Tech Translator

Chapter 405 Discussing the Influence

Li Hao withdrew his gaze, held Zhou Yunsheng's hand, and said, "Yunsheng, why are you eating the flying vinegar of an intelligent robot? Could this be pregnancy syndrome?"

"What kind of syndrome, as a normal wife, it's not normal for me to be jealous when I see you looking at other people of the opposite sex like that.

Looking at an intelligent robot like this now, if you really meet such a beautiful real person in the future, your heart will follow. " Zhou Yunsheng said as it should.

"But she is obviously a robot, how can a real person look so two-dimensional. Unless it is genetically modulated.

Besides, I'm not staring at her because she's pretty. I am observing the movement and material composition of this robot. Judge her worth. "Li Hao stared at Zhou Yunsheng and said.

Zhao Jiang saw that the two of them were about to quarrel. He quickly persuaded: "Don't quarrel, you two, because it's not worth arguing over such a trivial matter."

Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng said in unison: "You don't need to meddle, this matter is not caused by you."

After they finished speaking, the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Don't discuss these unnutritious topics. Manager Zhao, why did you make the intelligent robot so coquettish? You can't develop some special functions for him!" Li Hao stared at Zhao Jiang and teased.

Zhao Jiang's face turned red, and he said nervously: "It's just a technical itch. It's really a technical itch. I said wait for a while, and I will develop a standard intelligent robot. You must see this. This is a collection I designed for myself. .”

"Manager Zhao, the robot you designed looks really good." Zhou Yunsheng praised.

She walked over immediately, rubbed the face of the intelligent robot, and squeezed its tender skin.

"This face is so delicate, no wonder people say this robot is cute. What kind of material is her body, it feels basically the same as real skin."

"This is a material found in a biological laboratory. It seems to be a special kind of silica gel. I don't know the specific material properties." Zhao Jiang simply replied.

Li Hao looked at this bewitching intelligent robot, and asked, "Manager Zhao, the intelligent robot you made is not a vase, right? What kind of work can it do?"

When Zhao Jiang heard Li Hao's formal inquiry, he responded rigorously: "Mr. Li, the appearance of an intelligent robot has nothing to do with its own abilities.

The ability of an intelligent robot mainly depends on its mechanical transmission system and central control system. Even if it is a metal shelf, it will not affect the ability of the robot itself.

Let's make a robot, I use a complex transmission system. Coupled with our company's artificial intelligence technology.

It can do anything that humans can do. It can do things that humans cannot do. "

After Zhao Jiang finished speaking, he added with a smile: "Of course, work like human reproduction. It is definitely impossible to achieve, unless Director Du Xianyu develops an artificial womb."

When Zhou Yunsheng heard what Zhao Jiang said, she smiled and asked Zhao Jiang: "Manager Zhao, is this an intelligent robot? It can develop other robots. Does the robot company not need you?"

As soon as Zhao Jiang heard Zhou Yunsheng's words, he smiled awkwardly, knowing that he was about to say the wrong thing.

He immediately added in detail: "What I said just now is a bit imprecise, of course intelligent robots cannot replace all the work of humans.

But it can replace all unskilled jobs or jobs that rely on experience.

For jobs that require extreme creativity, intelligent robots will certainly not be able to replace them. But for those jobs that can be done after training or long-term training, intelligent robots can completely replace them. "

Seeing that Zhou Yunsheng was still thinking, Zhao Jiang gave an example: "Such as creative painters and singers. There are also scientists and high-end engineers. Intelligent robots must not be replaced, mainly because the company's current artificial intelligence cannot reach this level. kind of request.

Its core is composed of artificial intelligence, and its appearance is just a driving hardware. A series of complex actions such as work are all judged by artificial intelligence.

Assembly line worker or doctor, this kind of job does not require technology or rely on extensive experience. Intelligent robots can completely replace them. "

Hearing what Zhao Jiang said, Li Hao smiled and said: "It seems that the intelligent robot is not a vase, its ability is really powerful.

When I created Zhongji AI, I knew it would work with robotics. It will definitely increase productivity greatly.

All kinds of substances will become very rich, and wealth can also be accumulated quickly. It will promote social development in a smooth and orderly manner. "

"I feel that the impact of this kind of intelligent robot on society is more negative than positive. In the current commodity economy society, only exchange can produce commodity flow.

Most people in the middle and lower classes are engaged in replaceable jobs, which can be completely replaced by intelligent robots.

As a result, they lose their jobs and have no living security. Most of the current GDP growth is driven by domestic consumption. These groups of people are the guarantee of consumption ability.

Once it leads to mass unemployment, economic growth will stop immediately. This leads to an economic crisis. "Zhou Yunsheng immediately refuted Li Hao's point of view from an economic point of view.

"There is some truth in what you said, but this kind of result is based on the stagnation of social development.

When the country vigorously builds high-speed rail, some people think that high-speed rail is useless. It is not as fast as an airplane, not as convenient as a car, and has the same function as a train. There is absolutely no need to build high-speed rail.

They can't see the development of the times, and now it has been proved that the convenient flow of people can promote society.

This is basically the same as your current view, the new industrial model established by intelligent robots. It is not to destroy the system of the whole society, but to help the system develop better and faster.

For example, intelligent robots are used in medical treatment.

At present, the average number of doctors per thousand people in our country is very low. Doctors are treated by intelligent robots, and it is not just able to see some patients with mild symptoms.

When the intelligent robot has accumulated enough experience, it can also balance the imbalanced medical resources in various places. "Li Hao patiently explained to Zhou Yunsheng.

Zhou Yunsheng looked at Li Hao, and still insisted on his point of view: "Brother Hao, you mean that intelligent robots will promote the development of society. I believe it in a slightly high-end field.

But what about so many low-level migrant workers? For example, industrial workers, if all factories use intelligent robots to replace workers. They will definitely lose their jobs. "

Li Hao didn't answer the question directly, he asked Zhao Jiang: "How much does an intelligent robot cost? How much does it cost if it is mass-produced?"

Zhao Jiang replied immediately: "Now the cost of assembling an intelligent robot is 2.5 billion yuan. If mass production is carried out, it can be reduced to less than 100 million yuan."

Li Hao spread his hands and said: "Ordinary robots can also replace some repetitive labor. This kind of high-end robot is definitely not popular now.

When it becomes popular, productivity will also undergo greater changes. By then people had found new ways of working.

After all, in the 1960s, people simply could not imagine sitting in front of a computer and working.

Times are developing, and new productive forces will correspond to new production relations. The development of society is certainly not static, and people will automatically adapt to the development of society. "

"It would have been nice if you had told me the cost of the smart robot earlier, it made me so worried." Zhou Yunsheng said angrily.

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