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Chapter 413 The Magical Moon

PS: It contains a lot of popular science knowledge, so you don't need to order it.

When Li Hao returned to his office, he found that Ma Yiming, the general manager of the Universe Exploration Group, was waiting at the door of his office.

He saw Ma Yiming asking: "Manager Ma, what can I report through the cloud intelligence platform? Why did you block me at the door of the office?"

"Mr. Li, I have a big plan to report to you.

This plan was not prepared in advance. I am afraid that this plan will affect the company's established development, so I will report it to you. Ma Yiming responded respectfully.

Li Hao invited Ma Yiming to his office, and when he was done, he saw Ma Yiming holding a thick folder in his hand.

Li Hao asked curiously: "Now our company is doing paperless office. Except for contracts, we rarely use documents."

Ma Yiming opened the folder, and inside was a stack of photos, which were photocopied versions of the documents. It can be seen that the paper of the document has turned yellow. This document is recorded in English.

He introduced to Li Hao: "When Mr. Li talked with me before, I found that Mr. Li is very interested in the moon.

The most in-depth study of the moon is now the United States. There is still some debate internationally about whether any of them landed on the moon. But their spacecraft landed on the moon, there is no doubt about it.

This is my selection of the Apollo project team's research data on the moon and the new discoveries of science on the moon. "

Li Hao has been paying attention to the moon, because his glasses must be illuminated by the moonlight. In order to enter the library of the alien civilization. He has always wanted to find the reason for this phenomenon.

Li Hao took Ma Yiming over, and after sorting out the documents, he looked at the information recorded in the documents.

Only one side of the moon is facing the earth. The moon's rotation is anomalously axial, and the moon rotates at a speed of 16.56 kilometers per hour, far exceeding the speed that other similar planets should have.

Moreover, the time for the moon to rotate one revolution is exactly the same as the time for one revolution.

So we can only see one side of the moon forever on the earth, but not the other side of the moon. At the same time, the moon has no magnetic field.

The gravitational force of the earth on the moon is much smaller than the gravitational force of the sun on the moon. The gravitational force of the sun on the moon is 2.54 times greater than that of the earth. But the moon still moves around the earth stably.

Analysis of the composition of the moon's surface has proved that it does not belong to the original celestial body of the solar system.

According to the theory of gravity, if the moon is an alien star, once it enters the solar system, it will first be attracted by the incomparably huge Jupiter's gravity, and it will never run to the edge of the earth.

According to the existing scientific theory, it is impossible for the moon to be close to the earth without colliding head-on with the earth, and to orbit the earth, but the moon is in the sky. The application of scientific theory and reality to the moon has produced great contradictions.

The moon's orbit turned out to be circular, and a circle close to a perfect circle. The orbits of all natural satellites are elliptical.

Except for the moon. If you think about it, in reality, only the orbits of artificial satellites are close to perfect circles.

Compared with planets with the same diameter, the density of the moon is much smaller. For this reason, some of our astronomers have speculated that the interior of the moon may be empty. This speculation was confirmed in 1969.

At 4:15 U.S. Central Standard Time on November 20, 1969, Apollo 12 conducted an impact experiment on the surface of the moon, causing moonquakes.

The moonquake lasted more than 55 minutes. The vibration increases from small to large, and then the amplitude gradually weakens. The shock was described by scientists as: "It was like ringing a church bell. The shock wave only propagated from the epicenter to the surrounding surface of the moon, but did not propagate to the interior of the moon, just like it happened on a completely hollow metal sphere."

We have done this kind of moonquake experiment several times later. NASA stated in the report "Apollo 16 and the Moon's Surface" that moonquake studies have shown that there is a hard layer about 64 kilometers thick inside the moon's crust.

The transmission speed of vibration inside the moon is consistent with the transmission speed of vibration in metal, so scientists speculate that there is a hollow metal shell inside the moon, and the shell is covered with a loose layer of stones 16 to 32 kilometers thick .

We have also found other evidence, this evidence comes from craters on the surface of the moon.

Studies have found that if a meteorite with a diameter of several kilometers hits the planet at a speed of 4,800 kilometers per hour, the depth of its crater should be 4-5 times its diameter, which is the case for all craters on the earth.

But the craters on the moon are very shallow, and the deepest Gaglin crater is only 6.4 kilometers, but its diameter is 299 kilometers, and its depth is only 12% of the diameter.

The only explanation for this is that at a depth of about 6 kilometers below the surface of the moon, there is a very hard material structure that makes it impossible for meteorites to penetrate.

Then this layer of hard material structure should be a shell made of special metal.

After reading the expert summary of the Apollo project, Li Hao suddenly found that his understanding of the moon was very strange.

After reading this material, his first thought was that the moon is a product of alien civilization. He interacted with his own glasses, could it be an object left by the long-eared man.

He continued to look at what scientists have discovered about the moon in the recent period.

The information recorded on this paper was selected from a review of papers by astronomers. He mainly demonstrated that the moon is a large hollow sphere.

Astronomical research shows that all cosmic celestial bodies have magnetic fields, which originate from the solid cores of stars. The strength of the Earth's magnetic field is between 0.35-0.7 Oersted.

From the natural remanent magnetism of meteorites, it is estimated that the magnetic field strength of other celestial bodies is 0.59 Oersted.

That is to say, the magnetic fields of all natural celestial bodies, just like the earth, are all solid.

However, according to the lunar rock samples collected by the American Apollo spacecraft and the direct measurement of the magnetic field on the lunar surface, the magnetic field strength of the moon is less than one-thousandth of that of the earth, which is almost equivalent to no magnetic field. Through this inference, it is indirectly proved that the interior of the moon is empty.

The density of the moon is very small, 3.33 grams per cubic centimeter, while the density of the earth is 5.5 grams per cubic centimeter.

This difference is also caused by the fact that the interior of the moon is empty. While the Moon is substantially less dense than Earth, its surface rocks are significantly denser than Earth's rocks.

According to the analysis of the moon rocks brought back by Apollo 11 and 12, the weight of the moon rocks is only half of that of the earth rocks. Of the celestial bodies with the same gravity environment as the moon, only the moon has such a hard shell. This again shows that the interior of the moon is empty.

Astronomical observations have found that the fractures and fissures on the surface of the moon cross in two directions: "northeast-southwest" and "northwest-southeast".

This directional lattice of fractures and fissures is found throughout the Moon. This is a phenomenon that a natural star cannot exist.

This phenomenon suggests that the Moon's interior is made of the same material. and fracture or fusion.

The physical properties of these bonded belts are different from the materials. Over the long history, the accumulation of cosmic dust on this shell constitutes the dust layer on the surface of the moon that people see.

The resulting lattice of breaks and fissures is very similar to how dust accumulates on a soccer ball.

After reading the entire information, Li Hao sighed and said, "I never noticed such a big difference between the moon and other celestial bodies before."

Supplement 4

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