu with some doubts: "Director Du, I found from the data reported by the military that Zhang Guoqing's current speed can reach more than 400 meters per second.

I remember that the average speed of the previous test was only about 30 meters per second. How did Zhang Guoqing complete such a big jump in such a short period of time. "

Du Xianyu explained: "Mr. Li, we discovered that the hidden secrets of the human body are very profound. It is not just that the brain shows certain talents according to different cognitions.

When human cells are strengthened to a certain extent, their synergy changes. It also shows a certain talent externally.

Besides, the gap between ordinary people and geniuses is bigger than the gap between dogs and people. Particularity cannot serve as a basis for generality. "

Li Hao put down the phone, he heard Du Xianyu's explanation. The feeling in my heart is very complicated.

Thinking back carefully, the reality seems to be similar to what he said.

Every time a major change in human society is promoted, it is driven by one or two geniuses.

Li Hao didn't think about it anymore, so he continued to process the application and approval of the company's various research projects in the office.

Time passed slowly, and Li Hao finished the approval work. He saw Zhou Yunsheng sitting next to him, staring at him with burning eyes.

"Yun Sheng, what are you looking at me for? Have you finished your work?" Li Hao said a little strangely.

"I want to go to Zhao Jiang's place with you to see his robot after you finish work." Zhou Yunsheng pulled Li Hao outside, "Now most of the work is handled by Zhu Yan and Su Xiaowan with my assistance.

I'm pregnant now, and I'm raising my baby with peace of mind. With my brain, I can only deal with some things every day. "

Zhou Yunsheng accompanied by Li Hao went to the robot company where Zhao Jiang worked.

On the way, Li Hao casually asked, "Yun Sheng, why do you want to see the robot made by Zhao Jiang now?"

Zhou Yunsheng wrinkled his nose, and said dissatisfiedly: "Zhao Jiang is not a single-minded person. I heard from them that the robot designed by Zhao Jiang is very cute, so I came here to see what the robot looks like.

But he said that I delayed his research plan and found a random robot to prevaricate me.

I'll drag you over there to see if he still dares to find something to prevaricate me. "

After Zhou Yunsheng finished speaking, she whistled. All I saw was a white shadow approaching them at high speed. When it came to them, it jumped up and landed on Li Hao's shoulder.

Li Hao saw their pet Beibei lying on his shoulder, with a doll in the shape of a bird on his head.

He looked at the doll on top of Beibei's head, and said with some uncertainty, "This is the robot Zhao Jiang gave you. It looks like a child's toy."

"Well, he said that this is an educational robot they developed, and now I let it teach Beibei how to read."

Zhou Yunsheng squeezed Beibei's neck and said, "This silly dog ​​treats it as a toy, and it's fun to play with."

They soon came to the office of the robot company and found that there were all kinds of robots in it. Employees are debugging the robot's capabilities.

Here you can see all kinds of strange robots, industrial robots with only one hand or a clip.

A small transport machine that looks like a plate. There are also all kinds of robots that Li Hao can't describe.

Zhou Yunsheng directly pulled Li Hao and walked towards Zhao Jiang's office.

She saw that Zhao Jiang was fiddling with the design of the robot.

"Hmph, Manager Zhao. Let's check on your progress in researching robots." Zhou Yunsheng snorted lightly, quite imposingly.

Zhao Jiang saw Zhou Yunsheng coming again, bringing Li Hao with him.

He said uncomfortably: "The intelligent robot has not been completed yet, you can come and have a look when it is officially completed.

President Zhou, I am not giving you an educational robot. Its function is to educate preschool children, and it is very convenient for you to understand the operating principle of intelligent robots. "

"I'm not a preschooler. We also have to look at half-finished products." Zhou Yunsheng was very satisfied seeing Zhao Jiang's expression, and took the opportunity to make a request.

"This this……"

Zhao Jiang hesitated at first, then made up his mind and said, "Okay then, this is what you want to see."

"Meimei, come out."

Zhao Jiang called into the office.

I only saw a classic big beauty coming out of it.

She has an oval face, a small cherry mouth, a slightly straight nose, a pair of red phoenix eyes, and willow slender eyebrows. Each of the facial features is extremely delicate when taken out, but they look very harmonious when put together.

Her shiny black hair hung down her shoulders like satin, her skin was creamy, and her green hands were folded and placed on her waist.

Slender body, showing the perfect golden ratio. He was wearing a light yellow Hanfu skirt and clogs on his feet.

When this beautiful woman came out to see them, she bowed slightly and said softly, "My concubine is number 001, and I greet you all."

Seeing the intelligent robot coming out, Zhou Yunsheng opened her mouth wide and said in disbelief, "This, this is a robot."

Li Hao stared at her intently, and said to Zhao Jiang meaningfully: "Manager Zhao, aren't you afraid of malnutrition when you create such a goblin?"

Zhou Yunsheng pinched the soft flesh of Li Hao's waist with both hands, and made a 90-degree rotation.

"Hmph, the eyes are straight, what are you looking at, are they so beautiful?"

Thanks to sduhjsi for the reward.

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