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Chapter 408 Locking the location of an unknown civilization

They came to the lounge, Zhou Yunsheng supported Li Hao to sit on the chair.

She asked with concern: "Brother Hao, if you have something on your mind, can you share it with me?

The two of us face it together, and your pressure will be lighter. Don't keep everything in your heart, I heard from my mother that it will cause great mental illness, and it is easy to die suddenly. "

"Hey!" Li Hao sighed, and he showed Zhou Yunsheng the gravitational wave that Bi Ye showed just now.

"Can you see any difference in this gravitational wave?"

In fact, Li Hao also knew that what he said was for nothing. If you hadn't read "Popular Science of Low-level Civilization", a book written by an alien civilization.

In fact, he can't see that this kind of gravitational wave is a gravitational wave generated by communication between low-level civilizations.

It's like showing people in feudal society the electromagnetic waves generated by the natural magnetic field and the electromagnetic waves generated by communication. They must be very confused.

Zhou Yunsheng looked at the gravitational waves displayed by Li Hao, her eyes looked very confused, and asked: "Brother Hao, why are you showing me this? I can't understand what they represent."

"You don't need to understand, just tell me what your first impression was when you saw this gravitational wave." Li Hao gradually guided Zhou Yunsheng's observation.

"The first feeling, what is the first feeling?" Zhou Yunsheng muttered, closing his eyes and meditating, carefully recalling in his mind how she felt when she saw the gravitational wave.

Finally she opened her eyes, and said with some uncertainty: "How do I feel that it is a standard sine wave, the whole wave is very stable, and every point is so precise. Nature is really amazing."

Li Hao waved his hand, and the content of the light curtain changed. There are two maps of electromagnetic waves appearing on it. One is the natural environmental background electromagnetic wave, and the other is the broadcasting battery broadcasting spectrum.

"You first record the similarities and differences between these two waves."

Li Hao saw Zhou Yunsheng indicating that she had written it down, and two pictures were displayed on the light curtain again.

One is the extremely regular set of gravitational waves collected by the space shuttle. The other is cosmic gravitational waves detected on Earth.

Li Hao sighed and said: "I can say that in the field of gravitational wave detection, our company's equipment can detect the most accurate results.

Gravitational waves were only recently discovered by scientists. Our equipment can effectively filter out clutter and detect more accurate gravitational waves. Data is absolutely infallible. "

Zhou Yunsheng nodded after hearing this, and looked at the two pictures again.

Her eyes widened suddenly, and she put her fingers in her mouth and bit them tightly. He said in disbelief: "This, this group of gravitational waves seems to be man-made."

"That's what I think. This kind of gravitational wave is too regular. According to my experience analysis, it is very likely that it has been modulated by civilization." Li Hao said seriously.

"My god! We are about to encounter aliens. If they attack us, can we really resist it? I don't want my child to be in turmoil right after birth." Zhou Yunsheng said a little out of composure.

"Don't be too anxious. I let the space shuttle take off again to verify whether there is really an alien civilization."

Seeing Zhou Yunsheng's performance, Li Hao started to comfort Zhou Yunsheng instead.

The two of them quickly adjusted their mood and began to plan if they really encountered alien civilizations. How will they deal with this kind of thing in the future.

It was noon soon, but none of them had any appetite. Li Hao kept watching the parrot's report, waiting for the result he hoped for from the space shuttle.

Bei Bei, who was lying on Li Hao's shoulder, rushed forward again. It fell directly to the ground.

It was a little puzzled, and looked up at the parrot floating in the air. I don't know what's wrong with it, it can't catch the bird no matter what.

The parrot flapped its wings and reported: "Boss, the Space Exploration Group has sent news that the space shuttle has once again discovered that special gravitational wave."

Li Hao's expression changed again, this time there was no panic. Only after getting the news, let go of everything and prepare to deal with it, with a very firm expression.

Now that the incident has happened, there is no point in complaining about yourself now. You can only escape this crisis by working hard to strengthen your own capabilities.

Li Hao immediately ordered the parrot: "Transfer this data to Director Bi Ye, and let the physics laboratory carefully analyze the source of this gravitational wave."

Zhou Yunsheng looked up at Li Hao, and asked with a trembling voice: "Brother Hao, can you confirm it now? Aliens really exist."

"The first discovery was a coincidence, and the second discovery is definitely not a coincidence. There are really aliens around us." Li Hao said with certainty.

Zhou Yunsheng knew the exact news, but she no longer worried, and encouraged herself: "It seems that we humans are not lonely, there are still colorful races in the universe waiting for us to discover.

We human beings have developed from an ordinary animal on the earth to the present civilization. It is because we have been striving for self-improvement, how could we be intimidated by a name. "

Li Hao smiled when he saw Zhou Yunsheng's performance. This should be the thinking of most elites.

They are terrified when they start hearing about aliens. After accepting the news, it is much faster than ordinary people.

It will definitely inspire fighting spirit, and few people will be decadent and depressed. Those who shrink back when encountering difficulties must be fake elites.

Li Hao is waiting for news from Bi Ye and the others. It will determine the future development of the company based on how far the low-level civilization is from the earth.

Due to the confirmed results, Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng were finally in the mood to start having lunch.

After lunch, they started to walk to the physics laboratory.

See numerous scientists in a physics lab assisted by a mid-level AI parrot and an intelligent supercomputer. Start carefully calculating the source of the gravitational waves.

Regarding gravity, the theoretical knowledge that can be used now is the general theory of relativity established by the great scientist Einstein.

According to the general theory of relativity, the space-time warp forms a well to produce a gravitational effect, then the event that the mass of an object changes will cause a wave to propagate outward in space, and the speed of this wave propagation is the speed of light.

The path it transmits is along the surface of the distorted space. It is the same as the speed path of light propagation. It can basically be equivalent to light in the model.

Li Hao knows that there are many secrets about gravity that they have not discovered. But according to the general theory of relativity, it should be possible to infer the approximate source of gravitational waves.

Time passed slowly, and at 20:42 in the evening, Bi Ye finally calculated the source of the entire gravitational wave.

He took the data and reported to Li Haohui: "President Li, although I don't know what you are doing to calculate this data? But through the unremitting efforts of our physics laboratory, we have discovered the source of this gravitational wave.

It is about 6400 light-years away from us. Located in the Perseus spiral arm of the Milky Way, our solar system is located in the Orion spiral arm of the Milky Way. "

When Li Hao heard this answer, his expression relaxed a lot.

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