Tech Translator

Chapter 407: A Signal from the Universe

Li Hao just started to see this extremely regular signal. He didn't care at all, there are too many complicated signals in the universe.

But his eyes scanned the signal captured by the space shuttle for the first time, and he always felt that he seemed to have seen this signal somewhere before.

With his memory, as long as he saw it, he would not be unable to recall it. I couldn't remember it at the first time, but the signal I saw before was similar in structure to it. The content is still slightly different.

Li Hao's brain was running at a high speed, carefully recalling where he was, and saw a signal similar to this one.

Just thinking back for a while, Li Hao remembered that it was when he was translating alien civilization materials a few days ago. I saw a book on alien civilization called "Popular Science of Low-level Civilization".

He was curious about the science and technology library civilization he had obtained, and how they graded civilization. He translated the parts he was interested in.

Alien civilization divides the civilization level into five levels: savagery, low-level civilization, intermediate civilization, high-level civilization, and hegemony civilization.

It is based on the size of the civilization's controlled area as the division standard. This is the controlled area, not the explored area.

Just like the current human civilization, there is no perfect control of the regions on the earth. Just like deserts, polar regions, and seabeds are not controlled by civilization.

Li Hao remembered that the age of ignorance meant that he had not found the direction of his own civilization, and was still active within a light-year of the birthplace of civilization.

He doesn't believe it, but how to compare the situation of human civilization, according to the classification of alien civilization, he is in the most primitive age of ignorance.

A low-level civilization refers to a civilization that already has preliminary space navigation, controls areas within ten light-years, and explores within hundreds of light-years.

Intermediate civilization refers to the region that has controlled millions of light years, and the specific situation is not introduced in the book.

For advanced civilizations and overlord civilizations, the areas they control already involve spatial dimensions. Li Hao still doesn't understand what the space unit introduced in this book means.

This book mainly introduces the situation of low-level civilizations, and one chapter introduces the communication methods of low-level civilizations.

The book says that the methods of electromagnetic communication, telepathy, and atomic resonance commonly used by civilizations in the savage age are not very convenient in the huge space.

The common method used by low-level civilizations is to use the huge gravitational force generated by neutron stars, and use gravitons as a medium for transmitting information.

In the process of using gravitons to transmit information, extremely regular gravitational waves will inevitably be produced.

Just like the electromagnetic waves generated by electromagnetic communication, they are different from the random electromagnetic waves generated in nature, and the modulated electromagnetic waves show very regular characteristics.

Although Li Hao can't understand the meaning of gravitational waves, he can confirm with certainty that this kind of extremely regular gravitational waves may be modulated by civilization.

If natural stars produce such regular gravitational waves and pass them to the vicinity of the earth, the probability is really too low, even lower than the probability that the universe will be destroyed now.

This property is only possible if a civilization continuously produces such gravitational waves.

Li Hao has read the book "Popular Science of Low-level Civilization".

He knows that the current human civilization, if it encounters such a low-level civilization. There are only two endings, being enslaved or being destroyed.

The level of civilization is extremely strict, in such a complicated universe. It cannot reach a certain technological standard, nor can it control such a large area.

Li Hao is really a little scared now, because he is afraid that one day, this star destroyer from a low-level civilization will suddenly sail into the solar system. Destroy everything.

Seeing Li Hao's performance, Zhou Yunsheng took out a handkerchief, wiped the cold sweat off Li Hao's face, and said softly, "Brother Hao, what's wrong with you."

An embarrassed smile appeared on Li Hao's pale face, and he said weakly, "I'm fine."

He kept encouraging himself in his heart: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. You will always find a way to deal with it, and you have civilization technology in your hands that is much higher than that of low-level civilization. As long as the catastrophe is not imminent now, there is always a way to deal with it."

Li Hao's expression gradually recovered, his voice was hoarse, and he ordered unquestionably: "Director Bi Ye, analyze this gravitational wave in detail immediately. Concentrate all the power in the physics laboratory and try to analyze all the data we can analyze. .”

"Parrot" Li Hao shouted at the void in front of him.

Soon the green-haired short-legged parrot floated in front of Li Hao.

It shook its head and said, "Boss, please give me an order."

"Issue the highest order to let the Space Exploration Group's space shuttle set off again, and equip it with a gravitational wave detector in the most reasonable layout. Go to space with all your strength to collect gravitational waves similar to this one.

Let them not have to think about the situation of the space shuttle, and focus on collecting this data. Even if the space shuttle is out of control, it cannot return to Earth again. They also need to collect this data comprehensively. "

The parrot flapped its wings and replied: "The order has been issued, and Ma Yiming and Niu Zhengfeng are urgently executing the order. The space shuttle is expected to fly into space again in an hour."

Li Hao must let the space shuttle go to the sky again to see if gravitational waves similar to it can be collected near the earth.

If it is the communication method of low-level civilization, it is like the earth is producing electromagnetic waves every day.

Because of the particularity of communication needs, they will also send gravitational waves all the time.

If this regular gravitational wave is received again, two misunderstandings can be ruled out. There must be low-level alien civilizations near the earth.

He needs to rule out two situations, one is that this kind of gravitational wave is naturally produced by a very coincidence.

A naturally occurring gravitational wave, which attains the same form as it has been tuned by civilization. Although the probability of this is extremely low, it is not impossible.

The second is because of some kind of coincidence, the gravitational waves produced by low-level civilizations came around the earth by coincidence.

If there are no low-level alien civilizations around the earth, this possibility is almost the only possibility.

Because the stars in the universe are moving at high speed, some are moving fast and some are moving slowly.

Their relative positions are constantly changing. Maybe the gravitational wave signal he sent at a certain location happened to pass by the earth.

The transmission of gravitational waves takes time, and the current position of this low-level civilization is far away from the space where the earth is.

You must know that scientists predict that the Milky Way will collide with the Andromeda Galaxy in three billion years based on the current movement of galaxies.

If these two conditions were the case, such gravitational waves would never be detected around the Earth again.

Zhou Yunsheng carefully checked Li Hao's physical condition with a smart ring, and she found that Li Hao was not sick.

I saw his strange behavior and unusual orders again. I know he has something on his mind.

Zhou Yunsheng supported Li Hao, and said to the three laboratory directors at the same time: "Brother Hao and I went to the lounge to relax, and you first work according to Brother Hao's instructions. If there is anything else, I will come to you."

Li Hao felt physically and mentally exhausted, so he went to rest with Zhou Yunsheng.

He patted Beibei's dog's head lying on his shoulder, feeling in his heart: "If only I could live a carefree life like a dog."

Thank you Mengwei for your reward.

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